
I know right? What the fuck now!
A number of people identify as “not of this world” believing that they have been sent here to heal humanity or some shit. One indicator is possessing a certain combination of personality traits and mental disorders.
It seems one mental disorder that is required is to believe you are a “Starseed”.
Many questions come to mind like Do you know or not if you’re sent from beyond this world?
Or If you’re here to heal the planet, why do you have mental disorders?
How is this different from Scientology?
As a local cunt I would like to encounter one of these visitors and find out more first hand. I’ll start asking around the nearby smoke shops that sell CBD and glass pipes.
Maybe an Austin, TX homeless camp.
Anyway, read the link if you’re eager to learn more.

Mail online

Nominated by Meat Curtains.

67 thoughts on “Starseeds

  1. It normally takes 5+ grams of the finesh organic shrooms for me to have such cosmic-level interactions with the realms beyond…?
    Morning Gents!

      • Morning Odin, nope, not Hawaiian ones…currently growing the mycelium for some Cambodian ones though.
        Another couple of weeks and it’ll be time for substrate…very exciting!

    • Morning Thomas, I trust you are well, and not to give you the horn, but I’ve just emptied some salty seed over the current Ms LDC. Happy days.

    • Suppose I’m lucky in that all I have to do is leave the meds for a week and fuck me its Star Trek and beyond. Problem is always seem to be transported to the same fucking hospital.
      I doubt if my illness is the result of being created on the planet wizco5 and is definitely not the result of alien anal probing. I cannot save mankind as a I am more interested in saving the flora and fauna that’s having a real hard time where I live, also I have no consistency any more so as I age things bore me sooner wow spanner’s…

  2. I believe greta is a alien from the planet mong.

    It can be the only reason why heads of state listen to her, instead of just laughing in her face.

    • Any head of state who listens to her is also from the Planet Mong. I am afraid that applies to KC3 , whereas his mother was much more sensible.
      My sister, who is all things woke, made me read a “book” Greta had supposedly written. It had mighty big print and some blank pages, about 1,000 words in all. I handed it back, asked her how old Greta was when she wrote it, 14 apparently, and said if I had handed that in at 14 I would have considered myself lucky to get a D grade.

  3. “It comes down to personalities and mental disorders.” Oh really? You don’t say? What a fucking surprise!
    I know it’s only the Mail and everything is shit these days but a poorly written piece of journalism by the way. Who the fuck are they employing, don’t they have editors anymore?

    • Clearly Dame Kweer of Starmerland, with his “Five Missions” has inherited that as part of his Plastic Oh-No Blair Tribute Band.

      Fucked if I know what three of the five are: I know get us back in the Fourth Reich is one and getting Mr Eddie Izzard elected as Labour’s first tranny is another, Pantomime Dame for Brighton probably, but what the other three are ….?

    • Little reported in the news this week, for obvious reasons, however… the US senate, on Thursday declared via a debate and then vote that the reasons for the Bush/Blair invasion of the Middle East Post 9/11 were nul and void.

      This legally binding legislation In effect proves these great leaders lied and mislead their respective lawmakers over the reasons.

      Barely a mention here in the UK but hey, where’s those weapons of mass destruction Blair [and Campbell)…. ?

      • The final aim being to repeal the legislation that brought the act into power. If it’s repealed I’m sure the bereaved families of servicemen/women would have a case.

        There are lots of internet links but not many to the UK press. Perhaps Satan Blair has served a D notice on any reporting.

      • Not strictly related to the topic under the scope but this is a fine platform for ‘bigger-picture’ stuff.Some excellent articles on LSD and it’s MO in the grander spectrum of things..

  4. Starseeds? I thought that was the contents of Gary Linekers jizz?

    • If I was a starseed, an I might be ,
      What kind of cosmic blossom will I flower into?

      A purple rose of Jupiter?
      A celestial daisy?
      A alpha Centauri cactus..

      You’ve spiked my coffee haven’t you?

      • If I did, you’d have to change your name to “Joy-filled northern cunt”!
        Morning MNC, you psychedelic warlord.

      • Morning mate?

        My days of waking up in a hedge with Hawkwind ringing in my ears are well behind me!

        Something on the news the other day Thomas about medical science looking into the effects of Ayahuasca as a cure for depression!!

        I look forward to stepping around puddles of puke while some benefits type rants that his spirit animal is the jaguar ?

      • You don’t need to go to South America to do Ayahuasca, the shrooms are far more gentle and will utterly cure depression. That’s why I got into them in the first place. The drug companies make sure they’re kept class A because they want to push their SSRI-based antidepressants.
        People shouldn’t do Ayahuasca as a dumb fad, like the Hewitt nitwit.
        I’ve made my own DMT (the active ingredient in the drink) and it is beautifully and colossally magnificent, yet would be terrifying for the unenlightened novice.
        High-end psychedelics should not be taken lightly, but would bring about a sea-change in the human race if they were made legal. But there’s no money in that…

      • Thomas,
        Think I’m going to pass on hallucinogenic jungle vines in favour of a few pints of bitter and a shot of whisky.

        I don’t like anything foreign ?

  5. Nothing new here: Shirley MacLaine came from outer space decades ago.
    If they’ve been sent to heal humanity they’re not doing a very good job.

    • I’m prejudice against these starseeds.
      They should go back where they came from.
      Hiding amongst us pretending they’re English,
      Taking what’s rightfully ours.

      They should identify themselves!!

      Then be shot.
      They might have space diseases?

      Venusian pox, wookiee flu, Vulcan ear etc

      Live long an prosper?
      Fuck that!!

