Being An Employer

Being an employer is a cunt, just saw this latest fucknugget in the press and thought to my self how difficult it is to make a business work nowadays where staff are concerned.

So young men now entitled to paternity leave, young wimminz maternity leave, gone for a couple of years, cant replace them, the monthly shark week, strops, misconstruing everything into sexual harassment, always late, want to finish early.
Young people, no common sense, no drive, no work ethics.

Disabled people, have to change the whole building to suit the guy/girl in the wheelchair/crutches/whatever.
Anyone of foreign persuasion for fear of being taken to the cleaners for saying something taken out of context, or of course getting a massive fine due to them working illegally and that kind of leads me to muzzies or pretty much any religious people due to having to pander to their rights [see above] and of course then you have the LGBTVYARES,S who already have a massive axe to grind before you tell them they are all deluded cunts.

Cunts who want to work from home, I,E don’t want to work, cunts who want to dictate the things/hours they are prepared to work.
Any fucker with an allergy of nuts and other stuff as they expect the whole place to be free of any trace of anything that can affect their weaknesses, so technically vegans fall into this bracket as well and I’m sure many many more groups of people qualify.

So who to employ if you are self employed? no fucker, do all the work yourself, its the only way not to be affected by cunts who are going to cry about their rights or mental elf, there another group the weak arsed snow flake cunts who fall apart when criticised, cunts who rather than find what they want, they start a job and then strike to change said job to suit them better.
So fuck it, its easier not to bother, I had better buy a lottery ticket, because my working life is always going to involve dealing with cunts, don’t even get me started on half the customers

Wales on line

Nominated by Fuglyucker.

71 thoughts on “Being An Employer

  1. Yep. Lady C and I run our own company. Could possibly take someone on, but what’s the point as you say. It’s one of the many reasons this country is fucked.

    • Oh, and being a Christian country, and not a caliphate, the mandated holidays are largely of the Christian religion. So, fuck off muzzers.

      • ” and not a caliphate”

        YET – But watch out Kweer and the Mandymen are on the mince, so it might only be a question of time.

        In ten years time we might have Suckdick Khan as King and Lammy as Mugabe.

      • I wonder if Lammy and Flabbott tick 2 boxes, by not only being black, but also having downs syndrome

      • I was struck by some of the professional football matches being halted by a water and grub break for Moslem players who were fasting during Ramagoat.
        Surely, over Easter, we should have had a similar break in play so that someone could run on with the Christian players Easter eggs.

      • Oh yeah, that cunt ‘Gadaffi’ kicked off in the hospital yesterday. The evil looking cunt was being very rude, obnoxious and mouthing off because he was ‘upset’ as he had been waiting for 40 minutes. I have waited in there for over an hour and a half, but I don’t talk to the threadbare staff like shit. Anyway, a support worker who was half his size totally destroyed him. This hospital doesn’t revolve around you. Nobody else shows bad manners like you. What makes you think you’re so different to anyone else. She was at the end of her tether, but she gave him the lot and it cheered us up no end.

        I dare say the foul looking lurker will cry ‘racist’. But she didn’t say one word about who/what he is (when she easily could have done). So, we will back her up if she needs it.

    • One of the foremost colleges at the University of Oxford cancelled its annual St George’s Day celebration for 2023 – and will celebrate the end of Eid instead.

      Is it a new scheme, Rewards for Rapists???

    • Why would anyone employ generation melt?
      Fuck ’em over the cliffs of Dover, the thumb sucking spastics.

    • This used to be class when I had it for a engineering manufacturer.

      Good old engineering Fridays. Of course you actually had to work the rest of the week…

    • Most textile companies in Leicester used to finish early on a Friday, mostly around 2pm but sometimes as early as 12pm. I don’t know if they still do it. Not only textiles either.

  2. Well,at least two dozen prospective captains of industry have drowned off the coast of Libya after their boat made of scrap iron sank on the way to Italy then here no doubt.

    So it’s not all doom and gloom.

    The cunts.

    • The good news, according to The Telegraph, is that the threat of Rawanda or floating hotels for the dinghy migrants, has caused a drop in the number who want to chance coming over. Unfortunately the trafficking gangs have halved the price of the crossing to £3000 per person.
      It begs the question if they know all this then they must know who the traffickers are, why don’t they just remove them in a liquid manner?

      • I heard the traffickers advertise on Facebook so they could be tracked down if the will was there.

