Merkinch Primary School, Inverness

IsAC old lags may well be aware that my gorgeous wife hails from north of the border, and I think it’s fair to say that she’s not at all pleased with certain developments taking place in the land of her fathers.

Just before Christmas, Nicola von Rottweiler railroaded the SNP’s Gender Recognition Bill through Holyrood, a state of affairs which reduced my beloved to a state of incoherent rage; ‘they’re spitting in women’s faces, the bastards’ etc.

Now earlier today, she was once again foaming at the mouth to learn that a school in Inverness has issued an ‘ethnicity and diversity’ survey to pupils aged between five and twelve, asking, among other things, whether they identify as gay or transgender.

Daily Mail News Link

‘Christ on a moped!’ she raged. ‘What in the name o’ the wee man are they thinking of? How can kids that age have an informed opinion on such things?. I bet this was the idea of some fanny with a Diploma in Gender Studies from Brighton University. If my kid was at that school, I’d tar and feather the wanker’ etc etc.

Speaking from my own experience, I find it hard to disagree. At five, I could barely decide on what I wanted for breakfast or wipe my own arse. At twelve, I was struggling to cope with the consequences of brutally excessive onanism, occasioned by the discovery of my dad’s stash of ‘Parade’ magazines on the top shelf of a cupboard.

Anyway, my little flower is currently in the kitchen making the tea, and I can tell from the clattering and banging, not to mention the cussing, that she’s still madder than a wasp in a jam jar.

I’ll have to come up with a distraction later to try and take her mind off the subject. Mmm… now where did I put my latex posing pouch…?

Nominated by: Ron Knee

69 thoughts on “Merkinch Primary School, Inverness

  1. Sometimes I like to creep up on sleeping sunbathers and bonk them on the head with my dick.

    Great cunting!

  2. The sinister cunts behind this attempted brainwashing are quite remorseless aren’t they?

    Not many steps above paedophiles in my opinion.

    They should be shot,all of them.

    • In some ways they’re worse.

      If you’d given me the awful choice as a nipper of having my nob touched by a diddler, or to have some cunt chop it off altogether and give me pills to grow tits, I know the terrible choice I’d make.

      Advocates of pushing tranny shit and anti white shite on kids need executing by firing squad.

  3. This is just another step or two closer to normalising Peter Fillia and yet the media do not seem to see this oncoming threat.

    Perhaps this is all part of a long-term plan so that having sex with kids will fall into like with Islamic/Sharia laws where fucking kids is okay because Allah supports it.

    This country is walking into a moral shitstorm but the elites, the media and the establishment don’t seem to give two fucks just so long as it doesn’t affect them.

    • Exactly! When the trans bomb has burnt out the only thing these loony toon Marxist cunts have left in the Armoury is the peadophile bullet and it will be fired.

      In 5 years we are going to look back and think what the fuck happened when “minor attracted people” become normalized. The destruction of society is well and truly underway and the end isn’t that far off.

    • Absolutely agree. It’s very disturbing to see the things being pursued in schools under the umbrella of ‘ethnicity and diversity’ policies.
      What’s more, parents who object to this shit seem to be at increasing risk of being reported to social services.
      I just posted a link to another worrying article below as a response to a comment from Sick of It. This shit is getting out of hand.

  4. Scotland and Wales were the last bastions of the white hetrosexual where this kind of bollocks wasnt tolerated, so now small kids are asked to choose a sexual identity, faggot flags are being painted onto roads, eveywhere is being converted to cycle lanes, the places are rammed out with foreigners,nobody has any common sense what so ever, half the country are on benefits [ i know this was the case in Scotland anyway], you cant say what you really think without getting in trouble, to the point where i got banned from fuck book for suggesting that someone had parked like a twat, on the parked like a twat page, wtf.
    Now i think whats it going to be like in 20 years, god help us, the only thing your going to be able look forward to is a painless death in your sleep..

    • ‘…painless death in your sleep…’

      Bear in mind, in Scotland if you don’t explicitly opt out, the meenit yer deid, yir bodily bits’n’boabs belong tae the Krankie’s reich tae dae wi whit they wull.

      The worrying thing is that the trans freaks and their deranged Munchausen by proxy enablers in the medical world are already talking about Frankensteining wombs into male bodies, now, if only there was a country where the deviants have ‘captured’ the government, the legal profession, the health service, the police, the education system, the media…..

      Like a lot of things these days, the parts are worth more than the whole…so, mind, just dinnae be too young and healthy if you’ve got to go tae a Hospital up here in the future. (See equally woke Canada’s euthanasia laws for a glimpse of the future )

  5. I feel it only fair to point out that the Liberals and Liebour were behind the passing of the Deviants Charter as well, and that the Greens had a big hand in the drafting of the thing.

