Well here’s a story to gladden the heart of any petrol car driving cynic like me:
Yes, a 3 hour wait to charge your show off car. Did these daft cunts not realise how inconvenient being a virtue signalling prick was going to be? A two minute wait to fill my petrol banger at the local filling station represents a major hold up for me.
But there’s more. I found the following pearl on the Tesla Owners Club UK Shitface page, which I copy verbatim:
‘I’ve just been speaking to a friend who owns a garage.
I won’t name places but he said the auction house he uses has over 160 electric vehicles, 52 are Teslas, and no one is bidding on them. They’re being listed thousands under book and not getting a single bid.
A fully electric mini yesterday with a book of £27k couldn’t even get a bid of £20k.
I recon (sic) the bubble has burst.’
I would feel really sorry for Tesla owners if I wasn’t so busy laughing my cock off. Stupid cunts.
Short YouTube video link.
(Additional links provided by our Motoring Correspondent, Night Admin – NA)
Nominated by: Geordie Twatt
And here’s another example, this time from Fuglyucker
Smugg Tesla driving cunts need a full charge cunting, these cunts are doing their best to Lord it over everyone else whist driving the most badly built, unreliable pieces of shit on the planet, whist on the pretence of saving the planet.
These poxy cars, their range, charging system, dealerships and owners are all bollocks, even the company owner is an uba cunt, you would think rather than shooting his substandard cars into space and spending millions doing it, he would have tried to help out his band of fuckwits customers to have a real world usable car, that works when you need it to.
Long live petrol cars and fuck the government for trying to push these electric cars on the eternally stupid…..
And Jeezum Priest has something to say about EV charging…
EV charging.
There was quite a good opinion piece in the Telegraph, of all places, that pointed out the one thing that everyone who is urging folks to go green, greenish, greener, greenest has failed to mention.
EVs use electricity. Manufacturers who make EVs produce vehicles.
They don’t produce electricity.
Future sales of EVs are falling, after all, who wants a coal fired oven if there’s no coal?
And there’s more: this one from Mikdys
We all know, by now, that electric cars aren’t really a very good idea for a host of technical, political, infrastructure, practical and even environmental reasons. Also, that the UK Net Zero target can’t possibly make the slightest difference to the worldwide situation whether or not you believe in the CO2 demon. I’d like to set all that aside and look at some verifiable numbers instead:
Type: 2022 sales: 2021 sales:
Diesel 82,981 135,773
Petrol 682,473 762,103
MHEVd 72,373 98,753
MHEVp 219,701 198,025
BEV 267,203 190,727 (Battery Electric Vehicle)
PHEV 101,414 114,554
HEV 187,948 147,246
TOTAL 1,614,063 1,647,181
UK car parc size 35,023,652
No SMMT breakdown available (free to the public) for types of vehicle within the overall parc. BEV sales increased 2021 to 2022 so, being generous, let’s assume they increased by a similar percentage year on year since 2016 when the SMMT last split the market out to AFVs (alternative fuelled vehicles), rather than Battery Electric Vehicles ,with sales of 88,919 (which would have included “dual fuel” and “LPG” etc). I calculate, being generous, that there are probably c 1,000,000 pure battery electric cars on the road currently.
Now to my main point: Sales of new petrol & diesel cars are to be outlawed as from 2030 (hybrids as well from 2035). Thus there are 7 short years to replace 34 million cars with electric ones. That would mean BEV sales of 5 million a year, whereas current sales are just 5% of that. Not at all likely.
The average UK car age at scrappage is 14 years. So, being generous again, and moving forward 14 years from the hybrid ban date (yet more generosity), gives a total of 26 years for another 34 million battery car sales. That’s 2.5 million BEVs a year. Taking into account that potential buyers not only have to drink the Government’s Kool Aid but be able to afford an horrendously expensive electric car in order to increase overall new car demand 150% this scenario isn’t very likely either.
Keeping that generosity hat on let’s assume there exists a big enough supply of, rich, Kool Aid fans out there to keep BEV sales at .25million/year. To replace the UK car parc would therefore take another 136 years (that’s 2159 – not 2030 not even 2035).