  3. Work for a brute and accept his brutality.
    I work directly for the company owner. Yes, he’s uncaring, unfeeling. But it’s perfect acceptable when a person has risen to the top in their chosen field.
    We sack people all the time. People who don’t pass their introductory period, poor timekeeping, obvious sickie throwing, recalcitrance, laziness.
    But some people just need a kick up the arse. I had one five years ago, bucked my ideas all the way up and now I’m lead designer.
    Just refuse to take on darkıes, fatsos, benders, etc, be super-selective and fuck anyone’s feelings…if you don’t like the way things are run (a dictatorship in all but name), there’s the door, you bone-idle knobber!

    • That description will be the whole population of Britain in 25 years thomas.

      • I reckon that there may well be World War 3 before then, BZ.
        That’ll really sort shit out!

    • Fully agree Thomas, and it is the “Welfare” system that allows people to do/be/whatever. No work! No eat. That should be the order of the day

  4. To that list of shite one can add thieving cunts with their fingers in the till.
    Simple Fugly, just take on someone you know and can trust and pay them cash in hand.

    • Mrs. Wanksock was teaching life skills to her secondary school pupils some years ago. One of the things she taught them was how to sort out a payroll. Gross pay, less national insurance, less your income tax, = net pay and that’s what you find in your envelope at the end of the week. She comes home and asks me what’s “half on, half off” as a Greek boy had put his hand up and asked. I had a lot of Bubble and Squeak customers then so knew the answer.
      It was a traditional way of paying people in the 80s.

  5. This whole work/life balance thing that folks dribble on about these days leaves me cold. People who propagate this nonsense have lost sight of how the system runs. A company is not in business to make or sell widgets or services. A company is in business to make money. At the moment workers are apparently in a strong bargaining position, stronger in fact than I can remember in my 53 years at work, but be assured as an employee when you are no longer making a profit for your employer you wil be tossed out as casually as yesterday’s newspaper. Don’t imagine that working in the public sector is a safe option because there you are subject to the vagaries of politics; ask anyone who paid the price under Maggie Thatcher’s regime.
    And nothing fucks up your work/life balance like being unable to pay the bills.

  6. Before you start handing out ‘Job Seeker’s Allowance’ you should ensure that the person who is to receive this benefit has some idea of how to seek a job.

    Teach them how to write a CV.

    Every one that I get has the same old bollocks about how the candidate ‘works well alone or as part of a team’.
    Every CV tells me how wonderful the person was at their previous jobs which they left to ‘seek new horizons’.

    Teach them how to present themselves at an interview.

    Being on time and looking smart would be a welcome step.
    Do some fucking research on the company that you are applying to in order to ‘forge your new career’.

    Teach the cunts what questions to ask and not to ask during an interview.

    I have had countless idiots whose first questions are about how many day’s holidays they get and if they receive full sick pay.
    Don’t fucking ask me about opportunities for promotion if you can’t even be bothered to research what my company does.

    Teach people that if they are fortunate enough to get employed then they have to actually work.
    Not only at their job but also at keeping their job.

    But they don’t do that in the UK.

    They take kids that would be much better off working on building sites and send them to a useless university.

    From there they will come out with a worthless degree and a massive sense of entitlement.

    • I’ve only ever sacked one man.
      I wondered if I could do it in the early stages.

      Taking away a man’s living is a serious thing and shouldn’t be entered into lightly.

      Turns out I had nothing to worry about.

      I sacked the cunt and enjoyed it and didn’t give it a second thought.

      He deserved it ,
      And my only regret was I couldn’t sack him twice.

      • Morning MNC, I remember my Dad, a man not known for any kind of frivolity, whistling merrily one evening and telling me he’d had to sack a man that afternoon. My mother questioned him about why then was he in such a jolly mood.
        My Father replied, “he was a thick Irish.”
        Oh, for the days of unbridled honesty and no political correctness!

      • Some people almost ask to be sacked Thomas.
        Take the piss,
        Late, sickies, arguing the bosses decisions etc.

        Running even a small business can be quite stressful.
        So the chance to let off some steam in the form of putting some cheeky cunt in the dole queue is a welcome opportunity.

        Christmas is cancelled cocksucker clear out your locker?

    • ‘..Teach them how to write a CV..’

      They do…that’s why they’re full of ‘..blah blah..dynamic..blah blah team player..’
      They spend a fucking fortune farming out this task to ‘third sector’ organisations mostly staffed by people doing the teaching who haven’t had to get look for a job in decades.