    • These people claim to want to warn humanity of the nuclear terror and all the kum-by-ah hippy crap.

      Just wait for their views on a certain tribe from the Levant.

  6. Like Terminators?

    Then why don’t their eyes glow red?

    The Daily Mail needs to check it’s facts,the lazy cunts.

    • They’ve always pushed demented shit through their ‘science’ pages.

      ‘Japanese tsunami could’ve been caused by he moon’. I remember it well.

      • Or quite possibly an Israeili nuke due to Japans rumoured assistance with Iran’s nuclear programme.? Those dancing art students are very resourceful.

      • Nuclear weapons are orders of magnitude less powerful than the force required for a megathrust earthquake.

    • Tony Blair’s do. It was on a huge poster beside the A40 in 1997 bright fucking Red the were well scary to small children.

  7. Busted!

    I’ll have to bring my plans for world domination forward. Will a week next Tuesday suit?

    • Best wait till early May when the whole world will be watching the coronation (cough, cough).

    • Careful Jeezum! You have admitted to Jewish heritage. The wokies will be putting two and two together and getting five!

      • Too late, that’s my domain, although weve been fucking useless controlling the media, look at the beeb, not a single Pali, lefty or Pali-sypathiser they wont suck off and swallow.
        And as for the fucking banks, if the stupid bastards listened to us, they wouldn’t be trillions in the shitter.

    • Maybe so, LDC and good morning.
      If you consider that there are approximately 10 to the power of 25 planets that orbit stars, the likelihood of humans being the highest form of sentient life is laughable and shows our arrogant conceit as a species.
      It’s just that other planets are so brain-puddlingly far away and we could never even hope to travel to our neighbouring Andromida galaxy until beyond light-speed travel is invented.
      Which, according to the theory of relativity, can’t happen.
      Travelling in/to different dimensions though…bring on the Dimethyltryptamine and let’s blast off!

      • Have you checked in with members of the Pleiedians or Arcuturians on one of your cosmic sojourns i’m wondering ?

  8. They used to call it ‘Delusions of Granduer’ and lock the idiots away to make straw baskets.

    Happy times.

  9. When I was a kid if you had some kind of mental disorder, parents didn’t take you to a psychologist, they dealt with it themselves, with their own methods.
    My mum for instance was brilliant, she would bring me back to normality her way, she was able to open my chakra, stabilise my karma and cleanse my aura with one single slap around the fucking head….

  10. Jeesus-it feels like I have stumbled into a Gilbert Shelton comic book, instead of IsAC!!

    With an update to the usual cast of the Fabulous, Furry, Freak Brothers:

    Thomas T-C-E as Fat Freddie
    Ruff Tuff Cream Puff as Freewheelin Franklin
    Miserable as Fat Freddie


  11. This thinking you might be a alien or space Messiah is all very Californian and New Age.

    If someone you know is pondering if they are a space Jesus
    Quick as a flash either boot them as hard as you can in the bollocks or rabbit punch them in the belly!

    Theres 3 possible outcomes

    1) they fall to the floor dry heaving -not alien

    2) they turn and say ” I forgive you my child” -possibly a space Jesus

    3) they vapourise you with a raygun- alien as fuck.

    Keep watching the skies…???

  12. For anyone experiencing mental issues, delusions etc. having a tropical fish tank in the home can have a helpful, calming effect on the brain.
    I’m not an expert but apparently it’s something to do with indoor fins….

  13. Prefer the unseeded like Little Weed. She’s certainly got the lads Bill and Ben wrapped round her little finger, talking utter bollocks in adulation.

  14. Definite case of delusions of grandeur.

    Those cunts who reckon that they’re time travellers from the 25th century are as bad; you know, come back to warn mankind that we’re going to turn the planet into a lifeless, barren, glowing orb. Funnily enough tho, they managed to survive the apocalypse and make the trip back…

    Morning all.

    • Very good point RK, these so called time travellers seem to have a real problem with proving their ability to time travel. Very hard not to think bollocks you bloody mentalist. Weird.

  15. They simply don’t know their arse from their elbow. Besides not knowing whether to have a shit or a haircut.

    • Make yourself useful and help the tramps by picking them some dimp and rolling them, to go with their early morning cuppa.

  16. Shoot the cunts. Can’t be too careful.

    Remember that lezza alien from ‘V’, Diana? She was all nicey, nicey then ate a guinea pig, down in one.

    Knew she was a bad ‘un after that. I was right an’ all, she wanted to eat us.

    Aye, can’t be too careful. Electric chair the cunts.

  17. We are stardust, we are golden
    We are billion-year-old carbon
    And we’ve got to get ourselves
    Back to the garden

  18. Bonkers. Along with people who believe in an alien planetary alliance.

    Let me share the latest loony theory I heard courtesy of a guest on Tarot by Janine: the Earth has a secret bit that we can’t go to!

    • ‘ Along with people who believe in an alien planetary alliance.’

      It exists. it’s called the United Federation of Planets.

      I’ve seen it on TV.

    • Janine.That a whole new level of fruit loopery.Gave her some ponderings for a time though.Lots of grifters abound.

  19. I’d ask them out to the pub, but hang on, I have a mate who has degrees in astrophysics and computer science. He has a few questions…

    • Plus, as any good Fox Mulder knows, if they haven’t got pale skin, large black eyes and an oversized head on frail body, they’re lying.

  20. The poor yanks are half right, but unfortunately many of these people are more likely to be rapeseeds.

    We’re all in the gutter, but some of us are being raped.’

    – Oscar Wilde.

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