Tessa Dunlop – Little Miss Hissy Tit

Tessa ‘I’m a Doctor, don’t you know’ Dunlop is, so I’m told, a historian, journalist and broadcaster.

She’s also seemly ubiquitous, popping up just about anywhere in the media these days to give us her considered opinion on any subject under the sun (often, quite coincidentally, with a new book to punt at the same time; who’d have thought it).

Now that’s fair enough, I suppose, but what really grates on me about this professional gobshite is her attitude. She’s very often rude, condescending, and sometimes downright loud and aggressive to anyone who has the temerity to disagree with her. Here she is in full on ‘passive-aggressive’ mode with that most affable of presenters, Laurence Fox;

Now just imagine her outrage, and that of the sisterhood, if the roles here had been reversed. You’d have heard the cries of ‘bullying!!’ and ‘misogyny!!’ from here to Timbuktu. A bit of misandry and spite against the mild-mannered and inoffensive Fox is alright though.

Dunlop is obviously an educated woman, but all too often, her ‘go to’ method in any discussion is to bluster and abuse when she can’t get her way. If I tune in to anything these days and find that she’s ‘one of the panel’, it’s an instant turn-off for me. Life’s too short to watch some loud and unpleasant cow getting her knickers in a twist.

YouTube Link

Nominated by: Ron Knee

72 thoughts on “Tessa Dunlop – Little Miss Hissy Tit

  1. I bet she has a dry, powdery twat too. Typical of many bitter, single, menopausal old bats.

    No sane bloke would go anywhere near it. I have worked with a couple of similar women’s. Simply ghastly.

  2. Never heard of her, but fucking hell, what a fire-breathing dragon.
    Your place is in the kitchen pet, not in a television studio, and definitely not in the bedroom.

    • Good Morning Geordie,

      You’re very vanilla I suspect she might be a bit lively in the bedroom. Anyway if you stuck your wrinkle in her trap at least it would shut her up for a bit.

      • She’s clearly a deranged man-hater, Ws, so might well bite it off. Frankly I’d rather not risk it.

  3. Mutton dressed as lamb if ever I saw it.
    “a doctor incidentally”……oh fuck off. Posh, champagne socialist, old scrubber.

  4. Now, with all due respect to Bette Davis, we KNOW what happened to Baby Jane. Like so many of these self-obsessed pseudo-intellectual wimminz, she was allowed as a child to have tantrums and was humoured. They should have taken her knickers down and smacked her bottom till she shut her trap . A direct humiliation even now would not come amiss.

  5. Ugly as shite, older than dirt and a face like a smacked arsehole.
    I’m lucky that until today I didn’t know who she was. I’m glad to say I’ll soon forget her. If I’m unlucky enough to encounter her on my TV going forwards, I now know what an utter sheep’s cunt she is (thanks to my esteemed cunters at iSAC) and I shall immediately turn channel.

  6. I saw this when aired.
    She’s puddled.

    He didn’t provoke her she wound herself up.

    He should of asked her for a second opinion.


    • She has done TV work with Derek Acorah…says it all. Maybe he was hunting the ghost that haunts her old fanny.

      “Dis der bint a bit unhinged like, calm down, calm down”.

      • She doesn’t seem to have a mam?
        Just a dad.
        With a Viz sounding name.

        Donald Dunlop.

        An she’s got kids but no mention of a husband.

        Wonder why people in the family keep abandoning her?

        That’s probably why she’s always lashing out?

        Abandonment issues .

  7. That clip would have been equally relevant to the menopause nomination two days ago.
    She needs an overdose of HRT, the fucking desiccated misandrist.

  8. Maybe she is “tyred”. And she was shit at the iom tt, unlike the other dunlops. Im here all week.

  9. She just needs a proper deep-dicking.
    Have her wearing a pretty flowery dress, baking biscuits and making floral arrangements in no time?

    On second thoughts….

  10. The shiela would be far more popular as a pub circuit Deborrah Harry tribute act and would get a lot more sympathetic/nostalgic roots to put a smile on her face.

