The UK: Living Beyond its Means

This article (sadly behind a paywall) (Fixed – Day Admin). sums up pretty well the fucked up state this country is now in. The gist of it is that too many of us think we live in a rich country which entitles us to a life of wealth and leisure. This delusion was encouraged during lockdown when millions were paid to do sod all. So now we have many people of working age who have given up work, 50-somethings retiring early, 20- and 30-somethings living with parents and splurging on luxury designer goods and electronic gadgetry, and public sector workers striking for double digit pay rises. Then there’s ‘flexible working’, with some cunts now expecting a bribe to turn up to the office one day a week rather than sitting in front of a computer screen whilst still in bed.

All well and good if the country was doing well. But it’s not. Per capita GDP is about to fall below that of Mississippi, the USA’s poorest state. In 15 years it will be below that of Poland. We have one of the biggest trade deficits in the world, a government that spends way beyond what it collects in taxes on vanity projects like HS2, foreign aid, housing illegal immigrants and the bottomless money pit that is the NHS. The national debt is now 100% of GDP, and that excludes the off-balance sheet debt created by Gordon-is-a-moron Brown to hide it’s scale.

Yet the politicians and media allow the delusion that the country can continue to live beyond its means persist ad infinitum. Happily those of us of a certain age have seen this all before when chancellor Denis Healey had to go crawling to the IMF for an emergency loan and slash public spending. This led directly to the Winter of Discontent. How long before chickens come home to roost this time I wonder? I’ve no idea, but there will be a day of reckoning, without a doubt.

Popcorn at the ready.

Telegraph News Link

Nominated by: Geordie Twatt

61 thoughts on “The UK: Living Beyond its Means

  1. When Labour take control of No.10 within the next couple of years, there will be Money Trees all over the shop, far more in excess compared to the current administration’s mishandling of the country’s money supply.

    I also expect Labour will ramp up taxation – both direct and indirect – to pay for the incredible debt we now find ourselves in.

    Even more importantly is our current credit rating: Standard & Poor (one of the principle global financial ratings & investment companies) rate the UK as “AA-” with a negative outlook. Historically, S&P rated the UK as AAA, (the best rating of all) and this was from 1978 to 2016 when our rating was downgraded to “AA” and now “AA-”

    These credit ratings are important because they are similar to a person’s credit rating when applying for a loan or bank card. The higher the rating, the less risk and the more chance of receiving credit. However, if the UK’s credit rating continues to fall it will mean less investment, higher interest rates for borrowing by the BoE and ultimately higher interest/mortgage rates for ordinary people and businesses until such time the government can show it can pay back its massive debt to the rest of the world – especially the IMF.

    In summary, therefore, I suspect people who work will be penalised yet again with more taxation, more NI contributions, higher state pension retirement ages and higher commuter taxation (i.e.. fuel tax, road tax, parking taxes, clean air taxes, zonal taxation etc.)

    Whereas if you’re on benefits…. well, I think we know what will happen there.

    Basically, we’ve been kidding ourselves that we’re still a wealthy country, and if you’re rich and well connected you can continue to think that way. But the reality is we’re fucking broke and living off the Never Never, kicking the money can down the road for future generations to sort out.

    Government, the Treasury and the BoE know this and don’t give two shits about the current mess they have dumped us in. They are immune from the pending financial disaster that this country faces. For them it will always be Someone Else’s Fault and Someone Else’s Problem

    • Thanks Techno, an excellent summary of the La La Land economics as practiced by those who rule us.
      Well that’s the kids’ and grandkids’ money spent, so time for HMG to start splurging the great grandchildren’s dosh I suppose.

    • I heard that Flabbott has already booked herself in for a sex change to go full male in time for when she’s in cabinet. Her face is already there, the rest needs sorting out.

      Rayner’s having some bespoke bras made, which she might let Nandy have a couple of (I’d still pork Nandy – she has naughty little minx written all over her).

    • I think Labour are already in control at No 10 because this fuckin government have morphed into the Labour Party with thier policies. They definitely ain’t true Conserative ideals or policies. Both parties are full of cunts, a complete political change is what is required.

      • As (I think) Michael Malice once said, “Conservatism is progressivism driving the speed limit.”

  2. Well I wonder who’s to blame for this calamity?

    Surely not the stunningly patriotic political class?

    The same tremendous leaders who decided just printing money would solve every problem as Big Government ran amok?

    Those fucking cunts and their lackeys are inept,corrupt,lazy,condescending vermin.

    We’ve been floating along on bullshit for at least twenty years..printing money,issuing gilts like none of it would ever come home to roost…abetted by the rise of social media and the cretins that use it as a platform for fifth column activity.

