Sensitivity Readers

The world of literature is slowly being taken over by a new woke plague; the sensitivity reader. A moral gatekeeper employed by publishers to read through manuscripts questioning plotlines, characters and language for anything that might offend the usual victim groups, although its dressed up as vague wokey doublespeak of ‘authentic experiences’ and ‘speaking my truth’ Its a sort of way trying to pre-empt the inevitable outrage and cancel-proof the author.

Author Anthony Horowitz was a victim when the word ‘scalpel’ was cut from a passage in a recent book because some bedwetter felt that it had negative connotations to Native Americans and the historic practice of scalping their enemies. As Horowitz explains “Scalpel, of course , comes from the Latin word scapellus (from scalpere, to cut) and has nothing to do with scalping, which derives from the Middle English scalpe (top of the head).

But who cares? At least Creaking Knee and his mates weren’t offended.

So according to this logic Shakespeare wouldn’t have written Othello, Mary Shelly couldn’t have written Frankenstein or Robert Louis Stevenson understanding the lived experience of one-legged disabled pirate Long John Silver in Treasure Island.

In small victory for sanity, Dick Fiddlers recent international bestselling bonkbuster ‘Fifty Shades of Fiddler’….”Downton Abby meets Readers Wives” The Independent …..*****

And exciting newcomer…

Cunter of the Year, Miserable Northern Cunts ‘Dogging Diaries’…”Raw and gritty account of Stockport’s underbelly” New York Times…10/10 have evaded the woke Gestapo’s censorship and are available online and from all reputable bookshops after IsAC Publishing House refused to bow to pressure and issued a firm “FUCK OFF”.

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator

43 thoughts on “Sensitivity Readers

  1. The missus and I are going to see ‘The Miserablist Wimminz of Windsor’ next week.

    I’m not really looking forward to it, to be honest.

    Afternoon all.

  2. The most offensive body of work ever is still the best selling. The Bible. It tells us human beings what cunts we all are.
    The irony is that a number of religions use it as their sacred text but ignore & distort most of it to feed their narrative: salvation by works. In fact it teaches the opposite: salvation by grace.
    The fact that we have nothing to offer a perfect God offends our perennial human arrogance. Why do you think the religious leaders of Jesus day had Him murdered? He taught grace.

  3. You wouldn’t want a Native American surgeon anywhere near you.

    ‘Nurse, please can you pass the sharp surgical instrument’

    ‘You mean the Scalpel doctor’ ?

  4. I see that Long John Silver gets a passing reference in this quality cunting.

    For anybody who isn’t aware of it, his autobiography, ‘Wildlife On One’, is a great read.

  5. I heard some ex professor cunt on the radio the other day who had written a book about the British Empire. His publisher rejected it because of objections by “younger members of staff”. The problem was that it didn’t just focus on the negative aspects of Empire, conquest , exploitation, slavery etc, but also considered the positive aspects such as the fact we civilised the filthy savages. Not good enough for the wokies at Penguin…..that’s wrongspeak that must be suppressed. Bunch of limp wristed fascists.
    The book is called “Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning “ by Nigel Biggar if you’re interested. Well done Harper Collins for having a pair of balls.

  6. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t Hitler a best selling Author?

    The cunt in me would make mein kampf compulsory reading for any/all
    ‘sensitivity reader’ job applicants.

    Fucking time wasting loser dickheads all of them?

  7. The reference to Frankenstein is appropriate to modern society.
    The Hokies have become living, breathing, horrific facsimiles of humanity-women with penises, men with breasts and vaginas etc, etc, etc….

    An excellent cunting-bravo.

    • Cheers General, Dick has gone all Hunter S. Thompson and is currently brooding at Fiddler Towers.

      But as they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity.

      • These people who cry at scary words in books..?
        I’ve never met one?

        Wasn’t any at school,
        Or anyone in the places I’ve worked.

        None of my friends said they cried reading about Joe Hawkins in Richard Allen’s pulp fiction ‘Skinhead’.

        Some words are scary,

        But you have to be a little soldier,
        Fight back the tears and keep on keeping on.

        Good nom Libby?

        This Brave New world?
        Wets the bed.
        Soft as shite.?

      • I wish Dick would make a return. He’d probably say something about the correlation between this Nom, the fuckwits that dish out the trolling and abuse but cry when it’s returned and the ‘Report Abuse’ facility on this site.

