Mr Double Cross

Here’s a cheerful little story to brighten up a rather grey and chilly day. Allow me to introduce the man only known as ‘Double Cross’, that’s ‘XX’ for short.

Mr XX is an Iranian, who was convicted of rape back in 2001, and sentenced to deportation in 2005. It will, I’m sure, come as absolutely no surprise to cunters to learn that as of 2023, the arsewipe is still in the UK.

He’s successfully appealed against the deportation on the grounds that, er, he could face the death penalty in Iran because he is a convicted rapist. Add in a bit of an insurance policy to the appeal by claiming that he’s a dissident who (seemingly spuriously) also worked for the UK security services, and Bob’s yer uncle; it’s the perfect gift to any grifter brief to cash in on yooman rights grounds.

So there you go. We’re lumbered with yet another foreign no good, who’s no doubt been well funded through legal aid to fight his deportation. What’s the bet that the cunt’s also being housed and given benefits at our expense? Let’s face it, he’s hardly likely to be making any useful contribution to society is he?

Most days I feel as though I just want to give up. We’ve been fucking double crossed alright.

The Sun

Nominated by Ron Knee.

48 thoughts on “Mr Double Cross

  1. Is there any other country in the world where there are protracted and hugely expensive appeals against deportation?

    A non serious crime in a foreign country will result in the criminal being immediately taken to the airport by the police and put on the first plane out.

    If the crime is serious then the criminal would get banged up.
    At the end of their sentence they get escorted from prison directly to the airport.

    That’s the way things are done.

    What’s with the fucking appeals?

  2. Making legal aid a no-no for these cunts would be a start. Let the Iranians have him back by all means, together with a dossier on this cunts crimes. Otherwise chop the meat and two veg off without anasthetic. If that’s not an option, bullet to the back of the head.

  3. A mere drop in the ocean.

    I read yesterday over a thousand Albanians had lodged appeals against deportation.

    Happy Monday cunters..?

  4. No need to deport the cunt.

    Thus country will be a chillier version of Iran or Pakistan within twenty years at best.

    He’ll make an excellent Justice Secretary.

    • Crystal Ball gazing on this Monday morning at the start of the Christian Holy Week. In twenty years time we will have introduced Sharia law and while it will sort out fuckers like this cunt thank fuck I will not be around to see it.

      Good Morning.

    • Indeed. In fact Rochdale Council is introducing roadside signs to state that cars are now entering a UHGZ zone (Ultra High Grooming Zone).

  5. A cock-sucking foreign weasel who has deftly played the system and won.

    The Ministers have the powers in their hands to change the legal framework.

    But they won’t.

    • Too fucking right. I am sick of HMG claiming that the law has to be followed; decisions such as this outrage demonstrate that the law has to be changed.

      • Yes, the law has to be changed, but how? The only option being discussed is that of leaving the ECHR. If the UK decides to do this can you imagine the sanctions the EU, cheer-led by France, will impose upon us?
        I agree with your sentiment, but the practicalities are difficult.

    • Know how they are saying about getting tough on the dinghy sailors?

      Rishis ‘stop small boats’.

      And the emptying of the hotels?


      The boats will stop because he’ll have them brought over by other means.
      The only ones leaving hotels will be to a new build on a new estate.


  6. Is that Gary Linekunt in the header pic?
    On second thoughts, the ears are too small.
    Also, not dark enough to be Gary?

    • Things will only get worse if Dame Kweer and Sugartits Cooper get into power.No doubt they will have special discounted fees, when they start their regular Mandytours Ferry from Calais to Dover in 2025, for every perv@rt they pick up, be they little girl rapists or Pantomime Dame Trannies like Izzard.

      Kweer is clearly senile and as for Mini-Cooper, why else would she hang around Abdul’s Minicab Service in Rochdale in her old school uniform saying to every driver who comes out of the kebab shop “will you fuck me, Mohammed dear?”. Ed Balls should have stuck to his marital duties instead of fucking off every Saturday night to do Strictly Come Prancing.

    • Lineker needs to keep his trap shut.
      If I want advice from someone who chases a ball I’ll ask the dog….

  7. Things will only get worse if Dame Kweer and Sugartits Cooper get into power.No doubt they will have special discounted fees, when they start their regular Mandytours Ferry from Calais to Dover in 2025, for every pervert they pick up, be they little girl rapists or Pantomime Dame Trannies like Izzard.

