Gobbing on Our History, Culture and Country

Here’s a story about RAF Scampton, in Lincolnshire, home of 617 Squadron……….”The Dambusters”. You don’t need me to tell you what that means. Now disused, there was a plan to turn it into a light industrial park with the buildings preserved as a museum, all financed with private money. Now it seems this poxy government wants to turn it into a “holding centre” for 1,500 dinghy rats. I can’t tell you how angry I am about this. Cunts….fucking cunts! Why don’t they just hunt down the graves of those young heroes, pull down their strides and fucking shit on them.

Sorry I can’t post a link but I trust somebody can do it for me. There’s also a petition you might like to take a look at.

The Lincoln Nite

Nominated by Freddie the frog link by Harry Crump.

92 thoughts on “Gobbing on Our History, Culture and Country

  1. Turn the dinghy rats into bouncing bombs and hit the French coast with them.

  2. I’m genuinely open mouthed gobsmacked at the decisions this current government make .

    After ignoring the dinghy people coming by the thousands,
    They make the decision to house them in 4* hotels costing millions,
    Then after outrage and worried about the polls showing they’ll be decimated at the next General Election,
    They have the genius idea of housing them in RAF Scampton!!!

    Scampton should by rights be a museum dedicated to the Dambusters and the Red Arrows.

    Fuck me, talk about own worse enemy.
    Like they’re on a mission to be voted out.

    • No: the mission is the eradication of Anglo-Saxon culture, history and practices☹️

    • There must have been some sort of discussion about this within the halls of power before the decision was made. Did no one have sufficient common sense to say ‘This is a very bad idea’?

    • All they can do is flail about..lies heaped upon other lies..they hide behind it all as not a single politician has the guts to say these illegal cunts are a nightmare that should be stopped on the beach and immediately returned to France by military force.

  3. Beyond belief what the useless cunts at Westminster will do BEFORE they do what most people want them to do.

  4. Now if the plan was to process them, reject them, then load them up on a plane an fuck em off out if here.

    But we all know that’s not gonna happen.

    And the scum will more likely burn the place down when they don’t get the right food..

  5. As far as I’m concerned it’s planned desecration.

    All those involved should be horse whipped then shot.

  6. Is there some irony though, that RAF Scampton is going to be full of Guy Gibson’s dogs?

  7. “Still, mustn’t grumble”. But that’s all we do, me included. Probably because I am getting old and don’t fancy having my few possessions nicked off me. The young ‘uns used to be good at legitimate protest, but now they’ve all been brainwashed they can’t even see anything wrong with what’s happening!

    • I make the same point to my kids. They need to get angry. Instead it’s al about being nice to the cunts.

    • The Bishop of Lincoln can fuck right off the baldy bonced stupid old cunt. Another soft as shit virtue signalling bastard digging his own grave. The Peacefuls will take great delight in burning this Infidel fucker alive.

    • Soft cunt, he must know the faith groups he is banging on about, include one that would happily slit his throat.

      The only bishop I want to hear from is the baby eating bishop of bath and Wells.

  8. They don’t give a shit what we think, if or when labour get in nothing will improve and more likely get worse.
    The only bombing associated with Scampton is the bombardment of shit from a great height on our culture and heritage.
    The fucking irony of repelling one invasion and embracing another, Churchill’s spirit must be on a formula 1 rotisserie.

    • Yep, the British Government succeeds in doing what the Luftwaffe failed to do.

  9. The people who live around RAF Scampton don’t want it turning into a holding centre for immigrants.
    The general public don’t want it.

    The minister in charge Robert Jenrick should be dismissed for this.

    He’s a dirty little fucker,
    Arrogant, tone deaf and not a iota of patriotism or understanding of how the ordinary person thinks.

    I fuckin despise these cunts.

    • I doubt if the dinghy rats will like it very much either. They don’t want to be out in the middle of nowhere, they want to be in an urban area where they can shoplift, mug people, do drugs and get hold of underage girls while the coppers mince about doing fuck all. They’ll burn the fucking place down. They know the score and if they don’t there are plenty of libtards to tell them about yewman rites.

      • As long as they are locked inside when they start the fire then I’m fine with it.

        Escapees would need to be shot.

        Setting an example is important.

  10. If this had been dreamed up by some 20 something graduates working for the BBC, it wouldn’t be surprising, but this is the British government for fucks sake!
    Surely there must be someone old enough and British enough to realise this and similar sites are hallowed ground. Even if you visit some of the completely abandoned airfield sites, you can still feel something from the past that makes the hairs stand up.
    Yet another thoughtless act by a government that specialises in thoughtless acts.
    If they want somewhere that offers the comforts of a WW2 Nissen hut, they could always use the Pontins holiday camp at camber sands.
    Mind you, that place is already in violation of human rights, so perhaps not.

  11. Where can all of us who would like to preserve British history (regardless of race) emigrate to?

  12. I saw the demonstrations in Newquay yesterday .

    Good fucking news , more and more places need to stand up and do the same

  13. Tory cabinet members should be renamed The Bisto Kids – rich and very thick.

  14. We are the toilet bowl of the world ?.I despair at our shit show of spineless weak cunt truffles in “Government”.Traitors.Hang them all.

  15. Tho opponents of this nefarious scheme shouldn’t have mentioned the Dambusters connection. This wanky government will be wanting to pay the Krauts compo for fucking up their dams.

