An emergency cunting please Admin for Kontinuity Krankie himself, one Humza Yousaf.
Ever wondered what racial hatred looks like, cunters? Well view the link below.
I watched that clip in utter disbelief. Scotland’s new First Minister is a racist nutjob who openly sneers at 96% of the people he represents. Fuck me, the SNP are even more insane than I imagined.
We’re going to have some fun on IsaC with this cunt in the coming months.
Nominated by Geordie Twatt.
Incompetence personified. As with wee Krankie it will all be covered up by the Braveheart spirit of bullshit.
Lots of white people in Scotland?
Who’d have thunk it?
Yes, indeed Ron.
But as they’re usually pissed on Buckfast and/or high as a fucking kite, they just don’t care whose in charge, as long as the Bru keeps the payments up.
I’m from Scotland and concur that 99.9% of the population are indeed like that.
Gas chamber.
He is almost telling us his masterplan is to start importing more ferals of his ilk
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, brown. The First Minister of Scotland, brown. The Mayor of London, brown. The Taoiseach of Ireland, brown…
We need a brown in charge of Wales too.
Maybe Tom Jones could step up?
Wasn’t feeling too good so went to see the doctor. He examined me and said I’d got Tom Jones fever.
Me: “Is it common?”
Doc: “It’s not unusual.”
Yousaf is the Glasgow born son of first generation Pakistani immigrants.
Perhaps he might like to ask his dad how many white people there are in government back in the old country.
Not Glasgow any more, Ron.
It’s just been renamed Glaslamabad.
I’m glad the voting was doctored so this evil pak.i cunt could win.
It should signal the end of the SNP once and for all.
Either that or it will join forces with all the other greasy smelly foreign cunts in high office and have us in labour camps by 2030.
In better times of course there was no chance whatsoever that some greasy fucking waiter could hope to enter public life,never mind rise to a position of power.
We are sliding into a stinking pit,full of Quislings and foreign vermin.
Pass the sherry.
I watched the clip, there hasn’t been anyone that wasn’t brown in a position of authority on the subcontinent since 1947. Waycists!
Least he can ride a scooter…oh.
Well, if he can’t manage a child’s toy….
That’s how you train to become a bus driver in Pakistan. Mind that ravine..
Push him down an empty mine shaft.Gunga din mark 2.
Brilliant! You have just solved the current accomodation crisis of immeegrants ! A mine shaft! Pure fucking genius !
Thanks ?
From which clan does this shitebag hail?
the Campbells?
the Dougals?
the McGroomers?
JK Rowling has been spot on about this greasy cunt from Paxtan. His name even sounds like a Harry Potter spell for magicking someone into a brown rat
Might be able to assist on the clan question CM. On good authority a new clan the McCunt has been registered, clan motto “We wonder if it’s a women”. One of the tartan weaving company’s has lashed up a few yards of material so a McCunt dress tartan will be available plus a hunting tartan but the line was drawn at a McCunt ancient tartan. The clan march “ We gather lilacs in the gloaming” is being put to music by the Scots guards pipe major under threat of loosing most of his pension. Och I innit with the assistance of the Pakistani foreign security division and the English taxpayer.
Excellent, BB.
Expect loads of crow-barred in Scottish traditions like mosquevon Fridays, wearing pyjamas in the day, tossing the wife dressed as a haggis, and Scottish Ramadan where they have to forsake camel-head soup, grooming 12-year-old girls, shortbread, and heroine until sunny down.
This cunt is Suckdick Khunt with a kilt. They both love the poofs and trannies (or pretend to) both fucking P*kis and they both worship the evil empire of the EU. And, of course they are both fucking Peacefuls which is the most important thing. Hello Jockos, take a look at Londonstabistan……..that’s coming your way quicker than you think.
Probably better if this was visible here…
The sooner we’re rid of the SNP, the better.
Looks to have a touch of inbred retard in him.
What am I saying that’s every Stanley.
He needs to hold up something that says:
#Je Suis Cunt
No, he doesn’t. Everything about him screams it out loud.
Tattoo’d on his fucking forehead! ( or perhaps a Branding Iron ? ( they still brand steers General ? )
Somebody should point out the paradise of Pakistan on that map and tell him to fuck off back there pronto. I’ll pay his fucking airfare if he likes.
They’re all white and it’s not good enough? Well it’s good enough for me. Problem is, almost every time a black person gets one of these jobs, it isn’t because they’re the one who’s best qualified for that position, it’s because of their colour. Positive discrimination is no better than any other kind. No tokens please.
What a fucked up world.
“It’s got electrolytes”….
These two lads make a good point humza .?
Can’t see many sweaty socks voting for this areshole…. independence…gone..!
Mores the pity I was hoping the tartan twats would take their buckfast and fuck off no more subsidising from “ENGLISH”….
