Poophobia – A Load of Shite

Phobias (i.e. an extreme or irrational fear of something) are at best unpleasant, and at worst, utterly debilitating. They can make life unbearable if they get out of control.

I should know. Ever since enduring a prostate cancer scare a few years ago, the very mention of the word ‘cancer’ puts me in danger of shitting my pants. I’m carcinophobic. The wife’s an arachnophobe; the mere sight of even a tiny little money spider reduces her to a gibbering wreck.

Phobias come in all shapes and sizes, and are often weird and wonderful. You might be scared of clowns, in which case you’re coulrophobic. Petrified of string? You’re linonophobic. The list goes on and on…

But here’s a new and truly bizarre one for me though. Emmerald Barwise, a 36-year-old model, admits to being ‘poophobic’ **. Indeed, the lass is so troubled by the problem that she once collapsed on a photoshoot after baking one for an amazing two weeks. Struth.

I do draw the line at her going on C4’s ‘Know Your Shit; Inside Our Guts’ to bare her soul on the subject; there’s such a thing as too much information. Nevertheless, speaking as one who regards a sit on the bog with a good book to hand as the spice of life, I can only imagine the trauma that the poor lass must endure.

Poophobia must be a terrible burden to labour under every day, and I’m sure that I speak on behalf of all of IsAC’s membership when I extend deepest sympathies. Just let it all go girl, let it all out. Trust me, it’ll be a load off your mind.

** Yes there is indeed a medical term for it; it’s called ‘coprophobia’.

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Ron Knee

88 thoughts on “Poophobia – A Load of Shite

  1. What I curled down into the bog yesterday morning is enough to make anyone poophobic, believe me ……

  2. Try smelling some poor fucker that’s shat themselves whilst they have C-Diff… The smell of ‘Satan’ Blair’s breath.

  3. This has given me an idea for a new ITV “celebrity” game show.

    Four lavatory pans, Ant and Dec, and a team of Kweer Charmer, Yvette Cooper Lady Nugee and Mandy Mandelson and they have to sniff the contents of each bog and answer the question – Whose Turd is That?. The winner at the end of the evening receives the Golden Lavatory Brush. There could be a game involving the public where six lucky contestants have to fart in the face of each panelist and the man or woman who makes Dame Kweer pass out wins a cash prize. On second thoughts they could call it The Krypton Farter.

  4. I am practised in the art of baking one, for a day at most. This comes from never having a shit in the school bogs – something bad always happened to anyone using a crapper.

  5. Just what I want to read at breakfast time. I am sure the admin is a sadist with his scheduling!

  6. I doubt Philip Schofield has this phobia. He loves the smell of shit that much, his knob permanently stinks of it.

  7. I suspect having a dump will be deemed racist because shit is the colour of brown and is seen as a waste product and therefore offensive and racist blah blah

    • Saturday’s my favourite day
      It really is a hit
      I have a home colonic
      Followed by a shit.

  8. I’ll assume the lass has never been bummed then.

    Another high for British journalism.

    The cunts.

    • The poor lass will end up with having to use a colostomy bag for life from Tesco, after all the damage she’s done to herself.

      • I’ve recently told her my nom de plume and she shit herself. She’s recovering well after listening to some of my music.

  9. Poo Phobia? Yep/ I see enough of that every day. Endless shit pans pass en route to the sluice, Shit stained pads in black bin bags, and christ! the skidders on me own shit pad are enough to curdle the milk on the cornflakes.

  10. She’s probably just a mental?

    I love a good shite me!!

    You can tell a lot about your health through the consistency of your droppings.

    Dry nuggets?
    Probably your vegan diet isn’t as good for you as you think,

    Sloppy , squirting hot liquid?
    You need some roughage boy, calm it down, no foreign muck!

    I’ve just given birth to a healthy brown baby,
    The spit of Sadiq khan.
    He’s scuba diving at the bottom of the khazi.

    What’s for breakfast?

  11. Did one this morning, if you’d a put a couple of palm trees on it, it looked like Tracy island.

    Blue Peter keep your sticky backed plastic…?

  12. Fiona Bruce on Antiques Roadshow.
    ‘Which of these turds is good, which is better, which is best? What do you think madam, the one Lord Chinless keeps in a box under his bed here at Inbred Hall, the one from the BBC archives scraped off John Noakes’ Y-fronts after he’d climbed Nelson’s Column, or the one I’ve just curled out in front of the cameras?’

  13. I always liked the two phrases…
    Sending a sausage to the seaside and Dropping the kids off at the pool.

    • Yesterday I got a job moving a load of bags and suitcases,
      The customer was a Albanian!

      Moving out of temporary accommodation into a maisonette flat on a rough estate in Stockport.

      When we got there it stank to fuck of dogshit,
      The smell was so strong you gagged,
      And upstairs you could hear the culprit barking,
      A Pitbull.

      The Albanian was fuckin gutted.
      Welcome to the land of milk and honey!!?

      Said to him
      ” bet you wished you’d stayed in your own country”

  14. I wonder what initiated this fear of poo? Maybe they crapped themselves in public once?
    The Horror.

  15. Speaking of phobias, the term ‘Islamophobia’ always amuses me, as if fear of Islam was in any way irrational.
    Here’s a brief selection off the top of my head:
    9/11, 7/7, Manchester Arena, Bataclan, Charlie Hebdo, Mumbai, Bali nightclub,
    David Amess, Lee Rigby, Berlin Christmas Market, Promenade des Anglais in Nice,
    Paris Metro, Orlando nightclub, Sri Lanka Easter bombings……
    I could go on, but that lot will do.
    Ergo, fear of Islam is not irrational, it is entirely rational.

  16. Worked with an ex royal navy lad many years ago who’d served on the royal yacht brittania , he said he got one of the queen’s turds dried out and varnished mounted on a plinth….

    Probably true, he was a bit odd…..?

  17. who in their right mind doesn’t have an aversion to shit, are we seeing another attempt to normalise degeneracy?

  18. Knew a lad from Yorkshire that shat in a pint pot and left it on the pool table.
    Landlord didn’t have a sense of humour and barred him

    • After all the ale I consumed last night, what landed in the pan this morning could be perceived as rather terrifying ?
      Perhaps I should have sent a picture to Channel 4…

  19. My Dad would do the most offensive shits a man’s ever done . So bad that i vomited in the sink .
    I must be a shitophobe

  20. I am profoundly buscoprophobic – I fear cacking meself on the bus. But not as much as the other passengers…
    Waaah! Nurse…!

    • She feels bloated? Well not going to the toilet will do that for you. Anything for a bit of publicity.
      Looks like anyone can be a model these days. She’s a fat ink-stained attention-seeking slag. And her shit stinks.

      • What I find bizarre is how the lass thought that not having a dump for days or even weeks was ‘normal’.


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