Daniel Kebede and the NEU

Daniel Kebede, new head of the National Education Union.

This hard-left, hate-filled agitator claims that the teachers strikes are about taking back control from a ‘brutally racist state’. Presumably the same racist state which has allowed the cunts at the NEU to vote this cunt as their new leader.
Funny, everyone else thought it was about the money.

MSN Link.

According to this prick, ‘the education system is a little Englander, white-saviour narrative which is institutionally racist etc…’
There’s also a cunt in the above link by the name of Lucy Preston and as that’s the type of loony teaching today’s kids, this country surely has no future.

Oh yeah, the NEU are also cunts for voting him in.

Nominated by : mystic maven

68 thoughts on “Daniel Kebede and the NEU

  1. An anti-Semitic Corbynista.

    Who would have guessed??

  2. It’s a another branch of the tranny/poofter/feminist wing of Kweer’s Labour party and this arsehole is their version of Lammy

  3. Stupid and childish and that’s just the teachers.

    And Lucy Preston if you dropped dead today no-one but your close family would give a fuck.

  4. Anti-white, antisemitic, racist gobshite.
    Can’t Bungdit Din find him a job in the Scottish government?

  5. All the buzzwords, slogans and phrases of crude, knee jerk modern Marxism and he hasn’t even got around to poofery, trannyism and fucking climate change yet. This is the future…….schools churning out brainwashed, docile, obedient little zombies.
    We are fucked.

  6. Home schooling.

    After home schooling activities…..
    Boxing for boys.
    Dance classes for girls.

    It’s the only sensible thing to do.

  7. You really that the time has come to have a fuckilng great big riot against these Clint’s who are taking over our country and it’s institutions.
    If you are seriously interested in half decent race relations in this or any other country you will not achieve it by making the native population feel ashamed of either their history or their culture.
    If that cunt Daniel Kabede doesn’t like it here then he can fuck right off to wherever he has come from. If it happens that he says he was born here then that doesn’t make him English, it is merely an accident of birth.if he is interested in British history then he might like to look up what The Duke if Wellington said on the matter.

    • DNA tests will tell him if he’s British. I don’t give a fuck what a piece of government issued paper says.

      DNA wins for me.

      How long until they say DNA ancestory tests are racist?

      • A very pleasant Good Friday to you, CB.
        I think you’ll find that DNA tests are indeed racist as it would reveal that Daniel Kebede only has 82% human DNA, the rest coming from a lion tailed macaque.

      • I was born in this country but I wouldn’t dream of saying I’m English. British, yes. English, no.

      • Aah, but it’s too hard to disguise as I lack the bitterness and pasty alcoholic tan of a Scotch and the hump and webbed fingers of a Welsh.

      • You might have a bit of Oirish in you too if you are a raging alcoholic who hasn’t had a good wash for 3 weeks.

      • I don’t know if the results say English or British tbh.

        We’re basically mostly a mix of various Germanic/north west European folk.

        Proper honkies in other words.

      • @ CB
        You are confusing nationality/citizenship with ethnicity.
        The two are entirely separate issues.

      • My brother sent off for ancestry.com and got some pleasing results. Mostly Anglo-saxon, some scots and a pinch of Viking.

        His fiancé thought she’d be more of a mixture but she was practically 100% South-east Anglo-saxon

      • Well, according to Lineker, dental records are racist.
        Greasy Gaz objected to that 30-odd year old swarthy Alan Partridge look-alike from the Calais shithole having a dental records test.

      • Definitions of ethnos. people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture. synonyms: ethnic group.

        Ehtnos is the old Greek word from which we get the word ‘ethnicity’, which is inextricably linked to nationality and shared culture.

        This is still followed by many nations. Think of Pakistan, for one example. Could you or I get nationality there? Very difficult, if not impossible. Even if you got citizenship, do you think they’d ever let you be an MP? No fucking chance.

        Why is this?

