Kasey Akram and her Pampered Child

(** HEALTH WARNING TO LORD FIDDLER – Best not read on if you value your blood pressure! –  Day Admin)

This 32 year old air-headed bimbo is on benefits, yet can afford to buy her two year old son a gold dummy, bathes him in milk and honey and even sacked her nanny because she gave him tap water:

Apart from saying the daft trollop looks like a hooker (and probably is one) the child looks as if the suffers from prison pallor and will grow up to be a selfish little spoilt poofter, why should somebody live on our money, sitting on her arse and behaving like Sparkletits. make the old hag work:

Express News Link

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

54 thoughts on “Kasey Akram and her Pampered Child

  1. On benefits, nothing unusual about that.

    Had a nanny, wtf?

    Someone needs to investigate how the holy hell someone on benefits can pay a nanny, never mind buy a gold dummy.

  2. If that’s the gold dummy in the pic, I think she has been duped.

    I would say expect a visit from the benefit office, but I imagine they are all working from home, eating chocolate biscuits.

  3. The kid will grow up to be a right self important, up his own arse little cunt. Hopefully another of his sort will stab the fucker.

  4. I’ll go round her place while her brat is having his nap , she can do some work on my knob. Probably the only thing she’s good for.

  5. Yep claiming benefits but cash rich, she is either producing/dealing drugs or is a hooker.
    Buying the brat a gold dummy won’t make up for 50 guys a day turning up at the house and him having to listen to her get it on the other room.
    Perhaps the babies odd completion is due to a mixing of DNA that can only be done at sloppy gang bangs.
    All the gold in the world can’t compensate for that and if she continues can you imagine what a colossal cunt this kid is going to be.
    But that aside it never fails to bring a spark of warmth to my heart to know I’m working my Jacobs off the help fund these jobless wasters.

  6. Looks like the slutty whore has willingly passed herself around the local kabab houses and taxi drivers.

  7. She bathes the kid in milk.

    Like Cleopatra.

    Christ, he must pong?!

    Sour milk and curry.

    Like a Karachi milkman.

  8. ‘If I can’t afford it, I ring his dad and get the money’.
    Well daddy is a dumb fucker for not telling her to piss off.
    Mind you, he’s probably rolling in cash after selling overpriced bottles of prime from his uncle Achmeds corner shop.
    In a well organised and fair society, she’d be instantly investigated and her benefits cut to subsistence levels at best. Unfortunately we don’t live in one.

  9. A modern day myth this could be turned into.
    (She said she lost the dummy ‘In town’)
    Where Jason and his heroic band had adventures numerous encounters fighting foes on the different Greek Islands,, a modern day drugged up ‘Jason’ and his mates go scrambling wheelie bins and shop fronts looking for the elusive Golden Dummy.

    To sell it to get a ‘fix’.
    A work in progress…

  10. In light of Admin’s warning, I hope Lord Fiddler isn’t choking into his hugely expensive bowl of cornflakes after this nom! He is not exactly a fan of people on benefits, especially with kids!

  11. You never see reports on tv or the newspapers of a breakdown of ‘income’ and expenditure for these muppets. I’d love to know how she does it. Maybe the queue of taxis outside her house is a clue.

    • I could be wrong, but if she’s on benefits she’ll have no ‘housing costs’, so no rent or Council Tax to pay. That’s not bad for starters, is it. Makes yer sick.

  12. That will grow up in its fathers footsteps..

    A drug dealer,likely shot to death on a rainy motorway near Leeds by armed police.

    One less to mither about.

    The mother is a whore.

    Good morning Gentlemen.

    • ‘A drug dealer,likely shot to death on a rainy motorway near Leeds by armed police.’

      Fingers crossed…

  13. I recall the old saying “Spare the rod, spoil the child”. And this is the end result, with another kid not knowing the value of money, and will probably demand more and more expensive items to satisfy his growing ego.

    Inevitably he will never understand, appreciate or accept the word “No!” and will join the many legions of other pampered kids of his generation expecting the world to revolve around them!

    • I feel sorry for the teachers at whatever school he might end up at, parent’s evening spent trying to explain that they can’t pass the thick little cunt because mummy thinks he’s a king. That’s assuming that she’s not so delusional (she is) that she home schools him so he doesn’t mix with the ‘scum’.

  14. I’m sure Dick Fiddlers nanny gave him a miniature red coat and a little hunting horn to tootle on when chasing feral cats around on his hobby horse on the vast Fiddler Estate.

  15. Think the mum has been sucking on too many gold coloured ‘dummies’ like her sprog.

  16. This is a great example of how to make your benefits go further, if you get all the free stuff like food banks your benefits money can go on life’s little luxuries.

    She won’t get a knock on the door from the benefits police because that would be racist, being a P has its advantages ?

  17. If it was a solid gold Versace dummy it would be worth a lot more than a grand.

    It’s a cheap knock off and a quick search of the Web will show that if you wanted to buy shit like this then £40 is about right.

    It’s about as much as the slag pays for her botox injections which she needs monthly to keep her skin that smooth.

  18. Another pathetic, know-nothing, loook-at-me-meeeee-MEEEEE narcissist afterca headline. Probably has the obligatory “individual” tattoos to go with the revolting de-riguer snot-hanger-nose-ring. The worst aspect is our corrupt decadent media keep pushing these wastrels in our faces and showering them with money instead of ignoring them. There’s nothing a self-obsessed, loook-at-me-meeeee-MEEEEE narcissist hate more than being ignored. Waiting for the useless trollop to state that the spring is “non-binary” to keep the bandwagon rolling.

    • Snot-hanger nose-ring!!
      How do they blow their noses? Or do they use a vacuum cleaner?

      • I think there’s a pressure build up when they’re taking it up the arse that blows the snot across the room.

      • It won’t be long before the kid ropes the ring and drags the old cow of a mother around the streets looking to swop her for magic beans. We all know where the story leads to. More gold.

  19. Keep up the cunting, but perhaps less racism would be an improvement on this otherwise great site.

  20. OT. cunters please be warned of a scam shopping site prettysean.com. They burned me for $160 Oz worth of work clothes (boots trousers and shirts). I’ve had my card cancelled and reissued. My fault for being a gullible cunt and a lesson learned for not too much money. Commie dog eating cunts.

  21. Looks like another Jimmy Savile in the making, there. If it doesn’t get stabbed for its 8-ct gold plated dummy. The father’s evidently buggered off, and no wonder. The only thing that beats the idiocy of this woman is the idiocy of the Excess for buying her no doubt enhanced story.

  22. Yet another example to back up my assertion that people should have to obtain a licence to breed. First thing they should do now is stop her benefits, she obviously doesn’t need them. There are plenty of people who are more deserving of our largesse, Albanian dinghy surfers for instance.

    • The problem with a licence is that it would be open to abuse for completely subjective reasons.

  23. Fucking hell his fore head could be used as the screen for a drive in movie theatre, just sit 5head on the fence with the projector and cars facing him, the mum can go round and earn some loose change towrds his goldie lookin chain for when he,s older, uoi son your mother is a nutter……

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