My fellow cunters, news from the moral high ground occupied by everyone’s favourite journal of hypocrisy.
What is it this time, you ask? Lambasting the rich for using tax avoidance schemes whilst using, er, tax avoidance schemes? Criticising companies for employing unpaid interns whilst employing, er, unpaid interns? No, its the card that trumps all others, race of course, and this time it’s been played against the Graun. Oh shit.
You see, embarrassed by their founder making a mint out of slavery, the Graun set about making amends by preparing a set of podcasts on the subject. But three chippy soots they employed to research the matter have bitten the hand that feeds them and published a letter accusing them of institutional racism and not taking the issue seriously. The letter is full of wokeisms straight out of the Graun’s own lexicon – whitewash, passive-aggressive, editorial whiteness, microaggressions, colourism (that’s a new one – must be the Graun’s word of the week). Was justice ever so poetic?
It’ll be fun to watch them clinging on to their £1.3billion when the podcasts are aired and the tree-swingers start baying ‘reparations’.
Nominated by : Geordie Twatt
‘The Guardian. A rag of cunts, by cunts, for cunts’
A Lincoln; The Cuntyburg Address.
I always stand up for immigrants although the only one I know is the cleaner I pay below minimum wage.
I support the Labour party and the trade union movement whilst secretly find the working class vulgar, racist and a bit scary.
I’m a keen environmentalist and wish that people could be forced to stop driving or flying.
Not me obviously!
We have a villa in Andalusia and ski in Colorado.
Meat is murder
Cocaine is fine
I’m a atheist and occasionally a Buddhist .
I’m a anti capitalist but work in a financial institution in the City.
I’m ashamed of slavery committed by this country
Although my forefathers made a fortune from it.
I like fair trade coffee
Even if the farmers murdered the indigenous natives for the land.
I don’t know if rapist’s are men or women.
I wear Birkenstock sandals and my specs are designer branded.
I’m a guardian reader.
A perfect summation Mis.
I would add, soy boy, hipster beard and man-bag?
Emma Thompson?
Emma Thompson??
Not bleeding likely!!
Polly Toynbee is 194.
Moaning Owen is a right twat.
John Crace has a face like an enema bag.
Fat brummie Adrian Chiles is married to The Grauniads editor so she probably has a special draw where she keeps his balls.
Not drunk himself to death yet then..
Potato headed cunt..
MNC deserves a Pulitzer prize for that meticulous observation….?
Never mind so sad..
I suppose the spoons got the hump that everyone wasn’t grovelling on the floor in front of them.
Fuck em all I hope the mythical far right take them down..
They are a bit busy at the moment.
I love the far Right.
They seem just like ordinary people?
We are…
Although they don’t get when I’m being sardonic..
Fancy that, delving into the past to look for racism when it’s already there in the present.
Isn’t it time to say ‘look it was over 200 years ago, banging on about it isn’t going to change anything’
Just to add, the Blicks we lazy moaning cunts back then and basically nothing has changed.
Amusing when a UK hating rag is hoist with it’s own isms.
I do enjoy their “begging bowl” paragraph that always pops up at the bottom of any of their piss poor articles, as I know with absolute certainty I would not give them the steam off my urine.
Sorry to change the subject, but I am convinced I saw Chris Whitty out and about today. Even more convinced by the way the cunt looked extremely shifty and nervous when we made eye contact – the other half says I could turn someone to stone when I see something or someone I don’t like. I feel like it was a missed opportunity to have a go at him and am a bit annoyed with myself now..
Dame Chris is probably infected with some nasty alien plague, and would like to introduce compulsory anal searches.
Ee’s a wrongun, no doubt.
As an Americun I think yew geyes are much too hard on the Gardean. In any organisasun of that size there are bound to be a fue misteaks.
In the end, it’s the qualitee of the deporting that cunts.
Is that gays? Guys? Gay guys?
Cum on! Everee reeder of the Grauniad nose the spelling for gays is gaes. As in:
Sur Stammer is kweer and therefour a gae geye.
Cunts like little Owen Jones and Polly Toynbee who are forever lecturing everyone else on racism will soon discover that being anti-racist or a “black ally” will count for fuck all.
I have, on several occasions, enjoyed making Guardianisto’s squirm, by informing them of the origins of their beloved Marxist comic.
The left are eating themselves alive and joyful to observe?
That header pic is from a famous 1915 film
” Birth of a nation” about the Klu Klux Klan.
It portrayed them as heroic and captured Americas imagination,
Life imitating art the Klan who didn’t actually wear white robes till then.
Membership soared.
At its peak it had 3-6 million members.
Including judges, police chiefs, sheriff’s and sympathisers like bulldog faced transvestite FBI boss J.Edgar Hoover.
He suppressed investigation into the KKK.
