If ever a face was born to be a cunt then this is it. Apart from that its only other claim to fame is that it gave Sir Allen a pain in the arse so was duly fired. Despite the surname it is actually a jocko cunt and a failed actor. Two more strikes there. Only failed actors go on to run theatre schools where they teach dim hopefuls for large sums of money how to be failures. Quite a creative art but you cannot get a grant for it.
The story goes that Reece got on the bottle (actors are incapable of refusing free booze) on a flight to Dubai against the strict orders of Sir Allen.
I am sure I do not have to remind Cunters of the liquor laws in Dubai or mark cards that there are many ways to get around them and all involve bribery. Same for any other vice that may be desired.
As soon as Reece landed his feet did not touch and he was up before old warthog face to be fired. No idea what the task was but there is a link below if anyone can be arsed.
To complete Reece’s Cunt Credentials here is the cunt’s Bullshit website:
Nominated by Sir Limply Stroke
BA Honours in Drama. Says it all. Masters in bummery probably.
Should have asked Alan, Hebrews his own.
haha, very good.
Wait until COTY is on Harry, aside from flashing ramblers in the Peaks, he loves nowt more than a good pun!
To be fair to the cunt if I were flying to Dubai I’d get as pissed as Bacchus on his birthday.
Boiling desert filled with Arabs in Lamboughinis?
Fuck off and pass the scotch.
You forgot the huge Russian contingent.
Good on the Jockie twat – though he has a face I’d love to punch I would have so smashed up and tried to fuck the female air trolly dollies.
Who the fuck wants to go to the land of the sandniggers anyways.
Plenty of British ‘expats’ there riding the gravy train.
Fired for getting pissed, seems fair enough ?
I would fire him for having a cunt face.
Haven’t watched this pile of old BBC shite for years but anyone who upsets that wanker “Lord” Sugar can’t be all bad. Not a cunt! ( not that I care one way or the other)
Lady Guzzi watches this crap so I am aware that Lord Sugar insists on being called by his title. I’d love one of the contestants to be a duke so that Sugar has to call him ‘Your Grace’.
To me he’ll never be anything other than a testicle on legs.
Shite programme, presided over by cunts judging incompetent cunts proficient in business bullshit speak and fuck all else. X Factor standard.
No idea who this cunt is.
I thought these wankers were supposed to be aspiring business cunts so what’s a fucking actor doing on there? Oh yeah, wants to get his face on the telly so he can become a sleb. This shit is so far past it’s sell by date it really should be in a care home being treated for dementia.
The BBC needs hauling over the coals for still pumping out this old tosh.
Is that old scrubber, Brady still on there?
Indeed Mr Frog the cunts should stop making such appalling old wank but seeing as they couldn’t care less if anybody watches any of their rotten offal at all its rather difficult for them to be persuaded to change their cuntish ways.
DNR surely?
Never heard of the cunt, but if the header pic is anything to go by he looks like a smug cunt that needs a good dig in the eye with a hot stick!
He is the Windows Vista of the showbiz world. ’nuff said
I liked Vista
** Shakes head in despair “”
Next thing you’ll be saying you liked Windows 8!
I never had any problems with Win 8, although I only used for less than a year.
Lord Sugar demands only the very highest of standards.
As anybody who has purchased an Amstrad product in the past will know.
I sold Amstrad stuff when I worked in retail 40 years ago. It was tragic, with the odd exception. Piss poor quality, constantly breaking, that’s if it actually worked out of the box. Fuck knows how it made him rich.
Wasn’t there a massive fuck up with crap hard drives as well?
To be fair to Amstrad they did produce a couple of decent PCs back in the late 80s. The 1512 and 1640 were good sellers at pretty reasonable prices.
Both at 5″ floppy drives, 512KB or 640KB of RAM and a huge 10 or 20MB hard drive and an 8086 CPU.
Came with DOS and Windows 3.0. And it was hugely popular with home users and small businesses who couldn’t afford PCs from the likes of IBM and Apple.
Happy days!
They made a large number of Sky boxes, they mostly worked well.
Not sure Lord Cuntingford. I sold shite like ‘tower’ systems and car radios. We loved ’em because they had a nice commission on them. They were really bad though.
I still liked the PcW 8256, all of those were good till the final one the PCW16 – utter shite that was. You could tell that they were using up leftover parts – and no bloody printer.
