The Welcome Trust Medical Charity

They are advertising for a chief diversity officer at £211,000 per annum, yes you read that right. This follows the self-cancellation of an exhibition which was ‘racist, sexist and ableist’

The job is based two days a week in the office and presumably the rest of the time at home, doing sweet eff all.

The so called ‘learning lead’ at Wellcome, one Farrah Nazir put out the advert on twatter and then confirmed it was £211,000 not £211,500 as previously stated, adding that it was important to pay this role what it was worth. In other words, fuck all really.

Critics have already torn these arseholes a new one. Effing disgrace that a medical charity should pay this sum, why not give it to striking nurses instead?

Who knows how much the other cunts in the diversity team get paid if the lead cunt gets that much.

I reckon they got the idea from the BBC who pay that grifter Sarpong about £260K per year for a three day week.

MSN News Link

Nominated by mystic maven.

56 thoughts on “The Welcome Trust Medical Charity

    • Quite right …
      We continually piss and moan about shit like this, yet keep funding the fucking organisations that do it!
      Just stop giving to stupid woke organisations like it.

    • Only charadees I give to- 1Local hospice. 2Local air ambulance. Both of which I may have need of. 3And the British Legion.
      The rest can fuck off.

  1. I’m up for this job. Hope no one else from Isac beats me to it.
    Or maybe we could take it in turns so as to be as diverse as possible.

  2. Another (in a very long line) illustration of what is wrong with great swathes of Britain today.

    Some cunt flogging themselves in the care sector for a tenth of this salary…

    Just Fuck Off.

    • It occurs to me that what we should be doing when we see a job like this advertised, is apply for it, and the more unsuitable we are, the better. I had reason to look at some Employment Tribunal leaflets recently and it seems that, if you are disabled, for example, you must be offered an interview. When you are not subsequently offered the job, you could then create hell about their discrimination against you. Also, it seems to me that these days you can identify as whatever you like, so you could be really creative in the form filling.
      I was recently invited by a manager at my place of work to join a customer service focus group, I said no thanks, I don’t think I am the right sort of person for that. They asked me why and I said it was because I hated people. Not all people surely? they said. I said yes, because you can’t discriminate. The dozy cunt stood there staring at me, trying to process all this, for what seemed like an age.

  3. Huge offices in central London (isn’t that always the case?).
    Has over 2,000 on payroll.
    Financial endowment currently almost £26 billion (one of the largest in the world).

    They really need your dough by the sound of it.

    By the way, does anybody know what a ‘learning lead’ actually does (other than, no doubt, being paid more than the PM?)

  4. Medical charity?

    Well I Don’t want to break to them but Kate moss in the top right picture doesnt look to chipper.

  5. I wonder what the job requirements are?

    “It was the first-class honours degree in African and Oriental studies from Birmingham Polytechnic and the 2.1 in shoulder chips that swung it for us Kwame”.

    • You can bet your very last penny that the successful candidate will be one or a combination of:

      A Wimmin who has been through some or other Wimminstruggle
      Asylum seeker from a third world craphole
      No higher education
      An activist
      Gender fluid
      Body dysmorphic

      200 grand a year? Jesus fucking H Christ and fuck off for dinner.

      • I am fucked for the interview shortlist too given I am English, male, white, heterosexual with a degree in Civil Engineering and have a wonderful family with a wife and two children. I have no wish to become a laydee and am quite happy with my dad physique.

        I can imagine the successful candidate would have to harbour a pathological hatred for people like me and will seek to introduce the most discriminatory procedures within Wellcome, which are (on paper) highly illegal, but in reality on apply to the ‘poor downtrodden’, and would be pitied some some bewigged, cobwebbed old fart in court, i.e. see my previous post.


  6. Reading this cunting made me realise that an urgent overhaul of the charity business is required. How in the name of God can a salary of that magnitude be awarded to a person who will spend two days a week doing a fucking invent a job. I suppose they will get free medical etc and a pension to sugar the hard work involved. This is not charity this is business. Do Welcome get all the tax breaks etc that charities do? This is fucking disgusting sickening in fact, the bayonet is sharpened.

    • I’ve sent my CV in .
      Interview next Monday.

      Mentioned im persecuted by my fellow gypsy community because I’m gender unstable .

      Fingers crossed?

      I’m practicing my opening speech and I’m sure to mention I’m inclusive of sooties, ramjams, nI9no9s, fairies, hairy Mary’s,
      Even if they’re cripples.

      Jobs as good as mine…

      • Good luck MNC.

        Make sure you wear your Mrs’ bra padded with socks and run on some bright red, frosted lippy on to contrast with the beard. A nice kohl eyeshadow and mascara will allow you to flirt wildly with the interviewer.

