Seems that this cowardly government is thinking up more ways to grab more money from us here Taxpayers, this time by bringing forward the proposal of raising the State Pension Retirement age to 68 in order to bring in a few more billion to the Treasury in order to help pay if the country’s crippling debt problem.
The original proposals was to increase the state pension age to 67 in 2028 and to 68 in 2039. But Treasury officials, the Bank of England and various think tanks want this latter option to be brought forward to the early-mid 2030s.
One reason for raising the retirement age for pensions is because of longer life expectancy compared to 40+ years ago. By raising the retirement age to 68 a few years earlier would be the Treasury saving anything up to £10bn in state pension payments.
Obviously for some ISAC cunters on here this may not affect them by the mid 2030s but its yet another crafty scheme for this government to force people to continue working before they’re “rewarded” with their state pension.
At the same time people on benefits and who have never worked in their lives could still end up being better off when they “retire” based on how totally fucked up our benefits system is.
And you get bet your bottom dollar that all those “billions” will be wasted on the usual suspects rather than paying off our massive debt caused by stupid fucking ministers and prime ministers.
Nominated by: Technocunt
And on a slightly different tangent there’s this from Jeezum Priest
The thin end of the wedge.
Now, a person who bought their house for peanuts, and flogged their nut off to make it a family home worth about £1m, as per a post on a recent nom, may find him/her self without a pension, because they were astute, hardworking and forward thinking.
That’s if twats like this have their way.
I’m all for multimillionaires getting no state pension, but I think very few would qualify for one anyway, as you actually have to contribute, in this country, to get one. Also, you actually have to apply to get it, which I doubt any of them would be arsed.
So essentially, this is not about the super rich, but people who got lucky, with a good house purchase, or a dabble in the stocks market, and not those who have deliberately evaded paying tax, yes Mrs. Sunak, amongst others.
How many times can you kick a dog, before he bites you on the arse?
When I started work in 1971 my pension contribution along with my employer’s part would have bought two ounces of gold per month. The fact that HMG chose to use ‘Pay as you go’ rather than purchasing real assets with pension contributions is not my fault. 52 years later my state pension is £150 a week.
And yet asylum seekers are now entitled to almost a third of that (£45/w) without doing fuck all to earn it!
Plus unspecified tax free earnings ‘on the rob’.
That Semtex Begum bird is even on the fucking Beeb now.
What?! On the BBC?! She fucking ought to be. She ought to be tied up on the fucking roof of BH when we burn the building down.
Begum is nothing more than a handy distraction used by the Govt. to divert people’s attention from the fact that they are allowing 100s of illegals entry every day and also allowed hundreds of Isis fighters to return to this Country and resume their lives undisturbed.
You’re dead right of course Dick. Don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Yes, and the rest
I assume you are on the ‘new state pension’, if you have been contributing for the full time of you working life your pension should be higher than that, perhaps asking the DoWP for a recalculation might be worth doing.
Guzzi, that seems low.
Maybe check with the DWP, if it’s right, you might be able to get Pension Credit, to top it up.
I get more than that, and I know I’m short of the required years of contributions, due to early retirement.
Another part of an overly complicated farcical scheme. They’ve wazzed our contributions up the wall and are desperate to avoid paying out. But they have no problems paying out for various non contributors. My wife won’t get the full amount, but I will pay more than the years required to get mine, but can’t put this towards my wife’s state pension. When it suits them, she can’t get any benefits because she’s married to me,. The whole system is too complicated and stinks
So many hidden factors that Jeremy Cunt won’t be happy to discuss..
Waiting longer for one of the worst pensions in the developed world.
The stupidity of politicians who raided and spent everyone’s pension pot so that now the state pension is paid from rolling taxation,which pisses off the people who caused it no end.
The idiotic strategy of forcing older workers to remain in the labour pool,so excluding young people from starting a career,with huge societal impact.
The fact that the state pension is taxable when those who choose not to work and receive means tested benefits are cash richer than many who have contributed over decades..
The whole system is a disgrace and the very people in Westminster who caused the problem are the very same ones who despise having to pay pensions at all…so why not run the services an ageing population comes to rely on into the ground..and let in droves of foreign rubbish in to replace them.
Taxed on the funds in the pension, you were already taxed on the money you put in to begin with. A tax on a tax.
I’m already getting my State Pension, so ‘I’m Alright Jack’.
But a few friends of my age are delaying taking theirs because the longer they leave it, the more they’ll get. In other words, THEY BELIEVE A GOVERNMENT PROMISE! Honestly, how fucking credulous can some people be?
