The froggy cunt has had an “extreme body modification” to turn itself into a Black Alien. Good gawd I hear all the LBGTQI-+ creepos rattling their piercings and trying to work out the appropriate pronoun and its place on the Perversion Spectrum. Not to mention all the genuine Black Aliens out there bitching about racial and cultural appropriation.
This reject from The Twilight Zone (Rod Serling we need your help on this one mate) is pictured posing for a photocall to emphasise that it only wants to be left alone to find its inner Zen.
“I’ve tattooed my entire body and removed my ears, nostrils and fingers to look like a ‘black alien’ – and now restaurants won’t serve me”
Poor love but most bars and restaurants and dives in Brighton would be delighted for its custom and to provide it with some very lucrative sex work. This doll has an extra hole. How we rage against B A P’s social exclusion. Right on and wear a pink rosette. Never mind. It will soon be hosting Strictly Come Dancing or Eurovision now the BBC are doing it.
Worth mentioning that despite having gone to all this trouble it is hardly unique viz The Bride of Wildenstein and Mick Jagger.
Nasty Pic – Click with Caution
No mention whatsoever it has done to its genitalia. And to mark the Black Alien’s card, you do not look like an alien, just a cunt that is going to fall apart with infection in years to come. Apart from what you have done to yourself, sex work in Brighton will do that for you.
Nominated by : Sir Limply Stoke
Fingers removed by Mexican doctors? Isn’t this the country that wants to ban smoking, yet mutilation is allowed? Perhaps they make money on the side by removing the fingers from enemies of The Cartels, so have plenty of practice.
Just when you thought this planet couldn’t get even more fucked up than it already is!
I suppose Katie Price might be interested in “it” for a quick and unusual shag!
Sparkletits will also want to get involved in order to defend “it” for being a “victim of colour”
The BBC will hire “it” to replace Gary Lineker on MOTD as part of its diversity-and-beyond bollocks.
Ultimately, some ISAC regular will probably get the early morning horn!
Jeez… on that note, I think I’ll just skip breakfast and stick to a mug of tea and a custard cream!
Next chairman of the Conservative party.
Sometimes I see something that causes me to re-evaluate positions I once held with conviction. And I can’t un-see this travesty of humanity.
Abortion, eugenics, euthanasia, lobotomies, electro-shock therapy, sterilization or just a good solid ass kicking…we need to do whatever it takes to keep abominations like this from reaching maturity and breeding.
Certainly a 9mm case this one General.
Black alien indeed!
Looks like something an alien shat out after a dodgy curry.
What an abomination! Euthanise it!
Black alien!!
That’s how I feel about all the spoons in this country.
Fucking Hell!
What worries me more is the newspaper and other main stream media that are giving this cunt ‘air time’ and therefore promoting this unique form of mental illness.
If people just ignored this cunt he would stop his outrageous mutilation and hopefully realise what an absolute dick head he is and hang himself.
Do the world a favour.
But this is part of the whole social-media phenomenon.
Back in the early days of Fb and Friends Reunited, ordinary photos of yourself in ordinary clothes sitting in ordinary rooms would suffice in order to seek some local attention.
But over the years things have involved from the bog-standard trout-pout birds and their Groucho Marx eyebrows to this Twiglet – they all crave attention, but to do so means becoming even more extreme with one’s appearance until such time some other freak goes another stage further – probably by hacking off his legs and right arm in order to grab the headlines!
Go a stage further still, and we’ll in the murky world of snuff (online live suicides, decapitations and murders)
The BBC will love it, and will probably have a show called “Strictly Come Killing”
We already have 10m plus black aliens in GB-mostly ungrateful cunts, colonising us.
At least this one admits he identifies as sub-human?
How the fuck does the fool know what a black alien looks like??
Oh he’s been to the beach at Dover. Explains it.
Bloody hell what will happen when he wants to be a women? That after accident contract at Chernobyl was just not worth it ,but hey who ever listened to me.. As to not getting served at restaurants I am surprised he is allowed out.
This alien isn’t alone I have tracked down he’s brother.
Boggs Pornographic Film Productions Ltd (Taiwan) wish to make a formal complaint about the picture used in this nomination. It appears to be a still from our soon-to-be-released Starmer horror film “Hugh Gaitskill Has Risen From The Grave”. It clearly shows Bent Brighton MP Peter Kyle rising from his coffin, as he is about to find a virgin (played unconvincingly by Jess Phillips through heavy muslin) to bite her head off, to offer the blood to the dead Hugh to bring him back to life. He has been hidden by a group of sinister champagne socialists (led by ancient Peter “King Rubbertiti” Mandelson, 3100 years old, but with the body of a man of only 3099), in the tomb of their hero Gaitskill, as the coffin lid opens Gaitskill opens his eyes and transforms into the body and “brain” of Kweer. Beware the cloth-wrapped feet, the carnage as Diane Abbott explodes. It will be a must see – Kweer striding the earth with the tag line “You’re A Long Time Dead (by the look of you”).
Sounds sensational WC-may I please have tickets for the premier, please??
