(The alleged Offenders – Day Admin)
Well, imagine my surprise.
A couple of evil gays adopted two little boys and allegedly raped them, tortured them, assaulted them and pimped them to fellow Peter files. Always boys they adopt, isn’t it? Nothing to see here, obviously.
This cunting is aimed at the monsters here (who lived in a 900k mansion despite having regular jobs). The main thing is the appalling abuse of course, but no cunt seems to know how they afforded the home. They did run a gayness charity and allegedly pimp the poor lads out so I guess the money could be from either or both of those sources?
Good old woke charity, eh? See BLM for more examples of mansion building.
The cunting is also aimed at gay adoption in general. It was a fucking woke church who allegedly organised these kids being sent to these bastards. Good luck with the big man upstairs with that (if you believe that stuff in the first place.)
Gay men should not be allowed to adopt boys, unless closely related to one of them (younger brother etc.)
The fact they always seem to want to adopt boys is a massive alarm bell surely?
Seems nobody thinks it’s a big deal though. The media have practically ignored this story, of course. Blink and you’ll miss it stuff.
The cheeky cunts have been charged and awaiting a court appearance.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
Fuck that … anyone aflicted with the gayness should not be allowed to adopt – brother or not.
And Oh look … there’s those words again – “the church”
Sjck fuckers, lock them both up and lose the key. I bet you they will be in mincing heaven inside a male prison.
Sick even ffs. Dyslexic keyboard.
Depends if prison is like a gay porn movie. Otherwise I’d imagine they’ll be getting their faces and not their arse getting smashed in
Kill them and anyone complicit in their crimes, end of.
‘Lessons will be learned ‘.
‘We have altered our procedures, this could never happen again’.
Until the next time it happens.
Evil personified.
Burn them at the stake.
And make the BBCistan televise it live.
Happened in America.
Don’t worry, it could never happen here.
Until it does.
Most homōs have (boy) kiddly-fiddling tendencies, in my opinion.
Degenerate perverts, the lot of them.
Same as transm§bunders.
Have social services done a recent check on the unfortunate child adopted by Tom Daley and his much older “husband” to ensure the poor kid doesn’t resemble a plasterer’s radio?
Most h0mōs have (boy) kıddly-fīddling tendencies, in my opinion.
Degenerate pęrverts, the lot of them.
Same as trans§bumders.
Have social services done a recent check on the unfortunate child adopted by Tom Daley and his much older “husband” to ensure the poor kid doesn’t resemble a plasterer’s radio?
I always think of the future to this evil. Do the boys become the same or enjoy getting their own back. Only the latter will be prevented for being illegal. The evil will continue to the end of time.
Besides. If an experiment is jeopardised, it should be cancelled immediately.
The adoption racket is an interesting one.
Lots of money to be made I believe.
One of our clients – a youngish couple with normal-ish jobs who had previously lived in a modest 2 up 2 down mid terrace house with their one kid.
Then I hear that they are adopting/fostering kids.
Next thing I know – I’m out measuring up at their recently acquired 6 bedroom, detached, big fuck off house.
It could be more sickening and the adopted kids have become the new Osmonds, made rich by more sick people.
A completely sickening story. Nothing more I can say.
These two are looking at a thousand years in the chokey.
When I first saw your header pic Ron, I thought it was the cast for a new series of Rainbow.
“Closely related to them.” That could surely lead to incest. Isn’t that just keeping it in the family though? And they could still end up getting pimped out to other sexual deviants. Brotherly love I suppose.
Not for Profit Charities and for Profit Charities should be two separate things. If you take a salary from it, it should be treated like any other business, albeit maybe on a reduced rate and salaries should be capped. It’s disgusting how these arseholes pray on feebles minds and actually steal from good causes although not in this incident. Charity law needs a complete overhaul in this country.
Young married lesbian couple that live in the area had a baby together a few years ago now. (surrogate father etc)
The child is a little girl and they are blatantly dressing her like a lesbian complete with a lesbian hairstyle. (You know the type)
Call me an old fashioned bigot but that is fucking wrong.
Leave the poor little girl to be a little girl you fucking psychopaths.
You immediately want to look into the future to this story and hope the girl is dominant and wants to become normal and her adopted parents accept that.
We don’t need American child abuse cases. We’ve got plenty of our own;
Altogether now; ‘LESSONS WILL BE LEARNED’.
Straight to the chambers – fuck courts and judges.