My motto is simple – never trust the cunts. If something’s on offer from HMG then grab it with both hands, because if it’s going to cost them they’ll claw it back sooner than you can say ‘National Debt’.
Exactly so Geordie. Any accountant wil tell you to draw the pension as soon as you can, don’t postpone it and don’t take a reduction on the promise (HaHa!) of more in the future. Delaying withdrawal was always more favourable to the DWP. I was able to draw my pension at 65 and on advice did so. The delaying option which was not worth having had been tightened even further seven weeks before my birthday. I eventually retired at 69 and have seen no downside to the choice I made.
And worst case of course, is if you die before seeing any of these “enhancements!”
Yes, if you have a company pension that you can take at 50 or55, do it!
Although I’ve seen news reports that there’s legislation pending to prevent this.
You usually get a good wedge of cash, too, that you can invest.
And the good news, just because you took your pension early, you don’t have to retire. You just can’t pay in to the pot anymore.
The bad news, you’ll have to pay tax on the private pension, unless you actually retire.
Get rid of hs2, put the cash back in the till. Railways are run by cunts anyhoo, who will it benefit.?
The average joe doesn’t need to get to birmingham or manchester super quick anyway….and if they did- exactly how often in a year?
If you are the kind of high flying businessman that needs to get to birmingham and back in a morning, then you have the resources to fly or a chauffer driven fast car at least.
..and the issue isn’t so much how quick it is getting from london to birmingham- it’s the travel to get to the station in london and then the wait for the train. I am in kent…my mainline train into victoria is just over an hour…that of course is once I have driven to the station, parked, then waited for the train. Then I have to get from victoria to the HS2 station, then wait for that. If they say it knocks an hour off the journey once I am on it, then I can save that by driving directly from my front door to birmingham in the first place without all the logistics and waiting for trains to arrive. This is the issue with train travel times…..all very well once you have made it to the train and you are on it, but in the real world.
I think HS2 is a politco dick-swinging thing. The Frogs and the Spaniards have got one, so we want one.
Spot on Ron! The polite expression is “vanity project.”
Wasn’t the Soviet Union littered with unfinished “Glory Projects” when it eventually (and inevitably) went tits up?
Guess it’s our turn…
Labour’s working on a Five Year Plan in anticpation.
The State pension scheme is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme which will inevitably collapse.
…Too many non-contributors and “gold-plated” pensions for state employees.
The state pension is something you work for all your working life, back in the old days you needed to have 44 qualifying years to get full pension now that has been dropped to 35 qualifying years and many of us also paid extra to gain the SERPS as a top up to the basic pension. If you defer taking you pension for a period of time then get extra pension on top.
Well this coming tax year anyone who retired since 2016 (when the new state pension came in) if you have the Full basic pension, plus full SERPs the 10% rise announced by Cunt will put you into income tax on your state pension because of the freeze on personal tax allowance.
This is a bit of a cunt because if you are on benefits most payments that come your way are tax free, UC and pension credit qualify for tax free payments, so some cunt on pension credit could end up gaining more money tax free taking them above the personal allowance with no penalty.
The whole system is fucked, I can see the state pension being phased out altogether and everything being done via private pensions, but one thing is absolutely certain, the can’t work won’t work will always be well off.
The UK state pension is shameful.
Whenever I speak to foreigners here about how little you get and how long you have to pay in to get it, they think that I am fucking around.
“How is anyone supposed to live on that?”
Having to work until your 68 and beyond may suit some people of course, but the annoying this is despite contributing anything up to 50 years worth of tax and NICs you still have to go through the tick-box extremism of means-testing, and being taxed all over again on your pension income.
The government wants old people to carry on working, but to be honest if you’re going to be better off on benefits then what’s the point? And yet these clowns just can’t see that!
I already get State Pension, plus extra for paying into a Company Pension, which wasn’t compulsory. Lots of my old friends who didn’t took the piss when I was paying besides getting taxed. Look who’s laughing now, especially if ones living longer, with Company Pension on the rise each year.
I’d forgotten to mention the £500 for winter fuel the government so kindly sent me.
#metoo, Sammy.
I spent it on booze and party food.
In the States we have Social Security.
It might actually work if they only gave it to those who contribute.
By the time I’m ready to collect I’ll probably have to be 76.
The fucking government shouldn’t give anything to anyone. People can take care of each other way better but I guess that doesn’t buy any votes from the parasites.
Morning Meat.
The old US Social Security is all a bit confusing to the likes of me. Like so many things in US life, it’s a game of ‘gotcha’. Take it early then you’ll only get X. Delay taking it and it’ll be X+Y. Take some of it, don’t take some of it. Get medicare (or whatever it’s called), don’t get medicare. Or medicaid (is it? – I dunno). It’s all bollocks to me.