        Because, quite rightly, they believe ethnicity and nationality are inextricably linked. Ditto Japan, Thailand, Israel, China and quite a few other countries.

        Disassociating the two leads to what’s happened in the west. Pakistani and Japanese people don’t want us coming over telling them what’s what and how racist they are, even after being granted favourable treatment (positive discrimination).

        Did you see that cunt in Scotland? First thing he does is dress in Pakistani tribal religious garb and invite male family members in to the most politically significant building in Scotland to garble some foreign religious nonsense.

        Why? It’s a show of power to the boys ‘back home’. “We have taken their land now.”

        I’d like to see us have the same attitude they have, with regards to not allowing such things in their lands. Doesn’t mean I would deport anyone (except illegals.) Doesn’t mean you couldn’t vote if you’d paid in for 10 years and had no criminal record (more than those countries I mention would give you). Doesn’t mean I’d ban immigration – yes, we might need some nurses from the Philippines or wherever. We should try to train our own first, providing the right incentives though.

        They key is not letting them become MPs/leaders of our institutions. Who knows, after a hundred years we might be able to do it as we all might have a shared culture at that point, but I’m not sure. Just flooding nations with different people from all over the shop is a recipe for disaster as we have seen. Too much too soon.

        But don’t worry, apathy and yes, ignorance, has led to your ideal being the norm in the west. In fact, it’s too late. You’ve ‘won’. Enjoy the next zero, slave wage, don’t criticise the government unless you want jail hell that we are heading straight for now.

        Of course, I could be wrong. But it’s all too clear to me the direction we are heading in.

  8. And yet midwits tell you it’s all a conspiracy theory that our institutions are being taken over by anti white Marxist types.

    Cunts like this control what is taught to your kids and when they go to university.

    We are fucked because these cunts are everywhere.

    Our apathy has fucked us I’m afraid. Too late now I reckon. Enjoy your life until we become a third world shithole is my advice.

    Still, I’ll enjoy watching the terror in the eyes of the idiots who cheered this all on or who think it’s not a big deal.

    • I know a couple of AntiFA/BLM supporters who then joined the police but are still pushing their anti-british, pro-EU/BLM/BBC nonsense online.

  9. Another chippy soot, well no change there.

    Brutally racist state, did his parents come from Uganda perhaps ?

  10. Perhaps it might be best if some of these “brutally racist” officials sent the cunt to Uganda in a dress and blonde wig.

    See how he gets on.


  11. Danny kebab is thick as a fuckin brick!
    How’s he head of education?
    Can’t tie his own shoelaces the pinheaded slackjawed twat.

    I’m not book smart or a mathematical genius (shocked eh?)
    But no cunts ever had me over for so much as quid.
    I’m like a fuckin Rainman if you owe me money.

    I don’t rely on my race or victimhood to fill my wallet.

    • Mr Fiddler once said that you fill your wallet with pawn shop money, MNC. You broke into his farmhouse and stole his ming vase to sell when he was out bicycling and voluteering at the homeless shelter in Haswell Plough.

      • Fiddler can answer that slander in court.

        Ming vase my arse!

        It was his chamber pot from under the bed and he had his a £5, a betting slip and a fray Bentos pie in it.

      • No Tom, Fiddler meant PORN shop, where Mis sells the stolen ladies’ undies. After he’s finished with them.

  12. What a scruffy cunt, doesn’t even know how to fucking shave properly. Top advert for kids not going to school at all, they’d learn more anywhere else.

    • Like all foreign malcontents, he has pushed himself into a position of power and influence. Or has he? Another useful idiot, for the re-imagining of British society.
      Yes he is a massive CUNT-but we are bigger cunts for allowing our apathy to pave the way…

    • It’s the Lefty unionist/public sector admin version of designer stubble, just like their version of the suit, shirt and tie is scruffy jumper or cardigan spackled with dandruff, pastry and pet hairs.

      Fucking scruffy cunts.