        And I’d concur with him, fully.

      • He’ll be back, DCI…he’s invested too many years in ISaC to truly abandon it.
        Perhaps MNC ought to perform a welfare check as he’s local?
        Make sure Mr F hasn’t transformed into a bumder supporting, cycling vegan fan of Jamie Oliver and Kier Starmer.

      • I sincerely hope so, Mr Cunt-Engine. His chasing of General ‘Test Post’ Bullshitter for a ‘Link’ was like watching an aristocratic, Tourette-suffering Roger Cook!

      • I’ll reactivate my alter-ego (Vernon Fox)….see if I can entice him out, like some sort of Hilux-driving Punxsutawney Phil.

      • Agree DCI,

        Not the same without the orrible old cunt.

        I hope he falls out of a tree or off his horse and is bedridden for a few months forcing his hand.

      • Agree, Mis. If you’re reading this, Dick, return to the fold. This site NEEDS its attack dog to sort out the persistant bullshitters!

      • Yeah Fiddler you rude cunt, get back on here,
        Your hatred for your fellow man makes me feel better about my own sociapathic tendancies.

        And wondered if I could pitch up on the top field for a week in August.

        I’ll just turn up hey?
        Nice surprise for you!

      • Vernon Fox files his nails while they’re dragging the lake…

        Watching the defectives

  8. The Perpetually Offended strike again.

    Nowt like a good dose of censorship to brighten the day of the Soy Brigade.

    Gas the cunts..

    Oh dear me no,I mean let them have a nice sleep that lasts forever.

  9. I have a brilliant idea. If these cunts don’t like the contents of a book, don’t fucking read it. There’s fuck all stopping publishers from releasing the ‘actual’ book and the ‘sanitised woke snowflake cunt’ version.

    • Good idea. They could put those sanitized books in their own section, like the plant- based crap in supermarkets

      • It would be half the size with all the good stuff removed and should be twice the price for the inconvenience. And placed somewhere the cunts buying them can be soundly ridiculed. Perhaps near the reduced vegetables so there’s plenty of ammo to throw at them.

  10. I’d love to show one of these pathetic, leftie spastics a page or two from my origibal copy of “Here Comes Noddy” that I’ve had since being a small lad.
    Especially the bit where poor little Noddy gets mugged by n̶ı̶g̶ “gollıwøgs” in the forest:

  11. The Five Fingers by Gayle Rivers and James Hudson.
    Warning: Only a prepared soul should read this!
    I read it as a boy and the images in my mind are still as vivid as the day I read it.
    The horrors of war.

  12. Enid Blyton will be turning in her grave.
    (Timmy was a very licky dog – but quite handy for postage stamps).

    • Before my time harry. It was footballers and the hardest,sharpest bit of gum ever.

      Though no mention of Stonewall Jackson in the set. My favourite civil war general.

    • Oh yes.
      Some horrible graphics on the picture cards: spikes going through bodies, soldiers blown to bits. Also a fake Confederate doller bill included.
      Happier simpler times! ?
      PS, the chewing gum was horrible.

  13. Shakespeare’s been censored before of course – the bowdlerised versions from the Victorian era. Who bothers with those now? I firmly believe the wheel will turn again and Roald Dahl and Co will be published once more in their unexpurguated versions. Snivelling little shits of sensitivity readers will be consigned to the rubbish bin of history, just like their Stasi role models were.

    I’m an optimistic sort of cunt.

  14. One of the earliest (I think) and best examples of Wokeist Sensitivity (in the States), is Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn, The proto-woke tried to ban it because of the character called N@gger Jim.

    Huck’s dad was a drunk. The Duke and Dauphin were con men. Colonel Sherburn murdered Boggs because he insulted him and got away with it because he threatened the cowards who wanted to lynch him.

    The only positive male role model in the whole book is N@gger Jim. But that name is offensive!

    We can’t have that now can we!

  15. I’m pretty sure I read in the Daily Mail that Goldilocks now has a trigger warning. Fgs. What do these loons make of something that is actually a bit horrible, like American Psycho?

  16. The awake wankers have just given the go ahead on a new novel to hit the shelves, after going through it with a fine tooth comb. Its now become a Note
    Pad that’s also giving away free pen to help you get started.

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