  11. I wouldn’t get my cock out in the same room as this bitch and a pair of scissors.



  12. Mis:

    Remember “Wife-Swap”-the TV show where a complete bitch swaps places with a nice housewife?

    Inspired by her performance on GB News, I have volunteered you to swap Mrs Miserable for Tessa, for two weeks?

    First thing she’ll do is paint your artisan gate a nice shade of black.
    No more pub lunches, real ale or chip butties for you, my lad!

    • That could be a bigger ratings winner since Dick Fiddler had Carol Thatcher cleaning the AGA and re-baizing the snooker table.

      • CG@

        Your on.
        Soon whip Vinegar tits into shape.

        She’s just acting up because she needs love.
        And a backhander.

        I’ll tell her,

        “That rabbit food your brought?
        Binned it.
        Theres a sack of spuds in the larder.
        If that chip pan isn’t on in 10 minutes Doctor you can reset your own arm.

        Then I’d dip her handbag and go the pub for a few .
        Doctors are minted!
        She wouldn’t even notice.

        She’d no doubt fall madly in love with me,
        Threatening to kill herself if I didn’t let her stay?

        I’m not one for blackmail.
        I’d set the dog on her.

      • @ Miserable

        She ain’t a proper ‘doctor’ doctor tho. She’s got a PhD for ‘examining Romania’s national identity during WWI’. As you do.

        Bet she’s got no idea how to make a decent bacon sandwich.

    • …and this is a good ‘un; bitch fight between ‘socialite’ Victoria Hervey and Dunlop over Prince Andrew.
      They obviously loathe each other. Look at the sneer on Dunlop’s face during the intro at about 0.12! The scratching starts after Piers Moron has interviewed his guest from the US, around about the 5.30 mark or so.

    • Fucking hell, no wonder she hasn’t got a husband. If he hadn’t walked out the door he would have killed the bitch. What a fucking nightmare.

    • Sweet Lord in Heaven, what a nightmarish harpy, one of those ultra(quasi-fash)feminist wimmin who aren’t capable of having a civilised argument, and who seriously think the louder they bicker the righter they are. Ought to come with a winding in the muzzle so you could screw on a fucking muffler. The horror, the horror.

  13. Never heard of her before-a quick search on google was quite revealing:

    -Doctor of History-PHD in Romanian history.

    -Met her husband when she was teaching English in Romania, she was 20, he was 12☹️
    Arranged a scholarship at her old school for him and arranged for him to stay at her parents for half-term?

    What Tessa wants, Tessa gets……

  14. The wife’s opinion of this mare is that it’s *ahem* a ‘time of life’ thing. I go with the view that she’s always been a nasty cow and always will be.

  15. The way she slips into the rant; “I’m a doctor” in an obvious ploy to boost her image, not to say her ego and gain the respect of her inerudite (in her opinion) interlocutor. Kind of goes tits up though when you find out, courtesy of CG above, that she has a PhD in bullshit.

    Sad to find that she’s from Pitlochry, I once worked with a lovely woman from Pitlochry. Hope you’re well Heather.

      • Sorry arfur, I meant Dunlop was a cow, not the lovely Heather.
        Only joking about Pitlochry as well. It’s a lovely place.

  16. I wonder how many arguments she’s had with herself and lost ?

    I imagine when treating a patient, she’d look up their history and if she found something offensive about them, I’m afraid it would’ve been a Mickey Finn for the poor sod.

    • She looks to me like someone who could start a fight in an empty cupboard, and end up punching herself in the face.

  17. Fortunately Sammy she’s not a real doctor. Could you imagine the joy she would extract from doing prostate examinations? She’d get her whole forearm in there and tie a knot in your fucking colon. Serve you right for being a man.

  18. Another rent-a-gob to create click bait, like Benjy Butterworth, Afua Hirsch, Katie Hopkins and that black fellow who specialises in colonialism and the evils of Empire (Mtembe Andrews or something).

    I didn’t click the link.

  19. She really needs to lie about her age and say she’s 70. She looks ok for 70.
    If a cop pulls her over he may think her license is fake:
    “49?! Ma’am please. Where did you have this ID made?”

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