Nadine Dorries (2)

Having secured herself a media slot on Talkradio/TV Nadine suddenly decides she will not be standing at the next election. She uses her newly acquired platform to slag off the Tory government (an easy target but forgets that she was one of them for 19 fucking years) and cries about her constituency and how much she will miss all her wonderful constituents……..sob sob sob.

Do me a favour darling, are you having a fucking laugh? Another fucking chancer seeing an opportunity to make more money and grabbing hold of it with her greedy grasping hands.
Just fuck off bitch. If you had even a sliver of integrity you would pack it in now, not hang on to enhance your pension. Fucking hypocrite slag.

The Guardian

Nominated by Freddie the Frog.

(FN please add your own link in future  – DA)

53 thoughts on “Nadine Dorries (2)

    • Yeah I doubt her “wonderful constituents” were in her thoughts when she was scoffing wombat bollocks and trousering thousands of pounds for appearing on I’m A Cunt……..

  1. She obviously thinks that her standing down as an MP will be relevant.

    Question (To the general public) . Who was Culture Secretary under Boris Johnson?

    Answer. Fuck knows.

  2. Apparently had to remove herself?

    May a humbly suggest at abandoned mine shaft, and I’m available to push you.

    Useless bag of crap..

  3. To give her some credit, she was the only M.P (other than a trembling John Major) to fully go down on Edwina Curry’s unbelievably hairy fanny.

  4. Unless I’ve gone madder this useless fucking windbag was at one time in the Cabinet,touting binning the BBCistan TV tax…that was soon forgotten and next news she’s off.

    Now,now mustn’t rock the boat etc etc

    Feeble lying cunt.


      • Splendid, UT.
        I live in hope that a magician will manage to summon a racist kraken to patrol the English Channel, tip over boats full of soon-to-be spongers and gobble them up.

      • And the kraken has a side parting, a little Hitler moustache above its beak and can form its tentacles into a rudimentary “卍”.

      • Bravo Thomas.

        Along those lines I’m not against an army of extremely annoyed and medievally armed skeletons that rise up out of the beaches of Kent upon the arrival of a dinghy of dung to flail them back into the water in crab friendly chunks,rather like those bony cunts in Jason and the Argonauts.

      • BBC making us feel sympathy for migrants, throwing in that they fleeing conflict in Africa, makes it seem that every country in Africa is at war.
        Why aren’t they fleeing to Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, it seems they prefer to head to Libya to catch the boat (well something that looks like a boat) to get to Europe and a free ride, usually the UK

      • A boat full of Peacefuls!
        Three cheers for the shoddy boat-builder:

        Hip Hip-Hooray
        Hip Hip-Hooray
        Hip Hip-Hooray

      • Just seen a report that claims they were from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia, my geography is a bit shit but I don’t believe Pakistan and Afghanistan are in Africa.

      • They do like to get about these Afghans and other rubbish..must have plenty of money.

        More shit boats with drunken African captains please.

        Oh and hopefully the Climate Changes means lots more very violent storms in the Mediterranean.

        Top drawer.

  5. Equally deserving of a cunting are the media outlets who give these dishonest and incompetent idiots employment.
    Remember David Mellor? Given a football phone in show by those lovely people at the BBC based on the revelation that he liked his ‘actress’ friend to wear a Chelsea shirt whilst he was shagging her.
    No difference nowadays though. Former cabinet MPs can get a job in broadcasting based on the fact they’ve spent years fucking Joe Public up the arse.

  6. Like rats deserting a sinking ship.

    The overpowering stench of a coming Labour landslide hangs heavily in the air.

    If the legend of King Arthur returning to save Britain in its time of need is true, he’d better get his fucking skates on.

    Mad times, ahead.

    Good afternoon.

    • Indeed, and the Suntan Kid doesn’t seem to give a fuck. I think he only wanted that job for the contacts he can make on the world stage. When he gets his scrawny bud bud arse kicked out of Downing Street he will be running around the globe, Blair style, hoovering up the dirty money. You’d think he was rich enough already but for cunts like him and Blair you can never have too much money.

    • Afternoon Jack.
      I see Luciana Berger has re-joined Labour, now they look like to form the next G’ment, er, I mean now they have sorted out the anti-semites……
      Sometimes rats come back…

      • Hello, General. She’ll get a safe seat and at least a Junior Ministers job.
        Like Bisto Kids, the irresistible fragrance of the Expenses Trough keeps ’em coming back.
        Time to hide the assets. ?

  7. As one door closes…it might be farewell to Ms Dorries, but no doubt sensing Kweer Charmer’s victory Luciana Burger, who left Labour in a huff four years ago has rejoined the party, no doubt hoping for a safe seat, and Lord Sainsbury has rejoined ze party and given them a gift of 2 million pounds. No doubt the old cunt is hoping for a profitable sinecure with Kweer like he got with Blair.

    • Yeah, all the vultures will be circling over Starmzy now hoping for favours from the cunt when he gets hold of the reins of power. I reckon all these politician motherfuckers have studied the life of Blair and that’s the way to go. The Suntan Kid even sounds like the cunt. Next time he’s on the telly close your eyes and you will think it’s the Blair Devil himself.

    • But, but, but…… Jez is still a Labour Party memeber.

      He will be sneaking up behind her and shouting ‘Freedom for Palestine’ ?

    • Apologies WC-i hadn’t read down to your post.
      Berger is a slippery bitch. I know some of her “extended” family.

    • The Hamiltons were/are Premier League level publicity whore.
      They would turn up to the opening of a packet of crisps, if there were Pap’s, free fizz and nibbles.
      Horrible cunts.

  8. The bitch’s constituency is a very safe seat so it will be interesting to see who the Suntan Kid parachutes in there. Whoever it is I hope they fucking lose.

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