One of my greatest fears, paranoid as I am, is finally getting to the age/point in my life where I decide to stop working. My investments will have matured and are paying out, my UK personal pension can now be accessed, UK state pension may be available too (I did work in the UK for over a decade before I fucked off to Yankland), savings in the bank, etc. I down tools and start to think about how I’ll spend my remaining years, then promptly drop dead and won’t get to spend hardly any of it.
Does anyone else feel or felt this way? What did you do to combat it?
I actually retired at 55, and used savings and a generous company pension to live on. I’d paid the mortgage off and had no other debt, so I was like a pig in clover.
I am now also getting state pension, so of course my private pensions are taxed.
It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to know that, since receiving State Pension, I am now allowed to contribute to the support of feckless, workshy cunts through my taxes.
Like the guy in the Bible who dripped dead as soon as he decided to enjoy his gain.
Your plan sounds good IY. Just make sure what you have left when you breathe your last goes where you want and a mess isn’t left for others to clean up. If you have no family you care to leave it to let me know and I’ll give you an account number.
At age 60, I self identified as a woman, thereby getting my full state pension five years before I would otherwise have qualified.
Worked out an extra £30,000+, not to be sniffed at.
At 65 I reverted to identifying as a bloke.
Gullible cunts.
If you identify as gender-fluid can you claim both?
I have no idea, LL.
Me, I’m just a lawnmower, you can tell by the way I walk.
I saw some cunt actually try that and they kicked it out.
Seems the courts only have a problem not backing trans rights when it is going to cost the country money
Just proved they believe it is all a load of shit as well
Does it mean hermaphrodites get paid double, due to the inconvenience ?
No-that’s schizophrenic’s!
I am retired. They should now end all pension rights for those still working and treble my pension,. while also trebling NI.
Makes sense to me. And is a way to save the country money for hotel bills, benefits, legal aid and the rest. Oh, and the water taxi service.
I’ve got a brilliant idea.
Everyone has to keep working until someone already getting the state pension shakes a 7, at which point the next person on the waiting list can retire.
That way, you can also limit the number of pensioners clogging up hospital beds, doctors surgeries, post office queues and the like.
The downside is that means someone carries on working, thereby reducing the number of job vacancies, so you’d have 30+ year old just starting apprenticeships.
Alternatively, given the state of the roads, footpaths and public spaces, they could just be made to work litter picking, pothole filling, and general labouring until their number comes up, and they can start to work in a trade, or McDonald’s.
I’m sorry JP that idea makes way too much sense to have a chance.
I’m still fine tuning it, Meat.
I’ll work till I drop dead.
Like a mistreated shire horse.
Broken and best put down.
Poor old Miserable ☹️
So sat on my fuckin arse watching Judge Judy and sucking Werther’s original for me.
I’m also a Werther’s Original fan. If pronounce correctly, you get 2 packets for the price of 1 near me.
Judge Judy gives me the horn.
I’d completely forgotten that the state pension is taxed as income.
Assuming I’d still be eligible for a small UK state pension since I paid into the system for well over a decade all those years ago, I wonder how they’ll collect. I’m not a UK resident and thus not a UK tax payer. If the Inland Revenue thinks I’m going to fill out a self assessment UK income tax form, they’ll be disappointed with my response. Which will be “fuck off”. I also need to figure out a way to grab my UK personal pension fund when it matures and not pay tax on it. If I’m not resident in the UK, I don’t see why I should pay UK tax for services, infrastructure and feeding and clothing illegal immigrants.
I’m sure the message from the IR will be, “well Mr Yank, since you’ve been outside the UK for x number of tax years, you are no longer eligible for any form of UK state pension and you will have to pay UK tax on any income which is derived from any UK holdings”. You can see it coming a mile away.
So many horrible selfish people on this site, we should all work until we drop dead.
How’s Abdul and Winston and their whole family gonna to enjoy a free house and free money if the lazy indigenous population won’t pick up the bill.
I’m willing to pay their return dinghy fare, if everything free to them here isn’t suitable.
I’m willing to pay SashaJohnson’s mates to put on house parties, every fucking night, with those special “fireworks”, until Londstabistan is clean again.
Are these cunts having a laugh. I’m in my late 40s and my gaff is probably worth about £900k, so likely to go through the million threshold at retirement age.
Thing is it’s just my house, I can’t use any of the asset value.
When will these cunts just fuck off
I’ve paid my NI and then some , fuck you Sunak you slimy jug eared cunt
Don’t worry CotL, if you’re a millionaire, even on paper, you’ll be fine.