    We’re now in the amusing position where there are people up here who say that they can’t honestly vote for any of the main parties, and that the previously unthinkable ‘cold day in hell’ option of voting Tory is looking good.

    As to this unhealthy interest they have in children..

    • Jeeeeeeezus!
      That is truly fucking disturbing.
      If I happens upon that fucking No.nce giving a public speech like that, I would throw the fucker over the wall.
      Dirty, dirty bastards☹️

    • The Greens at Holyrood should be thrown under a fucking bus. That’s what they’re doing to most people by brown-nosing the cunts in the SNP in order to get a sniff of power (no pun intended).

  6. We all know teachers are woke but asking primary school kids about gender is tantamount to grooming, what sort of headmaster would sanction that sort of questionnaire.
    As for Wee James and her looney SNP (not all because some opposed the gender nonsense) changing the gender recognition criteria to make is easier to get the certificate (should be a sectioning certificate) is madness. We all know teenagers go with fashion and all that will happen is more dull brained teens will change gender to be ‘cool’.

    Note to the Scots, see what happens when you vote for fucking idiots, think yourself lucky you are in the Union so shit like this can be blocked.

  7. That poor little bugger (well, I hope not, given his age!) in the picture looks a right little porker. I don’t fancy his chances at the Under 13s disco.

  8. Five year olds? Ffs. I was advanced for my age and had mastered tying up my own shoe laces by then. But deciding my sexual identity? Unbelievable! I was a teenager before I had an inkling off what that was about. They really are after destroying everything normal aren’t they?

  9. The fat child in the photo has a set of tits…he must already be undergoing conversion,presumably.

  10. Clearly the vast majority of the electorate are implacably opposed to all this shit and the politicians don’t give a toss. I can only envisage civil unrest, it’s just a question of when. Definitely getting closer by the day I think.

    • Seems that way arfur.
      I think that a lot of people in Scotland see the Gender Recognition legislation as being a very large hammer to crack a very small nut.
      Many women are particularly angry.
      There’s even suggestions that Wee Jimmy and her fanatical allies see this as a means of driving a further wedge between Holyrood and Westminster, as part of a Machiavellian ‘long game’ to indy. Is Krankie THAT devious? I’d say so, but she’s risking pissing off a lot of women voters if that’s indeed the case.

  11. Is that the Scottish version of jimmy will fix it.
    Is tubby asking for he’s cock to be chopped off.

    • He’s actually telling her this is the size of his cock. That’s why she’s all smiles.

      • Or perhaps he’s saying ‘so Furst Munestur, is it reet that en Scortlund efter independunce, we’s a’ gunna git free drenk an’ fried Marz Barzz on th’ NHS?’

      • It is alleged that Krankie is very partial to a fish supper and her husband is just a Lavender front. Hence the massive Cunt’s willingness to dabble in gender confusion.

  12. I can’t believe that in my lifetime, we have gone from Section 28 to actively encouraging deviancy. Common Putin, get Ukraine out the way and come and sort us out.

  13. Good job my 6 year old daughter isn’t in a school where they hand out these dumbfuck questionnaires.

    Because she has a bit more responsibility than most 6 year old girls, in helping along her 8 year old autistic brother, she is switched on beyond her years.

    I mentioned the whole tranny thing to her and showed her that clip of that soft shite tranny and Joe Biden conference. She laughed and expressed her wonder that any man could dress up as a lady, for any reason other than for people to laugh at them. She does give me hope in an every increasingly nutty word.

    • Your lass sounds like a right cracker, PM.

      Get her a lollipop, and tell her it’s from a bloke who thinks lasses like her are the dogs bollocks.

      Maybe tone it down a bit.

  14. Old Lego head Krankie looks like a bloke. What’s does it identify as? I know, a full weight cunt.

  15. Foaming at the mouth, Ron?
    I thought she was constantly “Frothing at the Gash”.

  16. This sort of shite is excreted in Edinburgh – and not just Holyrood. Nice Embra is comparable with Islington, ( nasty Embra is a cesspit of vice and corruption, if less afflicted with ethnic diversity than Tower Hamlets).

    Before I left Bonnie Scotland – as was – sixteen years ago, the Embra teachers were already pretty damn woke, and god knows what it’s like now.

    Notwithstanding that Scottish city secondary schools are still hellholes to match the English model, and the best that could be done about that would be to bring back the tawse. That it has reached the Highlands is deeply depressing, and I am sure that Miss X. the demented evangelical who ran Y Primary School on the Argyll coast for some years, will be turning in her grave / gibbering in her care home today.