    It’s worth repeating that Liz Truss was a dolt but before her Budget was announced we’re supposed to swallow that the fifty billion “blackhole” in government finances had just been overlooked? Or never existed at all?

    The country is circling the drain,brought about by politicians and their mouthpieces in the media.


    • It’ll get a lot worse once they introduce a digital currency- they’ll be able to just put a couple of zeros on the BoE’s balance sheet…..whilst erasing the wealth of any dissenters/opponents……

    • Good Afternoon Uncle Terry,

      I don’t know why I should be but sometimes I am surprised by the erudition on this website and the post above by TC and yours are great examples.
      The last responsible Chancellor of the Exchequer, and it pains me to say this, was Kenneth Clarke. He attempted to produce a balanced budget. Since then we have weak or wrong minded people in the job who have listened to a lot of crap talked by economists who have graduated from that hot bed of left wing politics, The London School of Economics. They have been told that borrowing levels don’t matter and that interest rates should be kept artificially low.
      When Sunak, as Chancellor, approved massive borrowing levels to fund the Covid situation, the immediate reaction of the Bank of England should have been the traditional one of raising interest rates, in my opinion by at least 2%. It seems to me that both the Treasury and the Bank of England have shown a complete lack of foresight, for the last 20 years or more. They are reactive not proactive. For the amount these people are being paid 5hey should be doing a lot better.

  3. A well-thought out cunting that leads very nicely on from the previous cunting this morning. The government’s answer? Tax the arse of the middle earners and keep spending the cash on economically punitive ‘climutchange’ projects and handing it out to third world countries for the notional environmental damage the UK has caused worldwide.

    I know far too many people whose lifeline is the “flexible friend”. If that was taken away, they would be royally fucked as they are living well beyond their means.

    Reduce public spending (waste). Reduce tax on earners – put more money back in their pockets and allow them to spend it to invigorate the economy and small businesses. It isn’t fucking rocket science.

  4. On the international financial stage this country is regarded a bit like that neighbour who’s always asking to borrow your tools.
    He doesn’t look after them, and in the slim chance you get it back it’s damaged.

    Or the bloke down the pub who’s always tapping fags and can’t get a round in.

    This situation is nobodies fault but the politicians.

    The current crop of ne’er dowells have had 12 years to come up with a solution.

    Utter cunts.

    • On the other hand apparently we’re about to hand back the Elgin Marbles, which we have looked after.
      Unlike Zorba when he last had them.

      • They should be smashed up and made into a crazy paving patio for a deserving pensioner.

        See how the Greeks like that?

        The bunch of arse bandits.

      • They’d probably be all for it Mis, seeing as how they take one drink out of a glass and then smash it in the fireplace. And of course they were letting the marbles go to rack and ruin.
        It must be something in the national psyche. Fucking vandals.

    • “…This situation is nobodies fault but the politicians.”

      hmmmm…and who was it who elected the cunts? Well that was the great unwashed fuck ignorant electorate so if blame is to be apportioned the greater part of it lands with a splat on their plate.

      • I disagree Cunty chops.

        The public are only guilty of being naive.
        Believing liars.

        If a pensioner is ripped off by a conman you wouldn’t say

        ” serves you right you old cunt”

        It’d be the conman at fault.
        Same with politicians.

  5. The gubmit wants us all driving leccy cars by 2030, while every cunt is skint.

    They cost a fucking fortune and have no resale value when the battery dies after a few years.

    They’re lapping it all up though, are the thick as fuck general population.

    The shit is going to majorly hit the fan within a few years.

    Will they give up their virtue signalling vanity projects then?

    I’m not convinced they will. They’re so far gone, they’ll be sitting in the rubble with their Starvin’ Marvin torsos on display.

    This country is finished. Fuck ’em.

    • There are a few leccy cars on the estate where I live, it’s all fucking dinner party vanity bullshit ‘Oh we bought our electric car, it’s wonderful and you know, we are doing our little bit to save the planet’
      Public EV charging prices have soared this years and if we paid the real price of petrol without tax no one would even consider an electric car.

    • There won’t be any cunt driving any cars, apart from the wlite.
      Fuck em, fuck em all.

    • It is far, far worse than that. The WEF wants us to live in so-called ”smart city’s” and to own nothing. But before that comes a CBDC and possibly a UBI.

  6. It’s a mess and all thanks to weak government(s), I wrote to my MP to ask exactly how much we are spending on things other than the UK, I listed all the items and to my surprise I got a reply to the effect he has asked the question of the relevant government minister, the public need to know where their taxes are going. I think when everything is added up it will amount to around £20 billion.