      ‘…Teach them how to present themselves at an interview…’
      ‘…Teach the cunts what questions to ask and not to ask during an interview…’

      See above, same crowd, same story…

      ‘…They take kids that would be much better off working on building sites and send them to a useless university…’

      I’ll tell you a better one, how about finding out the dole and local councils have been spending a bloody fortune actually training up multiple fucking cohorts of the unemployed in all the basic skills required for building sites, getting them their CSCS cards, only to find after a couple of fucking years less than a dozen of them actually got any site work (last one I ran into of what was ‘our’ lot a couple of months back was the only bloody ‘native’ on-site)

      I used to work on the technical training side in a ‘third sector’ organisation who had various contracts training the unemployed, despite the best efforts of the CV writing and ‘Interview techniques’ mob to screw things up, we still actually managed to get some people into full-time jobs, but it was a losing fucking battle.

      Employer Engagement Team: We liase with local employers, we know what skillsets they require…
      Us (technical training): Great, can we have a list then to tailor/rejig the training facilities..
      Employer Engagement Team: Err, we’ll get back to you on that..

      CV/Bullshit Brigade: We’ve signed X up for forklift training..
      Us (technical training): Err, he’s both a Junkie and a thug
      CV/Bullshit Brigade: Stop being judgemental etc. etc.
      (…later that month…)
      Forklift Training Company: (angry) What the fuck are you playing at?, half the cunts turned up drunk, and X was out of his tits on something and started a fight…we’re cancelling the contract…
      Us (technical training): Talk to the CV/Bullshit Brigade – we’re out of the loop on this one..

      A local engineering firm didn’t even know we’d a production CNC setup, they only found out by accident when one of their managers spotted one of our PAT testing trainees working on a design on our CAM software – we were there to educate, train and give people access so if someone showed an interest or aptitude they got the access irrespective of what they were supposed to be doing. Long story short, manager had a long talk with him there at the computer, week later he’s a trainee CNC operator, 6 years on he still works there.

      Thank fuck I don’t have to deal with this shit anymore, the Flu Manchu and a long term illness in the family spoked my wheels for a bit but the old one man (and it’s staying that way) business plans are back on track

      • Holy phucking phat phingers and phucked up phone on the phucking go Batman…


        ‘…teaching who haven’t had to get look for a job in decades’

        should have been

        ‘.,.teaching who haven’t had to get off their fat arses and look for a job in decades’

  7. Anyone starting their sentences with the word “So” needs to be sacked.

    Morning all. ?

    • “So. The Spear-Danes in days gone by
      And the kings who ruled them had courage and greatness. We have heard of those princes’ heroic campaigns.”

      Seamus Heaney translation of Beowulf

      • One of my rather thick colleagues asked me (around the time of the animated version of Beowulf) “is that film about a bear or a wolf”!

    • Voice inflections drive me mad. There’s also using “of” for “have” gets my backup.

  8. I work for myself, no one to answer too…

    Fucking brilliant!

    Business is good and I have enough squirrelled away when it is not.

    Imagine being the boss of the MAN who got the job advertising bras for Nike?

    Would be a total nightmare.

  9. Did anyone know that Suck Ma Dick Khunt’s dad was a bus driver? Or that David “lard arse” lammy had a friend who died at Grenfell?

    No. Precisely. What a bunch of cunts you all are. This is important stuff. No wonder Me Again Sparkle Tits and half with Hewitt had to leave. It is so difficult to hear the truth in this country…

    Must dash. Need to find a Halal fair-trade vegan,lactose free gluten free,not made in Israel,non binary, LGBTQQIA+ affirming,non triggering, neuro diverse friendly Easter egg.

  10. I’m semi retired since last week, 66 and still in the game ( not on the game )
    I would of carried on full time for a while but this cunting is the main reason i reduced my hours.
    Some snowflake bitch who is on her introduction period has a habit of going off sick but not phoning in to tell us. I phoned her up when she did it again last week , then i get summoned to HR because i am bullying her and it’s hurt her feelings.

    • Congrats on your semi retirement! Must feel nice to have that pressure reduced significantly!

      Make it your ambition to get the cunt sacked!

      • Revenge, Fenton, revenge….

        Before I bowed out, I would take this bitch down. Take her down to Chinatown….

  11. Don’t worry, we will see a shift coming soon.

    Employees hold the top end of the key at the moment. In times of uncertainty or economic recess, the power tilts back in the favour of the employer. And all these fucking stupid demands for trainee level roles on 40k PA, a free BMW company car (why the fuck they always ask for a BMW 3 series is beyond me) working 3 days a week, on flex hours, with a 2 hour a day micronap period, and free oat milk deliveries; will be over.