This is beyond the pale. If homosexuality is to remain legal then we need to ban homosexuals from any contact with children and require them to wear GPS tags for the safety of the public.
No, thinking further, just round them all up and gas ’em.
Didn’t Elton John and his live-in friend adopt a couple of boys? I’m sure they developed into mature, reasonable lads with common sense.
Just like they used to before it became legal. What an irony for the irons.
We have our own woke church in this country who are busy tearing up certain passages from the bible to suit gayness and transgenderism.
We have our own woke government and social services trying to convince everyone that same sex parenting is the new utopia, aided as ever by sections of the media.
I fear that the phrase ‘Only in America’ won’t apply to these kind of shenanigans in the near future.
Go woke, get your juvenile arse interfered with.
Elton and his lovely wife David adopted boys. Sometimes it’s all above board and doesn’t result in a paddling pool full of baby oil and semen lovechild scenario.
Philip Schofield mentored a schoolboy, but with great self control didn’t start fucking him in the asshole until he was over 16. Probably. So you lot are rude vile pigs to suggest gay couples cannot be trusted around young boys. Many catholic priests have only molested a few boys, a few even prefer little girls! The ancient Greeks and the Arabs like nothing more than buggering youths, it’s cultural diversity. Sorry to cunt the cunters but I hate bigots almost as much as I hate pikies and scousers.
I don’t hate gays.
But I hate Peter philes.
Mess with kids? 10 feet of hemp will fix you.
Told a couple of times about being a teenager and older blokes beating/torturing a Fiddler.
I thought it right then I still do now.
But I know gays who aren’t interested in kids.
That’s like saying straight blokes like little girls?
If anyone had touched my kids when they were little I’d of done a life sentence.
No joke.
Fiercely protective as all dad’s,
I’d of decapitated the cunt.
And held my head up high in court.
This pair just happen to be gay.
I’ll paint the noose pink and play Kylie minogue while they do the long drop.
You’re mellowing 8n your old age, Mis.
Cuntybollocks-another cutting if the highest quality ???
As one of, if not THE best cinter in IsAC, you need to get the fuck back on here?
….and another cunting for ? -I checked this post before I posted it.
Steve Jobs Ghost must be haunting either my phone or IsAC☹️?
Seconded ?
Once the irons are behind iron bars, they should suffer all the more. Have their eyelids removed and todgers wired for electric shock treatment for any sudden moment, whilst strapped to a chair watching little boys cavorting at play. This to be carried out indefinitely of course.
The worst thing they could do to these two is to lock them up for life in women-only prisons.
Sent to infirmary and then repeat all over again!
Fucking pond life.
Lock the pair of cunts naked in a small cage with a sex crazed silverback and a pot of vaseline mixed with fiery chilli powder.
Once they have had their large colon ripped out by the silverback, put the remains through a woodchipper –
Live on Ant and Dec.
Now THAT is Bush tucker Paul !
Finally “decant” the anagram host’s into acid.
Only as long as that slap headed twat and his closet gay sidekick Ant & Dec get the ‘Silverback’ treatment straight afterwards. Come to think of it Michael Barrymore too………..
Deviency means something that is not normal. Yet all in sundry want to make it the new “Normal” I don’t accept that. Deviants or whatever you want to call them should be invisible in society and should be detected at any application and for any purpose. I would propose extinction of the sub species as my preferred option.
You reckon all and sundry want to make paèdôphilia normal? I don’t think so.
Off topic
A Dutchman in Ireland has been killed by a chicken!!
Jasper Kraus bled out after the Brahma rooster stabbed him in the leg with one of its spurs.
Fuck me.
They’re fighting back!!
it’s how this game works, amplfy the significance of subject to epidemic proportions and watch the online backlash overreaction blossom disproportionately to the problem.
Once the seed is planted, any attempt at introducing reality to the problem can be deflected by cries of media lies, and the catch all insult of wokeism.
As seen daily, in the comments, and increasingly, the noms.
Hey ho.
@ Miserable
It was probably Foghorn Leghorn, or one of his illustrious descendants.
“Pay attention to me boy! I ain’t just talkin’ to hear my head roar.” ?
Possibly but if the poultry world are killing folk it’s the logical conclusion that they’ll set up a war crimes court !!
Colonel Sanders,
Bernhard Matthews
Keith Harris
Then the rest of us.
Also, if anyone has any reliable data that alphabet people are more likely to physically, sexually, or mentally abuse children in their care, be the fostered, adopted, or test tubed, I’m all ears.