    Add all this to the ridiculous benefits system where people can sit on their arses and get a better lifestyle that some poor cunt working 40 hours on minimum wage and all because the politicians are to weak to say enough is enough.
    Make work pay is the slogan but until benefits are no longer a lifestyle choice nothing will change, even now the the announcement that next year the bone idle will get an £900 into their bank accounts, someone just outside the benefit bonanza would need to earn £1200 to reap that little reward.

    Freeze benefits, up the minimum wage, up the tax threshold and cut fuel tax and stop spending vast sums of money on frying aid.
    Finally I see that the Friends of the Earth has put in a legal challenge to the proposed coal mine up in Whitehaven, what the fuck, the answer should be fuck off, but of course it will have to go to the courts and by the time it’s concluded the thing will have been dumped by the woke labour cunts when they get in.

    None of this will happen, the UK will become a financial hub with the rich living in luxury behind walled guarded communities or more likely off shore somewhen and the rest of us will be in savage lands fighting for the scraps.

    Are we living beyond our means, absolutely.

    Great cunting ?

    • Freeze benefits?
      Fucking halve them, more like.
      And you’ve got 6 months to find a job or they’re halved again.
      Not paid in to the system? Fuck off then.

      • Yes, the cunt that is Jeremy hinted at the 600,000 who should be working but aren’t would get a kick up the arse, the only kick is just stop the benefits, they would be down to the job centre soon enough.
        There are genuine benefits claimants who for various reasons can’t work so no objection to those people getting help but there are far too many taking the piss.

      • The able bodied and able minded who’ve been out of work for over a year should be called into the job centre.

        Then, into a back room where they’re strangled. 10 kids on the dole can’t find a job that pays enough? Boo boo. Your kids are up for adoption and the door is there, you cunt.

        No social housing for long term doleys too would be my policy. Kids up for adoption. Put the lazy parents to work or 6 feet under. Social housing should be given to working people only (single and married no ‘points’ system – just how long you’ve been waiting.) Lose your job? That’s ok we’ll give you up to a year to get a job, or you’re up for eviction/strangulation too.

        There is a housing shortage and it’s getting worse. Why the fuck should doley cunts live in comfort while working people live with parents or in shared housing?

        It’s all fucking wrong is that.

        Just get rid of the feckless, lazy parasites.

      • I love this, CB.

        Get a job or die! Wonderful. Give money to grafters not griffters works for me.

        There’s no jobs, fuck that, what you mean is there’s no jobs that you’re prepared to do. You don’t have to have qualifications to mop floors, flip burgers or empty bins.

  7. This government is all fur coat an no knickers.

    Borrowing money to give to foreigners.

    Giving it Charlie big bollocks
    ” look at me! Here you go Ukraine!
    Here you go Rwanda!
    Oh no, Pakistani flood.
    Here you go!”

    Paid on Friday skint on Monday.

    And these are the people in control?!!

    Fuck me.
    Viv Nichols and Mickey Carroll would be better

  8. The good old World Debt Clock

    Currently the UK is roughly $3.7tn in debt, with a “debt to GDP ratio” of a staggering 107% (in other words we owe more than we earn),

    This figure is compounded further by our “external debt to GDP ratio” at almost 300% – the worst external debt ratio in the table.

    We have these so-called financial experts at the Treasury, the BoE and Whitehall, and they all seem totally oblivious to any of these figures other than the figures are incredibly huge and as such too big to bother with.

  9. Perhaps we can send in our old stamps and milk bottle tops to Blue Peter and it will all be fixed by xmas; along with an advent crown made out of coat hangers with real candles to burn your house down. Great days, when I was a young black girl living on Plantation Avenue in London. Innit.

  10. Dear old Nancy Starmer says if we are mad enough to elect him, he won’t be opening the chequebook. But then in the next breath he was talking like his little echo Streeting, of employing “thousands” more doctors and nurses.How he will do that without money – only Mandy knows. Perhaps he will make it a back to work scheme for the unemployed. Who know? Who cares? It is just another Kweer lie.

  11. When Beavis and Butthead had the idea of photocopying money, they showed they had more financial acumen than the present bunch of fuckwits in charge of the countries purse strings.

  12. Clearly real solutions will never be considered. Power, control, and gain motivate the elites, not what’s best for the nation. A permanent dependent class is a must for them. That’s what we are witnessing. The productive people are the magic money tree but one day all chickens come home to roost.
    Who’s fault is it?
    Ours. We the people.
    We put these cunts in power.
    We’re ignorant, lazy counts who can’t be bothered to orient to truth.

  13. Sadly true Meat Curtains.

    To me the perfect embodiment of a good healthy society is funnily enough 50s small town America.

