Sadiq Khan and TfL (34)


The short arsed son of bus driver Paki midget is up to his old tricks again this time honouring a mayoral manifesto pledge of renaming the lines of London’s Overground train network to give individual lines an identity, although a reliable, clean, safe and value for money service would be a more pressing matter, cuntwipe.

Khan said at the time “We are one of the most diverse cities in the world, yet hugely symbolic parts of our public realm – including our statues, plaques and street names – largely reflect a bygone era, and leave many Londoners feeling that people like them are not visible or celebrated in our city. I have established a Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm to lead work to increase the presence of under-represented groups including women, Black, Asian and minority ethnic , LGBTQ+ and disabled Londoners”.

Bygone era? Its called our history you fucking cunt. Whenever I have had the misfortune of going to London the first thing I always wonder is where are all the ethnics? I thought this was a multicultural utopia. London is over 2000 years old and its history is white so this should be reflected in place names, statues etc. Blacks and Asians have only been there in significant numbers since the 60’s, so the blink of an eye in the scheme of things.

Next stop Groomers Green.

Here is ex-IsAC cunter Bertie Blunt with more.


Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

52 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan and TfL (34)

  1. The only minority ethnic population in London is white British. But hey! they don’t matter, or even count.

  2. He’s right about it being a bygone era. It’s from the time when the large majority of London was white.

    • I suspect the indigenous population of North America would tend to agree with you there.

      • I suspect the indigenous population of China, Japan, South Africa, Northern Ireland and many other nations including England feel the same way.

      • I’m fairly sure that the indigenous populations of any place on earth would agree that diversity is their downfall.

        I wonder if members of the Sioux nation for example stood with banners saying “no borders” or “whites welcome” before being slaughtered or placed on reservations?

        I doubt it.

        Afternoon MJB.

      • I’m sure the Bantu held up similar signs welcoming the Belgians to the Congo.

        Likewise the Aborigines welcomed the English to the Outback.

        Same for the Zulus with the Dutch and English.

        And speaking of the English…or should we say the Britons they undoubtedly had similar signs for the Romans, the Angles, the Saxon and the Jutes…as well as the Vikings and Normans.

        Of course the Slavs did the same for the Vikings and Mongols in what is now Russia.

        Not to mention all the peoples of North Africa, the Middle East and India who had the same signs…in different languages welcoming the Islamacized Arabs.

        We could of course go on and on. But to what end?

      • No Roman, jute, angle, goth, vandal, blood in my family.
        Perish the thought!

        No, the miserable clan have long been chaste and dissaproving of race mixing and other cultures.

        Older family members still speak in shock about our aethelflax spreading her legs for that Viking.

        Talk of Mercia we were!

      • The point is, that this is not a uniquely American phenomenon as you seem to suggest.

      • As much as I dislike Wikipedia:

        Click the link and it will take you to a page and you have to click the second link that says “search for genocide of indigenous peoples” in existing articles.

        The entry is long but lists multiple examples of “colonial genocide” including those committed by European such as the British, the Spanish, the Germans and the Belgians.

      • Oops…then on the next page click the link that says “Genocide of indigenous peoples”…it will rake you to the article.

  3. Can you imagine the tannoy announcements on the tube of the future?
    ‘This station is Peter Tatchell Lane. Next stop, Stephen Lawrence Square.
    This train terminates at Thieving Cunt on a Moped and Castle’
    Stupid, hook nose, traitorous cunt!

    • You can imagine SWR Intersex-Inclusive Pride Train pulling into Jihadi Junction.

  4. We could just turn the tube stations signs round and spell them correctly. “Crappy Rub Sniff” and “Crap Not Poo”. Not only do you remember the stations of old, you can sense the smell of Pakistan already.

  5. What a super cunting and I’ve never come across Bertie before but what a spiffing and very to the point 4 minute video.

    I can see the Northern Line being renamed Machete Line as it passes through a lot of bleck infested parts of fired chicken shop areas.

    The Piccadilly will become Pink Line as most of West London is gay.

    District will become Rags to Riches as it passes through the poshest and poorest parts.

    To think some of my GLA council tax is going to this dwarf daki cunt.

    The apt Bertie made a very good point. In Daki land there’s several million living in slavery but Khan would remember those who are dead than do something for those from his own country. Probably because his family over there are the ones keeping slaves.

    I wish he’d fuck off back over there, I’d chip in for his flight.

  6. How fucking long before this feotid dwarf names something or puts up a statue of Subhas Chandra Bose. I hope he turns into a ginger.

  7. This midget sun of a bus driver urgently needs the full on DPRK treatment.


  8. The devious little CUNT denied that he knew anything about Soft Jihad when I contacted him; when, in fact, he is the greatest enabler of this evil practice. He is working towards making a once great city into a Caliphate under the guise of diversity being an asset. If London’s dodgy, corrupt, postal voting system is eventually sorted out and he is thrown out of office, he will have to revert to being a people trafficking “human rights” lawyer to sustain his miserable life. Khan, One of the most sinister and evil CUNTS in the United Kingdom.

