The isis spunk trumpet that is Shamishatta Begone has thankfully been given the fuck off tablet and rightfully so, needless to say her family and shit hawk solicitor are up in arms and are going to appeal.
This is the first bit of news I’ve heard in a while, there is no way we could have treacherous, lying peice of shit could ever come back to the country full of infidels that she hates.
The ugly trogg is probably safer in Syria than here anyway, new name or not, you can only imagine the feelings towards her if she rocked up in some council estate in Merthyr Tydfil with a ginger wigg she would probably be burnt at the stake and that’s exactly what the cunt deserves…
Nominated by Fuglyucker.
She’s no Susan Boyle is she?
Screw her and her fucking lawyer, the cunts.
Afternoon all.
I see Man U lost.
And yet all the other thousands of dinghy riders arriving on our shores with their hands held out demanding lots of benefits, will only end up with 32 questionnaire before they’re given the nod to living here.even if they’re bleedin’ terrorists or radicals.
And for Begum. I suppose she deserves a good cock up the arsehole. But apart from that she can rough it back in Syria and face a few more rapes and domestic abuse from the camel jockeys. After all, that’s one reason why she fucked off over there in the first place.
I would like to see her outraged family express their disgust at racist Britain by returning to Bangladesh.
And take that weasel lawyer with them.
And any other fucker who thinks that she should be allowed back to the U.K.
And their spokesman, former Met. Police Chief(?) Superinspector whose name I have forgotten…
Dal Babu, a former Metropolitan Police chief superintendent and friend of Ms Begum’s family, told BBC Newsnight: “We’ve failed, as a country, to safeguard the child. Blah, blah, blah; continues to word vomit…
Saw a supposed documentary about her a few weeks ago – all I could think was: “where did she get that cosmetic facial surgery from and who paid for it?”
Got to admire her luxuriant moustache – very Freddie Mercury.
Would give TTCE a run for his money.
Fuck me, you mean she used to be even uglier?
Yes, but fortunately she covered it up with a berkha. It will take more than a baseball cap and a few tatty Union Jack ornaments in the background for her to get back to the UK.
Yeah, she’ll need a dinghy too.
We should just pay some Peaceful bitches in that camp to cut her ugly head off. End of problem.
I doubt the lawyers give a fuck about her, to be honest. They’re just sniffing a bonanza payday, the fucking cunts. Paid for by us mugs, natch.
What’s this mustachioed street shitter on about now ?
Is there anything to stop Kier Starmer reinstating her citizenship when Labour gets back in power?
It’ll be like the SNP with the vote oop north; they’ll just keep going with the appeals until they actually win one.
This fucking country never to amaze and profoundly disappoint at the same time.
I think she should return.
And share a room with Lineker.
Yeah and decapitate that cunt. Perfect scenario. Then set the house on fire.
Interesting thought.
Would Lineker have the nerve to house Begum in one of his mansions for a couple of years I wonder?
Or perhaps the smug migrant-loving shitbag could ask the US to deport old Abu “The Hook” Hamza and put him up for a few years!
Lineker would say he would love to but unfortunately his mansion isn’t hook friendly.
Don’t see any arm in it myself.
He could pay Lineker for his digs by playing a part in Peter Ramadanpan every Christmas/Festivemas. She’d be a shoe-in for a role in Cinderella.
Captain Hook Hook?
Bullet to vack of the head.
Next customer.
I know she could live with Gary Linicunt!
If she was trafficked then I am straight…
I suppose it’s for dogs like that the Peacefuls invented the burka.
Can’t blame them really.
A burkah would be an improvement.
Soaked in aviation fuel.
She will end up back in GB.
Fucking sad, but true……
If only the government put as much effort in keeping the dinghy parasites out of our country JM.
I reckon you’re right, John.
The BBC, the Guardian and some twatty high court judge and a spineless government will see to that.
Fucking BBC plugging their Begum podcast series on the radio this evening, yet again. Who do they think is interested in this shit? What the fuck is there to learn from this duck faced sociopathic chancer?
It truly is a bit of news
The bloke across the street makes his missus and five daughters wear a burka. He said it gets confusing, the other night he accidentally fucked his wife….
From my vantage point here in the states this can all be handled quite easily.
Be tolerant…let the bitch in. Be more tolerant…restore her citizenship.
Then in the best tradition of English Law…take her to the Tower and stretch her on the rack until she confesses her treason. After that take her out and burn her at the stake.
Let the Bolshevik Broadcasting Commune show it live on TV in Britain. But stream it as a pay-per-view event online for the world wide audience…a kind of modern day concert for Bangladesh.
You will have demonstrated tolerance…promoted Social Justice…and everybody got what they deserved.
Terrible that this poor child should be denied the cornucopia of benefits and help that all the other cunts got when they came back. Over 400 of the scummy bastards enjoying life in soft touch Britain. Surprised Lincunt hasn’t got in on the act.
All she has to do is claim that she has been touched by transbenderism and the British government will bring Concorde back into service to get her back quickly
Makes you want to puke if you give a fuck anymore.
Terrorist witch. Fuck off.
With everything that’s going on. I think we should have thrown our lot in with Adolf.
At least there’d be some order about the place.
It’s odds on that this smelly cunt will end up back in Blighty, amply provided for by the long suffering taxpayer.
One bullet would end all this legal malarkey bullshit.
Because she’s worth it.
Get To Fuck.
Yes Jack therein lies the truth.
A rabble of cunts.
Spare a few bullets for her fucking legal team too.
Needless to say, those BBC cunts did their best to try and sell this smelly slag to the Brutish public. Made out they were being ‘impartial’, but it was a sob story about hard done to Bigbum was. The fact that the BBC chose to do an online series about this terrorist whore and paint her in a positive light shows that they are terrorist sympathisers and apologists.
And if this filthy leech ever does worm her way back in, it’s a cast iron certainty that she will have a job at the BBC. they have probably offered her one already, the cunts…
Allow her back in so long as she is followed on CCTV, then lay bets on how long it will be be before she goes missing for good.
I’ve just seen all the bed sheet cunt coming out of the Muslim academy in Norbury after Fridays kissing carpet shit and I’m thinking are any of these useless cunts working or contributing to this fucking country we are fucked send erm back to the shitholes they came from