Excess Deaths

Excess deaths are indeed a cunt.

I reside in a smallish town with a population of around 25’000 people and I have mentioned in a couple of previous threads about the disturbing number of young people who have very tragically “died suddenly” in the last couple of months.

Sudden adult death syndrome apparently for three of them -the youngest being a fit healthy and popular 18/19 year old lad. (not exactly sure of the age at the point of typing this nom). The other was a lad in his mid 20s with a young family who “died suddenly” during rugby training.

That’s before I think about the seemingly (to me and any other cunt with eyes ears and a brain cell or two) unprecedented volume of people in the 50-65 age range who have been dropping like flies lately.

If these people had died suddenly, or slowly for that matter in hospital after testing positive for a certain “virus” during the middle of 2020 for example, then I’m fairly confident that the media and other assorted fear mongering whore merchants would have collectively all creamed their under crackers.

Seems though that in 2023, people “dying suddenly” is nothing unusual at all. After all it is winter and the NHS is under funded, under staffed and under relentless pressure (even though the deaths I mentioned didn’t have anything whatsoever to do with the NHS)

Still – there’s always Sam Smith’s latest outfit, UFO’s in the US of A or even better still – Matt Hancock appearing on reality TV.

Unherd News Link

Nominated by Herman Jelmet

206 thoughts on “Excess Deaths

  1. I’m using the English terminology instead of the shit stirring wokes from hamshankland.

    • I dunno………what I do know though is they dont make people like they used to. Swaddled in cotton wool from the age of birth until they leave education….isolated from hurty words, hurty people, the real worls and devoid of any personal responsibility and decision making. Unable to communicate in anything more than grunts unless its online…and even then its in emojis or a thumbs up or down. Is it any wonder when they start work, the total shock awaiting them makes them pop their clogs? It’s no coincidence that services and governement in this country are failing and getting worse on a daily basis…because those cotton wool cunts are now in their 20s and 30s and are now running stuff.

      They are fucking useless

  2. In healthy 30-50 year olds, serious medical harm more than 1000x more from the Vakzine, than the American funded, Chinese bio-weapon.

    According to data from public health England.

    Nothing to see here😙

    • Hard data is slowly starting to emerge, only a crazy person would now consider boosters for the under 50s, let alone kids. The vaccine causes more deaths and serious illness than covid, if you’re not convinced read the abstracts on any recently published scientific/medical research on the subject. Government and their advisors should be hanging from lamp posts.

    • I’d be interested to see how it compares in terms of number of doses. Apparently the first booster (aka the third dose) is the really serious one.

      • Me too.
        Austria was top of the league table for population % Vakzinated-and also tops the league for sudden deaths amongst 30-50 year olds……

      • I’ve noticed over many months (from a telegraph group I lurk on) that many people who seem to get strokes, blood clots, aneurysms, heart attacks etc seem to have been initially poked in April 2021.

        I don’t know what it is about that particular month but it seems to be quite commonly-recurring. They also seem to be Americans too for some reason….. probably vaccine brand-related I suppose.

  3. Rod Stewart, you know,the addled twat who thinks this country has F16 jet fighters has a son who collapsed from a sudden panic attack while playing footie because maybe he suddenly got scared from participating in his hobby,like you do.
    Still, the lad is in good company, scores of athletes around the world were doing exactly the same.
    Move along,nothing to see here.

  4. We need plenty of excess deaths to free up housing for the dinghy paddlers. The fact that useful, tax paying white British workers are being replaced by useless, benefit grabbing, unemployable, peaceful rapists is neither here nor there.

    • Starting to get to the point theres more being handed out the pot than those putting in. This is evedent by the state of our roads. Towns, cities, services, nhs, doctors etc. Everything is in a state of disrepair, being scales back or services conpromised.

      Bad now…give it another 5 years.

      Worse thing we could have described our country as was the ‘6th richest economy’ that just turns on the green light for all the idiots to start holding their hands out. Won’t be long before we could be in the lower half of the top 20….maybe then our fucking useless government would then start saying fuck off to all the scroungers and detritus

  5. I’m in favour of excess deaths if they involve the cunts at the top of this page.

  6. If it is true and vaccine is responsible for deaths in younger people then I am all for compulsory vaccination of the channel cunts, double, tripe, quadruple….. 100 times the normal dose.

