Gender Declaration and the 2021 Census

I read the other day that, according to the 2021 Census, 3.2% of the population self identify as some sort of LGBTQ+ (etc etc) sexual deviant and freak.

Now , I assume there’s a certain number of people who still have some self respect and don’t want to list their disgusting habits on an official form. So I’ll round it up to 5%. That’s probably a bit generous but that’s the kind of bloke I am…….no need to thank me.

Now, my question is, why are governments , institutions, political parties, the MSM, big corporations and every other cunt so anxious to pander to , and lick the arse of, just 5% of the population? I don’t geddit!

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

(More info here, Day Admin – ONS Web Site)

112 thoughts on “Gender Declaration and the 2021 Census

  1. Its because this country is full of snowflake cunts and we are not even allowed to take the piss out of these cunt, the UK is fucked, in some ways i admire places like Qatar where these deviant cunts are not tolerated at all and public mincing is a flogging offence.
    As an 80,s teen it was better when you could rip the piss out of these fuckers and subsiquently their perversions were kept underground and we didnt have to pander to these cunts, also now we have given an inch at a time and they have take a mile at a time [ figuratively speaking]….

    • I’ve said this before, give gays an inch and they’ll want the other five. There’s no satisfying them. Not that I’ve tried. You can’t claim to be heterosexual any more because you will be classed as unmutual. The Village didn’t have a gay bar because the series was made in the sixties. They wouldn’t get away with it these days.

    • I enjoyed the days when me and my mates could point and laugh at some freak walking around the centre of Manchester in a dress. Nowadays we’d be dragged off to some sort of re education camp.

  2. Corporations – cowardice: They don’t want to be twitter-bombed by the Leftwaffe
    MSM and civil service – wokeness and the fact that they have a vastly inflated number of freaks due to (illegal) recruitment processes
    MP’s – cowardice again, don’t want to rock the gravy boat and, of course, they are all CUNTS

  3. “…lick the arse of…” is an interesting choice of words when posting about the LBTQRST+/-N%XYZ community.

    The short answer as to why politicians do it is…because that’s what they’re actually doing to each other in the back rooms of Whitehall and in the cloakroom of the Senate when not in session.

    Degenerate cunts!

    • Spot on Colonel, that 5% for the general population is more like 25% when covering the political class, how many times do we get to read strange and bizarre stories involving a political mishap of a sexual nature with our political friends, off the top of my head the more vivid ones are – American Republican (anti-gay) caught with his trousers down in a rest room with a young fruity gentlemen, a whole load of MEPs caught jumping out of windows as the police bust a gay orgy involving mostly E European MEPs, and who could forget, Keith the washing Machine salesman, or Mr Oaten who turned to rent boys due to losing his hair (not sure how baldness is linked to being gay, I think the worm theory is more likely), and the list is endless, total weirdos and freaks among our glorious political class, SNP probably are in a class of their own especially chasing after youngs boys.

  4. I was highly offended when filling in the 2021 census form that my own personal orientation did not have a box to tick. This is because I self-identify as a garden shed. Okay, we’re a small group, we sheddists, but frankly there are more of us than there are ‘all other sexual orientations’, which in my book do not exist – you’re either straight or bent.
    Just as male chutney ferrets in Scotland are entitled to free sanitary products, it’s surely only right that people identifying as sheds should be provided with free woodworm treatment and replacement roofing felt on the NHS. It’s time to end discrimination against the shed community.

  5. Politicians and fruity types are travellers of the same road to hell.

    They can identify with each other.

    We’ve all heard of the Tory politician found with a tangerine in his mouth hanging from a noose?
    Game gone wrong?

    Well he was the straightest man in Westminster!!

    Most of them, your Fabricants, for instance,
    All depraved .

    That’s why they love ducky boys, Nancy Andrew, slack Alice,
    Hairy Janice and aunt Bernard.

    On the same level.

    • The late Stephen Milligan, quite possibly an MI5 or 6 snuff job. He was asking too many of the wrong questions about our intelligence services. Spooks always make their murders look like sex games gone wrong, see also that GCHQ chap found folded up in a sports bag in the bath.

      Er…anyway, back on topic – I had the misfortune to catch Channel 4’s coverage of the census figures the other day. They had a panel of the most cliched camp, self involved gays you could imagine, plus a token sensible shoe wearer. All spouting the most ghastly inane therapy speak about their “lived experience” and their “journey”. I can’t recall if any of them were “living their best life”, but quite possibly. Where do they find these people? I know where they should put them – in the oven.

  6. Quite topical at the moment because the Scots Nazis are getting their knickers in a twist in the house of cunts because the nasty UK government have said FUCK OFF to the stupid gender recognition reforms that Wee Jimmy has railroaded through the Scottish Parliament.

    Fucking tranny bullshit, never has so much discussion been wasted on so much fucking nonsense.

    Freedom for England!

    • They cite Joan of Arc as a early trans type.
      But fail to take into account she was french.

      A shitty inspiral carpets haircut, unwashed, unshaven legs and armpits, men’s clothes,
      Sounds french alright?

      Hearing voices?

      Nowt trans about the daft bitch,
      Anyway in the end they saw sense and burned her alive.

    • You might find this amusing…

      The thing is, as I’ve said on here before I think, the Krankie and her deviant devotees have no interest in seeing an independent Scotland, they want to see their deviancy ‘rolled out’ to the rest of the UK (Be thankful the Scots have a seperate legal system, but watch the Welsh there for Trojan horse style subversions, the alphabet deviancy is strong with them).

      The Scots are being played, they’re told that the Stonewall Nonce Perverts are ‘the party of independence’, the English are being played…their media gives out the official narrative that the Krankie really hates yon Sassenach bastards…curiously, one of her grannies is fucking English and she has family in the North of England.

