“10 Foot” Bellend and Tagging

(The alleged offender: probably has mental ‘elf isshoos in his defence – Day Admin)

This gangly bell-end creeps around at night looking for a opportunity to spray paint structures.

Hold on maybe it will be a nice picture or mural?
Nope just 10 foot, in big letters.

Step aside Picasso there’s a new man in town.

He went on to brag about all the cities he had defaced and he had been to more places than Phileas Fogg.

So is either a trust fund wanker or a drug dealer. And he steals all the spray paint as well, most probably from small DIY outfits.

The costs to remove said graffiti were staggering and I imagine highly inflated.
100 million in London and a billion for the UK.

Hopefully when he is caught the authorities can use he’s face to scrub the surface clean..

The Sun

Nominated by: Barry zuckercunt


And supported by: Supreme Commander Servalan

Britain’s biggest graffiti vandal is ’10 Foot’ UNMASKED

Daily Mail News Link

I nominate this middle class toss Pott.

Would love to spray paint his parents house,then his self-entitled little mush.


77 thoughts on ““10 Foot” Bellend and Tagging

  1. Graffiti is a Latin word meaning, literally, “writing on the wall”. The Romans were famous for it but it usually referred to prose of a filthy sexual nature, the sort of thing usually confined to the walls of cubicles in public toilets these days.
    And that’s where it should stay as it’s only the bum brigade who see it every day and they wrote the fucking stuff in the first place.

      • “Suzy!
        Suzy your bollocks are hanging out of your bikini.”

      • It will be Eddie when he is doing one of those appeals for clean drinking water in Yemen and then Suzy when he is on Question Time getting fawned over by Brucie.

      • Suzy fucking Izzard indeed.

        Whatever fucking next? A soppy, saggy old cunt who looks like he applies his lady makeup with a fucking catapult. Seriously, does he think he is desirable to the male sex? Is he still wearing that mincer’s old pink beret?

        Silly old cunt looks like Kenneth Cope in drag in Carry on Matron.

        Fuck off Izzard.

      • It would make a good, tweedy, pipe-smoking Sister George sort of lezzer…
        “Chew my cigar butt!”
        I shall never be able to whack off thinking about my favourite Suzy again.

  2. Make the cunt clear rubbish and sweep streets until his debt is paid off, at national minimum wage rates.
    The cunt will work forever.

  3. And yet Banksy’s art work/graffiti is praised from all and sundry even though technically he is “vandalising” private property

  4. How long has this been going on without him being identified on cctv footage?
    I can’t help feeling if he’d scrawled ‘Immigrants go home’ then Plod would have nabbed him in a matter of hours.

    • This urban guerillas mummy and daddy are well to do doctors,
      And he was raised in a ever so lovely farmhouse.

      Anarchy in the isle of wight ?

      Although he probably tells people he’s
      “from the street”.

      What street?

      Sesame Street.

      • Yeah I doubt he tells his woke mates he is from the Isle of Wight, HQ for the far-right.

  5. You’ve got to admire the Daily Mail. They always manage to put the value of someone’s house into a headline. Probably by thinking of a number and doubling it.

  6. Fucking nought out of ten for creativity and artistic interpretation.

    Banksy with no talent.

    Afternoon all.

    • Make him write I Am A Big Cunt ten thousand times in a prison cell then have it stencilled on his forehead.

  7. Sandown I.O.W-fuck all to do for youngsters-except drugs or vandalism.
    Nearby Shanklin, or “Skanklin” is chav central.
    This little wanker should be given 5000 hours community service, cleaning vandalised buildings.

    • I miss offensive graffiti.

      Minje Breathe!

      Hairy bollocks!

      Something with meaning.
      Eye catching.
      I quite like graffiti.
      Theres a swastika in country cream pending!

  8. I would be as juvenile as he and paint a giant cock and balls on his parents house, with this pricks image on each bollock and see how he likes these potatoes.

  9. What really amazes me is where some of this monkey scrawl is located.

    It’s absolutely fucking everywhere and I mean everywhere.

    The little cunt managed to stick one on the top of Earls court station and came back a couple of months later to colour it in.

    The only thing that remains is for knob cheese and his family to come and clean it all off.

    Isn’t going to happen though. The taxpayer gets to pick up that bill.

  10. I would give this cunt about 4 coats, with a gloss to finish. The vital first coat will be cement.

    • When the blacks see this living statue, with the plaque saying “He deduced his life to slavery”. It’s possible he might be going on a long journey.

  11. I’ve unfortunately seem his handy work all over the place, often by the side of the train tracks. What the fuck are we supposed to think on seeing ’10 foot’ scrawled there?
    At least it’s readable, not like the other scrawl which looks like someone strapped a spray can onto a dog’s todger when it wants a pee.

