I’m not Cunting the fluffy little bunnies at little school, but the monsters that lurk in great numbers in their teens at secondary school.
Now the article below could be interpreted as the school is at fault. Red cards for girls on their periods is definitely ill thought out.
However, going to the bog in lesson times is a recipe for disaster. Thousands of pounds of wilful destructive damage can occur and smoking drug taking and cruel bullying of younger kids.
I know I worked in a secondary schools for over 25 years. We did similar. Ok if little Johnny needs a piss or shit any teacher worth is salt will know. And bend the rules. I did. Get an older trusted kid to go with him. Protection.
I worked mainly in PE. And behavioural problem kids. Getting a protective big kid was easy for me. And yes some teachers are fucking clueless.
Back to the main thrust of the Cunting teenagers at school are mega cunts. I was. That puberty shit has a lot to answer for.
Boys are naturally aggressive to peers. And girls. Down right liars. They will lie even when seen doing something. Most boys will eventually tell the truth. Though ethnicity does play a part. Work that one out yourselves.
So there you go school kids , the older variety are massive cunts.
Great job though enjoyed every minute of it. Gotta laugh cunts.
Nominated by: Everyonesacunt
Damned good cunting! Social engineering has produced this monster, and with full intent. A Nations destined to destroy itself from within is a project nearing its completion.
A bloke I know was educated at a Catholic convent school, taught by nuns who used to beat the kids with a cane.
Which really pisses me off, because these days it costs me £150 for the same.
Education went downhill when they got rid of the cane.
It didn’t help when teachers started referring to their secondary school pupils as students, to give both the pupils and their teachers an inflated importance.
A few years ago I went up the shops one afternoon and couldn’t believe my eyes….,four coppers hanging around! Fuck me, when do you see a copper on the street these days let alone FOUR of them!! I thought there must be a terrorist incident or something but no ambulances , no dead bodies. Then I saw the local school turning out and realised what they were there for. It was an education in itself……,about 2 whiteys among the lot of them. Loads of blacks, Abduls, Bubbles, ragheads……it was like the United Nations. Best to stay off the street, and especially the buses, at school chucking out time.
I remember traveling on a bus back from work that was filled with school kids. The noise was deafening, no respect for other passengers, unbelievable.
Strange one this as it’s what I used to think.
Now having a 14 year old son I am surprised how many of his friends and football team mates are great lads. Well mannered, behave themselves and can see through all the woke bullshit that is preached to them.
I am amazed how well balanced and mature my lad is for his age. Still gives his Dad a hug every morning and when coming back from school and before bed. Still wants to go and visit his grandad.
I’m sure some are self entitled little shits, but not all of them. Probably to due with how they are brought up and where they live.
I fully endorse this.
I must say that where I live in the rural parts of West Cumbria the majority of kids are quite well mannered, polite and friendly.
Even in pubs and restaurants most kids are quiet and don’t scream the house down because they couldn’t have any extra chips with their triple-burgers!
There;s a couple of schools near me – one’s an academy and the other what I used to call a junior school – never hear of any major problems, riots or protest marches. Although you still get “soccer moms” and “Yummy Mummies” parking their massive SUVs all over the shop come school run times.
Same can’t be said for towns and cities such as Workington, Whitehaven, Barrow and Carlisle. Quite the reverse in fact. Although there is one noticeable difference between kids out in the sticks and kids in the inner cities – the distinct lack of diversity and multiculturalism in the former!
Most of the schoolkids I’ve seen coming out of the school gates at 3:15 are white. Probably quite a different story up in Carlisle or any other big city.
But i guess it won’t be long before these peaceful (small ‘p’) hamlets and villages become targets for the woke diversity cunts and give it 5 more years and it will be quite a different story!
Remember. “Diversity is our Strength”
I live in a city, but it’s a nice one and i imagine it’s still around 90% white.
Both my children have friends of other races/colour but they do ‘mix in’ as they are a minority.
I imagine that’s what most of the leftie do gooders see. Let a place become 70% ethnic and the British values disappear.
I reckon once peacefuls reach 20% they’re in control. Look at the country, who gets the most protection. From everything.
I think it has more to do with the fact that’s it St Austell more than anything else. Weird place.
St Austell, weird, Lord C? We have family links to St Austell and Fowey going back before the war and I could list scores of towns across the UK which would come way behind St Austell as a desirable place to live. Have you ever been to Luton?
Sorry – no disrespect Arfur. I was in Fowey last year – as you say, a cracking place. St Austell looked a little run down, but no worse than most. My statement was based on the testimony of a friend’s daughter, who is a teacher down there. I think it is the fact that the locals have it rough due to all the second home-owners and OAPS – combined with the loss of mining. And yes, Luton is a shite-hole, rather than being weird. There are plenty of shiteholes. Weird places can often be nice.
Jesus, I went on a course up there in 2010/11. Luton was a case of spot the whitey. The look you got off the more peaceful types were enough to curdle your piss. Diversity is our strength? FUCK OFF.
That’s fine Lord C, no offence taken. I always felt that St Austell’s slightly run down ambience was part of it’s charm. I should not have conflated weird with fucking ghastly. Agree about Fowey, lovely place but if you’re exploring on foot you need to be fit!
