African Tribal Witchcraft on Cursed Children

I was watching a YouTube documentary about how certain villages in Africa (primarily Ethiopia) deal with cursed babies/children (Everyone needs a hobby – NA).

If a child is born and its top teeth develop before its lower teeth the village elders degree it is cursed and must be taken from its mother and killed (either drowned, beheaded or left in the wild to be eaten by animals)

If mothers resist then they too are killed along with their cursed child/children.

This practice has been going on under the media radar for decades and it really is utterly barbaric and cruel beyond belief.

The Ethiopian government has tried to ban this evil practice but it still continues because the elders resort to closed-shop tactics when government officials come snooping round their villages.

Not only do cursed kids end up brutally murdered but the women of the various tribes are treated like shit, often beaten, raped and forced to work even if they’re heavily pregnant, injured or not at all well.

As I mentioned earlier, the media appear to be totally oblivious to these horrid practices. Or if they do know about it they’re not making much effort to let the world know about it and put pressure on the governments in question to work hard on banning this form of witchcraft.

Moreover, our liberal Woke overlords aren’t too keen on unwrapping this can of worms because I would guess it’s bordering on a racial thing. But it would be interesting if the likes of Lenny Henry, Stormzy and David Lammy spoke out about this, especially the cunts at the Guardian.

These cunts also reckon Africa is/was the cradle of civilisation!

They can’t blame white privilege, slavery or colonialism – this is definitely an African thing. But where is the outrage?

YouTube Link

Nominated by : Technocunt

63 thoughts on “African Tribal Witchcraft on Cursed Children

  1. Is that why Ethiopians are good runners?

    I imagine they get left to animals alot, as the average buffalo piss hole is at least 10 miles away.

    And beheaded will take a while if all you got is a flint axe..

  2. In Seffrica they make magic potions/ointment from human body parts (muti). And it apparently works better if cut from a live person.
    Sub-Saharan means sub-human.

  3. A shame dentally challenged cunts Rob Beckett and Alan Carr are not Ethiopian.

      • She never ate her dinner so doubt she had pudding?

        The Karen Carpenter Quikfast diet.

      • ‘ Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live..”
        And that’s never been wrong.

        I like to think that nice Mr Fiddler went to Africa to be witchfinder General there!

        ” He’s one, she’s one, him,him, and him,and that one..”

        Earn good money.

        That Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint are self confessed witches.
        UK chapter.
        They should be burnt at the stake.
        Get that nice author JK Rowling to light the pyre.


      • Aye Fiddler stalking the jungle with a massive butterfly net before he goes native like a Ethiopian Colonel Kurtz.

    • And fucking Rylan …
      I see he’s reverted to his original name after “divorcing” his shit-stabbing husband !!!

  4. Ethiopia was occupied by Mussolini during WW2 but has never been colonised. Left to it’s own devices without the civilising influence of a European colonial power, this is what you get. We all know perfectly well why there’s no outcry about such barbarism.

    An excellent nomination.

  5. This is all the fault of cuntwankers Bob Geldof and Midge Ureine.
    If all these blackıe savages were left to starve to death in the late 80’s, there’d be none of this primate shenanigans.

    • You would have thought they would have caught the whiff of bullshit when the village elders said the money would be used for a dental hygiene drive for children.

    • Those little bastards at the top in the picture?
      ‘ we aren’t witches or wizards’

      That’s just what a witch would say!

      Mtembe walk 10 miles to the waterhole.
      Then build yourself a ducking stool.

      We’ll be along later to drown you.

    • I suspect she didn’t.

      From Wiki (until it is deleted):

      “Meg was unmarried and lived in Notting Hill with her seven cats. She died from influenza on 9 March 2023, at the age of 80. Sadly Meg did not see this coming”

      • Years and years ago, I said she was fraud and would die, yet nobody listened. Hell, they even laughed and ridiculed me. Yet now my prediction has come true, not a single one of them will apologise to me.

  6. It won’t be long these practices are common in the U.K. and tolerated in the interests of ‘harmony’.

  7. I’m not surprised this shit is still going on. Don’t give a monkeys cuss. I’m more surprised they’re wearing clothes. Doesn’t look right, covering up their rickets and pot bellies.

  8. Fuck them, savages and the puffs eat da poo poo.

    The cunts come over here and still want to perform FGM, can’t civilise them, child marriages and juju.

    It’s their culture, a protected characteristic, leave them alone to get on with it, half the cunts would die anyway if it wasn’t for white man’s medicine and food aid.