    All along the vaccine boffs said the lower the age the less risk of Covid being an issue, taking the vaccine was a choice, if I were in my teens to 30’s I wouldn’t have bothered. Having said that some of the younger ages could have had Covid, maybe even asymptomatic which could have had unseen effects, who knows or cares come to that.

    Excess deaths is based on the average from the last 5 years, with a spike this year maybe in 4 years time the figure could be negative 😂

    • A very interesting and unsettling nom Hermann.

      ‘…a statistically significant correlation between vaccination and excess mortality’.

      I suppose the chickens were always likely to home to roost, but I for one can’t complain. We were in unchartered waters really with Covid, and everybody was desperate for protection. I was delighted to get the jab against that vile shit at the time.

      • True Ron, on balance I would take the same decision knowing what we know now, there is no doubt that the vaccine saved hundreds of thousands of people over 50, however with so many people being vaccinated and the numbers of people testing positive for Covid, regardless of age, it is a minefield trying to draw concrete conclusions.

        I know of a few people in the lower age groups who got Covid in the first wave who are still carrying some of the effects of Covid. Was it a natural virus modified by a Chink lab, who knows but it was an effective virus.

      • “…Was it a natural virus modified by a Chink lab, who knows but it was an effective virus.”

        This is now admitted Ron, no ifs, buts or coconuts. Back in about Sept ’21 I think I posted links when the payment schedule to Wuhan was leaked showing that Fucci routed N.I.H. funding, via N.I.A.I.D. through a front company called Eco-Health.

  7. I don’t mind dying at a relatively young age, I just hope there’ no afterlife and I end up as some camel jockey in some Middle Eastern shithole country.

    That said I have to keep an eye on my missus because she knows about my personal finances, savings and investments. She recently asked if I’ve made a will and if she was on it!

    • I’m worth five times more dead than alive.

      I stupidly told the wife this and she rather strangely insisted that we make a will. “Just in case”.

      • Just make one and don’t show it to her, that’s how people used to write their Last Will and Testament. At some point people started writing their wills and telling people the contents which defeats the entire purpose and causes fights.

      • In this case it would definitely cause a fight because I have left everything to the dog.

  8. Given that many studies, including government ones, are now showing excess deaths are probably down to the vax or the results of the lockdowns, you’d think the msm would be all over it.
    The fact that they’re not should tell you everything.

    • Ha ha ha.
      The MSM are busy pushing the important lockdown story:

      The fact that all the feral pigeons fucked off from london and the Cockney Sparrowhawks ate all the fucking Parakeets.

      Fuck the MSM and the money they have been taking from the Big Pharmaceutical companies.

    • “…you’d think the msm would be all over it.”

      It was precisely BECAUSE the m.s.m. were “all over” the covid story that my bullshit alarm bells immediately started clanging like a 5 alarm fire. Fuck me have we learned nothing from their long and comprehensive back catalogue of deceptive, manipulation of an ill informed, shit thick populace?

  9. I wonder if a report has even been commissioned entitled.

    “If we didn’t have Dinghy crossers, would the NHS have more cash to spend on UK taxpayers who fund them and are the deserved recipients of care?”

    Sam Smith is a mincing cunt and a silly little boy who needs a good slapping.

  10. It helps free up housing stock so nobody gives a fuck.

    The lack of housing holds hands with the colossal cost of Housing Benefit and is going to be a major source of unrest.

    Get your fortieth booster as soon as possible gents,an Afghan wants your house.

  11. This topic should face the same scrutiny that the covid effect was subjected to.
    Such as-
    How many of these deaths are as a direct result of vaccines?
    We’re there any spikes in percentages that are comparative to these figures, as flu spikes were compared to the covid spike?
    Any reliable data or articles worth reading on the subject? I’m willing to change my opinion, but not on hearsay.

    • Since posting this nom, my elderly neighbours daughter in-law dropped dead in the street the weekend before last.

