Hooking you in and going woke (6)

This cunting is aimed at TV shows/film franchises which hook you in and then go woke.

Rather than go through the many examples; such as The Marvel/Star Wars franchises or The Walking Dead, I’m going to focus on a show I’ve been watching recently, ‘The Last of Us.’

Now I don’t watch much TV, but this show is very good. I blame Mr Cunt Engine for recommending this show, but he did so before the gayness episode . But it’s a good show to be fair, so why cunt it? Spoilers coming, by the way.

Because it’s going down the same route as every show or film franchise nowadays. Hook you in, then push an agenda.

I’m sure most of you (who aren’t brain dead) have noticed such things already, but what has this show done?

It’s been great, but once they hooked you in with a brilliant first two episodes, the entire focus of episode 3 was about a gay couple. The good news is they both died at the end of the episode (not of the AIDS, sadly), but the entire episodes seemed pointless. It obviously had to include an overly long gay snogging/sex scene without any warning, of course. Turned me stomach.

Still, later in the series, the main character (a 14 year old lass) turns out to be a lezza with a black girlfriend. Why the need for that? Fortunately, the girlfriend dies too. Maybe not so bad then?

Well last night, I watched the most recent episode and they had a honky male preacher/leader who turned out to be a pea dough rapist and all round violent, nasty evil cunt.

Need I say more?

Oh, the male lead/anti hero isn’t a honky, he’s Hispanic. All honky males are thick or evil, it seems.

They even had an episode pushing how great communism is a few episodes back.

Great show though, but fuck me…why do they do this?

Yes, yes, I know, I know…

Episodes 3 and 7 are the wokest btw. Interesting scores, eh?


Nominated by Cuntybollocks.

52 thoughts on “Hooking you in and going woke (6)

  1. Was at the ready to have a go at this, until I realised its just some hamshank shite that is of no interest to me. But still harmful for the future that gives ideas to others.

  2. A zombie attack doesn’t bother me, I’ve planned ahead, my property is now completely surrounded with treadmills….

  3. Everything made for entertainment seems to have a underlying message now.
    Normally about race or sexuality.

    I don’t like being told what to think.
    Not off any cunt.
    Left or Right.

    I make up my own mind on subjects.

    Wire haired nasal mumbler Bob Dylan got it right.

    “Don’t follow leaders.
    Watch the parking meters.”

    I just watch steptoe, Dad’s army, and the brilliant Red dirt; opal hunters if bored of being preached too.

    • Oh , and the original Twilight Zone with Rod Sterling.
      It’s being rerun at the moment.


      • Rod Serling was brought in by 20th Century Fox to help adapt the novel Le planete des Singes into Planet of the Apes.

        Hollywood doesn’t have writers anywhere near that level these days, just overgrown brats like JJ Abrams and Phoebe Waller-Cunt.

  4. I can’t be bothered with modern TV. That’s why I watch nice old films on Talking Pictures (usually recorded the previous day, so I can watch by getting rid of the cremation and Over 50s insurance adverts, and before the spouse shuffled downstairs to watch her daily diet of soap shit). But with the holidays coming up what better time than to invest in a DVD from Boggs Pornographic Films (Taiwan) Ltd., as an Easter treat how about watching one of our latest?. David Lammy, Kim Leadbetter and the ever youthful Yvette “Sugartits” Cooper in the classic “Strip Search”. Troubled and naughty schoolgirl rebel Yvette is caught by PC David Lammy (‘you bin sinning again, child?) and butch WPC Leadbetter, who decide to take her to an Islington rubbish tip where they, well, …. strip search her, – see a trembling Yvette as PC Lammy probes her pissflaps with his truncheon, while non-nonsense WPC Leadbetter decides an anal probe is necessary and gets her strap-on to conduct it. Fun and filth all the way, and only 29.99 including a plain unlabelled wrapper.

    • I’m with you so far on the Talking Pictures, knowing we’re not going to be lectured, until the adverts appear pre warned by the ice cream woman, which are whizzed away when I tell my remote control to move forward 5 minutes. But beg to differ on the porn. I prefer solo women, to have all to myself.