Not a fan of the alphabet lifestyle so I’m not defending them, only looking for context, and is there any more danger to children from them than other groups, like religious people for example.
Good point GJ
Members of the Oxford grooming gang attended a mosque for prayers which was across the road from a property where an underage white girl was repeatedly raped and tortured.
Religious people can be right child abusing cunts.
Rooster spurs! Reminds me of the great 1974 exploitation film, Cockfighter, starring the great Warren Oates. This film is BANNED in Britain, as it features genuine cock-fighting scenes with metal spurs attached to the birds’ legs.
83 minutes
They don’t make ’em like that anymore, boy! 😀
Gay film?
Scared to look.
This is a reenactment of what transpired
Buzz-kill Gutstick is back! 😀
Cockfighter is about a man (Warren Oates) who takes a vow of silence after rigging a cock-fight and being beaten up by his peers. He sets off on the road to train a rooster to be champion. Yeah, seriously, that’s the story, it was 1974, maaaaan! Rocky was two years away, so someone made a version of Rocky but with ACTUAL cock-fights in it. Only film that legendary producer, Roger Corman (all those Vincent Price Edgar Allan Poe horror movies) only lost money on. Warren Oates was a great actor, a true one-off…
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
112 minutes
Insane movie! 😀
Clint Eastwood has a film called cry Macho that’s about a rooster.
Well there’s a rooster in it that’s involved in cock fighting,
Films about other stuff as well.
Not all chicken based.
Gimpy Gordon’s trolling and strategic abuse of tickies continues unabated!
I watched Cry Macho and it’s based on a great novel, many filmmakers talked about making it for years, but the final result was not that great. Some great scenes, but it fell flat.
The Mule was fun! Clint talking down to the drug dealing Cholo scum! And the scene where he meets the Dykes on Bikes was great, I was howling at that! I’m a big fan of the Dykes on Bikes girls, they hate the LGBTQ+ “community” as is the whole point of being in a biker gang…
40 second scene
Hahahaha! 😀
Apparently, that rooster attacked happened in April 2021…
Lockdown brought the rooster’s hatred for dad into focus! 😀
You are correct HJ, although I was thinking of religious people in general rather than focusing on the usual suspects that are more than amply covered here. Perhaps a similar amount of hate can be aimed at the Catholic Church, as they have been doing it a lot longer in the UK, and have had far more protection from the powers that be.
I was just being a smart arse (or attempting to be)
Regarding the Catholic church then yes of course.
A very old priest from the local Catholic church near me, who abused boys back in the 1980’s, has continued to wriggle out of being truly held to account for his crimes.
Age and deteriorating health allegedly.
To hell with the victims who are no doubt scarred for life.
Homosexuality is acquired behaviour.
Nobody is born homosexual.
These kids have no chance of leading a normal productive life.
Homosexuals should never, ever be allowed to adopt.
Well… it’s a point of view.
I suppose.
Comedian Louis CK raises his kids gay…
Kill them using fire ?
I have to admit here i think being gay in the first place is a good enough reason not to be allowed to adopt on its own.
Things are bad enough for kids who have to be adopted in the first place, then having to adjust to living with a couple of shirt lifters and having to explain to their school friends why there is some limp wrist-ed fruit hanging around the school gates doing a technicolour impression of Sam Smith.
Honestly these kids have already been dealt a shit hand in life, just when they think things cant possibly get worse, they get lumbered with a pair of chutney ferrets at best or worse a tranny , Garry Glitter, some lgbzxtyq loon or some file who wants to turn a small o into a large O.
No doubt Jack and Jim are going to try and bring the unfortunate brat up as benders as well, now there going to be an awkward bees and the bees conversation and the best way to lube up.
One thing you all seem to be missing is that they got the kids from a special needs adoption charity. If these kids had some sort of additional needs then that makes the whole thing 10 times worse.
So two degenerate bummers adopt two young boys and those boys take a daily bum full and god knows what else.
Why am i not surprised it turned out like that ?
I dare say that the BBC’s coverage of this heinous crime will be scarce, to say the least.
If it was a straight white bloke, we would know his name, address, age, shoe size and DNA code already.
Disgusting, degenerate, filthy sodomite animals.
It’s the sheer smugness in that picture: “Look what we’ve got. We’ll do what we like because this is our world and there’s nothing you can do about it ”
Carry on ducky.
Just don’t bitch when the sodomite finder general turns up, because sooner or later, he will.