        Some bright red nail polish and some clip on dangly earrings will complete the good impression you are seeking to make.

      • ???
        On that sort of money Paul I can finally get a round in! £££

        Flirt? I’ll do a Sharon Stone for 200grand

    • It’s bloody big business all right Mr Biscuit.

      Between the useless scrounging rubbish that still lives in foreign lands and the useless scrounging rubbish that’s already here it’s Bentleys all round at the top table of the Charity Industry.

      Isn’t it odd that quite a few of them are based in Britain but are actively undermining what’s left of our way of life?

      It’s very definitely time for a very thorough clear out of these gifting cunts.

  7. Where Mrs Fistula works they are advertising for a REFLECTIVE PRACTICE FACILITATOR What ever the fuck that is on £ 70,000 a year. A poultry amount i’m sure you will agree considering the high importance of such a position.

    • Sounds like a clucking good job anyways fenton. Let us know if you ever find out what the fuck kind of a job it is…

  8. I heard Jeanette McKrankie, former head of the Scottish Nazi party is looking for work.
    She has alot of experience in this field.
    I’m sure that £211,000k a year will be a drop in the ocean compared to the millions the horrible bitch has been screwing out of Scotland for the last few years…….
    Fucking evil witch.

  9. Charidees… everything else these days a fucking scam. It’s hardly surprising that the cunts involved are all wokies. Those cunts are at the top of everything, spreading their bullshit and scamming the fuck out of us. I wouldn’t give a charidee the shit out of my arse.

  10. Well none of you terrible racists are in with a chance..

    You have already chased poor innocent Mr fiddler off this site.
    You absolute rotters..

  11. Just remembered Toyota Land Cruiser for the big wig aid persons especially the UN.
    Mate of mine was on contract in some African hell hole and made a point of pointing out the large number of brand new Toyotas parked in a secure charity compound.
    If I can contact him I’ll see if he can supply more info re what charity. Mind this was twenty odd years ago but hey not much has changed.

  12. To redress the Wellcome Foundation cuntishness, not all charities are Cunts. Families in Focus (Essex) deserve a mention as being one of the good ones.

    Last year we had serious ongoing and majorly stressful aggravation with my autistic son’s school (Head) seeking to recommend moving him to a SEN dustbin school, aided and abetted by trusty and ‘inclusive’ cunts at the local Cuntcil. Families from Focus attended the meeting with us and knew just how to challenge the pair of them – they wiped the floor with them! Result, no move for my boy and no more mithering from the Head.

    There is a just giving page setup for a kind gentleman who is going to complete a half marathon in aid of Families from Focus. My own company will be donating a nice chunk to them next week.

    • Excuse me for going off topic again Paul, but could I ask is the charity you name just based in Essex or are they a national job?

      • Thanks Paul. Reason I ask is because a close relative has similar problems. Worse actually because the family courts are involved, an institution which in my opinion is rotten from bottom to top. I can say no more because its proceedings are secret by law and I could literally get locked up for revealing anything more. What I would say is they work hand in hand with social services and I would advise anyone to avoid contact with that shower like you would steer clear of the Black Death. Scrape by on your own however hard it may be.

      • Sorry to hear that Arfur. Give them a try. They have been brilliant and backed us all the way when we had our issues with the Dep Head leaning on us to remove our boy and shove him in a school where the poor kids, squeak, grunt and roll their eyes. Our boy is locked in but can read brilliantly and sing fantastically.

        Best of luck.

  13. Chief Diversity Office!! So how many fucking junior diversity officers have they got ?

    Diversity officer aka get as many fucking minorities in as possible, on the news today a suggestion that those CUNTS crossing the channel from certain countries (Afghanistan, Syria and couple of others) could be processed just by filling out a form, no interview or in person assessment.

    Have they forgotten that most recent cases of stabbing and rape involved asylum cunts from Afghanistan.

    We will be third world by 2050, just in time for the net zero target ?

    • Intended to watch “Politics Live” at lunch-time SoI. Had to switch it off after five minutes. I would like to take Layla Moran down to the cut and there hold her head under the water until the bubbles stop coming up.

      • I was busy outside, washing the car and doing a few jobs in the garden so missed the idiot show, the Moran cunt gets my piss steaming so glad I missed it

        Nice sunny (almost spring day) here in t’yorkshire.

      • Anybody in particular?


      • Fuck me, that was just supposed to be a link, not a rewriting of the fucking Bible. Can you delete it Admin?

  14. It’s no coincidence that this nomination appeared in the nom section on the departure day of Lord Fiddler.
    He only bathes once a year, so had the appearance of a “swarthy gent”.
    £211k buys a lot of Guinness, Fray Bentos pies, Dog Food and saddle soap.

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