Employing people is an absolute cunt, you have to bow,scrape and haggle to get employees these days, down to the fact that three quarters of the UK are on a work avoidance scheme.
As an employer you have to endure these ungrateful cunts and their short comings with a smile for 4 fucking years, when they finally cross the line, like the above lazy hairdresser who probably is on the game all weekends and needs to rest on Mondays and when you finally give the lazy cunt the chop, she gets some shit sucking cunt of a solicitor to screw the employer for 3 grand.
My sympathies to the employer, but now we are in the age where these fuckers problems are your problem.
Also when you advertise the job, the job centre send an endless Queue of useless wasters around who only need to be interviewed so they can keep on claiming their benefits, or some unsuitable person who cant do the job, ie- hairdresser in a wheelchair who wants your building altered to suit them…, its a shame the barber cant name and shame to lazy whore…..
Nominated by Fuglyucker
They have hairdressers in Wales?
I thought everyone went to the local farmer for a shearing.
And admin there are far to many white people in that header picture.
Ive been triggered.
Au contraire mon ami.
I count 12 people in the photo.
3 have increased levels of melanin.
2 are somewhat swarthy.
3 have frizzy/kinky hair.
2 appear to be gingers.
1 is a coffin dodger.
7 are women.
The remainder are somewhat nondescript.
All in all a rather diverse, equitable and inclusive group.*
But I too am triggered because the Wokeist Admin Team is obviously all in on the DEI agenda
*The numbers don’t quite add up because there is some crossover.
One is too many in this day and age, GC.
And good morning.
It is a pic about working????
Indeed! One white male demonstrates the systemic racism that plagues Western Civilization and perpetuates the patriarchy that contributes to the wave of toxic masculinity that has polluted our culture since Eve sprung from Adam’s rib.
We should be comforted by the intersectionality of the picture. But alas the cross in the picture that is supposed to represent first aid is clearly a dog whistle micro aggression.
Good middle of the night (here in the states) to you.
Being triggered is not the preserve of the loony left, as some would have you believe.
Bore da.
Very true, GJ.
You only have to read a handful of comments on here at any given time to know that.
As one MSM cunt didn’t quite say:
“I have never seen so many triggered right-wing white people in one place.”
Good morning.
I’m glad I don’t employ you, MJB…sounds like you’d be sneaking off to the toilet every hour to read The Guardian.
The fact that ‘Is a Cunt’ is heavily populated by “triggered” right wing types, is what makes it such a funny and enjoyable site.
Everybody knows that left wing types just aren’t funny.
Morning fellas.
Ive always found the religious mentality or dogmatic thinking is more likely to lead to triggering rather than one political persuasion or the other. Some of my friends voted Corbyn but aren’t woke at all.
The amount of times I’ve seen the religious right in America get triggered by anything, even stupid things like children’s toys, rivals those of the woke left.
And so forth.
For clarity, I should have added that I include myself in that “triggered right-wing white” demographic.
Phew! Glad to hear it, MJB!
They are when they’re blubbering ?
If I had known that using the word triggered in a sarcastic and humorous way would actually trigger the looney left I would have been using it in every post.
Maybe I’ll (triggered) start using (triggered) it now (triggered).
Good (triggered) Friday from the (triggered) States.
My motto for my working years was “take the money do the job” as I was never forced to partake of any employment if I disliked the chosen labour I would find something else. An exponential increase in useless cunts is evident.
So true, maybe you can tell teachers, train drivers, NHS staff that, if you dont like the pay and conditions, your free to fuck off and find a job you prefere…..if you can….wait, you cant, in that case shut the fuck up, get back to work you lazy cunts
Employee list.
Unless ypu can tick all the boxes, your business must close down immediately:
• Stroppy, overweight woman
• homósexual (campness preffered)
• Recently-arrived Dinghy invader
• Chippy black woman w/black hairdo
• Trannîe (halway transition acceptable)
• Terrorîst
• EastEuropean unskilled, inexperienced, no language, steals anything, only speaks with other Dooshkas, always demands time off
Good heavens old chap you have got hold of the new MOD recruiting standards.
Clearly she spends her weekends getting pissed and sucking dick. Good on her!
On a serious note this is a fucking joke.
He needs to appeal.
A woman judge, you notice.
I would NEVER employee a female unless she was at least 60 and had got menstruation, the menopause etc completely out of the way.
It is disgusting that people can take the piss like this, and even more disgusting they get a member of the sisterhood to judge it. That judge ought to become an MP in Kweer’s party – the barmy army is on the mince and that is where the money will be made for the next 15 years.
Kind of agree WC, but frequently the ideal female candidate turns up (maybe clearly of menstruation age) who you really want to employ – so you have to be very, very diligent when selecting.
This guy was a twat. From what I read he didn’t get chastised for firing her, but for not following a demanded procedure.
Even back in the day, you had to dot i’s and cross t’s to get rid of a waster, but it can be done.
And as for selection, if I though the person in front of me would just be wrong – maybe a face full of tattoos or nose rings – they weren’t going to get the job. But you don’t mention that, just keep it to yourself!!!
In my teaching days I found that the teachers who claimed to be ‘ in this wonderful profession because I want to help children ‘ were invariably the ones who had most time away from the classroom. Sometimes it would be for dubious courses which would allow them to climb the greasy pole but generally it was because they were lazy bastards and female (90% of them).