  9. So they leave the evil babies out for the lions to eat then complain when said big cats become maneaters, and expect Tarzan or a white hunter to come and save them. Those kids are probably the lucky ones, if you survive malnutrition, disease, ritual circumcision etc, you can expect to be shot and/or kidnapped and gangraped by the Al Quaeda BLM lot. I also seriously doubt Haile Selassi was a genuine living God.

  10. Make a great film.

    The ending is just like The Terminator,a great big pile of skulls.


    • Much like Arnie in ‘Predator’ covering himself in mud to block the alien’s infrared vision, Sarah Connor should have blacked-up and then the Terminator wouldn’t have recognised her.
      As a human.

    • Great nomination by the way.

      It’s worth considering the edifying effect our society and values has had on the savages we’ve been idiotic enough to allow to settle here..

      They’ve fully integrated and made multiculturalism a triumph..

      With special mention for the benefits they have bestowed upon us going to..

      Epidemic levels of knife crime
      Drug dealing
      Single parent welfare dependent “families”
      Rampant theft
      Rap music
      Disproportionate mental illness
      Etc etc

      Til the kingdom is consigned to history.


  11. What about Somalian’s?
    Mo Farrah’s massive teeth were probably born before he was?

  12. Final sentence in CC’s post at 11:07 encapsulates the situation perfectly. Trying to civilise them is an exercise in futility.

  13. I’m guessing to criticise this practice would be racist as I don’t understand the culture of murdering children.
    I’m sure they’ll be hunting down, quite literally the original poster for muh reparashunzzzz and sheeit

    • I think it’s not talked about much because there’s no money in it for race-baiting grifters.
      There are still millions of slaves in ‘modern day’ Africa, but you don’t hear the race industry saying much about that either; doesn’t fit in with the narrative.

      Afternoon all.

      • Obama made slavery great again, slave auctions (literally) on the Libyan Coast ( going rate $400) but still the cunt got the Knob-all Piss Prize?

  14. We’ve got a large coven of witches currently renting the house next door.
    They’re broom-mates….

  15. On a positive note, the arid conditions will dry the corpses out in no time making it easier to snap limbs off for kindling.
    M’dudu !

  16. God help you if your an Albino and the local witch doctor want to harvest your body parts for his bad juju potions, curses and spells.
    These savages would still be in the dark ages if it wasnt for whitey, no mater what whitey has done the black man in Africa has done for worse to far more people for far longer, thats why they all want to come here legal or not.
    Also any of the woke whingers who benefit from now living in the civilised world should be more than happy to be here, or they could fuck off back to the cradle of humanity to see some real racism, tribalism, raping, kidnap,violence, con men, corruption, drug abuse,shootings,stabbings, neglect, disease, slavery and just general cruelty perpetrated by black on blacks even in these modern times every day.
    Living in Nigeria taught me a lot about how racist one guy can be because he was a lighter shade or a different tribe or religion to someone else.

  17. Black maltreatment of blacks is perfectly acceptable, as is use of the taboo to whites word by which they chummily address each other. Shower of Kunta Kintes, they are.

  18. In Sheffield they put four Somalian families (about 50 of them, fuck me) into four terraced houses. The big teethed twats then proceeded to knock all the party walls down to make one long room. They also ripped out all the toilets so they could shit in a hole to remind them of home. And you get that fucking prick Lineker welcoming them with open arms from his gated mansion 100 miles away from any of the fuckers. Diversity is our strength so long as you don’t knock the party walls down.

  19. The simple life that so many aspire too, damm shame we told the cunts about boats. The only time any wokist will give a flying fuck is if some leading woke wank makes a comment that lots of these bewitched children show early signs of transbenderism only the boys of course.

  20. Now the country is near full of these cunts. The government should suggest anyone singing their praises are to take them as lodgers. That will soon shut the fuckers up.

    • It won’t. These fuckers always have an excuse why THEY can’t take them but WE have to, regardless.

  21. There is no outrage because the Libtards who control the MSM and the Celebretards who control Social Media consider this the indigenous practice of post birth abortion.

      • Things aren’t perfect in Africa and this won’t change until we give them a great deal of money on a permanent loan basis. It’s about time we realized this. Bob Geldof can’t do it all on his own.

  22. Don’t know if this thing is still being printed but I recall about ten years ago a flysheet type ‘news’paper called “The Voice”, totally afro-nigo-centric that was distributed free around public buildings, libraries, waiting rooms etc. I picked one up and had a scan through. I shit you not; the back three pages was top to bottom adverts for witch ‘doctors’, ju-ju preachers and psychics, self styled pastors, therapists and fucking exorcists!… there’s hundreds/thousands of these mental ‘groids stalking the streets of 21stC England!

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