A strange little fucker.
The film isn’t aired anymore for obvious reasons .
Why have the klan captured marty feldman?
Was he making eyes at white women..
He couldn’t help it Baz.
He was born popeyed.
Here he is at his best
Cheers mis..
I loved that his hump kept changing sides.. cracking film..
Birth of a nation is on YouTube?
“Birth of a nation is on YouTube”
DVD on Fleabay… £2 … yoink.
Here you go Mis, try this one on for size.
Possibly my favourite film Cuntymort!?
The brilliant
Madeline Kahn (R.I.P) after the monster pops her cherry
The ridiculously talented Madeline. I’ll never forget her turn as ‘Marlene’ in ‘Blazing Saddles’. Fucking epic.
Mind you Mis, I always like a Mel Brooks film. Cheers me up no end.
The common greeting back in the day.
Live like a cunt, die like a cunt rip Guardian, this cunting has cheered me up no end.
Aim, fire!
Oops, shot yourself in the foot ( again)!
I hope they have to sell up to pay compo to the dark keys,who then murder each other for the compo of the other one.
Destitute guardian employees makes my nuts ache as well.
The soppy cunts.
Indirectly this sort of bollocks could lead to the collapse of western civilisation as I expect virtually everything could be linked to slavery.
Mud huts all round then.
And mansions for ethnics..a bit like four star hotels in Knowsley for those nice foreigners who like to pop over for some multicultural enrichment.
If it does come to pass that society collapses completely and everyone has fuck all, it will be interesting to see which group or groups of people will start rebuilding and also interesting to see who gets left behind and what their excuses are this time.
Cunt truffles
Talk about being stabbed by your own sword. Hahahahah.
I hope the sooties win their legal battle and bankrupt the lying, hypocritical, pretend woke, full of shit (and now waycist) rag the Guardian is.
Nothing would fill me with more glee to see gone those race baiting wankers at the guardian get sued for…..wait for it…… RACISM!!!
Oooooo the irony.
If the Pat Boons take the guardian to the cleaners, will Owen Jones become a rent boy?
What do mean become, CM.
Well he/she/it/thing is no use as a reporter, fucking useless as an interviewee. Who would want to employ the cunt?
There aren’t many rich families or institutions who can’t trace their wealth back to the slave trade. It was an incredibly profitable business….. literally a licence to print money. Yeah if anybody is going to pay reparations to try and shut these cunts up it shouldn’t be the fucking taxpayer it should be bastards like the Guardian and the Church of England. Oh and that Chimpboy in Buck House needs to get his hand in his pocket especially as he claims to love the blacks so much.
Cunts, the lot of them.
I actually thought from the haunting header pic, that was the last thing a negro saw, before the K.K.K. threw him down a well. But I could of course be wrong!
It was Chris Mounsey, erstwhile of the infamous and inimitable “Devil’s Kitchen” swearblog (of which IsAC is a very close analog) who finally managed to refine and codify what he called “The Toynbee Conundrum” into one simple question – Is this bitch lying or just fucking stupid? btw, always wondered Dioclese, am I right in thinking you’d be familiar with the Devil’s regular, glorious and furious fistings of the Groaniad’s editorial effluence.
Someone should investigate the rich as fuck for centuries Toynbee family. There must be a connection with the slave trade there somewhere. What a joy that would be! The champagne socialist bitch would have to go and hide in her villa in Tuscany. Well away from the pleb trash that she pretends to love so much.
I believe the Toynbees were big landowners with lots of tenant farmers. If they didn’t directly own slaves you can get your bottom dollar that the farm labourers working their lands were probably just as badly off as any Uncle Thoms.
Big player with the pederast cliques of Rhodes and Milner Group actively exploiting South Africa and connected with the first Boer concentration camps.Rothschild agents ultimately,owners of Reuters and by default the Guardian.
Violence and looting in Turkey. What a surprise….
This place was a shithole before this disaster.
I think Boris has some Turkish blood……there is probably a village of bumbling albinos quoting Greek poetry out there somewhere. He loves giving away our cash to the rest of the world (ahem Volodymyr) has he been on TV doing an appeal yet?
Blacks given trust and then turning on their patrons? Im
so surprised.
Let that be a lesson to the wokefest cunts over at The Guardian.
It proves how much these upper-middle class Marxist tits are detached from reality though. Those of us who live in the real world know a black isn’t to be trusted.
Always remember; round Jews, you loose. Around blacks, never relax. Oh, and NEVER trust an Ay-rab.
So theYanks have shot down a small car 40,000 feet over Alaska. The Chinese are more technically advanced than previously thought. Expect the Guardian will claim it’s racist to call them devious little virus manipulating psychopaths.
Let this finally be it’s undoing. The gruan is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A polarizing tool and the other side of the same coin!