The push for electric cars doesn’t add up whichever way you look at it – no wonder Richy Rich is advocating more maths lessons (he should start with his fuckwit Government)!
And supported by: MMCM
I would second this excellent nomination. The truth is that the technology and infrastructure won’t be in place by 2030 to support the transition to electric vehicles (AKA milk floats). It also has to be considered that the production of EV’s is environmentally damaging. For instance, EV battery manufacturers produce up to 60% more CO2 during fabrication than ICEV engine production. Once EC’s are manufactured in huge volumes that’s going to discount a high proportion of the supposed environmental gains of switching to EV’s. And most of these batteries are produced in China – which relies on coal to generate its power.
I have no issue if people want to buy EV’s but to outlaw the reliable ICE by 2030 is sheer madness and eco-authoritarianism. I’m not giving mine up.
‘It all seemed like such a good idea at the time…’
so did the first world war.
The smell of petrol and exhaust fumes in my garage is like catnip to me. I swear it makes me horny.
EV’s in comparison are soulless milk floats with a range of 50 miles before you have to pull over and charge them for 18 hours.
The ecological advantage of EV’s is grossly overstated. The headlong rush to ban new sales of the trusty ICE’s by 2030 is crazy. The technology and infrastructure won’t be in place.
Madness. Sheer madness.
‘The technology and infrastructure won’t be in place’.
Absolutely spot on, and you know what, I reckon that’s the general idea as far as most of us are concerned…
Funny enough just came round the North circular, and saw a dpd 100% electric van.
On the back of a diesel recovery truck.
Saving the planet one vehicle at a time..
True story.
My Russian neighbour, 2 houses away, has a Tesla that he uses every day.
He drives to the dental surgery that he owns 200 meters away, and then home again.
Like many neighbours in my street, he has converted his internal garage into a usable room so can’t always park outside to charge the fucking thing.
Tesla are renowned for shit build quality that the virtue signallers only ever moan about in private. once you have accepted ownership, they couldn’t give a toss.
The batteries have an unfortunate habit of spontaneously combusting and due to the seriously nasty chemicals involved, the fire brigade don’t bother trying to put the fire out, because it won’t go out until all of the chemicals have expired. this usually takes around two days. therefore if anyone turns up to your house in one of these, make sure it is parked as far away as possible. just in case.
Recently Tesla have partially mitigated the fire hazard by switching to lithium iron phosphate batteries from Li-ion. These are also less toxic, but the specific capacity (Wh vs mass) is lower still. They deliver about 20% less energy at 0 deg C than at 23 deg C, similarly to Li-ion. Tough if you’re on the Cockbridge-Tomintoul road in winter…
Not that this makes the basic concept any more interesting as an alternative to hydrocarbon fuels, whose energy density is much greater and don’t require the vehicle to carry around the dead weight of a partially-discharged battery. Recent figures suggest that the cost of running a Tesla is about the same as that of a diesel car, and more than that of a petrol car.
I think you gentlemen have missed the point…….they don’t care about the impracticalities, the expense, the damage caused by just putting the things together, the contradictions the slave labour etc etc.
They just want you off the fucking road and that’s the bottom line. They don’t want you moving around, free as a bird…..fuck knows what you might get up to you cunts. Eco fanaticism is not just an ideology anymore, it’s a fucking religion. Like any religion you can point out the fundamental illogicalities but you are dealing with believers here. Religious cunts don’t care about rationality , fear and faith rules their lives.
Get yourself a bike……and some decent padlocks.
It’s a cult, and our leader is the Blessed Grunta.
It’s a cult and a religion. Remember the definition of a cult; a cult is a religion of which you do not approve.
I’m pretty sure 2030 will come and go with the ban either fucked off or amended.
Even the cunts in Westminster haven’t the stomach for the alternative,a full fucking riot.
They can lie about their “carbon footprint” by shipping in tonnes of wood chippings to burn instead of coal etc but one thing people won’t do without are their cars..
They can raise taxes,ruin the NHS,swamp the country with foreign shit,pretend men can be women but when they turn up to confiscate Brian ‘s Ford Fiesta he’ll kill the cunts stone dead.
Can’t wait.
Barbed wire and lampposts moment?
I wouldn’t have one given me.