      She was in her early 40s.

      My evidence is obviously nothing more than anecdotal but believe me, I have no reason to exaggerate the carnage of the last couple of months.
      One of the deaths in particular sent shockwaves of grief through the town.

      Something is wrong in my opinion.

      Now I have an open mind and as I’m anything but a virological expert – I am open to the suggestion that these deaths could be long Covid related? Who knows for sure what the long term effects of contracting that virus in any way shape or form is.

      If however, it isn’t Covid related then what would cause young people to quite literally drop dead?

      I take zero satisfaction in suggesting the Covid vaccine is somehow responsible because nearly all of my nearest and dearest have taken at least one of these injections since 2021.

      Good Afternoon GJ.

      • @ Herman Jelmet

        As much as I often take smug satisfaction in being proven right, I also sometimes take zero satisfaction in being proven right. I’m an arrogant bastard but it doesn’t always feel good to be proven right.

        Cases-in-point being:

        – My 53 year old house mate who has recently started having seizures for no apparent reason (vaxxed).

        – My 50 year old housemate who had a really severe reaction after a visit to a tattooist. He came out in massive blisters which opened up and got badly infected. Neither the tattooist or the GP could explain why.

        – My 66 year old Mum. Late last year she had to be taken to hospital twice with a lethally-high BP, then got a foot infection – which also seems to be a common occurrence these days. Then she got diagnosed with Long Covid (or micro-clotting as it’s unofficially known).

        The fucked up thing is that she’s vaxxed to the eyeballs but
        never had Covid (allegedly) until October of 2022 when these issues started popping up.

        These issues seem to stem from the Covid spike protein, so it’s no surprise that people get fucked up when they get injected with huge quantities of spike protein or spike protein-generating mRNA LNPs which essentially act like retroviruses/lentiviruses.

        They seem to cause non-mucosal inflammation in the cardio-vascular system as well as clotting in said systems – hence all of the calamari being pulled out of dead people by embalmers in the last couple of years.

        I should probably make a nomination about that at some point soon because that’s a cunting all to itself.

      • Evening HJ.
        I can only go by my own experience in the absence of any facts whatsoever the actual causes of death in those deemed to be excessive.
        The only person I know who has died since 2019 that was young enough to be of concern had aggressive stomach cancer, so No covid, no vaccine.
        However, in the twenty years prior to that I’ve known too many people who have died way way before their time, without underlying health issues, or any that gave any warning signs at least.
        There is also a massive presumption that the excess deaths were mostly vaccinated, as there is no data on offer either way, and without that, people can presume whatever suits their opinions, or agenda, including me.
        One recent event that seems to confirm my suspicions about the covid response is the leaking of WhatsApp messages between those tasked with the U.K. governments handling of the crisis, and it shows a clear lack of preparation for a pandemic, and mixes it with incompetence, corruption, and political grandstanding.
        But no conspiracy.

      • @Gutstick Japseye, the almost departed.

        Does any of your passive-aggressive response to HJ take into account the excessive amounts of deaths from cardiac events experienced by those demographics not ordinarily associated with cardiac events?

        Such an increase in these statistics could be accounted for by the delays in diagnoses due to health services being shuttered during lock down, but that doesn’t apply here in the case of precocious cardiac events.

        Delayed diagnosis only applies to demographics who would ordinarily be diagnosed regularly – basically people in the over 50’s age range who are over-represented in elective heart-related health checks.

        This doesn’t however explain the massive increase in cardiac events in young males age 18 – 30 (sounds very naff and 90’s). However, the one common denominator which does seem to explain both of them seems to be the poke.

        Just saying.

      • Passive aggressive? I didn’t think so, and it definitely wasn’t what I had in mind when I answered, in a balanced and reasonable fashion.
        Try it sometime.

      • Gutstick Japseye, the almost departed.

        Funny, that’s exactly what a passive aggressive, snarky fuck would say after being called out for being a passive aggressive, snarky fuck.

        Seriously Mate…. stop it with the passive aggressive snark. It’s not big, it’s not clever and it makes you look and sound like a CLINT.