    Don’t mention the War!

  16. I’m surprised we haven’t seen a BBC remake of Dambusters to be fair.

    Idris Elba needs something new after Luther and we all just know there must be a documentary out there that credits the Dambusters’ achievements to the Windrush generation, even though it happened before they arrived

    • He could play the role of the dog mascot. Er, wossisname innit.

  17. This is down the road from me. The village will be swamped with vermin. Locals struggle with medicals and public transport. This will all be supplied for the scum housed.
    Dambusters, Red Arrows and now the dregs of humanity. And all because the Home Office, in fucking London, is totally incompetent. And has been for decades.

  18. True Story. Many years ago at RAF Duxford during the airshow, a foreign member of our “communidee” engaged with “Johnny Johnson” ( present as guest ). He was raging at Johnson about something ( that I did not hear ) Johnson snapped back ” because they were cunts, always were, always will be “.
    Nuff said.

    • You’d assume he was referring to the Germans.
      Sad thing is, if he’d made those comments yesterday, he could be quite as likely be referring to our present government.

  19. The dingy raiders could be sold as slaves to our Chiggun Population; the Chiggun would then be able to do even less…

  20. We won the war.

    But lost an empire.

    Now we’re giving the country away.

    The decline and fall of Dear old Blighty.

    And we have a ringside seat.

    As it slides from view.

    It’s probably as well that most of the veterans of WW2 are dead.

    Otherwise, they’d wonder if it was all worth it.

    I fucking hate politicians.

  21. We’re seeing it through 20th century eyes.

    The people who make decisions are looking through 21st century eyes.

    You’ll see lots of things you hold sacred overturned and smeared.

    Last post?
    Reminder of military might of the British Empire.
    Be Doreen Lawrence playing Camptown races on a trumpet.

    Expect them to ‘discover’ a brave trans soldier who stormed the beach at Normandy.
    Looking fabulous staggering up the beach head in stilletto heels and a ball gown.

    Suzie Izzard earmarked for the film.

    • Indeed. Some lefties in America were holding some vigil for the victims of that school shooting the other day. They were talking about seven victims and holding up seven fingers. Like me you probably thought there were six victims.
      You fucking bigots! The seventh victim was the trannie shooter killed by the fascist police.
      The world has gone fucking mad, I’m telling you!

      • To keep the nostalgia going, anybody wanting a black Labrador will receive one free of charge if you are willing to keep the original name of the one Guy Gibson sadly lost in The Dam Busters film.

  22. Hang on.

    Why not let the scheme go ahead and invite the Luftwaffe to practice bombing the airfield?

    Problem solved.

  23. For the life of me i cannot get my head around this fucking ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT situation, why the fuck are they being allowed to land on the beaches or even collected a mile off the French beaches by our charity funded RNLI.
    Why the fuck our we housing these sponging cunts after they have crossed various safe countries to get to the UK, so they can claim asylum here instead of the first safe country they arrive in as per the law of claiming safe asylum.
    Why if these cunts are going to stay are they not vetted for being murderers,rapists, criminals and theives.
    Why are these cunts being allowed to use all the countries resourses, benefits systems or at worst being housed in hotels at £7 million pounds a day.
    Why are our government allowing this shit to continue and not just shipping the cunts off the Rwanda on mass.
    Why are they not allowed to have a bad word said about them, i have no real sympathy, if it wasnt for our soft stance on everything they would just get out of the danger zone into the next country, if of course there is a danger zone in the first place that is……

    • Global Compact on Migration.

      Signed by our very own Traitor in chief at the time – Theresa May in 2019.


      Interestingly enough this was rejected at the time by the US.
      But then again, as we all know, that’s because the US President in 2019 was nothing but a big racist.

      • Worth noting that these treacherous pacts are often signed sealed and delivered without more than one second of consultation with the British public.

        Politicians know what’s best see.

  24. Why the fuck should esbtlished and things linked to our history be given to these desert monkeys.

    Ali Baba reports this morning: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65172368

    Asylum seeker barge plan would face legal challenge

    I am sick and tired of hearing that these new ideas are facing legal challenges.

    These daki lawyers should be told to shut the fuck up and allow the progressive planning of stopping those who are not entitled to be here to go through of face being sent to Rwanda themselves.

    Let’s take our country back.

    • There is a simple solution to those bastards. Instant cut to legal aid for anybody who wasn’t BORN in this country. Watch the lawyers run when there’s nothing in it for them. I won’t happen. Presumably not being able to get legal aid is against human rights law.

  25. ,funny how they are never housed in Knightsbridge surrounding areas in those areas there are plenty of vacant abandoned mansions in London that could be used
    It’s a disgrace that a historic site used to house all those doctors and nurses that have crossed the channel,in times passed it was part of our history that help defeat the nazis
    We are truly looking like a bunch of cunts

    • To further this I’d bet my house in the fact most of these Knightsbridge mansions are owned by dirty Ruskies and dirty rich A-rabs, filthy rich from oil, money laundering and other businesses where most assets are hidden off shore, aided by UK banks who account for something like 1/4 of the worlds off-shore banking havens.

  26. This is what happens when you’re ruled over by traitors.

    Unelected traitors at that.

    Talk about fucking Airstrip 1.

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