    • Komodo-I wonder the actual percentage of academia who are fully behind this shit and those that keep quiet for fear of the unemployment line?

      A friends wife was Head of year in a large Comprehensive-she is a born educator, a good teacher.
      She left the profession several years ago because of this direction being taken.

      They couldn’t win at the polling stations, so they go after the children, to condition and indoctrinate, instead.

      • I don’t really know the answer to that. From my limited exposure to the schools issue, I have the impression that (often overworked and conscientious) teachers simply don’t have the spare energy or even opportunity to criticise their superiors. Who – the LEAs – are imposing a compulsory doctrine from above. That would make the fear of unemployment a major factor. It would also make it seem to me that the LEAs and other educational bodies propagating wokeness are merely agents of…insert conspiracy theory here. Who wants to subvert our society?

      • Africa, of fucking course.

        I did a Nile trip, years ago. It was fantastic. People said OMG, they have dead dogs/donkeys floating in there and it stinks.

        Nope. It was lovely. Seen so many wonderful things, the great pyramids and the Sphinx were rather disappointing, but the temples and the Valley of the Kings, just wow!

        I’ve also been to Jordan, and been to the Hidden City. Another wow.

      • Some say Moscow, Ron. Motive: the loss of the Soviet empire: Means: Subversion’s always been their speciality, no doubt enhanced by millionaire Russian infiltrators (eg. the Independent and Standard’s Lebedev), and the sheer incompetence of our weak governments since Thatcher provide the opportunity. I’m inclined to buy that.

  17. Having taken a second glance st the nomination photo, I wonder if the person standing, hand on hold to the left of Wee Krankie is the class teacher?
    Scruffy with an armful of tattoos-probably a nose ring or lip piercing.

    If I had primary school age children, I would be “home schooling” them.

    • *not in using a mobile phone to post on IsAC, obviously.

      Damn you massive hands & FU 🍎.

  18. Peter kay holding court with some cunt that sounds like groundskeeper willie. And probably has one.

  19. Roland Browning their interviewing ‘Wee Jimmy’ Nicola Sturgeon-Krankie. Just to show her gender neutral stance.

    I was surprised that the age you can get married in England is 18. It is 16 in Scotland. Famously some people would go to Gretna Green to get married.

    It’s a farce. 129 politicians in Holyrood, all of whom would be drinking cider doon the park if they were not in that shit show, deciding that a young person can change their gender at 16. A man with cock and balls.

    Appeasing the trannies might gain them 23000 votes but they’ll lose 25000 votes from an outraged monstrous regiment of women and lezzies who are appalled that an obese man in a wig with cock and balls can share the same changing room cubicle at Marks and Spencer’s.

    Even a convincing tranny is still a man having sex with a man and can carry all those nasty diseases. They can easily transmit the clap, monkey pox and HIV/AIDS. The lot. Puts me right off me sausage.

    • It’s funny how nobody ever seems to think about asking blokes how they feel about all this whole changing rooms/toilets carry on.
      Last time I went to a gents’ changing room in M and S (10 or 11 years or so I would estimate) I was struck by the fact that women just swanned in and out to hand stuff to blokes in there. I’ve noticed it elsewhere since
      I remember another occasion being in the café at John Lewis’s when the women’s loos went out of order, so they just commandeered the blokes’ bog. Imagine if that had been the other way round and a group of blokes had waltzed into the ladies’. The scuffers would have been in and lifted the lot.
      Blokes are just expected to fucking lump it.

  20. I firmly believe ‘Diversity Officers’ and their ilk are the cause of all this.

    That have cushy 100k p.a. non jobs. To keep the jobs and gravy train going, they constantly have to come up with more racism and other ‘isms’.

    They’re running out of stuff now, so it starts to become ridiculous as we’re witnessing. The fall back seems to be to brow beat white kids though, the fucking evil bastards.

    Although not in the schools the likes of Lineker’s kids went to, of course.

    All this crap is for the plebs!

    • Whoever thought of “Diversity” officers wants shooting with shit and killing with fire.

      Along with the officers.

  21. Time these perverted deviants were burned at the stake, total cunts the lot of them.

  22. That kid looks like he’s presenting wee Jimmy with one of those buzzing lady pleasurer thingy’s you see in those ‘arty’ sort of films…or so I’m reliably told.

    “D’ya ken yon martial aid, missus? See, ma auld fella picked it up doon cash converters – only tae owners fram noo ‘n cleaner than a cats arse by the way. Yoors fer a fish supper ‘n a can ay Tennant’s” ya auld hoor.

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