Humza Yousaf (Who he ? Scotchland’s health secretary) has dropped a legal action for £30,000 against a nursery he and his wife claimed discriminated against their daughter. They alleged that there was no space for their child whilst ‘ white Scottish sounding names were accepted ‘.
Obviously,I am not in possession of all of the facts but the response of the nursery was robust even though the court case costs and decision may have bankrupted them.
Mr Yousaf’ s legal representative, ‘Aamer Anwar , said …
I could go on but you lot on IsAC have got the idea.
As ever , I rely on my fellow cunters such as the indefatigable arfur to provide links from the BBC News Website.
Nominated by: Guzziguy and Ruff Tuff Creampuff
With helpful links provided by: Ron Knee
This cunt could be FM of Scotland soon.
The joy for Scots is unceasing.
Indeed he could:
He is a totally useless think cunt, perfect replacement for the Nickerless Hag.
A fucking Peaceful! Therefore, by definition a fucking liar, race baiter and potential terrorist. This cunt has put himself forward for the leadership of the Scottish Nazis.
Come back Krankie, all is forgiven!
He’s the ‘continuity’ candidate; Krankie with a tan and a beard.
Yes but he could still be a woman in Jockland. Humza Queen of Scots.
Point of Order:
Not my nomination, it’s 100% Guzzy’s fine handiwork.
I merely added the BBC link.
I know a bit about this.
Humza kicked off about discrimination over placements for his daughter at a nursery school and threatened legal action.
It’s since been dropped.
You see the owner of said nursery is Asian.
He didn’t know this when he was spitting out his dummy.
If your going to play the race card best if you check what cards your opponent is playing with.
In fairness he was playing SNAP. But foolishly it could cost him the chance of sniffing Krankies seat.
Sniffing Krankie’s seat…
Please, let’s not go there!
Somewhat difficult to claim racial discrimination when the business owner is the same race.
Never mind, Humza.
Here’s a wet flannel for you to wipe the egg off your face.
He will get far more money replacing Mrs Krankie than he would in continuing this ridiculous court action – and it is only the money that matters to politicians, especially those like him.
I had a nice Kebab from his Dad’s takeaway.
I looked up reviews of the legal practice of Aamer Anwar and they were not at all flattering averaging 3.5 with an alarming number of very negative comments. Even fellow P@kis were not impressed .
Another nasty, vindictive, bullying SNP cunt. Meanwhile the NHS in Scotland is imploding under his watch.
So the SNP’s continuity candidate for Leader.
Always the FUCKING race card..!
When the cunts can’t get what they want…?
He’s right though, by and large no fucker in the world likes Muslims…nowt but fucking trouble everywhere they infest….?
Sporran vindaloo
Haggis jalfrezi
Spicy porridge
If you’ve any sense you don’t replace a poisonous ginger midget with a Stanley.
Jesus .
(Singing to the tune of The Corries Scotland The Brave)
Land of the Pakistani’s Poppadum’s and Biriyani…
It is finally nice to see someone finally standing up to these race grifting,permanently offended lying rats.
Reminds of the lying grifting cricketer who tried to ruin alot of people.
Suddenly he was the story.
That cricket story has some way to go, rather too many of the accused are standing up for themselves and telling the truth.
Dear cunters – for your delectation:
I love the little wanker running alongside the cunt
Hahaha ??
The dozy fuckin Mr Bean cunt!
What a twat.
Nice one Lord C.
Who’s he going to blame for that? The Infidel cleaner who polished the floor no doubt.
Imagine what he is like behind the wheel of a car..
A fucking menace.
Fucking BEAUTIFUL-pity he didn’t break his fucking neck.
If thinking of making a top trumps style game for victimhood, for these type of cunts..
Categories could be skin colour, smell, rudeness, sexual deviance.
Coming to a p@ki shop near you.
They can dress this up with lawyers,inquiries and shitty tricks but it just breaks down to them being evil cunts,which is par for the course.
Nowt but trouble.
I thought all the peaceful types made their women stay home and look after the kids so why the fuck did they need nursery places.
P*ki cunt.
It gets worse. The cunt’s from Glasgow.
A Glaswegian P*ki ???
See you Abdul. By the way.
Humza’s famous anti-hu-white rant:
In a country that is 99plus percent HU-WHITE-what does he expect.
The racist prick.
The video cut off before he got to the child groomers.
Being a bit deaf, I have to lipread.
I’m not quite sure that was actually what he was saying, it seems overdubbed to me.
Not that I’m defending this cunt, but we don’t need to use cheap tricks, here.
Hi Jeezum,
No the speech is genuine. The lipsynch is out on the last link but try this one instead.
Racist fucking cunt.
Had that been a white person complaining about the number of BAME people in posts of power, he would have been thrown in the cells by plod and up before the beak for Far Right activism and racism.
Scotland will enter a much deeper and stinkier cesspit under this nasty cunt.
Cunt should move to londonstabbistan you don’t get in if you have an English name, unless you belong to the transbender, unicycle, trigender asexual blah blah youngster group who know in their dual spirit self that they are wrong sexed by the universe.
These bastards are making laws for fuck sake as well as sucking on the public money tit. How much misery must pass by before these useless cunts do the job they are payed for making sure we have enough energy, medications etc doing something that may not get them interviewed on some wanky morning tv.
Sounds Scottish to me.
His 70s songs were good (Father And Son, Peace Train, Morning Has Broken) before he converted to being a pædohphíle.
He wears the McHaggis tartan.
I thought a large part of the SNP’s rationale was to preserve the Scottish identity, yet they are a whisker away from having a peaceful as leader.