      • Tits.
        There is a reason I will always reply to HJ, because even though we fundamentally different views, we have always had a civil debate. For that, I always respect his point of view regardless of whether I disagree or not, and our comments never degenerate into abuse.

  12. On deaths, I am watching with laughter and joy at the fuck up that is Isabel Oakeshott Vs. Hancock and Williamson and the COVIDgate scandal – these two cunts have nowhere to hide but trying foolishly hard to backtrack. I hope both go down.

    Isabel, fucking irritates me but oddly enough I’d bend her over a desk and give her a good spanking before poking her – I imagine she’s a wild shag. Though I otherwise find her to be too smug for my liking and the fact she a journalistic slag, backstabber and general bitch I am pleased she has released these texts.

    What Dashing Daki Rishi now does will define his leadership.

    Hancock is an Uber cunt and Williamson a complete tosswipe of the highest order.

    • Yep, fuck Covid, Oakeshott is worth a slapped arse and good rear end fucking over a desk. A lockdown injection of love juice 😂

      • I know, my imagination is way ahead of my capabilities 😂😂😂

        It would be far from the best 30 seconds she has ever had 🤨

  13. I know of five ex workmates and one relative in the last 24 months all died from heart problems,age range 55-69 no previous medical problems….
    all covid jabbed Inc boosters…

    hmmmmm …!

    • That’s caused by too much weather/walking/gardening/sitting around/running around/eating too much/not eating enough/TV etc.

      The list goes one. Your friends either do too much, don’t do enough or do too much of both. At least now you have the chance to get friends with better life style choices.

      • Gas cookers, women having children in their 20’s, climate change, eggs.
        I fucking love it.
        The real reason for all the heart attacks in my opinion must be the amount of people who banged fucking pans.
        DCI will back me up on this…
        Banging a pan with a wooden spoon releases small particles of wood and metal into the atmosphere which will instantly be ingested into the respiratory system which spreads from the lungs to the heart.
        The energy used whilst banging said pans also increases heart rates therefore injuring the hearts function beyond repair.
        So the two fold problem of the activity is killing people.
        I didn’t bang pans, so in my theory I won’t get myocarditis.
        On the flip side maybe the alcoholism, crack cocaine and tobacco consumption is a worry.
        I’ll ask Giles fucking Brandreth.

      • On the “John Talks” YouTube channel (a very funny and prolific uploading Republican voter I presume)

        For those not familiar with his videos – He posts a daily upload called “it’s time to leave earth” where every preposterous story, headline or meme from around the world but mainly the US, is shown.

        One all too regular headline that pops is what could be causing the spike in heart attacks.
        There must be hundreds of these headlines out there by now and not one. Not one of the potential causes for the spike in heart problems is ever the you know what.

        Everything from climate change to cold showers and every absurdity in between is cited as a potential reason yet the one obvious omission is the one something that has very recently been introduced and practically forced en masse on to a docile populace.

        I’m surprised that a video compiling all these various headlines together isn’t in existence by now.

      • Cuntflu:
        Perhaps it was all the “excess wanking” during lockdown that is to blame.

      • @Herman Jelmet

        I quite like videos by Fleccas. I haven’t watched him in a while but he often he recites a compiled list at the beginning of his video stating all of the proposed causes for excess deaths.

        As you can imagine, the list is long and the poke-absence is ever present.

  14. It’s always happened my cousin 34 yrs old dropped dead getting off train in kings cross healthy until then, bloke used to work with never smoked or drank ran marathons 22yrs old dropped dead heart failure while out running. From the time you pop your head through your mum’s skate wings life will try to kill you.

    • Makes sense why governments and main-stream media went from ‘vaccine mandates now’ between late 2021 – feb 2022 to dead quiet on the issue.

      Thousands of NHS workers refused the jab for a reason.

  15. I’m terribly worried for my 19 year old son who, like a twat, got at least one clot shot and whose arm hurt like fuck for a fortnight.
    Who knows what filthy crap is floating round in his blood?
    Other than my DNA, of course!