  5. You have to choose TV and filns wisely now, almost finding out the whole plot/storyline before committing. It’s not that thfy don’t have stories, but the casting and characterisation is filled with tokens whose identity is more important:

    Token black hero who’s suffered racial abuse from a cracker ✔
    Token brown Asian, often a comedy character (yeah, JUST like real life) ✔
    Token strong female ✔
    Token shirt-lifter/bum bandit couple ✔
    Token good arab ✔
    Token lez clit hick ✔

    They lead the storyline as if whoever’s doughnut they’re punching is more important than the (white) terrorist who’s going to blow something up.

    • I tend to watch foreign language films, who don’t seem stand any messing with today’s trends. Firstly, I look at the cast before attempting to view and if they are to my satisfaction, then I’ll have a go.

  6. I haven’t seen this, nor am I likely to, having read the nom.

    However, it’s as if, these days, they haul a random selection of “interesting” looking people in off the street, show them a couple of episodes, then say
    ” What do you think should happen next? What would make you watch it?”

    Next thing you know, here come the jolly boys and girls, the misogynist, the sadist, etc.

    Makes it more realistic, innit?

  7. It is indeed a dirty trick,likely backed by the manufacturers of televisions who see a rise in sales following these episodes after some enraged fellow puts his shoe through the screen.

    Try The Terminal List instead if you can,it’s modern but all the cunts in it meet a dreadful end thankfully.

    All this preaching and condescending woke bullshit is really beginning to fuck people off.


  8. The end of the world? Can’t come soon enough for me. The entire human species is a fucking disgrace that the planet and universe would be well rid of.

  9. Ho ho, the joke’s on you, Cuntybollocks…I knew full-well that there’d be some tender faggọtry ? in the show, hence why I recommended it to you.

    • I do hope and trust you remained unaroused, my fine fellow and not as tumescent as Harvey Price being offered a go on his mother’s well-worn wizard’s sleeve (for the umpteenth time)…

      • The Mrs just huffed to herself when the gayness started at the piano, because she knew I’d go off on one.

        Moaning like a bastard I was for about an hour. Not moaning in a sexy way, you understand?

      • Haha

        I had the vibes it was all going Pete Tong when he left the other bloke use his shower. Started muttering and grumbling to myself.

        Me: Don’t you fucking dare.

        Mrs: What now?

        Me: They’re going to be bummers. They’re going to ruin this show.

        Mrs: Stop being silly.

        Piano scene a few minutes later.

        Me: See! I fucking told you. Let’s fucking ruin everything! Ohhhh don’t mind me, while I throw up you everywhere you fucking BASTARD CUNTS!…

        Mrs: (sigh)

  10. Every time I’m recommended something new to watch by anybody, then my default setting is to watch a Clint Eastwood film instead.

      • Afternoon Thomas.

        Ah yes .. a memorable scene.

        Clint was on the vinegar strokes after about 2 thrusts as I remember.

      • Pfffft, what a cissy. I last longer than that when I’m raping a lady in a barn.

    • Yep, the recommndations of must-watch TV I’ve had over the years have tended to be mostly shit. It took a while for Game of Thrones, but it got there in the end.

  11. Only cunts watch this shit anyway. Sipping a splendid pint of Abbot, fuck the super hero’s, the real ones are in Bakhmut killing Russians.
    Good afternoon.

  12. They all do it. Subtle or otherwise. Vera, apart from the NEast being mostly effnik, had a tranny in it as a ‘girlfriend’. Rural Kent was 50% effnik according to the Larkins. In the 19fucking50s. There was some thriller shit set in what looked like Penarth that was 100% black. The adverts are strewn with lifters and lezzas. All families are mixed race.
    Dont know this particular show but if Cunt Engine recommended it that should have been a warning.

    • Afternoon CC…the program was rather disappointing in the end. I had rather hoped that some of the characters got sexually assaulted by the mushroom zombies, but no dice.

  13. The bait and switch, as use by nearly all new dramas on TV, especially if they use an established white male character or classic work as the bait.

    Fucking brazen revisionism of the worst kind, as it will turn a lot of black and Asian people away.

  14. The Walking Dead was a good example too.

    Fucking great first few seasons. Tens of millions of global viewers. Ruined.

