Humza Yousaf


An emergency cunting please Admin for Kontinuity Krankie himself, one Humza Yousaf.

Ever wondered what racial hatred looks like, cunters? Well view the link below.

I watched that clip in utter disbelief. Scotland’s new First Minister is a racist nutjob who openly sneers at 96% of the people he represents. Fuck me, the SNP are even more insane than I imagined.

We’re going to have some fun on IsaC with this cunt in the coming months.


Nominated by Geordie Twatt.

80 thoughts on “Humza Yousaf

  1. There are high mountains in Pakistan…he’s just a different kind of Highlander…with a higher melanin content…from the McTaliban clan…whose family origins are in Afghanistan.

    • And there General , is where this shit headed cunt needs to be returned. ( and his tribe of course )
      As for his Tartan. The “Tartan Shop” top High St ,Edinburgh, a few doors up from Deacon Brodies, has Tartans for the Patels, Singh and a whole host can be specifically designed. Good for business that. BUT! It belittles the sovereignty of the clan base, the ethnic origins of the Nation that is Scotland. In todays fully “all inclusive” shite, Cunts like the feral bastard Hamza are our future.

  2. A racist political party elects a racist as its leader?

    Hold the front fucking page.

    Freedom for East Anglia now!

  3. To borrow from Steelers Wheel…

    Paggis to the left of me. Paggis to the right.
    Here I am. Stuck in the middle with cunts.?

  4. How do, Humza.
    Good luck filling all them key positions in Scotchland with people of a funny tinge, you racist fucking cunt.
    I look forward to seeing you in Pakistan, whining on about too many brown people in positions of power, lol.

  5. There is no way this fucker is Scottish.

    He’s 37.

    No Scottish person has ever lived that long.

  6. I wonder what this cunt will say when one of his brothers goes divvy in Glasgow town centre and starts killing people?

    I dare say he will do a Suckdiq Khan and say it’s part and parcel of living in modern Britain. He won’t condemn it, that’s for sure.

  7. And here was me hoping Kate Forbes would win and go on to wear more revealing outfits to show off her norks, and this cunt goes and spoils it.
    Gutted ain’t the word.

    • I was hoping Kate was going to get her baps out and do the highland fling, but alas not.

      Instead, we’ve got another daki with a daki agenda – not that I give a fuck about the sweaty socks but I feel their pain and most likely disappointment with another curry king at the helm.

      • At least we know no right minded scot is going to vote for independence if it means a vote for this cunt…..but their minds ard well and truly scrambled. Want in dependence, but got to vote for a racist parki to get it.

  8. I can’t see rates of drug deaths falling much. Too many Islamosexual transbenders to coddle.

  9. There’s a tradition of First Ministers being featured in Oor Wullie, the famous Scottish comic strip in The Sunday Post. I can’t wait to see “Oor Humza”. What storyline could there be with him in it? He never cracks a smile never mind tell a joke.

  10. And the laugh is this nomark brought Scotland the Anti Hate Bill…..very rich coming from an Islamist. One way ticket for him back to the Stan lands please.

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