    • Its the effect on fertility that should concern you.
      Imagine-no Grandchildren to carry on the Cunt-engine legacy!

      • The information can be acquired but you have to pay for it, not sure how much. I’m sure that enterprising people will get the info out in due course.

        I don’t know what is going on. But there seems to be a lot of young people dying suddenly in the past year. Few people seem to have faith in pharmaceutical corporations these days and it’s a wonder that we ever did.

      • I wouldn’t trust any of these fuckers as far as I could throw them.

        Let’s be realistic here as well – how many death certificates were faked to make it sound like Covid was killing people when it wasn’t?

        As I’ve said before – I’m anything but an expert on this type of thing but has there ever been an instance in the past where data has been recorded in such a dishonest way?

        My point being that if a man was knocked down by a car and killed or had died of cancer but had happened to have had a bout of the flu a few weeks previous – he wouldn’t have been a victim of fucking flu.

      • @Herman Jelmet


        – In the UK the numbers were fudged, as was admitted to fairly early on in the “pandemic” (by Matt Hancock if memory serves).

        – In the US the numbers were fudged because private health trusts got fuck tons of money for each positive Covid case and more so for each case which “needed” to be ventilated (many of which resulted in death).

        – In China the death toll is currently listed as 5,272 deaths (because murderous communist bastards don’t like to be up-staged by a sniffle).

  16. Remember when certain celeb types were advocating for people who refused Covid vaccination to be refused medical assistance?
    Esther Rantzen springs to mind. How kind.

    Health expert Charlie Mullins even suggested in an interview with woke cockroach Jeremy Vine, that the unvaccinated shouldn’t even be allowed out of the house. Charming.

    Yasmin Alibaba Brown reckoned that the unpoked should wear a yellow badge do they can be easily identifed. So tolerant.

    Pop stars such as Adele, Rod Stewart, Bruce Springsteen and the likes demanding proof of being triple jabbed for the honour of witnessing the them croon live in concert.
    How woke.

    Gurning sociopath Jürgen Klopp likening the unvaccinated to drink drivers.
    Not like a German to behave like a fascist.

    The list goes on and on and that’s before we get into mandates and people being blackmailed over their livelihoods.

    Looking back, it wouldn’t be unfair to say that the whole Covid and vaccine debacle unleashed the inner Nazi in so many cunts.

    They’ve all gone a bit quiet now though.

      • It unleashed my inner Nazi.
        Luckily it was close to the surface and blended with my outer Nazi.

        Get your jabs you granny killers!
        Matt Hancock died for your sins😁

      • But if a runaway juggernaut plowed into those said cunts, would anyone give a flying fuck.

        I would have to wipe away tears…… of laughter.

      • Sounds like the worst dinner party guest list ever. Definitely end in bloodshed.

    • Yasmin Alibaba Brown.

      The mere mention of that insufferable little race-baiting cunt makes it likely that I’ll add to the ‘sudden death’ total.

      In my top five of the country’s most punchable faces.

      Afternoon all.

      • Indeed.

        Of all the cunts in the woke media (and there’s plenty to go round) Ms Brown is possibly the biggest cunt of them all.

        An ignorant hate filled rancid old bigot with zero self awareness.

        Safe to say that what ever side of the argument she sits on – best to choose the opposite.

        Afternoon Ron.

      • I loathe that racist bitch. She’s the sort of cunt that makes this cuntry what it is now.

      • I agree, Ron. Brown is a total bitch. And that corrosive little gremlin, Azeem Rafique. You know, the one that is so offended by ‘racism’, yet sends anti semitic messages. The disgusting little turd. Whatever this horrible vicious little shithouse is up to, it has very little to do with ‘racism’. No cunt goes to these lengths over a bit of blink and it’s over name calling (if it ever happened). No grown man does, at any rate. So, why this curry weasel is kicking up such a stink is anybody’s guess. Settling old scores? Someone shagging his wife? Compensation? He’s a slippery little shit and no mistake. He is also a cunt.

    • Herman-I witnessed plenty of that on here.
      I just hope my fellow Cunters don’t get “buyers remorse” the hard way…

      • I notice that those haughty Branch Covidian types of which you speak seem to be rather sheepish on this nomination thread today.