DPRK style anti aircraft gun treatment.
Next customer.
What, they took a look at the fucked up mess that’s England, and thought “Great! We’ll have some of that!”
The unbelievable stupidity of some people leaves me breathless.
Would he allow a transbender in a skirt with a dick to enter the woman’s section of his mosque?
A very good point.
It’ll be interesting to see how he approaches the festering issue of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill.
Scotland deserves better.
He’s like a Bollywood version of inspector closeau.
I like the Scots.
Having this streak of shite sitting in the chair will be a nightmare for them.☹️
The only winners here, I suspect, are going to be the Labour Party. Starmzy must be grinning all over his stupid face at this news. His old woman may as well start measuring up the curtains for No 10.
They’re not getting my vote, Freddie.
I’ve been a lifelong Labour supporter, but both them and the CONservatives disgust me.
If I can’t find an Independent or Reform, I’ll just wipe my arse with the ballot paper, having first written “None, you’re all shit”
We had a bloke stood for Mayor of Sheffield. Yorkshire Party. I’d vote for him.
Totally agree.
The idea of voting for any of the main parties fills me with disgust.
Spoilt ballot for me.
Evening JP.
Didn’t Sheffield have some smelly Somalian immo skinny as Lord Mayor a few years ago?
Evening, LL.
Probably, but he didn’t last long.
Now, here’s a thought.
Before there can be a GE, Parliament has to be dissolved. No Parliament.
Suppose we all refuse to vote?
Not necessarily Freddie. The disaffected SNP vote could split between Labour and Fatty Arbuckle’s Alba letting the Tories win some Scottish seats by default. Personally I don’t give a shit as long as the Scottish Neanderthal Party is finished, hopefully for good. I hate the cunts with a passion.
I ain’t voting for the vermin in Westminster.Pigs at the trough oink oink oink squeal little piggy.Double barrel shotgun point blank to the head.Shit biscuits.
This could mark the renaissance of manufacturing industry in Scotland, cornering the world markets for Halal haggis and tartan suicide vests.
Allah McSnackbar
Dig deep fellow cunters the guardian have agreed to pay 10 million in reparations for being evil slave owners.
I’ve just posted a huge turd in a box.
Or as he’s friends call him gary Lineker.
Stupid cunts.
Might just as well issue all the staff with a vest saying “stab me here”.
What utter cunts.
I am surprised the cunts have £10,000,000 bearing in mind their website has a perpetual begging bowl.
Could soon be the end for whiteys favourite tipple given that they don’t like alcohol. They’ll start with taxes and restrictions. Cuckoo.
They’ve already got minimum pricing for alcohol, which has just made poor alcoholics poorer still, or turned them to class A drugs. Result: the highest drug death rate in Europe. Even alcohol deaths have risen.
All the fault of the Toarees of course.
The ethnics shouldn’t be allowed to use that word, racist cunts, it gives the impression that there is something inferior about white people and the way this twat delivers it is oppressive.
The fucking P*ki cunt!
I’m certain this cheeky cunt can’t say what is true in a white democracy and take the piss out of it at the same time ? Sack him for doubting his colourblindness for a start.
The wanker must have been praying to his blood thirsty god……first day of office and Scotland beat Spain (fucking Spain!!) 2-0. Krankie would have claimed the credit for that.
The cunt has just announced his first cabinet – 6 women and 3 men. I was wondering Humza, how many of the women have got dicks?
And one of them isn’t that Bible basher who stood against him. She got 48% of the vote but 48% only counts when it is for remoan. Then we have to do it all again because people “didn’t know what they were voting for.”
Well, if ever there was a case for not knowing what you are voting for this is it.
And it was almost certainly bent. Why did Jimmy’s hubby and that other cunt resign? And then there’s the small matter of 600 grand which has disappeared off the face of the earth.
Modern British politics……..corrupt, bent and full of trough gobbling fucking cunts.
Excellent phrase, I think a 6 fit high banner should be stretched across each of the parliaments starting ‘trough gobbling fucking cunts.’.
I saw this cunt, amd he is a cunt, pictured stood in a doorway flanked by his women folk the other day. Must have been after he’d been elected glorious leader or such like.
I paid little attention apart from the fact he was bedecked in the ‘national dress’ of his country.
Not a tartan skirt, mind you but a full length dress coat buttoned up to his neck and down to his ankles.
The kind of coat the village elders in shitistan and islamaverybad wear.
They are taking the piss in plain sight now.
Vote third world, get third world.
Maybe we are in for a renaissance in this benighted country with the election of these Aidans.. I mean what was Margaret Thatcher all about bot a corner shop economics. I welcome their accession.
Assuming you’re not a Jew, Miles, you’ll be number two on their list of Infidels to be strung up on Sauchiehall Street.
Mark my words.
“…Islam is the broom that will sweep Europe clean!…”