For once we were all on ISAC a bit mystic Meg,
All saying that they aren’t
A) practical
B) affordable
C) attractive
I’m sticking with diesel engines.
I like them.
They do the deed.
If they’re outlawed?
Good luck with that because I’ve a feeling i won’t be on my own in continuing to use mine .
Elon Musk’s adult scaletrix can get fucked.
You’ll be taxed off the road, well they’ll try, they’re at it now. My lumbering SUV costs £600, iro, to tax.
You’ll be limited on the number of journeys you can make outside of your 15 minute bubble, well they’re already trialling that.
Meanwhile we can run our old shit diesel cars on chip fat and sugar or whatever in the day and riot at night. We may have to cycle to the riots and where the govt stash their Range Rovers to blow them up.
Up the revolution.
I think it should be pointed out that the plan is not to ban ICE after 2030 – it is the sale of ICE that is (supposed) to be banned. So effectively this means the manufacture of ICE after 2030. Those ICE that are on the road in 2030 will be there for decades (look how long a new petrol car lasts these days).
The government could of course make it very painful to own an ICE after this date (taxes, spares; import duty etc). But it just ain’t gonna happen anyway! Never was gonna happen.
How are those millions of ICE trucks going to be replaced by that date?
This is exactly what will happen.
Want to drive your ICE – fuck you, pay £20.00 per trip, all enforced by a network of Chinese spy cameras.
Want to tax your ICE – fuck you, pay double.
Want to fill it with petrol – fuck you, pay a 50% premium in taxes.
Want to insure your ICE – fuck you, pay an enhanced premium because everyone knows ICE drivers are reckless speed demons compared to those saintly milk float drivers who can’t get above 25 mph without having to recharge for 18 hours.
Spot on MMCM; this falls in with Freddie’s view that the government want the proles off the road and to use pubic transport/shanks pony/bicycle instead.
It will be a brave cunt that sticks their neck out and starts raising premiums etc. for using your ICE vehicle. The problem is that the fuel companies will up their prices for a slowly dwindling market, which will play into the government’s hands. I see serious unrest on the horizon.
What no-one in charge understands is that all the nice finery of the Elite is provided by the proles. Taking it to the ultimate, this country will be Castro’s Cuba if the government keeps trying to fuck its workers up the arse. That smelly bignose cunt of a Mayor is rubbing his hands at destroying what is left on Londonistan with his precious ULEZ wank.
What about this to discourage the proles? Wavy road lines. Its the way forward or back or sideways.
Sheer genius.
The way most people drive miles, wavy or straight makes no difference. The fuckers are always 3 foot from the kerb driving straight at you.
A council spokesman said-‘A wavy line provides uncertainty to the driver and is proven to help reduce unwanted parking.”
Where do all the very un Eco batteries go when they die?
Land fill?
All a bag of cunt.
You take them to Tesco and put them in the battery recycling bin, the bins will have to be a bit bigger though.
You insert them in Greta’s unused cunt.
How dare you!
In landfill alongside all the non recyclable worn out wind turbine blades…
Has anyone thought about the poor Gyppos in all this? How are they supposed to get around p*ncing and thieving? Where is the electricity coming from? This is pure raaaaaay-sism if you ask me.
And how are get away drivers supposed to operate? No point robbing a bank, then tootling away at 20 mph and having to stop round the corner to recharge for 18 hours. No one has thought this through.
What bank?
They are an endangered species.
They are all, mostly , unstaffed rooms full of ATMs, and the odd tramp having a kip.
Any robber would need a forklift, Hiab, and a tractor to get in and lift the deposit cash and cheques machine, only to find that it contains 6 Ernie warrents and a couple of postal orders.
And peaceful taxi drivers. Have the government even considered whether there are enough charging points between grooming hotspots? I mean what if Abdul has to charge his Tesla in-between his cousins takeaway in Rochdale and his brother-in-laws flat in Rotherham?
The gyppos are on step ahead already.
A lot of copper in them thar leads
Some clever people will have calculated how many cars will be lost from the roads by certain dates, 2030 is the beginning and as we approach that date new petrol cars will be harder to buy because at some point manufacturers will have to start phasing them out or have a lot of stock left.