        Funny how that works. Big mouths, no balls, but all a bunch of little fucking fannies to a man/manlet and boy.

      • I liked quite a lot of what Foxy & Chunky had to say about this subject-they both both got hounded off IsAC.

      • Indeed Mis, apart from quality content, he kept the crank quota down.
        I fear it will get worse in his absence.

  17. The whole Covid carnival was hugely over exaggerated and now we’re paying the price for it. Yes people died from it especially the very old and frail but people die of Flu every year anyway . I agree with the Scottish Coast bloke on GB NEWS
    if we just got on with our lives without lock downs and the Government didn’t give away all that free money we would all be in a better position now.
    And to stop people from going out because their not jabbed was fucking ludicrous, if your vaccinated you can still carry it and spread it.
    Historians will look back at Covid and will say this is the period society went fucking insane

    • The greatest crime ever committed against humanity.
      We need to “Nuremberg” these mother-fuckers!

    • Indeed FF.

      People jumping out of your way, off the pavement and into oncoming traffic was a particularly favourite part of the insanity for me.

      The other one being when the pubs reopened, going for a pint risked possible death where if you had a meal with your pint – you were safe.

      • “…People jumping out of your way, off the pavement and into oncoming traffic…
        …possible death where if you had a meal with your pint – you were safe…”

        Yup, and the rational amongst us call these sorts of things… clues…!

    • The data about covid being fatal for less than 0.5% of the population was in quite early, and those that died were almost exclusively very old, morbidly obese or had serious underlying health issues. What has terrified me the most over the last year is just how unbelievably stupid most people are – completely incapable of examining the data and drawing the obvious conclusion that covid is less dangerous to a healthy person than getting in a car.

  18. We begin to die as soon as we are born. Death is part of life, it is our destiny and we should embrace it. So many strive to postpone the event even though it brings an end to misery and suffering. We are placed upon the Earth to breed and die, so that others may do the same. DNA is the enemy within.

    I’m going to have beans on toast for tea and maybe a bit of chicken. This chicken died for me, not through choice, but if it wasn’t me it would only have been someone else. That’s how I rationalize it.

  19. Create a pandemic and force everyone to be inoculated. If the virus doesn’t kill them the vaccine will.

    It is indeed a Brave New World Order.

    • The whole thing is a staged and scripted globalist operation, General.

      Media fills in the details.

      • Right you are Thomas.

        The MSM would have you believe that Mr. Lee Ho Fuq…after a hard day of working in the rice paddies…stopped at his local wet market to purchase his dinner.

        According to them…one delicious meal of sweet and sour bat spawned a worldwide threat to humanity…the Global Pandemic.

        And according to the MSM, the only way to thwart this existential threat was by enforcing brutal, draconian lock downs…limiting all social contact…demanding mask mandates…and forcing vaccinations on the great unwashed hordes.

        Anybody disputing this obviously self evident, common sense narrative was a conspiracy theorist, a traitor and indeed even an enemy of mankind itself.

        But give them credit…they had better luck with that idiocy than they had trying to convince us that Man Made Climate Change is an existential threat that requires even harsher measures if we are to save the planet.

      • Bang on, General. Covid has been used by politicians to impose a police state and erode freedom of movement and the ability make our own choices. At the same time freedom of speech and expression is under sustained attacked and is being taken away through the woke agenda and then to add insult to injury ‘climate change’ is being used to impose even more controls

        So what is the real agenda here?

  20. The main thing, gentlemen.
    Is that we’re all still here.
    So. fuck it.
    Steady as she goes. 👍

  21. Bringing up the subject of excess deaths could get you labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ or ‘Far-right’ by the BBC and the Prevent scheme.

    • Just give it another 3 months and all those conspiracy theorists will just be average Joes because at that point, all of the people who called them “Conspiracy Theorists” will be saying “I never said that! I knew it was bullshit all along!”.

