Internet Trolls (4) and Keyboard Warriors

You’ve all seen the sad news that the missing Mum, Nicola Bulley, has been found deceased. Rip, lass.

There’s been criticism about the police response, nothing new there then, and politicians eager for a soundbite have added their twopennorth worth, bandwagon jumping cunts.

But the real hyenas are these utter cunts, as per the link, trolling her partner, posting stupid images on his social media account.

For fucks sake, why? What possible satisfaction can they get from it?

And the amateur sleuths who turned up while the search was still on, and posted their laughable antics on Twat Tok!

I’ll stop now, I can feel my blood pressure rising.

Wales On Line

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

102 thoughts on “Internet Trolls (4) and Keyboard Warriors

    • I don’t think you’ve got any worries on that score, John?

      (I see you’ve negelcted to answer my question, ‘Inspector’…)

      • 1- rigorous IQ based introduction screening on first application. Physical attributes can be obtained through training.
        2- no automatic recruitment from the armed forces ( just because they can take orders without question).
        3- Removal of the semi- military based basic training, ( police officers do not need to know how to march).
        4- thorough background checks,to eliminate at source any dubious characters with “minor” criminal infringements.
        5- instant dismissal for any breaches of the current laws however “trivial” .
        6- movement up the greasy pole to awarded on merit/intelligence. Not because you happen to be GAY-BLACK-ASIAN-TRANS or any other oppressed box ticking “minority”
        7- On initial recruitment a reasonable period of on the beat/ foot patrol in your designated location.
        8- although not exhaustive this in my opinion ” for what it’s worth” should form the basis for a modern law enforcement agency. I have no doubt that inspite of my “skilled” based aerospace engineering background I may be wrong in my assessment, clearly though the current situation given the recent misogynistic/ racist/ murderous/corrupted officer’s being reported is not a model for continuation ….!

      • A credible response of which I agree with the vast majority of, however, your initial criticism of ALL police, including the ones in the Nicola Bulley case, and what YOU would have done in exactly the same circumstances, goes unanswered. That’s fine, and not unexpected.

        You may as well just criticise everyone named ‘John’.

  1. To be honest I got absorbed in my response to your initial points that I forgot the latter.

    As for handling the “media” the method used by another “John” , John knot during the Falklands war proved effective. That was until the facts are clearly known without doubt, press releases are not forthcoming and when they are released the information is given in a controlled professional manner and personal details are not given ( alcohol/menopausal/personal) issues are certainly not required in the public domain during a misper investigation… disgraceful…!
    Also any misinformation is quickly dealt with and exposed to be incorrect.


      You mean the John Nott, in this clip? Going to cut the Royal Navy until the Argentinians invaded the Falklands?


      ‘That was until the facts are clearly known without doubt, press releases are not forthcoming and when they are released the information is given in a controlled professional manner and personal details are not given’

      Would that be the press that broadcast the attack on Goose Green, in the Falklands, the night before ot was due to happen, in a ‘controlled professional manner’?

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