Could be worth a risk holding off until the last month of 2029, there could be some huge discounts if you aren’t too fussy about colour and your trade in should be holding a good price, nothing stopping resale of used petrol cars.
There are few electric cunts around where I live, they are ok for the little woman to pop to the shops I guess ?
I’d be alright to go shopping in an electric car, there’s a shopping centre 400 yards away. I reckon I could do a return trip on a single charge.
After more than half a century and well over a million miles on the tarmac I confess to being an incorrigible petrol head. However I do not fret about electric cars. It’s not going to happen.
All these new build houses all have a EV charging point on the front of the house near the front door.
Whether they want one or not.
Not sure if this is due to legislation or not?
What a eyesore, what a waste ,
They’ll be used for Christmas lights no doubt when this fad falls flat on its arse.
Yes Mis, refer to the recently introduced Part S of the Building Regs.
You say filling a petrol or diesel takes 2 minuits and it does once at the pump, I had to put diesel in one of our courtesy cars the other day and was mortally offended at having to wait behind some cunt in a fucking Tesla, who had pulled up next to the diesel pump and then the cunt had fucked off into the petrol station to get some shopping.
So I am going to have to revise my opinion of Audi drivers and move Tesla drivers to the head of the cunt que, these eco fucks even get in your way at petrol pumps, which means you have to tick over for long periods of time and that makes their carbon footprint impossible to compensate for.
So I hope their worthless electric pieces of shit to be so much grief to own, no one bothers.
Also getting your head kicked in at petrol stations much constitute another kind of stress electric car owners will suffer from…
Brilliant Nom ! No prizes for guessing the backhanders around this pile of shit !
I got a Unicorn for Christmas, ready to travel in the woke wonderverse
Mate of mine got a fully electric company car, as the company wanted a ‘green’ image. He generally does a couple of hundred miles a day visiting customers. When he gets in, in the evening he generally has around 15% charge left. He plugs it into the home charger and a full charge (which he needs every morning) takes until around 5.30am to complete. Now, that you would think is fine and dandy….BUT it means he can’t go out in the evenings after work as A. He only has 15% charge left, and B. There won’t be enough time left when he gets in after going out for it to be fully charge when he needs it in the morning.
Fucking stupid.
Madness. I’m sure I have seen a story already of electric police cars either running out of charge or not bothering to chase criminals (would any cunt notice?) because they can’t keep up. They are like the vegans of mechanical engineering.
Chase a car load of crims at speed for five miles OR keep enough charge so the cops can get back to base on time at end of shift? Hmmm
The good old daze, 2.8 Grenada with modified carb. Went like a rocket until I burned holes in the pistons. Never did get 20 mpg out of her, and it was 4*.
A youtube video explains exactly as despite paying your own proper real money to buy an EV , in effect the manufacturers are installing features that you have to continuously have to annually subscribe to. You dont subscribe, they remove satnav, or mood lights, or the high end stereo performance.
Previously if you specced a car with an upgrade it was yours and it went with the car when sold. A car with with some optional extras would sell better than the base model. Now you can spec your new ev with all the gizmos but when you come to sell it, they can and will switch them all off at ‘head office’ so it goes back to the base model…..getting to the point your will never own the whole car
Yeah they’re fucking clever, you’ve got to give them that. I’m sure there’s lots of tricks they haven’t thought of yet.
But they will…….you can take that to the bank. (so they rob you all over again)
Yup. Producing fewer models in the range of a vehicle saves manufacturers shit loads. Back in the day for example it was L, XL, GL, GLS , Ghia, Ghia x if it were a Ford. 6 models all with a verying degree of luxury and added ‘toys’.
Now a manufacturer only needs two or so models in a range, which they can add features and luxury to via electronics. But like I say, if you can download it onboard, then they can also disable it. If i pay extra for hifi upgrade, flashy headlights, advanced sat nav, apple products, connectivity, different interior lighting, keyless entry, voice recognition etc etc then I expect to own them when i come to sell the car….but no subscription no extras included
I’ve been told, so I don’t know how accurate this is, that you can buy an EV, but you have to lease the battery.
Presumably because the precious metals in them are more valuable than the actual car.