      • Already happening-an “associate” has a non-medical PHD and insisted all my genuine concerns about mRNA and spike proteins were unfounded and I should blindly roll up my sleeve.
        He still suggests that it was the right course of action-despite have health issues himself, post jab.

        Some people will never concede they may have been wrong.

  22. “…could get you labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’…”


    S’almost a badge of honour now considering how often a ‘conspiracy theory’ turns out to be a ‘spoiler alert’.
    I’ll tell you this much; throughout the 2 years of this covid freak show and the risk was at its peak I took no jab and no notice, fucked if I was gonna stick a stupid fucking gag over my mouth on the say so of some slap headed govt spokeswanker or some scrawny crypto-eyetie in the US. I caught two colds which as usual heralded 2 days of feeling shit followed up with a week of snotty beak. meh… same old same old…
    This winter, as covid conspicuously dropped off the medical/PR radar, whatever I caught floored me for a fucking month, pulmonary issues, absolutely NO energy, it was a bad ‘un. The one I copped in 2010 did the same, no SARS CoV2 then.

    …and there’s still some twat in one of the local shops who’s fully masked up! Fucking knobtard!

    • Re masked uu fucktard: give em some slack-it takes longer to “unlearn” something, than learn it.
      Lot’s of people have been gaslighted and radicalised-a lack of critical thinking and 24/7 propagandised fear has done it’s job.

      I had a conversation with somebody who is very senior in one of the two big news channels (no GB News), at the beginning of the plandemic-I asked the person in question:

      “Are the British public so stupid, that you need to scare them shitless, to show a bit of common sense and comply?”


      • Unfortunately mr Cuntfinder the general public are totally gullible and will fall for the same routine over and over again DESPITE evidence right in front of them that they have been taken for a ride. All the government need to do is turn on the fear taps and 80-90% of people will inject whatever they are told repeatedly into their bodies – and more alarmingly into the bodies of their children.

  23. They were going to kill every pet in the country.
    I dont think that would have been popular.

    • Cats Miles,cats.
      Had the troughers in Westminster tried that there would have been rebellion.
      Dogs next.
      I said Dogs. 😆

  24. The human population is way too large, half would still be high so why not a virus that becomes prominent in let’s say densely populated areas containing mainly males.!

    • I think shaming people into not spawning pointless, mouth-breathing little bastards would be a better and more humane solution than covertly murdering millions or billions of people because TPTB are too cowardly to just ask people to stop fucking.

      • Maybe a financial inducement for not breeding.Gradiated by a grand or more every non childless year Radical but possibly effective ? I bet it would be cheaper than a typical budget of a human between 1 and 21 ?

  25. Talking of conspiracy whack jobs, whiny alt right soyboy Paul Joseph Watson has a new video out, called “the conspiracy theorists were right”
    The reason for his triumphalism? It is now being reported that it’s highly likely that covid was accidentally released from the lab in Wuhan.
    Firstly, I don’t remember this being a conspiracy, more an actual theory that was passed over for the animal to human transmission.
    And where did he get this conspiracy busting information? Wikileaks? David Icke?
    No, a press release from the US government.
    That’s right, they have come to that conclusion after a thorough investigation, well, as thorough as the Chinese government would allow, which has also why it has taken this long. So much for the big ‘conspiracy’
    Perhaps they were reluctant to push the Wuhan release theory during the pandemic because so many people wanted someone to blame, and although most would be angry, some would pop down to the local Lucky Dragon and took it out on Mr Tong and his family.
    As for mincing Watson, this covid rant has a paid advertisement section where he extols the virtues of moisturiser for men, and how it keeps him looking young.
    And bent.

    • Notice how the narrative had shifted from ‘Covid came from a wet market’ to ‘it was a lab leak in China’ now that China has sided with Russia.

      • Only flaw in your supposition is that China has not sided with Russia, not yet at least.
        China is a global superpower because it is funded by the capitalist west, and punitive arms sales to Russia will not replace Apple, or Samsung, or the multitude of other western countries that utilise Chinese manufacturing.
        China has at least one eye on Ukraine as a potential customer for when the eventual rebuild occurs.
        Just as well America brought all those manufacturing jobs back from China like trump promised. Oh……

    • There’s no such thing as excess Russian deaths in Ukraine. The more the merrier.