That is one of life’s great mysteries.. how that ill-tempered, short, tight-arsed old 4 x 2 managed to get so successful touting the very poorest quality electrical consumer goods. Their HQ was in Brentwood, Essex. Fuck knows where the goods were assembled, probably under a Coolie’s tin shack roof.
Sky bought them out. Again, fuck knows what Murdoch was thinking at the time.
One of the few examples of the Dirty Digger’s charity, I expect.
An “actor” wearing a pink waistcoat?
Two pound ten a tit and a fiver for his arse.
He’s got the Terry Fuckwitt face. Bound for doing the opposite. Don’t watch the programme, but made me laugh.
I don’t know who this little cunt is?
Looks like a well dressed owl!
But I’d be drinking heavily too if I had to go to Dubai,
I’d also try and cause the pilot to emergency land somewhere/anywhere than in a country that you can’t get a pint of bitter .
The bedding wearing camel fondlers are not my sort of people.
Flipflop wearers also.
Caramels, ships of the dessert…
Afternoon Miserable ?
You are Idi Amin and I claim my £5.
“He once rounded up hundreds of flip-flop wearers in the streets and forced them to either eat their footwear in front of him or be shot to death by his death squad.”
Quite right too.
I’m a big fan of ‘Our Idi’
He did menace and humour .
The full package!
Boxed, sang, played the squeezebox,
Don’t make em like that anymore.
And a medal lover to rival Mutley.
Shame he was a cannibal,
It tarnishes his halo a bit?
Hello Ruff ?
Idi playing basketball with Chinese diplomats?
Dear old Idi was renowned for his finger buffets.
Big fat fingers in a Peri Peri sauce.
Even today, there are still hundreds of people in Uganda, who can’t wipe their arse or pick their nose.
It’s even worse for those poor souls who contributed to the Cahuna Kebabs. ?
I’m sorry.
What’s this nom about ?
Afternoon, MNC / all
Hello Jack?
He fed people to the crocodiles didn’t he?
You wouldn’t get Boris Johnson doing anything that spectacular would you?
And eating people himself.
In this world of gluten free, vegan, and fussy eaters he’d be somewhat of a lonely figure.
He should of brought out a cook book.
Suppose nowadays people don’t like to pick out the pubes from their main course?
The only cunt ever to have more medals than Idi Amin is Prince Paèdo!
Just seen on the news, King Jug Ears has evicted Halfwit & MeGain from Frogmore Cottage and invited Prince Paèdo to live there instead… ?
It’ll be known as the ‘chicken shack’.
Loads of truants hanging out there, smoking and getting dizzy from the refreshments.
“Are you really a prince?”
Course I am.
Are you really a virgin?
Fuck me! It comes to something when your Dad kicks you out of your house and replaces you with your dirty old man Uncle. Presumably Pizza Hut are able to deliver to Frogmore?
Pizza Delivery Lady: “Tip Sir?”
Andy: “Yes, my love. Run!”
Sixteen going on seventeen playing on a loop, Julie Andrews ah what a time he will have in dogmore cottage ?
He did a mean spotted dick.
Not to everyone’s taste…… that was pre AIDS.
Pink waistcoat spells poofery in my book. Especially, salmon pink, the same colour as Dame Peter Mandelson’s corsets.
I have been all over the UAE,many times. Alcohol is freely available in 5 out of 6 Emirates. All hotels serve it and the locals are welcome. Just no off licences.
Under Sharia Law and the Koran taking alcohol is a sin. Have spent time in Dubai and Saudi and it’s down to custom and practice. Try to go on the lash on the street or public areas and the Police will speak to you. If you give them the arsehole then a dank piss stained cell awaits. Hotel bars at hotel bar prices often have a dispensation (they pay a regular bribe to the police on your behalf). Your choice.
I was on Emirates in December. Lots of booze!
Never heard of him, but anyone wearing such a waistcoat is clearly a complete and utter cockwomble.
Afternoon all.
Yeah, he should have taken notice of Gareth Wokegate. Waistcoats, whatever their colour, are for wankers.
Pink waistcoat definite cunt also has the face of a cunt and stands like a cunt end of its a cunt
Is this prick any relation to the dwarfish and failed comedian impersonator who steals a living by besmirching TV screens with the semi-human and extremely unfunny and punchable turd McPartland, he of the 45 degree angled forehead that he’s now trying to mask with either a wig or a hair transplant?
For the absence of doubt, I’m not too keen on the pair of ‘em.