One classic case involved a woman who claimed to have a bad knee which prevented her from working. This farce went on for two years with her on full pay (using the rules which allow this) until she was stupid enough to post a video of herself on a trampoline!
6 months full pay 6 months half pay state sector
Come back for a couple of days and the full pay for six months starts again.
This shite only happens in medium and large companies.
In our small company, if people don’t pull their weight, they get fucking sacked, simple.
If a young man whinges about doing a physical job and I have to do it myself, even thoughI’m twice his age, I’ll make sure he’s shown the door.
It’s part of the reason we employ Poles.
They’re really nice, hard-working and never complain. And the birds have nice tits. And Poles don’t like darkıes.
There are some really decent young English folk, we just tell them if they don’t work hard enough, they’ll be for the high jump. No ambiguity.
After 23 years in the same job i was made redundant at christmas….,,,the wrong side of 50. I’m now doing what i did before but for myself and i’m the only cunt in the business.,,,i now work a 29 hour week for more money than i used to earn doing the same thing.
I don’t miss employing cunts any more…..all the yougsters want to be called a manger and earn k a year at the age of 20 with no fucking experience and all the older employees now realise as from april they can earn 11 an hour for simply stacking shelf on a day shift in tescos so arent motivated.
Not being able to name and shame these cunts is also a crime, i reckon if your a lazy,theiving or generally shite employee who takes the piss, its should be only fair to let the employer have your face and a description of how much of a cunt you are plastered on all the bus shelters in your local area.
This fuckers face would be all around Cardiff student union and the Cathays/Roath area, also one on the door of the knocking shop []where she probably works] her photo and underneath [ cant even be bothered to give you a happy ending], fucking employees….cunts, if you can manage without the cunts, manage
What are the odds she’s got purple/blue/pink or green hair ?
Great scam though, get pissed claim compo.
Winning !
To be fair, this happened in the socialist Hell of Wales. I wonder if the slapper got a motabikity vehicle out of it, or a free holiday?
Avoid employing peacefuls at any cost, the only woman you should employ are confirmed spinsters and obviously no soots.
A million years ago in my early ‘career’ we had a lady who had been with the company all her working life, 43 years, never a day off sick, fuck knows what she did after she retired but she was a top notch employee, did her job, never complained and didn’t bat an eyelid at some of the banter.
As someone involved in small business myself – that is a great comment.
I’d probably include pampered Mummy’s boys prone to random bouts of 24 hour tummy ache in that as well, although they’re a little harder to spot. Because they’re fucking everywhere it seems.
Can I add ‘recent graduates’ – especially ones from any of the multifarious Toytown Universities – to this list of ‘don’t employ’ ?
My last job working for someone else (until I got the old ‘business reorganisation redundancy’ punt – over 50, too white, too male, too heterosexual…just like everyone else made redundant at the same time) – so that they could employ a bunch of these tossers.
Fast forward several years to the now….they’ve lost the two main customers who accounted for over 70% of the orders that we (the ones they made redundant) had built up a good working relationship with over the years – they tried to price gouge them , the non-binary prick who was employed to do only part of what I did (but got paid more) fucked up vital equipment, the cunt they’d put in charge of the workshops I bloody well built up and ran was sacked for gross misconduct, the workshops have been asset stripped, the company website is gone…their last filings at companies house are…amusing (declared assets on their last Financial Statement: £100 – the fucking CNC plus software alone was £60K second-hand).
Go woke, go broke as they say.
When I worked for big pharma (I know I am a cunt) we had a peaceful who went off sick, allegedly with sciatica, he came back just within the 6 months before he was about to loose his fully paid salary. He was talking about playing 5 a side while he was off and after about six weeks he was off again, this went on for about 18 months before the company finally got shut if the cunt.
They like to take the piss.
I worked in IT field service for half a century employed by nine different private sector companies. I spent many hours working in offices in the public sector and to me the difference between the two sectors was stark. The silly, juvenile, entitled behaviour of some of the snow flakes in the public sector was breathtaking. One afternoon I was in an open plan office in the National Audit Office on Buckingham Palace Road. Two young guys were engaged in banter with one another across the desk where they were working. Suddenly a young asian woman on the other side of the room leapt to her feet, declared she was offended by what she had overhead and was going to raise a formal complaint with HR. It was plain she intended to pull both the race and tke misogyny cards. In our general office she would have been told; “Sit down and shut your flap you silly tart.”
This bitch reminds me when I worked for a company 22 years ago, there was this young lad, a mechanic who would always be off every Monday, it wasn’t fair on the other mechanics who had to cover the work that he should have been doing.
He worked in a bar on Friday’s Saturday’s & Sunday’s and would be knackered by the Monday. (Bless him)
He was eventually given an ultimatum, either give up your day job or give up the bar work.
He gave up working in the bar on Sunday’s, but he eventually left his day job.
Was he also a member of the band Boomtown Rat’s?
Now that I have been thrown out of the septic family home, after a relationship breakdown, (so called friends and family turning on me), and no longer a carer of a pretend disabled waster, after 10 years, I find myself homeless and looking for work.
In the past three weeks, I have applied for pushing 150 jobs.
What’s against me?
Ten year gap of unemployment, white, 47 years old.
What’s for me?
I have wore many hats in my working career, so have a lot of varied experience, plus maturity.
What have I ended up with so far?
A part time job cleaning schools.
A jobs a job and it’s a start until I can get something full time.
People, friends, family are truly one hundred percent cunts.
Trust no fucker.