Melissa Sloan – Another Tattooed Nutjob

Another cunting for these tatood freaks who get tattoo head to foot including their faces and then have the ordacity to moan they have no money, can’t get a job, get treated like cunts by everybody, scare kids and small dogs.

This dozy self graffiti artist is crying because she has had to watch her kids school play through the window due to not being allowed in the building, all I can say is I hope the school have a one way mirror window, so the poor fuckers inside don’t have to see that gorping in at them.

WTF is wrong with these loons and why are they gobsmacked when they are not accepted, maybe you get away with it for trick or treating, but the rest of the year your pretty much Fubar and it’s permanent and they have paid money to do it to themselves…. Cunts

Wales On Line

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

84 thoughts on “Melissa Sloan – Another Tattooed Nutjob

  1. She’s just Welsh.

    Used to be a bloke in the early 80s looked like that knocked about in Stockport town centre, shocking!

    But if you plucked up courage to talk to him he was a quiet, mild, shy bloke.
    Fuck knows why he’d had it done?

  2. Her money? Another reason for dole bludgers to be supplied with a basics card instead of cash. Such lovely green hair by the way.

  3. Apparently, according to the article, she has a “partner”……..I hate to think what he looks like! No Mrs, you’re not “addicted” to tattoos you’re addicted to attention like so many other saddos these days. Lazy fucking parasite whiny old bitch who shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near children.

    • She has a job though so she’s not a benefits scrounger. Let her spend her money as she wishes. She earned it. Still looks like an orc though.

      • Good Morning MMCM

        I had a quick Google and the only articles I could find were her moaning that she couldn’t get a job because of her tattoos. She also added in one article in September that she liked to be me and that made it difficult for her to get on with people.

        Certainly any business who employed her wouldn’t want her near the paying public, do you have any further details?

      • Unfortunately not Wanksock – there was just a reference in the link to her having a job. Unless she lost it because she frightened the staff!

      • She would bloody frighten me MMCM!

        From the number of newspaper articles she is obviously an attention seeker. I would guess totally unemployable and has deliberately made herself so. Never mind the rest of us can pay for her lifestyle.

  4. In what world would you think that would be a good idea.

    And how the fuck did she afford all those.

    Nail to a wall and call it a Banksy

  5. “She also admitted she is addicted to getting tattoos, with her partner inking her “prison-style” regularly, but says she wishes she was able to get a job.”

    Any cunt doing this should not receive any benefits. I reckon they do this so they can easily stay on the rock and roll.

    Let the mad bitch starve under a bridge.

  6. Fuck me thats hideous….I wouldn’t even want to put my cock in her mouth and look down and see that sucking me off

  7. They don’t look like tats to me. I reckon she got pissed one afternoon and fell asleep in a drunken stupor over the park. Some kids on the way home from school whipped out a felt tip and graffitied all over her stupid face. She thought it looked good and is too lazy to wash anyway.
    Revolting old slag.

  8. I’m not keen on tattoos on men but I’m afraid that tattoos on women are beyond the pale in my book. We have been happily married for decades but she could get rid of me immediately by getting a tattoo.

    And as for piercings? Don’t even go there!

  9. This is actually a good news story in the sense that the school, shops, pubs, employers and members of the public are ostracizing this moron. As indeed they should.

    • That’s true but she still collects her bennies every week. That’s the tragedy.

  10. All done by her boyfriend.
    Not by a proper tattooist.

    I’ve a mate who’s a tattooist.
    He’s regularly inspected
    , Licensed, and a very talented artist.

    He occasionally has to refuse to tattoo people.

    He said if a tattoo is too extreme, not thought out, he doesn’t want it on his conscience so tells them no.

    I’d doodle Any old shite on them, not bothered as long as I’m getting paid.
    Fuck em.

    • Yeah but drawing penises on people with a sharpie is not art mis..

      Highly amusing though.

  11. It’s a free country (supposedly). If she wants tattoos then let her have them – it’s her body. I don’t agree with her being ostracised by her local community, although she does look like an orc, so it’s understandable.

  12. Surprised they let her into school grounds. Must be suffering some sort of brain fuck.

  13. I’m not surprised the school banned her…from a distance she would resemble a Coloured and so would be liable to cause a Hillsborough-style crush event as decent parents tried to flee the school play before they were raped,sold drugs or mugged.

  14. What bothers me about them is how ill thought out and badly done they are.


    And her boyfriend can’t draw worth shit.
    Like a ten year old.

    If you want a tattoo get it done properly,
    By someone who can draw.
    And adheres to hygiene and health and safety.

  15. she could always apply for a job at Virgin Atlantic. They would take her on with open arms along with all the other freaks

    • That would put me right off my undercooked salmonella chicken..

      Probably make me go all Alan’s snackbar.

  16. Did you know that you can buy porno DVDs with “no tattoos” emblazoned across the cover? It’s difficult to find a porno slag without tats these days so they tend to attract more sales…….the rarity value you see.

    Err…….bloke in the pub told me that. ?

    • Tats on a porn bird usually means she’s got manky teeth and is ill looking. Fucking meth heads mostly. Skanks.

      Puts me right off my liaisons with Pamela Handerson.

  17. I read there is an explosion in children’s mental health issues. Well this deranged slag is not helping. Face, deep fat fryer.

      • It’s amazing (and rather frightening) what you can wake up to in the morning after getting shitfaced in a dark nightclub. Er, so I’ve been told.

  18. These cunts are mentally ill there can’t be any other explanation. Why would you make yourself more hideous than you are, I’ll be fucked if I know. By the looks that cow wouldn’t have won any beauty contests. I wonder what the kids will become because I don’t think they have much of a chance with a mother like that. We are doomed.

  19. How come people didn’t used to do this self mutilation before? Too busy working and/or raising families? Scared of being ostracised? Or were they carted off to the local funny farm?
    For some reason they think it’s ok these days…

  20. Suppose at least she hasnt got a shit load of metal in her face as well, thats the next worse thing after the tats, they always look as if they have fallen into someones tackle box, or been caught tagged and let go

  21. I don’t see the problem; “It’s what’s on the inside that cunts, sorry, counts”, they keep telling us… Fuck all in this case, I suspect.

  22. Her Friends probably told her to do it
    ‘You’ll be Unique, one of a kind’ You will be famous get on TV

    probably Jeremy Kyle though

  23. Tattoo’s in my day were for RN and Prisoners. The odd bloke or two may have had military tattoos but that was about it.
    Nowadays its just a fucking circus of freaks. Story line 2 days ago of a fucking idiot woman had her eyeballs tattoo’ed !

  24. Is she auditioning for a remake of “ Hellraiser”?
    On a serious note: her poor children?

  25. I’ve only ever come across one cunt in real life with his face all tatted up. He frightened the shit out of me which is the whole fucking point of doing it. You think……if he can do that to his own face what might he do to mine?
    Of course you are bound to come across a proper hard bastard who will see it as a challenge to batter seven shades of shit out of you so a bit self defeating really. But if you had a logical brain you wouldn’t fucking do it in the first place would you?

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