    The Norman Rockwell dream.
    Small friendly community low crime, people taking pride in their homes and gardens etc .

    It was real for a while .
    White picket fences.

    Remember in Rambo,
    The sheriff first sees Rambo and tries to drop him off outside of town?

    I get that .
    Trying to keep riffraff out.

    Is there still those sleepy little town left in America Meat Curtains?

    I only ever saw it on TV,
    Gremlins, wonderful Life etc
    But always thought ‘thats how it should be.
    Worth fighting for.
    Small town US”.

    Or is it all hillbilly heroin and crime?

    • And – believe it or not – 60s and 70s Coronation Street sort of represented the Northern English street and community back then. Everyone looked out for each other, young and old alike, a decent pub with no dickheads, people had a sense of humour, everybody knew everybody else and real pride in where you lived. And that’s how it really was a lot of the time.

      Fast forward, and it’s full of poofs, foreigners, chavs and cunts, and nobody knows or cares about anybody else.☹

    • Yes Mis that’s a wonderful mental picture of when things were more innocent and people had integrity. I picture myself sharing a root beer float at the soda shop with my best girl on Saturday night. My ’39 Ford rat rod parked out front and Neal Sedaka on the Whirlitzer.

    • To answer your question yes there are small towns with salt of the Earth folks and traditional values. My city is decent. Just met a client yesterday from Scotland. They love Texas and we had a wonderful visit. Maybe I’ll get up the nerve to turn him on to ISAC.

      • It’s good to know places like that still exist.
        Gives one hope.

        50s America fascinates me.
        You really had it good.

        Root beer?
        Hehehe ?

        I like it, but it’s a acquired taste!
        They most common reaction amongst Brits is

        ” Eeurgh. It tastes like germolene®!”

        Which is a antiseptic cream you put on minor wounds in the UK.

        It does taste of it but I like it.

      • Remember Germolene chews?

        I didn’t mind them but hated Root Beer.

        They never made Dettol chews though, did they?

        Mind you, I liked those ‘Refresher’ chews as a nipper. Instant Diabetes those fuckers.

      • As a kid who was clumsy as fuck, I used to lick the germolene off any new wound my mum smeared it on.

      • Root beer – can you even get it in the UK? Or should you give up trying, and add methyl salicylate to Tizer? Drank it by the gallon when living briefly in the US, great on a hot day.

  14. What this country has become, eh?
    One googles ‘ginger pussy’ and Harry Hewitt pops up.
    What sort of service is that?!?

    • Norman, did you see that news report where James Hewitt says Harry Halfwit was already toddling when he started his affair with Diana?
      So, he’s not the Daddy!
      Shame, it’s about the only thing I gave him respect for.

    • This ‘Jack’ abomination is the modern Labour cunt incarnate. Ticks all the boxes perfectly…

      Pretends it’s a feminist individual, but gives itself a man’s name?✔

      Demented lesbian, who makes Millie Tant look like Linda Lusardi?✔

      Plays the poor downtrodden card, yet really from a posh family?✔

      Claims to be on its uppers, but restauarant funded by its latest lezza squeeze? ✔

      Preaches woke tolerance and do gooding, then kicks off in psychotically violent and abusive outbursts at anyone who dares to disagree with it. Going as far as wishing little kids dead?✔

      Claims to want to help the poor, then demamds ten grand just for a quick word? ✔

    • Must say you are better informed than me Norman. I had never heard of the creature before I read your post.

      • ‘Jack’ has been subjected to cuntings here already. Arfur.
        It’s run in with Katie Hopkinks caused much hilarity at the time.

  15. It was only a few years ago when we were counted as one of the most dynamic economies in the West. The downturn is of course primarily a result of the Covid lockdowns and our governments retreat into high taxation instead of stimulating growth through lower taxation. But we aren’t alone – things aren’t much better in France or Germany. But they should and could be better here if our government grew a pair.

    • If all the gimmigrants were kicked out, no more were let in, and the government weren’t scared of the big energy firms, the difference would be seen quite quickly. But – as we all know – that is not going to happen. Sunak will make this worse before he makes it better. He is slippery and he is shit…

  16. I’d love to say I take an interest in politics but after watching my dear old dad shouting at the TV when Thatcher was shitting on the mining industry in the eighties and Cyril Smith noncing his fat self about..
    I pretty much got the impression that all politicians were just self serving cunts or paedos
    and time has pretty much proved that to me…I do think there is truth in ignorance is bliss just live my life the best way I can and don’t get immersed in the bullshit in the media.

  17. Let’s all convert and the cunts in charge can pay for us all to live rent free in hotels whilst praying on fucking prayer mats the country is fucked with the cunts we have in charge

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