is a cunt, isn’t he.
? Testiculous-ridiculous!
This multi-millionaire one-trick pony who dresses up as a boy-wizard and says his lines woodenly is now giving advice to children. He has told trannîe kids (?) that adults who are concerned are simply condescending.
If kids want to stick their hand in a fire, parents should stop being condescending. If kids want to run at a wall with a trolley, parents should stop being condescending. Similarly, parents should back off if kids want to have a mastectomy or cut off their beanbag.
? Bollocks-offius!
Radcliffe, who has no children, has taken the opposite view from JK Rowling who created his cosplay character. Perhaps she could make a spell to make him understand biology. Alternatively, make a spell to let him have a hit film after all his duds. At the very least, she could use some of her clever magic lingo for a spell to make him shut the hufflepuff up.
Stick it up your hairy pooter.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous.
Frankenstein esque ?
Never watched Harry Potter.
Could not understand the hysteria.
Leftie,virtue signalling Bell end.
What a load of wanky old piss…
An absolute cunt of the first rank, Captain.
Only got the Potter role because mater was a middle class showbiz agent with a bit of cash. He cannot act and will never be able to. Same applies to that tax dodging titless stick insect, Emma Twatson.
Also showed himself to be a total dick. Saying how he ‘decided’ to ‘support’ Fulham during their Al Fayed/Wacko Jacko era. Yet the little cunt lost interest when they were relegated, the gloryhunting little turd. Twatcliffe also openly admitted voting Lib Dem. Conclusive proof that he is a total bellend.
And he openly sold out the woman who made him rich and famous. The little bumfluff fuck makes Judas Iscariot look like an amateur. Backstabbing the person he owes everything to, just so he can appear woke and lick trannie arse. I hear the useless cosplay cunt has got his bird up the duff. Well, one: God help it, being brought up by such a demented spoilt bastard woke psycho. And, two: I reckon it’s only a matter of time – like Styles and Hamilton in the future – until Twatcliffe comes prancing out of the wardrobe. As sure as shit is shat…
Oh very well put Norman!
I hear that the Radcliffe sprog has now put in an appearance…
it probably weighs more than the runt of a father already.
He was CRAP in The Lady in Black. The original TV version with Bernard Hepton was really convincing, on a par with MR James.
JK Rowling was the one with talent.
Which of the current lot can hold a ca dle to Alec Guinness or Albert Finney?
Anytime I have problems in my life I always seek the wisdom of actors.
I mean they are so magical. One minute they are playing a solider next a Doctor..
So versatile. It’s not like their are just reading words off a page?
Oops my mistake.
Since this nom was written Radcliffe has become a father, and, Tom Daley-like he has not announced the baby’s sex. No doubt, like Daley, he will sell the story, the photos and the baby to Hello or one of those prole magazines. How pathetic these wankers are when they even monetize their children, but as pointed out, I suspect known mainly for one role, he will become the new Mandy Miler and will have to wait 30 years for one of those “Whatever Became Of?…..” shows.
I pity any child born to the duckie theatrical poofery.
Put the sheep back in the pen.
It would be wonderful if one day Radcliffe, Emma Thompson, Lenny Henry and co realised that no one with a functioning brain is interested in their opinions.
I’m not holding my breath.
You omitted the other Emma, the talentless, gurning, snarky child-“actor”…
Another deluded millionaire “actor” who spends far too much time wondering about stuff that needn’t concern him.
I hope a wizard turns him into Diane Abbot’s favourite pair of knickers.
Virtue signal that you silly cunt.
Life as Flabbot’s knickers? A fate worse than death but thoroughly deserved.
Dianne Abbot, the very definition of a wizard’s sleeve.
It sounds like a load of huffle-puff to me.
Treacherous little four eyed fuck.
If he had a mullet he’d be Ben Elton.
He did a serious film where he was a neo Skinhead.
Forget what it’s called,
Totally miscast.
Far as I’m aware Nazi skinheads don’t drink soy lattes, call their mates darling and shop at Waitrose.
