Transport for London (2) and Black Blossoms

TFL are supporting an arts project titled ‘Uncommon Observations: Photography, Image-making, and the Black Diaspora’ which claims that photography is ‘rooted in colonial notions and has been used for power, control and subjugation’

The project, run by US born black feminist Nydia Swaby, aims to ‘expand critical and diverse thought that will decolonise and disrupt euro-centric art and creative education’ whatever the fuck that means.

Full story here:
MSN News Link

The good news is that it’s a free online course, so commuters can enjoy it gratis.
I think I’ll just read the phone directory instead.

Nominated by: mystic maven

76 thoughts on “Transport for London (2) and Black Blossoms

  1. This is especially depressing to a scientist or technologist. The woman somehow managed to get a PhD, and works, if that is the word, at SOAS, which used to have an international reputation for academic excellence. Apparently it now accepts anecdotal, biased bollocks “supporting” an agenda created only to provide cunts like Swaby with a cosy berth well away from the broken society she is helping to create by her divisive opinions.

    T-test the data? Don’t fucking make me laugh, you cow. You don’t know the median from a meatloaf. There is no fucklng data. Camouflage yourself as an academic, make up some jargon and be a professional, well-paid victim. Gaaah.

    • This utter total arsewipe is about as academic as a banana. Phd, must be one the mentalist Staffi cross dumped this morning

  2. What about Lego? Surely Lego encompasses the whole range of colonialism what with its build and expand philosophy. Fish fingers white on the inside blond on the outside, fuck me thats nazi is it not!
    I suppose I will have to label my cameras with big letters spelling out the message “This is not a tool of racism or repression and is compliant with alphabet persons, 75% of images on film or memory card show persons or things with recognisable ethnicity that is non white”.

    • You raise an interesting point, BB. I fly drones, and due to the CAA (with which I am registered and hunkydory), tend to do this in the countryside far from any centre of otherwise genderisation. Will I be culpable for ignoring the sexual oddballs who are absent from my field*, and should I in fact break aviation law in order not to offend?

      *Oops. Expanse of cultivated soil, that is.

      • The way things are going your desire for peace and quiet away from the maddening crowd to fly your drones could by certain mentalists be evidence of avoidance of White guilt, lack of respect for the alphabet clan and a desire for purity. The thought police would be interested. Take care brother for the woke creeps ever onwards

  3. As an indigenous white North West European, I demand this octopus head bows down to people like me.

    We invented everything.

    Her lot?

    Fuck all. Just moan, moan, moan and turn our cities into crime ridden shitholes.

    Tell your white children that their ancestors invented everything useful, no matter what their lezza honky hating teachers try to tell them.


  4. I’ll sign up for the course, then write to TFL telling them it was an inspirational academic experience, then ask if they would like to sponsor me to do an art installation, in, er, Trafalgar Square.

    I’ll them it will mainly consist of models of telephones, from invention to modern day. They’ll be set up to ring now and then. Anyway, the installation will be titled Instruments of Colonial Oppression. Adjacent to ‘Telephones’, will sit a curated collection of television sets, cutlery and nappies through the decades, all instruments of oppression, obviously, used to control women and people of colour by the white patriarchy, the bastards. Each item shows an evolution in design up to the modern day, representing that British Colonialism, oppression and the patriarchy are not in the past. All of it will be contained in a glass cage, a metaphor for .

    £5 says TFL will bite!

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