There isn’t anyway in hell you’ll be refused your state pension, it would set a president, all those Civil Servants, currently ( coughs) advising the Cabinet, are all on a right poke, and millionaires on paper. They’ll protect your rights simply because they’ll cover their own arses.
Precisely Jeezum.
It’s only a proposal by a bonkers private think-tank, nothing to do with the government or the slimy jug eared Sunak cunt. Besides, it would’t have a snowflake’s chance in Hell of getting through Parliament.
Very good point Jizzum, I’m impressed by your perspicacity.
And I’m sure your autocorrect entered president.
Fuck me, arfur.
precident, precident, precident!
Or do I have to write it 20 times?
Fair point
Btw, like it or not, Mrs Sunak has not “evaded” paying UK tax (which would be a criminal offence) but “avoided” under her non-dom status paying tax on foreign income not liable to UK tax, which is all perfectly legal under UK tax law.
However, she has since agreed to pay tax on all future worldwide income, including that earned in the previous tax year, saying she understood that many felt her tax arrangements were “not compatible with her husband’s job as chancellor” (and now PM), adding that she appreciated the “British sense of fairness”.
That said, I will not be following her example, I shall continue to avoid paying tax on income not subject to UK tax, e.g. income generated by my many ISAs, both of the cash and stocks & shares variety.
Thing about working to 68 is that age discrimination is still in full swing , in my role in the city , god help you if you lose your job after 55 as you’re fucked basically
And yet, I saw a report recently stating that people were taking early retirement at 50/55, and begging them to keep on working, due to losing too many skilled workers.
Also, the Asda greeter, who also announces when cucumbers are reduced to half price, must be 55 if he’s a day.
He’s also damned nimble at avoiding the rush of fuggly, squeeling females heading for the salad section.
Seems to me that the politicos pushing this continual raising of the retirement age have no conception of what this means to some workers. My brother was in the building trade and years ago now he told me of bricklayers he worked with who, following decades in the job, now had hands which were cracked and shaped like lobster claws and were counting the days to their retirement. One guy celebrated his sixty-fifth birthday by throwing his tools in the skip and driving away never to return.
Arthur-most (all?) civil servants are completely disconnected from the real world.
Although by strange coincidence, in the early 90’s, the Bass players in two bands I occasionally played in, were employed by HM Customs & Excise.
I used to joke that we should play “Money” by Flloyd-funnily enough, they both fucking loved that track……
You are Les McQueen and I claim my £5
…it’s a shit business….I’m glad I’m out of it…..
Yes I have Pensions, and every penny is taken by the Local Authority for Nursing Home Residence. My wife struggles to keep warm and visits every day simply to keep warm ( Her income being cut for my benefit ) Fucking disgusting when every slimeball cunt on a raft can live in the lap of luxury.
Sorry to hear that Ferrars.
Get your moneys worth-ensure you “goose” the good looking carer’s, then blame Althzeimers….
I’m not only sorry to hear that, Ferrars, I’m concerned that you and your lady wife aren’t getting the right support.
Might I suggest a chat with a lovely advisor at the CAB would be in order?
They truly hate councils and corporations etc, that have budgets to help people, but make them almost invisible, or hard to access.
They are expert at cutting through both red tape and bullshit. If there’s a benefit or fund your lady can apply for, they will find it and fill in the paperwork, too.
Take heart, you are not alone.
I am sure I read a report that France was considering raising the state pension age to 62.
We get the shit end of the stick in the UK.
Mon dieu!
Poor sods, my heart bleeds, not.
They’ll be cobbles dug up in Momatre, to throw at les Flics. It’ll be 1966 all over again. Deja Vue!
Fucking frogs. Chill, won’t happen.
Open some wine, spread some cheese on a crust.
Welcome to Brexit Britain!
Now, nothing more than a Ponzi scheme (The same is true for those across the pond, but at least you can find out when it will become insolvent (2033-35)). So, hardly surprising that they are increasing the retirement age. Going forward, it should be privatised.
To cheer up such a dour state of affairs how about a tune featuring what is possibly the most under appreciated guitar (sounds like a sitar) solo ever:
It was in fact an electric sitar, played by Denny Dias.
I bow to your superior knowledge Ruffy.
..and David Palmer on vocals in that version, not Donny F.
You’re welcome.
The vocal in the video Harold posted above is in fact sung by Fagen, because the original studio recording has been dubbed (badly) over it for some inexplicable reason.
Below is the video with its correct soundtrack featuring Palmer’s vocal.
You’re welcome.
I bow to your superior knowledge Ruffers !