You’d be surprised how many Nazis shop at WaiItrose, Mis’.
i see them pull up in their Staff cars, red armbands on, removing their beige caps as they enter, picking up baskets.
i think it’s the cured meat selection they like.
it starts with Parma ham and before you know it ,
boots on the ground in sudetenland!!
As a cossetted closet queen, this uninspiring feckless dumbcunt, has the acting skills of a turnip and the looks ‘semblent to the rear end of a Rhino’s arsehole.
His ability to pull birds is due to his enormous bank balance and certainly not his looks. Calling out the woman who gave this irritating oik turd his fame and fortune just about defines the prat as the most hypocritical and ungrateful little shit he is.
To your oven Unkle Terry ! Burn the cunt !
All the rest of the main Harry Potter actors came out against JK Rowling’s sensible statement that men are men and wimminz are wimminz, so they’re just as guilty.
I hope Hagrid brutally rapes them all with his giant cock.
I think they would enjoy that enormously TTCE
Nice to see one of the grown ups – a proper actor – backing her and he doesn’t owe his entire career to her either.
I bet he wants a go on those Milfy milk shooters.
I do. i wont tell her I think Harry Potter is babyish derivative crap, though. it would spoil the moment.
Never seen him in anything, never heard him speak, know nothing of his views, political or otherwise. But just looking at him? Cunt.
It could have been a grudge baby, someone had it in for the soy twat. Maximus Cuntious.
Just a shame Richard Harris didn’t revert to he’s hellraising days, and got the little fuck drunk and left him on the train tracks.
Radcliffe and his cronies don’t know how lucky they are.
I wish I had a fairy godmother like JK Rowling.
Without her they would be nothing, certainly not millionaires.
Ungrateful little cunts.
I would be utterly loyal to JK,if she blessed me with her largesse ??and would be more than willing to show her my magic wand…..
Biggus Dickus !!!! ???
Morning Jack.
I bet little Twatcliffe is resentful that he was never consumed by JK’s monumental whammers.
Aren’t we all?
Hello Norman. Lots of us are upset ?
Radcliffe probably finds big boogs disgusting. He has that look about him.
Too intimidating for a scrote like him.
Women like Jo Rowling are suited to red blooded, rough-handed six-footers who can easily hold each of her wobbling mams for a thorough motorboating.
This useless shit sack would be nothing without JK Remoaning but he doesn’t hesitate to throw her under the bus when he sees which way the wind is blowing. This no talent cunt will bring his kid up to be a trannie loser just to further his own piss poor career and top up his bank balance. When the backlash comes this little poof will be caught in the headlights with nowhere to run to.
Pathetic little weed.
In the old days as a child actor you had to earn your dues.
Tapdancing at age 4yr
WC Fields impressions age 6yrs.
Taking slimming pills and flirting with Hughie Green.
Radcliffe has done none of that.
Like a little viper he turned on his benefactor.
I could never betray someone with such a lovely bank balance and udders.
He won’t be anything now but Harry potter.
He’s typecaste.
Serves the ungrateful little twat right.
Yeah like Billy elliot did. What happened to him starred in one great movie then disappeared without a trace.
Danced into the sunset never to be seen again…
Jamie Bell has been in loads of stuff.
Aye…. Poor Lena. RIP.
The film that you referred to in which the ungrateful little shit was playing the role of a white supremacist was excruciatingly ridiculous. ( Imperium .2016 )
Talk about being miscast….. probably only got the part because Dylan Mulvanus turned it down first.
Recently fathered a kid….despite clearly being as gay as buggery.
I recall during his Potter days, this little cunt thought he was cool by saying how much he idolised Sid Vicious. Typical rich boy mummy’s paying knobhead without a clue. Most working class people and even Pistols fans know that Sid was a complete cunt and totally fucking useless. Trust a wanker like Twatcliffe to think that Vicious was the brains of the band.
Sid vicious is the perfect example of a child star.
The pistols were kids when they got famous.
Sid was a virgin till he met smackhead yank groupie Nancy.
Radcliffe probably saw Sid in Esquire magazine and liked his jacket.