    Employees are very keen to puff their chest and threat about leaving… Should take names of the instigators with the megaphones and give them a pay cut when it all starts to go tits up. Take the decrease or tell Barclays you can’t pay your mortgage, I’m sure they will understand and clear your balance.

    It is a wonder how the UK is still productive and turning a profit. We will soon be a service country because we focused on employing POC’s and people with differing mental states, sexualities to tick a ‘diversity’ box rather than employing an engineer, a draftsman, a sales director, a project manager, a machinist, a bricklayer, a customer service advisor etc.

    The whole system is designed to support the people who don’t give a fuck about their employer, and water will always take the easiest path.

    • With a Benefit system that has become an alternate lifestyle no wonder the flakes don’t care

  12. It’s going to get worse. Legislation proposed by the Illiberal Undemocrats (and bewilderingly unopposed by Rishi, much to the fury of the Tory backbenches) is going to make employers liable for “offence” caused to their employees by customers. So if your employee is misgendered by a customer guess what – its your fault and you pick up the employment tribunal bill.

    I thought we had left the EU? That’s where most of this gobshite originates.

  13. We’ve just got shot of a pair of entitled spoiled little Mummy’s boy cunts.

    You wouldn’t have relied on either of them to even turn up and cut you down if you were hanging by your bollocks.

    Waste of fucking space and time the pair of them.

    Easier to downsize for a while and work a bit harder/longer to do the jobs properly minus the piss boiling agro or the excuses ranging from “my tummy hurts” to “I can’t come to work because there’s nobody to look after my daughter”

    If I never lay eyes on, or hear from either of them ever again I wouldn’t give the slightest toss

    To emphasize the relief of seeing the back of them – we went out for a beer and a curry to celebrate their impending unemployment.

    Happy Easter Cunters. ? ??

    • Or “I can’t make it in because I’m trapped in the burning car, the fire brigade are cutting me free, my family is dead and one of my arms was torn off in the crash.”
      Stop whinging and be at work within the hour, lazy!

      • Did you know my old boss from 20 years ago by any chance Thomas?

        That’s uncanny.

      • When I was a student, I had a part time job in a local shop.

        Young fella came in, sat down and slit his wrists. Blood everywhere. I’m in shock, a wet behind the ears cunt, not sure what to do and the owner, an old honky bloke in his 60s or maybe 70s steps over him as the lad cries “Call an ambulance boo hoo!”

        The old timer says “I’ll give you ambulance in a minute. Look at the fucking mess you’re making of my floor, you cunt! I’ve just mopped it.”

        Unfortunately, the cunt survived but was barred for making a mess of his shop lol.

        He told me the rozzers ended up paying him a ‘courtesy’ visit as they were appalled at his lack of concern. He said he told them he wasn’t sorry, and that they should be forcing the lad to come and say sorry and clean his shop because it took him ages to clean up his mess.

        The cops told him the lad’s girlfriend had finished with him causing his suicide attempt. He told me he replied, “Cos he’s an ugly cunt.”

        Legend he was.

  14. Up until last week I was employed in film set design and construction but on Friday I was called into the office and was told that I was under performing, unproductive and was sacked on the spot. I was then told to hand in my entry pass and was then escorted from the premises by security, I didn’t make a scene….

  15. In twenty or thirty years time many/most of the jobs that involve sitting at home will be done by AI, there will be a huge group of useless cunts doing fuck all on benefits, not the usual knuckle dragger cunts but a ‘well educated’ (educated in bullshit) set of cunts who are unemployable.

    Too smart (lol) to do unskilled manual jobs and too useless to do skilled work.

    Brave new world is coming

    • I find that the ‘Be kind crowd’ are the nutters who post photos of themselves drinking from mugs with’ Male Tears’ ,or video themselves laughing about dead soldiers or somebody they’ve harrassed online has been hospitalised.

  16. I think that kids, the future workforce, should leave school at the age of 11.

    That’s plenty of time for them to learn how to read and write, and how to do basic arithmetic.

    They don’t learn much after that age in secondary schools anyway.
    It seems to be pure indoctrination from there onwards.

    Send them into the world to complete apprenticeships.
    Let them compete in the real world.

    There is nothing to lose.
    The average 18 year old today is probably more stupid than we were at 11.
    They just have certificates to make them feel that they are not.

    • You make an excellent point, Artful. Just train them to flip burgers, make extortionate coffee’s or sign on from age 11.