Where’s the logic in that, he’s hardly a descendant of Robert the Bruce is he?
I loath to give ungrateful jocks good advice, but here goes….
Look at Londonistan, or any other town or city in the uk where these fuckers get involved.
Try doing business with them.
Watch them attempting to drive a motor vehicle.
Then tell me if you think it’s a good idea.
SNP immigration policy is for MORE migrants, not less.
Why we don’t transport all the dinghy riders straight to Scotchland is a mystery.
No, they won’t accept anything tainted by Englishness.
Probably best I make no comment apart from he is a massive cunt of word proportions.
I have a genuine story about peaceful politicians and how they operate.
Years ago a police officer friend of mine told me Slough police were getting grief from peaceful councillors about alleged prostitution in the area.
Meetings were held where the peacefuls kicked up a fuss demanding action.
Old Bill duly raided a suspected knocking shop and arrested the clientele with their trousers down, literally.
Only problem was, all those nicked were peacefuls who’d been shagging young white hookers.
Cue peaceful councillors descending on police station demanding their release and suggesting it should all be covered up. They even blamed the white females slutty behaviour and dress for leading the men astray.
Untrustworthy vermin.
If McYousaf gets the job, you can be certain that the first things he’ll do is eput in laws that will make “phobias” illegal and the ScotPlod Gestapo, the SNP ‘s attack dogs will eagerly hassle anyone who “blasphemes”. Also, you can be 100% certain that from the SNP’s longstanding Jew hatred, antipathy to Israel and sucking off every PLO terrorist’s cock, will “twin” with “Palestine”. Utter cunts…
I wouldn’t let his kid on a fuckin life boat never mind attend a nursery.
Fuck off Hummer.
If his kid needed a blood transfusion and I was the only match in the UK?
I’d make black pudding.
If she needed a kidney and I had three?
I’d feed the dog one.
You hummer it son, I’ll play along with it, till we get it behind the bike sheds and kick it’s fuckin’ head in.
That’s the way to do it! ?
Evening Ruff ?
Poor Scotland eh?
Their politicians are a right shower of shite.
Not like the upstanding, moral, statesmanlike political figures England has.
The very definition of irony.
No wonder you’re COTY.
Evening Miserable. ?
Fuck Scotland. As Joseph de Maistre observed a couple of centuries ago:
“Every nation gets the government it deserves.”
I have to disagree with that. We didn’t vote for, or deserve, the shower of shit we’ve ended up with. And we certainly didn’t vote for the Suntan Kid or Truss before him. So this French cunt is talking out of his bumhole.
Scotland is a great place!
And most Scots are decent people.
Just think of all the famous Scots you love
Rodney Stewart
Mel Gibson
Cunty Gordon
Dennis Nielsen
Sawney Bean
Rabbi Burns unit
Don’t let dog whistle racism on here err your judgement against our pale, freckled heroin loving Celtic neighbours!
Anyone who voted for the Johnson government got the government they deserved.
Truss and Sunak were the result of damage limitation.
If this Peaceful cunt becomes leader of the SNP and First Minister he will be handing out free flying lessons to all the poofs and trannies …… not all bad then?
I somehow doubt that, Freddie.
Still, it’s nice to dream.
Can I not have my harmless fantasies without being smacked in the face with reality? I live reality every day and it’s fucking shit.
Scotlands answer to Sadiq Khan and about as gormless
Isn’t this the prick who tried to dodge a drink driving charge a few years back but ended up getting banned
No, it couldn’t happen. We all know that mudslides don’t partake of alcohol not even the ones trying to become proper jockeys.
Jockeys ? ffs jockoes !
Yeah, I can’t imagine a Peaceful becoming a jockey. The helmet wouldn’t fit over the raghead and they are not known for their love of animals.
Except for camels and goats, obviously.
Camel Jockey?
Here you go, enjoy.
Jesus JP.
A damning article.
Completely out of his depth in any post,
Promoted due to his ethnicity despite being a complete car crash whatever he does.
He really is a bellend.
Good post JP.
If you don’t like our education system you could go and get her educated in a fucking Middle East country oh sorry they don’t like women learning or driving cars their only purpose in life is getting fucked if less than 14 years old After that it’s making food and dressing like the grim fucking reaper
“Grim Reaper” is a bit strong, if you don’t mind me saying so. Let’s say “letterbox” and leave it at that. I don’t wish to offend.
Where is the aforementioned Cunty Gordon?
He was taken out and shot.
By the charming but ruthless admin. team.
It’s rumoured that they’re all ex SAS.
I think they’re splendid chaps and wouldn’t say a word against them.
Evening, General.
All Great Britain needs now is a perhaps for say, a Kenyan to replace the Welsh Harold Bishop as first minister of Wales and that’ll complete the weird reverse colonialism which seems to be happening.
A Hindu Prime Minister
Muslim London Mayor
Muslim first Minister of Scotland potentially.
Wales needs to get with the diversity program.
Republik of Oirishland had a bud-bud ding-ding as. their President AND he was a turd-nudger.
Double points for the potato-eating terrorísts.
Have some respect. Yousaf’s ancestors died in the Glencoe massacre. It might have been Culloden. Or possibly the Amritsar massacre.
Anyway, he’s a true Scottish hero.
Well, when I say “Scottish”, I mean Pakî.
When I say “hero”, I mean cunt.
Well said Captain. It’s nice to see somebody on here up to date with wokie history. It may or may not have happened but we can change it anyway.
These cunts are creeping into high political positions. It’s a fucking takeover. Everything is about and for them anyway. But it’s going to get worse when these fuckers run the country. In a decade or so, there will be no white political party leaders.☹
I know Norman.Shocking?