Thanks, CC.
One good thing about EV’s is that for every battery produced, there’s a dozen darkıe kids mining precious minerals with a spoon in an African shithole and not getting on a dinghy to clutter up our country with yet more sootıes.
They will be bringing the batteries with them soon enough thomas.. cheaper than amazon delivery..
This has me in tears!
Been driving petrol all my life and treated myself to a new car last year.
Lovely 2L diesel. Absolutely love it. Upsets a lot of petrol and electric owners. Why didn’t I buy a diesel sooner?
Next job to blank the EGR and Ash the fuck out of that DPF.
My other car, a Prius (no I’m not a taxi driver) easily gets 90mpg in summer on a long run… Drops to 65mpg in winter. (thats the worst recording it has had) But toyota have pulled the sale of them because they literally sold below 1500 units last year.
Nobody wants to drive a £24k brand new car that gets 90mpg with a 750 mile range because of how it looks, to the point where it is killed in the market.
I think that summarises the UK market up perfectly. Bunch of daft cunts who care more about their neighbours perception of the car, rather than the function of it.
I hope these financially fragile fuckers lose their shirt.
The cunt of living crisis continues.
What about all the caravan owners especially the larger ones?
(Might add I don’t give a fuck as I hate the wobble boxes and the wannabe Pikelets who have them and drive down narrow roads when they cannot even reverse and like to share a warm toilet seat in the morning)
These electric cars will not pull off the skin of a 3 day old dog turd.
There will be a massive rise in demand for caravan towing cars in the next few years before 2030
No problem with the national grid then, when every cunt in the country is charging a vehicle all night? Whose going to pay for all the charging points?
I’m sure our friendly energy companies will make sure prices stay low.
It’s all a bag of cunt designed to get you, you fucking pleb, off the roads. The cunts know we’re heading to the point where mass immigration will cause total gridlock. No way these cunts will reduce their living standards.
Will MPs and the like be in the same boat? Obviously not.
But at least we’ll sleep content in the knowledge that our betters can drive around on empty roads and have all their utilities (recharging) paid for by us. I’ll guess they’ll need two cars so they can use one whilst the other charges for 12 hours a day. It’s only fair. These people are important, don’t you know?
I hope Greta Cuntberg and the leaders of green energy all get the aids.
Get to fuck
There’s a point, CB.
If the HMRC aren’t raking it in from petrol/diesel, where are they going to get revenue from?
Oh wait! I’ve figured it out, suppliers of electricity. How happy I am, as a non-driver.
No coincidence, the cost of home energy is increasing dramatically…..all done to soften us up ready for when they tax it to replace petrol/diesel duty.
….and no coincidence petrol/diesel prices gone through the roof? All done to soften us up to price us out of petrol/diesel vehicles in 2030.
Don’t forget this cost of living crisis……a coincidence Sunak threw money at furlough, and now needs to claw it back? Simply way to do that…increase prices, so the VAT take is higher
Although a rumour, I believe the gov plans to start taxing EV cars from 5 years onwards.
I remember hearing it on a radio station. Watch this space though.
But when ‘they’ are driving around on empty roads then we’ll be able to target them and the infrastructure can easily be made to burn.
As long as petrol can be bought I will be running my old Merc E55, once you can’t buy petrol I’m sure it will be make your own Vodka time, once the leccy car thing has gone tits up, and it will, any petrol, diesels leftfuel cars will be worth a fortune, and the old beast drinks like Oliver Reed….
Within the next few years smart, or bio fuels will be available. These are synthetic, laboratory produced replacements for petrol and diesel, which run totally clean and free from emissions- yet you can run them in ANY ICE engine, old or new with no modifications or adjustments.
Formula 1 will be using it in a year or so’s time to fuel all the F1 cars during a race. The only drawback is currently it is very expensive to produce due to development costs- £10-£15 a litre currently, but this will decrease as production and usage increases.
The government and the green lobby aren’t promoting it because it’s an admission they have fucked up big time going backwards with electric
Here you go:
If our NET ZERO government (thanks Boris!) thinks Lady Creampuff is going to ditch her vintage Messerschmitt bubble car anytime in the foreseeable future, then they’ve got another fucking think coming. ?