As for the peaceful folk of Luton CuntyMort, the looks they give you should be the least of your concerns. I had a job in a factory unit on the Leagrave Road owned by one of their number. In a large room out of sight from the everyday customer was a gym which David LLoyd or Virgin would have envied. When I remarked on this to the peaceful he said it was just for his own entertainment.
Riots in Cornwall?
Did someone put the cream on before the jam in their scone.
That’s the way the Cornish do it. Devon, on the other hand it’s jam first then cream. Do either in the other county and your head is on a pitchfork before you can say Jack Robinson.
Oh no, we’re not going to have a jam first / cream first argument, are we? I can forsee the ‘Report Abuse’ page crashing.
Obviously it’s cream first! Only swivel-eyed loons put the jam on first.
The usual cause of riots in Cornwall is warfare between rival gangs of piratical car park owners over who gets too fleece the tourists first with outrageous car park prices.
I now live near a small market town in Lincolnshire and while turning out time for the local secondary schools still offers perils for local shop keepers and pensioners it is nowhere near as bad as some of the city schools I worked in in Sheffield Leicester and West Yorkshire were the init not me don’t touch me can’t do fuck all to me teacher attitude was rife. Cunts of many different cultures.
Very good cunting. Our schools are chock to the brim with feral teens who should really be in borstal. But why has this happened? Schoolboy bullying is, unfortunately, nothing new. But rioting is on a different level altogether. The reason is a lack of parental discipline – it’s now illegal to smack a child. So parents and teachers are scared to discipline a child. For a teacher it could be a disciplinary matter if they restrain or lay hands on even a violent child. And children are constantly told they have “rights”.
When I was a child I had no rights. I had to do what my parents or teachers told me to do. And at school there was always the threat of the cane.
I always remember the pe teachers Dunlop green flash tennis shoe used hurt when he wacked your arse.
With hindsight though, he probably got off on it….
True of PE teachers generally John. That’s why they do the job.
I blame the parents. A dear friend of mine recently lost her husband from cardiac arrest, about a minute then gone, so she is a bit up and down understandably, so when a cunt mum parks across her drive which prevents access, my friend says would you mind moving your car so i can get out, all pleasant like, so the cunt says “you will have to wait im busy on my phone” so my friend who is 70 this year says if you dont move it i will fucking smack you one and have it moved. If brats hear parents talking like that, well we are doomed. She crumbled and moved it.?
Well done that lady!
Off topic, but came across this..
The absences of corporal punishment in schools and the risk of anything between a clip round the ear’ole and a damned good hiding for bad behaviour outside schools has a lot to do with this. Add to the the mix the very significant financial incentive to be a complete little shit, also known as being diagnosed ADHD, and you pretty much have the root cause of all this shithousery.
I frequently felt the early teen urges to misbehave and found that a touch of the cane kept most of them in check. It didn’t really hurt very much, the embarrassment that came with it was a far greater deterrent.
I have to say they aren’t all tarred with the same brush, walking back from the local coop yesterday there two teen lads and two girls 14 or 15 I guess having a snowball fight.
As I approached one of the girls shouted, ‘Right stop throwing’, so I could pass without being hit by a stray snowball, pity I wanted to play ?
But in general they should be caged from the age of 4 until they are 18 and they put into national service for two years.
@ Arferbrain. Challenge accepted, pitchforks at 10 paces. Swivel eyed loon indeed. Do we need a bike shed for the rumble in the west country? Admin this is posted tongue in cheek, nothing to see here.
I’ll be down there in a few weeks time CM, I’ll sharpen the tines on my pitchfork!
I take it you are East of the Tamar? You’re too close to that London, that’s from where you get such strange ideas.
Outed by Jesus. Enjoy the break down there mate. Hopefully the weather might warm up by then.
I’ve got 2 step daughters of 13 and 16 and those cunts couldn’t lie straight in bed. Every word that comes out of their mouths is either an outright lie or some half lie trying to reduce the blame for some cuntish behaviour they’ve displayed.
I’m gonna be honest though, I don’t think I was too much of a cunt in my teens, and my mates were fairly sound for the main part, most of my school year got on, though there were obviously the few odd bullies about.
This was back in the 90’s mind when I think we had a bit of respect for each others circumstances and realised how tough school life was, not like now where 50% of teens are so insular and self obsessed that they have not even the slightest shred of empathy, not even for their parents.
I blame David Deuckenfield.
Bring back the birch. Spare the rod and spoil the brat ?
Clotted cream first, you don’t put butter on afterwards do you ?
Kids ? Beat them into submission on a regular basis.
I think the threat of corporal punishment was enough to put most kids off misbehaving when I was at school in the seventies but agree that some of the teachers were heavy handed my junior school p.e teacher thought slippering your arse whilst attempting to run faster was a way of improving your sporting prowess have you ever had to run with a black and blue arse? Needless to say we all ran a bit faster!!
Not that I became Olympics standard just wanted to be able to sit down comfortably after p.e lessons!
Ah happy days!