Green Colonialism

“Green Colonialism” is a Cunt. Everyone’s favourite little special climate protester Greta Thunderbird is livid.

The little munchkin is furious with the Norwegian government for making wind farms that are ruining the natural habitat.

Knock me down with a gentle breeze. I would have thought that she would have embraced these things with open arms.

But no according to the little fucker they amount to “Green Colonialism “ and it is apparently wrong. They are being built on land used by the Sami people? To herd reindeers. And therefore must be a Cunt.

Where ? How ? Do we produce power ?


Nominated by Everyonesacunt.


More on the subject by Geordie Twatt.

Yes it’s her again, everyone’s favourite cerebrally-challenged root vegetable Greta Thunderpants.

She’s really growing into her role now of millionaire International Roving Protestor, and this time it’s wind farms in Norway. Yes, she is protesting AGAINST wind farms, ffs.

How does she expect the Norwegians to keep warm, by lighting reindeer farts? No, obviously not – methane, global warming, climate change, blah blah HOW DARE YOU!

And as for the Eco loons poster girl herself, it’s high time someone fucked her up the arse. That might stop her talking out of it.

Sky News

55 thoughts on “Green Colonialism

  1. Go back to school bitch, instead of hanging about with a load of unwashed hippies. It’s funny how suddenly people become more important than fighting climate change when they are a minority who need saving by this professional virtue signaller. But fuck whitey, let him freeze to death.

  2. I take it these reindeer are bred for slaughter.. so herd them through the wind turbines, instant butchery..

    Everyone’s a winner

    Make mine medium rare.

  3. A multi millionaire teenager whose ‘job’ consists of a few tweets a week and the odd pre prepared speech.

    We stole her future apparently.

    Send her to an African mine, to mine the cobalt needed for the leccy cars. She can enjoy working alongside the child labourers.

    Stolen “her” future?

    The cheeky fucking cunt.

    Nothing will ever be enough for this bitch because she knows a good thing when she sees it.

    She never wants her grift to end.

  4. If this little mental cunt and her army of smelly trolls gets their way we’ll all be living in caves subsisting on leaves.

    No effective answers to energy production for an ever increasing amount of humans,just sixth firm outrage.

    Oven,with antlers on it.

    Fuck off.

  5. The problem in the minds of these elite cunts is there are too any people on the Earth so too much power generation is needed. If they have their way the world would be like Logans Run. This would mean that the little re-rarded looking Thudercunt would be substandard as the women all look as good as Jenny Agutter.
    Doesn’t sound too bad actually.

  6. Perhaps all the trappings of modernity should be removed from this dreadful adolescent and then see her opinions change….?

    • Take her cell phone away and you’ll see a meltdown that’ll dwarf the most dire Algore prediction.

  7. Fucking hell, she blends in perfectly with the inbred Sami people, who would have though those mong looks would come in so useful.

    The Sami don’t like anything that ain’t Sami, could be krikkiters.

  8. Nice future Christmas card admin….

    Rudolph has left the North Pole.

    Fuck working for minimum wage with the elves..

  9. Never mind, Greta Megamong will get up the duff soon enough. With any luck it will be a Peaceful cunt, who will condemn her to cover that ugly mush, shut the fuck up, and be a baby machine for he rest of her life…

  10. There is a real simple solution to this particular problem. Harness the reindeer farts to turn the wind turbines. Win – win for everybody.

    • I did consider that, General.
      I can’t see a downside, apart from the fact that the reindeer are, apparently, frightened of the turbines.
      Still, I’m sure that great scientific minds are working, as we speak, on a solution.

  11. Green Colonialism?

    I prefer the traditional, old fashioned White Colonialism of our forefathers.

  12. She needs to be put across my knee and have her arse smacked. That’s after I’d given close inspection to the bum hole and snatch and buried my face into both. Shan’t wash my face until the aromas wore off. Allow that be a lesson to myself.

  13. They are a blot on the landscape but what does she propose instead?

    Terminology is wrong, she means Green capitalism, the stupid cunt.

    I would love to see the day, when someone tells her to stfu.

  14. In fairness, their Supreme Court has ruled the wind farm inappropriate and has ordered its removal.
    The energy company is, of course, dragging its toes until it at least recoups the cost of installing /removing them in consumer profit.
    So once again, consumers, it’s your fault for not using loads of electricity, or not offering your spare room and back garden to a Sammi family + reindeer. Shame on you.
    Reindeer shit is good for roses.