      • COVID was very popular on ISAC .
        People couldn’t get enough of it!
        Loved debating it.
        Ghost stories about it and the sinister machinations of the government.

        Empty hospital wards and nanobots 👾

        I enjoyed it too.
        Empty roads, government grants, birdsong, ugly cunts told to put masks on,

        Lucky for me I wasn’t working in a hospital wing or care home.
        Doubt I’d of been so chipper?

      • @Miserable northern cunt

        Not everybody who was skeptical of the official narrative was a window-licking, crayon-munching, tinfoil hat-wearing consprira-tard who thinks that germ theory is fake or that the poke contains microchips.

        Worth noting.

      • Yes the old microchip grift.

        Interestingly enough – Bob Mortimer the alleged former funnyman posted a picture of himself wearing a mask with his vaccine certificate sticking out of the same mask after his first or second shot.

        He had a caption underneath reading something along the lines of “I didn’t feel a thing – even when the microchip passed through”

        I was bereft of ribs such was the edgy humour.

        Anyways, a few months later he’s here in the news again because his health has apparently gone downhill and he’s had a flare up of some auto immune condition.

        Another thing – why did so many cunts feel the need to broadcast to the world that they’d had a vaccine? I mean seriously what the fuck??

      • Dunno Herman,
        But Bob Mortimer’s health issues go back before COVID.
        He had a triple heart bypass 7 years ago.

        I think he’s hilarious!
        Probably my favourite comedian.

        I’m not vaccinated against most things.
        I don’t have a BCG scar like most people.
        Never vaccinated against things you can catch abroad.

        Had all the COVID ones though.
        Saw it as my duty.

      • @Herman Jelmet

        Indeed! As Teal’c would say.

        Nothing says “I’m a cunt and it’s contagious – please keep 2 feet away from me” like posting your fauci ouchie on social mememedia.

      • 👍👍

        To be honest Mis I have enjoyed Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer down the years.

        Their sketch called “The Club” from Bang Bang Reeves & Mortimer 20 odd years ago was brilliant.

        Vic Reeves as that nightclub owner clearly taking the piss out of Peter Stringfellow was top drawer.

        Was just very disappointed that he waded into the whole Covid thing in the way he did.

        He’s not alone in that though.

    • @Miserable northern cunt

      All I’ve had are my childhood vaccines, adult boosters and the ones I got in the army – because it was my actual duty.

      • Two in the stink

        I didn’t have my childhood vaccinations
        My parents didn’t trust vaccines.

      • Mis, I had every fucking thing going, chicken pox, measles, mumps and a broken leg 😂

      • Well I expect you were a accident prone little blighter Sicky
        And probably a bit mucky?

        Like a little Billy Casper 😆

      • I went with the Mrs to see a theatre version of Kes recently.

        Small venue maybe only a couple of hundred in there.

        It was more than a bit abstract and a bit arty farty (plus you really needed to know the film to have any what was going on – which we do) but I have to say it was magnificent.

      • Me and my sister got Impetigo when we were nippers, looks a bit like Monkeypox for kids but without the bumming.

      • It was an accident Mis, but not my fault 😢

        Still had to go to school with the plaster cast on, and I had to fucking walk there 😂

      • @LL, I got impetigo in my teens, caught it from some dirty bitch I was trying to fuck (unsuccessfully)

      • The girlfreind caught a dose of impetigo after we dived Plymouth Sound, fucking open sewer for So’ton basically. Nasty.

  26. Talking of covid and cranks, I heard Majorie Taylor Greene (cunting applied for) raving in some commission about the revelation that the US now considers the accidental leak from Wuhan to be the likely cause of the outbreak.
    The moose faced loon was busy bigging up Trump on how he called them out for the leak from the beginning, only to be corrected by the opposition that Trump had praised both China and Ping in particular for their swift (and draconian, and I mean real draconian) actions at the start of the pandemic, and on many occasions too.
    The stupid bitch was fucking speechless. For ten seconds anyway.

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