  12. Sorry, off topic, but EDF are today generating electricity from one of their 2 standby coal-fired power stations in Lincolnshire, thanks to the cold snap and there being insufficient wind for the bird mincers to turn.
    Meanwhile on Planet Mental, one of Dame Keira’s 5 pledges is to stop all electricity generation from fossil fuels within 5 years. What a fucking tosspot.

  13. Who remembers ‘M Khan is bent OK?’ on a bridge over the London North Circular Road?

      • I remember that. I don’t know if it’s still there but on a railway bridge in Charlton for about 40 years there was “Langton Will Die.” I always wondered who this cunt Langton was and if he was dead yet. I suppose I’ll never know now.

  14. Langton was a coronation street character 40 years ago if that helps,

    • Yeah Ray Langton, the postman, married to the young Deidre as I remember. No, it was there before he turned up.

  15. Since Duchamp put his name on a toilet 100–odd years ago, it’s all been downhill.

    • With the start of Dadaism, Duchamps was taking the piss.

      When living in Hackney years ago, I used to go past this amusing daub “Don’t panic go organic” whilst on the bus.

  16. I remember one time I was having a shit in some bog somewhere in Jockland. At eye level it said “If you’ve got a motorcycle or a nine inch cock meet me here at ….blah blah woof woof.”
    I wrote “I’ve got both so fuck off wanker.”

  17. My favourite piece of graffiti was in a pedestrian underpass in the 1980s:


    Gave me fits every morning on the way to work.
    Never failed to raise my spirits!

    • My favourite one in Bristol years ago was on a railway bridge in Bedminster, someone had written ” Lee Maggs is a Biggamist” and put underneath as an afterthought ” that means he got two wifes”

      • Well, as he was from Bristol it might have meant he was shagging a sheep.
        Credit where credit is due.

    • At the absolute nuthouse of a school I went to, some lunatic wrote the word ‘Shit’ on the toilet walls in their own shit. Straight up.

      I’ve seen some classic graffiti in my time. Like ‘Happy 30th birthday, Nana’ on a bridge in Liverpool.

      And the infamous ‘Stone Roses’ graffiti that was sprayed all over Manchester in 1985 by two of the band. I won’t say which two though.

  18. I did always enjoy seeing, give peas a chance on the m25 by Gerrards Cross.

    • Still there.
      Going the other direction

      “Every day I sit on this jam and wonder/ WHY?”
      Or similar.
      Been a few years…

  19. I would spray the cunts face red to aid my target to punch until the silly fucker had scrubbed off all his tags, that look like they were done by a fucking 3 year old on a sugar rush

  20. Looks pleased with himself in the picture taken ten years ago. He’s now thirty six years old? When’s he going to grow up?

  21. I remember a few years back some some “aspiring Annigoni” was using paint to vandalise railway property. Thankfully, the cunt fell on the third rail, and ???⚰️.

  22. THE very best graffiti I ever saw, as a young boy, having a puss in the public toilets near the steps to the Roman Walls, st Chester Cathedral:

    “Here I sit all broken hearted, paid 2p and only farted.
    Yesterday I took a chance, saved 2p but shit my pants.”

    Fucking brilliant??

    • A man who drank gallons of port
      Got through more pairs of pants than he ought
      Growling “This towelling
      my bowelling keeps fouling
      is useless when I get caught short.”

    • You had a “puss” in a public toilet? You sure it wasn’t Suzy Izzard’s bumhole?

    • “Here I sit in a rising vapour, cursing the cunt that nicked all the paper”

  23. Off topic , but hat strange car crash in Cardiff… Hundreds attend ‘vigil’. Why? Friends and family, yeah, but who are all these other fuckheads??

    Then it was reported that the ‘grieving’ hordes paid ‘tribute’ with balloons and fireworks. People have died and they are letting off balloons and fireworks?!!?
    Ah, there’s no scum like British scum…?

      • They were black Norman. An opportunity for the wokies to have a pop at the coppers. Predictably the coppers fall over themselves apologising.

        Scousers 7 Manker Wankers 0

        Don’t think we’re going to forget. ?

      • We were shite, Freddie. No fight whatsover. But, I remember the dirties beating Palace 9-0 in 1990 with that cunt Aldridge. But then Palace did Liverpool in the 1990 FA Cup semi final months later. So, we will bide our time, Freddie. What goes around comes around. I bloody hope so anyway, mate.

        And may I add that Bruno Fernandes is a complete custard coloured cunt. Imagine Buchan, Wilkins, Robson, Bruce, Keane or Neville asking to be taken off at Anfield? The cunt should never captain United again.

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