    • Also Greta needs to be smacked, hard, across the face, and told that she really, actually isn’t a modern Jeanne D’Acre.
      If she argues, tell her what happened to the original.

  15. Surely all land has indigenous people?

    I’m definitely indigenous to England and so they can fuck off with their bird mincers. Where’s the Doom Goblin now?

    • Hey Gloria,

      I don’t want to hear about the whole world having indigenous people. I had enough of those indigenous types at the Little Big Horn.

      • Come on GC spread a little money around their casinos, make up for the destruction you inflicted on their way of life.

      • Hey Barry,

        Bite me!

        We gave those Heathens all kinds of stuff! We gave them fast food and sugary soft drinks. We gave them SUVs and Network TV. We gave them organized religion and a central government. Now they pay taxes and send their kids to public schools…Uh…wait…you may have a point.

        Never mind.

  16. Preposterous little fecker, I believe climate change is bollocks the worlds always gone through climate change throughout its history.
    Compared with the 60s the air is crystal none of the lovely aroma of full fat petrol, no fog banks from wagons started on a cold morning, it’s as already mentioned on here just something else for her and her disciples to whine about and keep her in the spotlight. How the fuck so called intelligent adults have given the cunt so much attention is beyond me.
    Children should be seen and not heard, repeal the factory act and send it up a chimney give it something proper to winge about.

    • The people behind her, and there are, mostly her family, just wind her up like a clockwork toy and point her in the right direction.

      One of these days, they’re going to under estimate the threat, and the police won’t just be carrying her gently away.

      Shame on her family, shame on them.

      • Also, she’s outgrown her child appeal, and just looks like your average crusty, these days.
        I definitely wouldn’t.

    • I see that the little goblin has now got a book out. Printed on recycled paper no doubt.

  17. Sorry to go off topic but I’ve heard that Match of the Day viewing figures were up last night by half a million.

    I imagine that those extra viewers were mainly compromised of 1930s style Nazi’s.

    • Yeah what a shocker, people want to see the football game.
      Not to listen to…….. I’m lost for words?

    • The arse kissers should’ve come out in solidarity with John Motson.

      I notice Lineker didn’t say, “Thank you for your support, but I don’t want you to risk your media careers for me, so please return to work.”

      Always been a selfish cunt has Lineker.

      Smug bastard will get his way, no doubt about it. Probably demand and get a public apology from the DG and the Head of BBC Sport too.

      At that point, the useless Tory cunts should force an inquiry on the bastards.

      They won’t though. Absolutely fucking useless.

      I heard a good theory that it’s all smoke and mirrors to get the BBC to say he’s not an employee, so he can use it to help with his tax evasion case.

      If found guilty, I believe he could end up inside for a few years.

      Now that would be great, but Lineker is protected by the Prince of Darkness himself it seems.

      • He will get away with the lot. Tax dodges, tweets, past indescretions in cupboards, everything. Lineker is the woke sacred cow. And this latest BBC capitulation (it will come) will only make him worse. He will now think he is more untouchable than ever, and he will be. And he won’t be able to shut up, the cunt can’t help himself. Didn’t some kiddie fiddler, wife beater, or some other creep die and Lineker still praised them because they voted Remain? Definitely something like that. The shitehawk,

    • Would be interesting if Uncle Elsan’s fisted corpse was found in Rishi’s pool…

  18. Hard to believe that Greta and I have one thing in common namely a hatred of onshore fucking wind farms. Maybe she could make use of my expertise in matters pertaining to other aspects of her career, sort of wise old uncle situation.

    • I live in the only town in the U.K. which didn’t object to a wind farm.
      The house and garden are overlooked by 2 wind turbines. I am trying to sell the house at the moment and they have knocked about 10% of the value according to the estate agent.

      • W I can understand your frustration, when two wind farms were proposed near to my hermitage house prices fell even though the fuckers had not been built. In fact the test mast on one of the sites collapsed one dark and stormy night for some reason.
        Worryingly if the building of onshore sites is given the go ahead again Us poor bastards can look forward to three wind farms and the odd field of mirrors.
        Why not stick the windmills on Hampstead heath good wind with the Highgate lift, surely cheaper than building the horrible fuckers in my back yard.
        Or is their another reason?

      • Another attractive site would be the Chilterns BB. Not only plenty of high ground but right next to a large area of high demand for electricity so transmission losses would be minimal.

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