    It’s almost as if some cunts said, “Hey we can use this to push our agenda now everyone is watching it.”

    It is now a unwatchable pile of wank, with strong black wimmins, heroic disableds, brave heroic gays and lezzas and thick or evil straight white males.

    And absolutely no storyline at all, it seems.

      • They, them, that are the zombies. If they, etc bite you you’ll turn into one of them, etc. I’m thinking of Charlton Heston as the last straight white male in the Omega man. Fiddler has realised this and surrounded his manor house with land mines and cut himself off from the outside world.

    • I was never a fan of the ‘zombie apocalypse’ trope. I believe they would be dealt with quite quickly.

  15. If I woke to a world populated by zombies I doubt I’d notice.

    It seems like that any way.
    Dawdling,slow moving,
    Slackjawed cunts everywhere..

    • I watched the first two series of it then got bored, it was very repetitive, just people standing around talking then killing zombies, which I’ve seen 50 times since 1968 with Night of the Living Dead!

    • ‘Negan’

      That was a name that kept popping up in conversations a few years back amongst a few of my millennial friends and their friends, as if he was a real person.

      I thought they were talking about the landlord of a pub.

  16. I’d send the Zombies over to Calais in boats. That’ll sort things out in a few hours – permanently.

  17. I remember fondly, the original Star Wars trilogy.

    That was certainly pre woke. Lando was the only black in the galaxy.

    Simpler times.

    (I’m sure Family Guy or something referenced that point once)

  18. I make a point of not watching anything with bummers in it, or the main character is a n*gnog! I have got into the habit of watching old ‘B’ movies from the 50’s and 60’s because they didn’t allow that sort of thing!

  19. You put your bleck man in, your white man out
    In out, in out, and shake him all about
    We do the wokey-cokey and then turn around, that’s what it’s all about.

  20. I only watch repeats of Sharpe, saves on being exposed to woke shit.

    I was walking around the City at lunchtime and everywhere you look there are remnants of what used to be the greatest country on earth before we sat by and allowed a load of fifth columnists to destroy it.

    Breaks your heart

  21. All of this “woke” stuff seems to only exist online, I have never came across it in real life, never been accosted by a “woke” person. We used to just call them, “do-gooders” or nosey bastards, interfering cunts, etc. We just ignored them, remember? And that’s what to do with “woke” people. They live their lives 75% online and need to get out more and see the hard graft that goes on to give them this 21st century of leisure, loafing and luxury now laid before them on a silver platter. A Negro serves the silver platter, of course. 😉

    • They don’t try it in real life because then real men would punch their faces to a bloody pulp

  22. I honestly didn’t notice the wokeness to be entirely honest; I was far too busy downing Red Bull and popping caffeine tablets to notice.

    It’s an okay show and watchable enough, but it’s massively overrated by the fanboys of the original source material (a video game of the same name).

    Say what you like about the gayness in the anus episode – it was completely pointless and pulled the viewer entirely out of the main plot line but at least the characters were well-written, well-acted and the setting was interesting.

    The same can’t be said about that ridiculous episode with the 2 lezzas in the shopping mall…. what the fuck was the point in that?

    This show is mediocre and had too much filler but at least it isn’t as bad or filler-filled as that pile of shit “Stranger Things”…… so there’s that I suppose.

  23. Endeavour, of course, is now finished. On the whole it was a great series. But it did dabble more in woke as time went on. The seventh series was totally hideous. Blatant misnadry, Me Too lynch mobs, Parking Stanley propaganda, a nasty old Enoch Powell clone, loads of sexist white gammons, and lots of sideswipes at ‘British Pigs’. It really was the pits.

    It rallied again towards the end, but an otherwise fine finale was tainted by a completely pointless identikit racist killer, who just hated blacks, gays, peacefuls to make white people look bad. The usual cliches, anyone who is proud to be British is a bigoted oaf, It served no purpose, except to shoehorn some woke bullshit in. It’s probably best that it is finished. because it would have ended up unwatchable.

  24. Doctor Who is now infamous for its wokeness. But it’s going to plunge new depths. An African poove and a girl with a knob. Absolutely priceless.

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