    • He is most certainly a fucking cunt. This is why time and time again labour will be called out. In Bristol we had Marvin who said he was happy for the Statue to go on Local TV and then on National News he was like these people have commited a crime when he in fact had some woke lady called Saskia Summers who was working for a PR Campaign for him they mandated #BlackLivesMatters on the local government website, they made it out as though they have been the only race to suffer from Crimes against humanity. They are supposed to be doing what’s best for the city not fucking projects on race baiting. I sent it into the daily mail after the LISTED statue was chucked into the river. Safe to say it was never published incase of more than likely increasing racial tensions. The left always make an issue about race. They don’t like truth. Never have never will.

  9. Who cares, hopefully mad vlad will have a reaction to he’s aids medicine and nuke the rats nest.

    I will even pay the congestion charge for the missile.

  10. What this evil paki goblin is up to is just the beginning.

    They’ll not stop until our history is completely erased,along with all of us.

    Eventually even our politicians will wake up to the nightmare and all the leftwing lies and propaganda won’t be able to cover up the multicultural disaster that we are witness to.

    Unless there is a sea change in our rotten system we will be eradicated by these cunts and their Quisling lackeys.

    Full Oven.

    • Absolutely spot on UT.

      And if the oven reaches full capacity…or if they succeed in banning fossil fuels in the name of global warning…then the guillotine and wood chipper should be used as alternatives.

  11. I can’t see us ever getting rid of this Joe Daki sack of shit. Londonstabistan is crawling with poofs, tree huggers, wokies , fucking carpet kissers and a vast variety of other filthy immos. Add to that the fact that the fucking Tories aren’t exactly an attractive alternative. Most people who could have already fucked off but even those on the outskirts find his filthy ULEZ fingers have caught up with them and he’s coming to take their cars off them.
    And everything he does you will find coming to you eventually, wherever you live. This is globalism in action and Stabistan is the blueprint.

    • There are five councils who are going to court over the ULEZ expansion, and the little P doesn’t like it

  12. What the fuck does this cunt know about a bygone era, his history in London dates back to Pakistan not fucking London.

    I hate when this cunt uses the word Londoners, not people born and bred in London whose parents and grandparents were born and bred in London and actually have the history, no this cunt means the fucking vermin who have infested the city.

  13. And don’t forget if you oppose anything the son of a bus driver does you are “allied to the climate change deniers, conspiracy theorists, anti vaxxers and the far right.” Oh yes he knows all the buzzwords and labels. Watch him being interviewed at some benders event… could almost believe he’s a shirtlifter himself instead of planning to have them all take flying lessons off the Shard when his goatshagger friends come to power. CUNT.

  14. I miss Bertie Blunt,
    He was great.
    Him and Rufftuff were the first people on here to talk to me,
    A lover of puns
    And a strict no nonsense approach to bullshitters.

    He was one of my favourite cunters.
    Nurse Cunty too.

    Where do they go?
    These cunters of yore.

    Is there a ISAC afterlife they retire too?

    Gammon Heaven???

    • The bloke in the video is how I imagined Bertie Mis, an elderly, scholarly professor type.

      Just don’t make him angry!

      What did Bertie and Ruff say to you? “Welcome MNC but just a reminder, we wear pants on this site”.

      • Hiya LL.
        Bertie was from Warrington,
        A retired teacher born and bred in Liverpool.

        I imagine him sort of like Freddy Boswell.

        Him and Ruff were dead nice to me!

        Others picked on me.
        Told me to go fuck my dog☹️

        Well, the jokes on them!

        I’m impotent!!??

      • I somehow doubt that, Mis, as you’ve mention children previously.

        Besides impotent seems to indicate a lack of strength.

        I prefer inactive, when bedroom issues raise their unwanted, and frankly intrusive, heads.

      • Meant impudent JP.
        Nowt wrong wi my winky !!

        You could hammer nails in with it!?

  15. Fuck me why do I keep getting moderated? I think it must be the word…..”shi*tlif*er.

  16. This is what happens when you have foreigners running the country/cities, even if they were born here [ dont know if they were, also is Suckdick a shirt lifter?], this sounds waaaysist but its not, how the fuck can you have someone who has allegiance to a different place and expect them to do their best.
    We cant even get Brits [look at the last several useless Brit cunts]to do their best, so why should these guys, they just want to help their kind as much as possible and fill their pockets until we decide they are not fit to govern anything and vote them out, and look for the next idiot who thinks they can improve things.
    Do away with the cunts i say, at this point i think the government are an expensive, expendable shower of shit we dont need and could do better without, who would notice if these cunts were gone, not a single soul is the answer and that beautifully illustrates my point …

  17. By virtue of a Mayor is undemocratic. Original mayor’s were ceremonial. They don’t have no power.

  18. So, after they’ve renamed all the stations with brave, innovative, scientists etc, that are not white or British what next?
    Street names, cities, towns and villages.
    Pubs, public buildings, et al?
    Your name??

  19. The sooner this ugly Pak! Shit stain is removed from this privileged position the better, this is a white country built on our hard work and ethics, Blacks and Asian’s are welcome but tow the line and adopt our principles.!

  20. This arsehole gets £160 grand a year for fucking up London you couldn’t make it up we are fucked with the cunts running this country

  21. This thick little muppet is like a retarded child being given a pack of permanent markers.

  22. Sukdik truly is the cunt that keeps on giving. A real fucking deluded cunt of major wankiness.
    I don’t think the tories ever want him to stop being Londonistan Mayor.
    He does more to disuade anyone from wanting a Labour Government, than a million slick well funded tory ads could ever achieve.

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