    Kweer is clearly senile and as for Mini-Cooper, why else would she hang around Abdul’s Minicab Service in Rochdale in her old school uniform saying to every driver who comes out of the kebab shop “will you fuck me, Mohammed dear?”. Ed Balls should have stuck to his marital duties instead of fucking off every Saturday night to do Strictly Come Prancing.

  8. You only have to look at the picture of the Public Schoolboy poshknob judge to know what the verdict will be. This cunt and his family will never go near any of these filthy immo bastards.
    He doesn’t give a fuck about trash like us, just impressing his posh virtue signalling pals at his posh libtard dinner parties. I bet he even invites Lammy and has his downstairs toilet industrially cleansed the next day.

    • Not sure the Judge really has a choice – he has to follow guidelines laid down by the Mandarins at Whitehall and approved by the Ministers.

  9. A few year’s ago Mrs Cunter was in a bar with some friends.

    Some English cunt was making a nuisance of himself.
    She had him down as a nutter.
    He was on his own and hassling the women.

    She went outside on the terrace for a cigarette.
    The English cunt demanded one from her and when she told him to fuck off he threatened to hit her with a chair.

    She called the Guardia Civil.
    They turned up, dragged the cunt off the terrace of the bar and round the corner where they slapped him around.

    He was then stuck in the back of the police car and taken away.

    We heard that he was taken from the police station that night and deported back to Britain.

    What’s with the appeals in the UK?

  10. Two of the Rochdale groomers have been appealing their deportation for seven years. They’ve finally lost their appeals but I’m unsure of the actual removals to date.
    One of these cunts said on appeal he needed to stay in the uk so raise his son properly so he knew right from wrong.
    A 13 y old girl became pregnant by one of them too.

  11. Compare and contrast to Naz Siggy Ratarse, all the fucking money and effort to get the cunt out of Iran and this cunt we can’t send back.

    The country is upside down and inside out, all the human rights lawyers and organisations should designated as enemies of the state,

    It’s no wonder the majority of the population couldn’t give a flying fuck anymore.

  12. Defending darkies is a lucrative industry. The remedy is indeed very simple. Turn off the cash taps.( Legal aid ) Simple

  13. fucking bastard lawyers refusing to prosecute the eco nutters because they agree with their actions tells you everything you need to know about their standards when they bend over backwards to keep this filth Blighty side. Lawyers cunts of the first water an absolute shower to the last man. Vampiric avaricious parasites.

  14. I wouldn’t worry Ron. This cuntry is swarming with them, just get on and ignore it.
    No point dying bitter and twisted by anything you cannot control.

    • That’s my view. This country is run by self-serving cunts, many of them BAME. They look after their own and we don’t figure in their calculations at all, until election time and then it’s a straight choice between, err, a cunt and a different cunt. I no longer care.

  15. If the cunt is looking out of the window, hit him over the head with a frying pan.

  16. Truthfully, he wants to avoid the ticker-tape parade and the adulation he’ll receive back home. He’s settled here now in the quiet English countryside.

    • Or why not one of those in and out jobs, a mystery story we British have grown to love, spy stories and Lord Lucan. It saves money and us from moaning and it.

  17. Son’t understand why it’s not this simple:

    Piss about in my house and I throw you out.

    What’s that, a bad thing might happen to you if I do? Should have thought of that before you were a cunt, shouldn’t you?

    [A “should have thought of that before you did it” law would solve all our deportation problems.]

    • Don’t you realize this chap has civil rights which must be protected? What kind of country would this be if he were to be summarily shipped out and left to fend for himself in a foreign land without benefits or legal representation? We have to set an example to the regimes in places like Afghanistan, Iran and Russia so they see the error of their ways and can eventually be transformed into civilized societies.

  18. Not long to go now before this shit hole is declared bankrupt due to the immigrant crime wave washing over us, 6 million a day just for hotel bills, what about all the cash we handed over to the frogs for better patrolling of their beaches, and the money handed over to Rwanda to take the wankers of our hands, how many are in prison at a massive cost to the tax payer, if they had to add it all up there wouldn’t be a calculator big enough to display the figure.!

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