    • I’m all for sending the less academic ones into more practical courses at technical or trade colleges after sitting tests for maths and English at 13. This would get them doing something they actually want to do rather than being forced to read Carol Ann Duffy or Maya Angelou with a load of fat female teachers and causing three years of trouble, holding everyone else back and wasting taxpayer money.

      It’s a simple choice between knuckling down if you want to continue studying more abstract ideas, or you do metalwork, cooking, hair and make-up, customer service/hospitality at college and not moan about them.

      Fail to turn up to those and you work in a stock room or on a farm somewhere.. No bennies until 18 as mummy and daddy are paying for you.

  17. I started my working career whilst very young and still at school.
    From the age of 9, I worked evenings and weekends and school holidays on local farms etc.
    It was brilliant-I learned to drive a tractor before I was 10, to drive a car aged 12.
    I learned the value of hard, honest work and the value of money.
    In my teens, I had money to buy guitars and amps, rifles and booze-all earned from the sweat of my brow.
    I also learned respect-that is is earned and others need to earn not from you.

    I feel sorry for any small business that now needs to take on employees.
    A very wise man once told me:

    “In Business, your troubles start, the day you take on your first employee.”

    He was certainly right about that.

    Acas are a bunch of cunts too-although they deserve a diamond encrusted cunting of their own…..

  18. Oh, I see Michael Vaughan was completely cleared of any ‘racism’.
    Any apologies from the Guardian, the BBC, Sky or that odious weasel Rafiq?

    Thought not…..?

  19. Go self employed. no HR, no courses on talking to gayblack muslims or transfolk,
    No team building shite with can’t stand outside of work.
    No lazy women speaking like babies, needing time off for children, vaginal issues or their borderline personality disorder/anxiety/spirit animal aligning with Jupiter. waiting for that neck tattoo to heal.
    No Phone zombie Zoomer cuns who never listen, can’t talk to people and can’t use any tools or office equipment.

    • Women who speak like babies. Right on the money, Cuntamus.
      I used to work with this bitch and she was an insufferable cunt. Aside from being an objectionbale hipster cunt, the slag could not talk properly. She used to refer to Wimbledon (the tennis tournament) as ‘Wimby’. She also referred to biscuits as ‘Bikkit’ and crisps as ‘Crip’. I suppose she thought it was endearing, but she just irritated the fuck out of people. I have worked with some really great women in my time, but most of them were like that. Pulling a sickie, then seen out on the piss after a miracle cure.

      • ‘Bikkit’? ‘Crip’?

        Did she come to work on the fucking Sunshine bus?

        There are also these Sarah Millican cunts. Their entire persona and conversational repertoire is based around their bodily functions and confectionary, yet when they overhear you and a colleague talking about an event from more than 30 years ago they say ‘oh no, they talking history… Boring!’

        Get fucked, you infantile, brain-dead sow.

  20. A supreb cunting that highlights the damage done to business and industry by an out of control “rights” industry, and an idustry it is, packed with parasites feeding on business and “victims”, yet producing nothing that adds to the country’s economic value.
    I left my last job (voluntary redundancy” in 1986 and using Maggioe’s enterprise allowance scheme, went sole trader, self employed. I stayed that way for 35yrs until I retired. I ran a one-man design, decorating and general handyman service and earned reasonable money.
    No business rates, no employees, no office premises, no warehouse, no rent, just me, my car and tools and the computer at home.
    My wife who is a bookkeeper also did my tax returns.
    I taught both of my children how to fix stuff and paid the a going rate. They then understood how things worked.
    Anyone who opens a shop in this country is a cunt. Tax, rates, extortionate utility costs, rent, stock and staff…. Add in the Council cunts who seem to make it their life’s mission to fuck over anyone in the high street, extortionate waste charges and let’s not forget the fucking traffic wardens, pedestrianisation, no fucking police patrols driving customers away to the supremarkets, malls and online.
    At the time of retirement, our house was paid off, I drive cheap paid for cash cars, so no loans, plus I still have all of my tools shouild someone need a job done, if I feel like it.
    The state pension even after the latest increase is miserly compared to other countries, but my old emplyer’s final salary pension make up for some of it.
    I know so many people who “started a business” and ended up as its slave or cunts who statryed a limited company so they could be a “managing director”.
    I ended up better off than the lot of them.
    Start a business in the UK, you must think we’re fucking stupid, unless you can con the authorities for a nice fat, tax subsidised, “green subsidy” to deliver moonbeams and unicorn power.
    Fuck the lot of them, with a dried barrel cactus,,,,,,

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