The Tate Modern Goes Woke

The Tate Modern, apart from the obvious reason that its content is pretentious , they are now trying to tell schools what to do:

MSN News Link

I thought anyway that schools were already going down this path, especially where the easily influenced infants are concerned.

I’m glad I’m a grumpy old git and not a child or a young person growing up today.
I truly despair for their future, unless the government, local govt and academia decide to grow a collective backbone and tell these wokesters what to go and do, unlikely though.

Nominated by: mystic maven

35 thoughts on “The Tate Modern Goes Woke

  1. Maybe it needs jonty bravery as it’s new director.
    Hold meetings on the 10th floor.

  2. Well done Tate Modern!!

    When all the little 5 and 6yr old tranny’s walk through the doors they’ll feel right at home looking at the paintings and sculptures by nutters for pretentious Islington wankers.

    I hope one of your beloved immigrants helps make it a radical space by triggering a nail bomb once the confused toddlers have left the building.

    Eat shit and die.
    All our love MNC.?

  3. Pure fucking grooming by a bunch of paedophiles. That’s all it is and any parent who puts up with this kiddy fiddling propaganda is a cunt. I would drag all those n*nces out into the street and hang them from the nearest lamp post.

  4. I remember in my schooldays, when teachers were more concerned. Even asking a classmate, who was wearing the early deaf aid at the time, could he pick up Radio Luxembourg on that thing. The roar of laughter that ensued from the rest of the class didn’t understand.

    • We had a teacher who used to mouth words at the deaf kid. Then talk really loudly once he’d turned it up. Mind you, he hated all kids. Use to come in class with a fag on the go and stand it up on the table. Happy days.

  5. There are several Tate galleries and museums throughout Britain. All started by Sir Henry Tate in 1897. The Tate family made their fortune through importing sugar from the West Indies. In other words they grew fat and rich on slavery and the slave trade. Rich enough for Sir Henry to become a philanthropist and spread his money around to bring culture to the plebs. Where is Suckdick? He should be closing this place down.
    But as long as they are pumping out wokie propaganda they get a free pass.

    • Tate as in Tate and Lyle?

      I didn’t know that.

      The sweet monsters.

      2 sugars please

      • The very same. They’ve been around a long time and any cunts who have been around a long time can be tied to slavery. The Guardian for example.

  6. I wonder if the Tate Modern receives state aid in terms of arts funding? If so I think its time they were privatised and told to stand on their own two feet rather than depending on the taxpayer to keep them afloat with their crackpot ideas and even more ridiculous woke-exhibitions.

  7. I was born too soon. I drew pictures relating to ‘bodies and sexualities’ when I was at school. A whopping great hairy cock and balls in felt tip on one of the kharzi doors to be precise. It sounds like these arty farty wankers think that kids should be encouraged to do the same.
    I, on the other hand, got slippered for my artistic efforts. Life is so unfair.

    • Someone drew a cock and balls in the frost on my car back window. I told Lady C how disappointed i was – in my day, it would have had hairy balls and jizz coming out of the end. The youth of today……

  8. Fuck me. I think that I might just drink myself into a state of insensibilty after reading this.

    Afternoon all.

  9. As a former Turner Prize winner, my unflushed toilet with skids which had Melvyn Bragg giddy like an overgrown schoolboy would now be deemed “problematic” as it doesn’t carry a message of inclusivity or diversity.

  10. There was some ‘raised eyebrows’ about a headline in one of the rags about Nadhim Zahawi and his tax dodge, it read ‘the noose is tightening’

    Although he isn’t a sootie there were the usual suspects complaining about the headline as he is an ethnic minority, my take from that is if he was indigenous white it would be perfectly fine.

    The woke is an infestation throughout society, this example of the Tate is typical of what is going on virtually unchallenged.

    • Yes – I did write in and say they should have used “Cheating Paki Caught Out” but they declined.

  11. Sooner there is a civil war and the perverted morally corrupt deviant left are burned alive he better.
    Fucking vile evil cunts.

  12. I sometimes wonder if I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole.

    A man of God, in a frock, visiting schools and talking to kids about sex.

    A dippy airhead who seems to think we can heat homes with unicorn farts.

    An art gallery, who also wants to encourage small children to think MAPs are lovely people.

    If I ever win the lottery I’m going to buy a small island somewhere, and move my entire family there, where they’ll be safe from this lunacy.

  13. No great surprise to me…If they’re connected to The Arts they will probably be a Willy- they painters,artists, actors,orchestra types or Supporters of The Arts, it’s a fair bet that they’ll have pounced while some poor Cunt is trying to take a shit in a public toilet,

    Jackson Pollock was a spastic.

  14. All this woke tranny homo shite will be history once Sharia law is introduced when the camel riding r*****s are in power…?

  15. The Tate receives funding from the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sports which ought to be cut immediately. They also have charitable status so they don’t pay tax on donations from rich cunts and any money they generate. So this nest of n*nces are doing very nicely thankyou.
    And don’t expect any government to do anything about it.

  16. A bunch of fucking degenerates.
    That’s all I can manage to say as my piss is boiling so much! ?

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