It SEEMS to be working in parts of America, the southwest, it seems…
1-minute video that has 46 million views
But it’s hard to know for sure what is going to happen with electric cars and the recharging station industry, there will need to be a VHS/Betamax moment when porn went for VHS and that is what won that war even though Betamax was a superior format.
And as far as Greta Thunberg goes, forget it, the governments, media, elites, etc all love her and she has their ear. What need to be done is to forget her and focus on scientifically debunking the notion that the Earth is dying, which it isn’t.
This century will see a new world, there’s no doubt about that, no stopping that. Will it be a batter world? Yes. But we are in the birth canal right now and mummy is screaming! Blood everywhere! But that new baby, new world metaphor will be a beautiful baby/world. It HAS TO BE. No one is that idiotic to create a horrible world, a dystopia. Coca Cola won’t want that, no corporation wants that, they want a happy consumer base with expendable income. That is how the world works, that is the best way to have a world.
I say this is a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist… what else have I been called again?… troll?…. full Moon loony? Whatever. A GREAT BEAUTIFUL WORLD is coming, but we’ll see insane shit in the meantime…
Peace! Play a record…
Great song! 😀
I have been giving serious consideration to getting a classic Jaguar, to show my complete fucking contempt to the the climate grifters.
I looked at an XK8 4.0 at the weekend and will be looking at a 4.2 in the next few days.
I intend to fit the noisiest exhaust system I can find and enjoy myself?
You naughty little petrolhead you!
…ad how old is that and how many miles is it capable off before it’s the end of it’s life?
Bet that’s 20 years old and will do 250k if not more if looked after. That has or will repay the ‘carbon footprint’ it took to make and ship many times over, and when it finally comes to end of life I would suggest there are very many parts on it that can be reused to keep others on the road, and then the steel/alloy shell can easily be recycled.
You will be lucky to sell a 7 years old EV nowadays. No market for old, unreliable technology. Look at how much early flat screen tv’s go for at book fairs- £20 to a polish fruit picker
….and on the 7th day, God made V8 engines and smiled.
For it was good.
I’ve just done a ‘Boss Hogg’
Triple flush required to send it on.
Put the fragrant Mrs DiCunty right off her soak in the bath tub.
Anyone falling for this EV shit is a cunt. Dr Diesels dirty oil rules.
Should have just cut out the ‘middle man’ and shit in the tub.
Who needs a self driving car anyway unless you’re a mong or a subset of mong like Katie Price?
All new EVs are way too expensive. Cue 2030 and there will be cries of racism when ordinary joes of a disadvantaged race can’t afford an EV, just like the rest of us. Then they’ll just limit journeys or offer a loan scheme or both. The future of motoring is bleak.
One day in my dotage I will proudly recall that I drove from Twickenham to Firenze in my Alfa Romeo and back and it was great, plus I once did 146mph on an empty M6 in a petrol MkIi Golf, also great, cunts. Ah fuck, in dotage already.
Cars sales will be even bigger in the 2030s. Chinese car sales are at 21 million per year now. In the 1990s, no one in China except the elite had cars. Cars sales last year worldwide was 67 million. It will be over 100 million soon. People in African want cars now, all middle income Africans have a car, two cars now. More and more Muslim women are driving now, the laws are changing.
All this negative stuff about the future is bollocks. This century will be awesome, once the dust settles in the 2040s and in the meantime it will still be awesome, but with horrifying brutal events also thrown in, but THAT’S LIFE, ISN’T IT? Don’t like that, then fuck off, swallow some pills.
I’m being rhetorical, not directing this at you, dear reader, just the pessimistic nihilists we have in the world these days. Of course we are in fucked up times, but so what? That’s good, that means a war is on and the best, the strongest will win and that’s us, not losers who want the world to end and fall for the propaganda from the governments and media.
The future of motoring is to be controlled by big brother. Flick of a switch they can stop you going anywhere. Flick of another switch they can see where you’ve been, for how long, how fast or slow, and also stop your car- via satnav- going to places they don’t want you to.
We are fucked in a war if we and the army are mobilised via electricity……only need the enemy to knock out supply and were are stranded.