He couldn’t name any other Sex pistols.
Apparently Twatcliffe was asked about PiL, and the little luvvie knobhead just looked blank and clueless.?
And yeah, Nancy was very bad news. As Lemmy (RIP) said, she was a pig…
Child actors are all mental.
Judi Garland
Britney spears
Macaulay culkin
Some even refusing to grow into a adult like Mickey Rooney and fellow midget Gary Coleman.
Drugs takes a few.
Some just get freakishly ugly like Corey Feldman.
In Hollywood if you haven’t been bummed by
Charlie Sheen in a makeup trailer then your a nobody.
True, MNC. It’s probably only a matter of time before Scarlett Johansson unravels. Her mother was a pure mental cunt. Dragging the eight year old Scarjo across several US states for a tap dancing audition when the kid had flu. True story told by Johansson herself.
Lindsay Lohan is another child star nutter.
I don’t know why Corey Feldman doesn’t beat the fuck out of Charlie Sheen. He’s a frail old druggie now.
C’mon Corey, beat him up and revenge rape him, you chicken shit!
Yeah Corey!
Bum some justice into him!
* Bag up though.
He’s riddled with Aids
look up Project Monarch. it’s my favourite conspiracy. Bonkers.
Like The Bourne ssries but with child stars and satanists thrown in.
I would like to bang Watson.
Why the fuck are cunts like Ratcliffe so concerned about fucking Tranny cunts, all they do is make it fucking trendy rather that the reality, its mental illness.
Fucking right to both points, SOI.
They’re going to look very foolish when the tran§bumder bandwagon inevitably loses its wheels and those degenerates either top themselves or crawl back under the rocks where they belong.
And Emma Watson? I’d go medieval on her ass, quite literally. She would not enjoy my pernicious attention.
Oh yes, her tight little ass ?
Isnt shein a relationship with herself or some narcississtic shite?
i’d approach with caution, Thomas
All the gender feminism may have sent her into willy- slashing territory.
Twatson is a dribbling feminist loon. The daft stick insect reckons that there should be more feminism (i.e: man hating) in kiddies films like the Disney stuff. Another ‘progressive liberal’ psycho.
As for shagging it? I’ve seen more meat on a carcass in Death Valley. If Emma Twatson wore a pair of Doc Marten’s, she would look like a golf club…
Having been forced to watch all the Harry Potter movies with both of my kids, they’re actually not bad.
I like the first one, the Philosopher’s Stone (Sorcerer’s Stone for thickie Americans). In it, the fledgling Dark Lord is grafted onto the back of Professor Quirrel’s head. Most bizarre. But also quite kinky if you consider that Voldemort only has to look down when Quirrel is taking a dump and he can see it coming out.
Speak other people’s words.
Wear other people’s clothes.
Move where other people tell them.
Wear makeup.
Not of any use, really…?
Ha, loving your handle!
Arnie Cuntingham!
Although in extras his character was true to type, flirting with the late great dame diana rigg, and the woman in black is ok. I havent seen any of the wizard fillums, not really my cup of korev, but i do wish plebebrities would shut the cunt up, no one is listening.
To my way of thinking, this Potter malarkey is utter codswallop. The only way the author redeemed herself was sensibly correct in standing firm on the nonsense that a bloke can’t possibly be a woman.
Off topic, but I’m sure Danny boy will be happy with this..
Yorkshire’s second most spoken language according to new data
That’s hard to believe. How can it not be Urdu or Gujarati? Arabic even?
Add it all together and 25 percent don’t speak English as a first language.. makes you proud that.
Still londonstan is probably only 25 percent speak English as a first language.
10% for the NHS.
Apparently Tranny Radcliffe and Emma Twatson did not speak to each other for while. They fell out about how a certain word was pronounced. What spolit overprivileged little cunts argue over, eh??
Sledge hammer to the head ?
I wish that Radcliffe would just shut the fuck up and practise his acting, cos he needs all the rehearsing he can get, the wooden cunt.
I’m in JK’s corner, for the simple reason that she gives me the horn like a cricket stump.
Morning all.