Certainly – and you don’t know about the climax yet, cornered, Keir runs into the tomb of the great Queen Thornberry – the coffin opens, the Queen, affronted by his impertinence, pushes him into the coffin with her, alas, the effort is too much for her and she falls on top of him, and her royal arse explodes and poor old Keir suffocates and with his last breath he curses the champagne socialists, and Mandy’s wrist drops off, which kills the whole lot of them. It is a masterpiece.
“….admits he finds it difficult to find work.” That’s the whole point, the lazy sack of shit. In Victorian times he could have made a good living at the Freak Show but we banned that because we became much more civilised.
Didn’t we?
The Police would accept him…
“Diversity is our Strength “
Of course appearances can be deceptive!
For all we know, he could be the next Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Bill Shakespeare, Tim Berners-Lee or Carl Sagan!
He could be the most philanthropic person on the planet; kind, generous, self-sacrificing etc.
It’s just that looking like a cunt is not going to convince anyone he is any of these things other than being a silly self-absorbed twatbubble.
Used to think cunts like Rodrego Alvez the human Ken doll were mental, but this is a whole new level of fuckmuppery, it wont be long before he,s moaning about not being able to get a job and kids, small dogs as well as the rest of the world look at him strangely.
Electric shock treatment would do this wierdo the power of good, until you can smell the ink burning…..
Great nomination and I love your turn of phrase: “the Perversion Spectrum”.
Presumably that’s what this “alphabet thing” is a ranking of weirdness – mildly degenerate at the A end of the scale and cunts like this bouncing off the end of the alphabet buzzing about in the “X,Y,Zs”.
“The Perversion Spectrum Alphabet Ranking”. Brilliant!
Obviously a fucking fruit cake, but unfortunately there are a lot of fruit cakes around.
There should be some sort of law that stops tattoo artists from doing these types of things to people that are mentally unstable.
Some cunt cut the guy’s ears off, for fuck’s sake!
Half a day of depression for an otherwise sane person and they could find themselves mutilated for life.
Poor fucker is a victim. Would be feted in Scotland for bravery and being whatever it decides to be.
He’d fit in well in the Brass Button bar in Motherwell this coming St. Patrick’s Day! 😀
That’s me on the floor, covered in piss, blood, Drambuie and a fluid I was never able to identify.
Its all become completely pointless, due to him sounding like George formby.
Formby reminds of his big song “When I’m Cleaning Windows”, which brings me to the Windows operating system – specifically Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 and an urgent announcement1
These OSs are now dead in the water as far as Microwank are concerned – you can still use them of course but there’s no more security or feature updates, and a lot of 3rd party apps will no longer work on them either – most significant of which is Google’s Chrome browser.
Windows 7, still remains hugely popular and Chrome is still the world’s most popular browser. Not a great combination for when Google announces it is no longer supporting Chrome on 7 or 8.x
You could move to Firefox, but they will probably stop supporting too very soon. Don’t bother with Edge (uses Chromium engine under the bonnet) or smaller browsers.
You might have to bite the bullet and upgrade to 11 (if your current system is TPM 2.0 compatible).
Don’t bother with Windows 10 either. That’s dead and dusted come 2025 and Redmond has lost confidence in it (another example of the “even numbered” Windows releases (2000, Vista, 8.x and now 10) being a crock of shite compared to the odd-numbered (XP, 7 and 11)
Apologies for the technobollocks, but blame George Formby!
Its turned out nice again.
That reminded me of the old joke.
How to count to 10
1,2,3,95,98,NT, 2000,XP,Vista,7,8,10.
I’ve got Windows 10s on an intel Core i3 laptop.
I frequently get pop ups after logging in, advising that I can upgrade immediately to Windows 11. Should I do it, or will it fuck up my laptop?
Pity I won’t see these weird cunts grow old.
What a waste of time. Joseph Merrick did a better job, by just being born.
Just use soot.
Worry not Sam-the “strange fruit” in the nomination will not be replacing you as IsAC’s Al Jolson tribute act?
Holy cow.I can’t unsee it.My eyes want removing.Dowse it in petrol and set it alight.Freak.
Believe he’s just caught German Measles, but can’t prove it. By the way, if he attached a chain to the plug on his chin, he’d get better laughs.
Look on the bright side – at least France has got its mentals too – it’s not just us.
Surprised that they’ve not stuck the cunt on a dingy to get rid of it.
They will Ron, they will.
Is Miserable on strike too?
He and Mr Fiddler are holidaying together in a static caravan just outside Blackpool.
Alas, their 3-bar electric fire only has one bar working and they’re “forced” to cuddle under the duvet together.
Madonna will look like this by the time the sad bitch is 70 (in a couple of years).
Proof the human race is heading towards destruction. Mother Earth is certainly having a laugh.
Watch it Harry, and get with the times. That should be ‘Parent Earth’.
No sexism on IsAC!
Damn right, Ron…no racism either!
Weird and bizarre. Or stunning and brave…
If he’s looking for love, this could be his perfect partner, courtesy of ‘Monster Mate’ Dating Site.
Morning all.
A chap would be awarded the George Cross if he were brave enough to pop his tassel in between her fangs.
Gawd Mr Knee – that Monster Mash has got flamboyant MP Michael Fabricant’s arse creaming.
Before his modifications, he looked like Peter Andre!
Good luck to him.
I thought this was a joke – boy was I wrong.
This fuckery is unacceptable, straight to the chamber, do not pass go or collect £200.