  13. A potato stamp of that other chippy cunt, Kehinde Andrews, who cries “waycist” at absolutely anything and everything in the UK that isn’t RAL 8017.

    If it is so bad in the UK, why doesn’t Mr Chippy fuck off to somewhere more tolerant. Say, for example, the North Pole.


  14. To portray one of the most tolerant countries in the West (perhaps overly tolerant) as “brutally racist” is little short of deranged. But this Kebede cunt has form – a far left agitator and a proven anti-semite. Someone needs to act to save our schools from these dangerous lunatics. Teachers were always left leaning when I was at school but not to this extent.

  15. So the UK is a “brutally racist state”. This cunt has obviously never been out of the country and seen what goes on elsewhere. He needs to go on holiday somewhere abroad……and don’t fucking come back comrade!

    • Aye he should try China or Japan. Maybe Bulgaria or Hungary?

      Even the Maccie Dee’s in had a ‘no blacks’ sign on the door just a year or two ago.

      This cunt should spend 3 months in those countries. Or even any African one. A Safa lad told me Africans from poorer countries try to break into SA and that they get necklaced or macheted to fuck off the locals.

      Diversity my arse.

    • A one way ticket to North Korea where school children are executed for watching South Korean movies and pregnant women sent to serve hard labour. The socialist paradise. Cunts.

      • Aye.

        Women who get pregnant to visiting Chinese diplomats have their babies aborted or killed at birth and then thrown in a hard labour camp until they drop dead.

        They believe in NKs being the master race. The nutters.

  16. Daniel Kebede says that Britain is a ‘brutally racist nation’ and everyone is supposed to agree with him.

    I don’t.

    I would like him to give relevant examples of this brutal racism.

    I would also like to know what any of this alleged racism has got to do with his job as head of a teacher’s union.

    I would like him to tell me which country, anywhere in the world is less racist than Britain.

    And of course, if he could demonstrate that a less racist country than Britain exists I would politely suggest that he fucks off there.

  17. He’s a professional race baiter and a fucking cunt. I bet the BBC can’t wait to get him on Question Time to spout the anti British hate they love so much.

  18. Sooner the race war kicks off in the States and moves here the better.
    It should clear the air for the survivors.

  19. He wants to globalise the intifada.
    Or wipe out the Jews by the sound of it.
    Just what we need for the kids of the future.

  20. Daniel Kebedebedebedebede, that’s all folks.

    If the UK was a ‘brutally racist state’, he and his ilk would be shot on sight.

    Another complete cunt who doesn’t know how lucky he is to live here.

    • I’ll give the cunt a bit of leeway on the basis that he’s clearly as mad as a box of frogs.

      Needs to be sectioned.

  21. This Jew hating cunt needs the Kim Jong Un treatment: Anti aircraft battery to the back of the head.

    Utter cunt.

    • NEU were fucking ace! As were most of the other prominent Krautrock bands of the era.

      Amon Duul II, Can, Faust, Tangerine Dream, Popul Vuh, Kraftwerk, etc.

      Totally outclassed their British and American counterparts during the early ’70s.

  22. I’m a member of the NEU and I knew nothing about this cunt until the other day.
    I’ve received no ballots or e-comms regarding his ‘election.’ A bit more info about this cunt. This para did it for me.

    ‘Kebede won 28,000 votes in the NEU election, but turnout was only 9% (there are around 500,000 NEU members). Therefore, once again, the apathy of the silent, moderate majority has meant that the largest teaching union will now be led by an extreme minority voice: someone who used an antisemitic slur while defending Jeremy Corbyn and will possibly be investigated after attending a rally where the crowd allegedly chanted a song calling for violence against Jewish people.’


  23. I think he may budded off of Kehinde Andrews in one of the cloning vats.

  24. These thick cunts still don’t realize to save walking miles for water, build you hut nearer to the well, when you’re starving and are riddled with diseases don’t have more children and when approached by their superior race touch your forelock and answer Yes Massa.!

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