      The current Deviant Charter shitshow north of the border is down to the fact that they passed the fucking thing despite legal advice from multiple sources to the effect that as it impacted a reserved matter under the Scotland Act, Krankies parochial council hadn’t the legal authority to even think about legislation on the matter, let alone draft or attempt to pass the ‘nonce sense’ they came up with into law.

      Just remember when you see shit like this going on that they’re playing games with us, probably using it as a smokescreen for the burying of some even more henious fuckery that they’d rather we not know about until it’s too fucking late, and that they’re all dirty lying cunting bastards anyway.

  7. It’s all due to the mental illnesses brought on by social media.

    Every cunt with a deformed mind takes to faecesbook and twatter to share their appalling habits with all the other cretins that infest these digital dungheaps.

    Fuck knows why anyone at all takes the slightest notice of any of the cunts.

    It’s a mystery that would leave Sherlock Holmes baffled.

    And disgusted.

  8. I heard someone on the radio making a good point so I won’t claim it for myself.
    You can get arrested for whistling at a bird in the street yet you can put on a dress and mince into a female changing room or toilet and no cunt can do anything about it. What kind of mental fucking world are we living in?

    • I wouldn’t recommend any bloke in a frock minces into a toilet or changing room occupied by ladies, not unless they want battering to death with stilletoes.
      Woman tend to like gay men, as they consider them unthreatening, but not transpretenders.

    • That is a very interesting and important observation Freddie.

      Re. the answer to your question; I think there are two threads to this. Firstly, there are people falling over themselves to virtue-signal and show how ‘right on’ they are. Secondly, I think that there are many who just do it for a quiet life. They know how much noise and abuse will get slung their way if they don’t comply, and figure that it’s just the easier thing to do.

      Afternoon all.

      • I find if I keep my opinions to myself, I’m not bothered by righteous idiots demanding to know how I feel about the LGBTXYZ community.

        Except on here, when I can say I’m OK with homosexuality, male or female.
        Get it on, just don’t rub my fucking nose in it.

        As for the rest, they are disgusting. I cringe every time I see a man pretending to be a woman, or vice verse, like the weeping Starbucks employee.

      • I’m with you in that regard JP. I don’t give a flying fanny what people do, as long as they don’t keep boring the rest of us on the subject.

    • If someone wants to check out the birds in the ladies room without getting his/her/it’s ass kicked, allow me to make a suggestion that only British pervs could get away with.

      Instead of donning a frock, what about a kilt? Some women do wear kilts right? Therefore, no harm, no foul, no ass kicking?

      And on the plus side if some bird tries to stab them with a stilleto heel, he/she/it can defend he/she/itself with a sgian dubh.

      I can hear it now (with a lisp); “Back off lathie of I’ll cut ye!”

      • At which point the woman behind the kilt wearing cunt with a five o’clock shadow brains him with her stiletto!
        Woman never go to toilets/changing rooms alone.
        Didn’t you know that?

      • Having been out on a date with many a bird in the past who did go to the ladies room alone…and having never been inside a ladies changing room…I’ll have to take your word for that.

        But perhaps the old adage, about flocking together applies to those birds who fly solo to the loo and once inside are subsequently menaced by Angus McTranny.

      • Women are never alone in a toiley/changing room.
        The other woman is not, necessarily, a friend.
        Trust me, women do not go into single exit places, unless there’s at least one other woman in there.
        I have two daughters and the Gradly Lass. All are proficient in BJJ, and would make mincemeat out of an assailant, even one with a knife.
        But they don’t go in an enclosed space alone.

      • GC.
        They are puzzling at the best of times.
        But I do love them.
        Especially the Gradly Lass.
        She calls me Grand.

      • She’s the apple-of-your-eye J, isn’t she.

        If a tranny assaulted her, what would your immediate reaction be, if, she came back to a restaurant table, in floods of tears?

        I know what I would do?

      • I’d congratulate her on killing the deviant with her bare hands, assure her she isn’t going to prison, because it was self defence, and crying is a natural reaction, when you’ve had a shock.

      • Sadly, there isn’t a martial art invented in which a 10 stone woman defeats an 16 stone man.
        In the real world.

  9. The one thing for sure about the census is that the total population figure of 67.3 million is a huge under estimation, with water and supermarket companies reckoning we have nearly 80 million.
    The interesting figure for me is 1.3% declare themselves as bisexual. Now if you take the 67.3 million multiply that by 1.3% and divide by 2 that comes out at 43,745. That’s the figure of adventurous women out there who might give us an extra good time. I think it is time we got hunting.

  10. What if we tried to ridicule the cunts by bowing and scraping to them. Anythings worth a try, to get them back in the cubbyhole.

  11. What a person does in the privacy of their basement is entirely their own debauched business. Thank the lord for Vaseline® & other `paraphernalia`.

    • Don’t use Vaseline, it’s petrolium based and possibly damaging (according to a friend).

      • if you do use vaseline you will have a “stop oil” protester’s hand glued to your arse pronto.

      • I don’t mind the odd puff on telly for light entertainment.

        But can’t stand sooties on there.

        But a proper flamer, all neckerchiefs and “hello honky-tonk!”

        I don’t mind that.
        Don’t think either should be allowed in pubs.

      • You let puffs get a round in?

        Fucking brave, incha?

        Have you or any of your friends woke up in hedges or derelict buildings, with sore ringpieces and no recollection of the night before?

      • Mis, I doubt Paul O’Grady would ever go into a “female safe space”-or Julian Clary.

        These deviants are not trannies, they get off on making women uncomfortable.
        I say they all need a fucking good hiding. I guarantee that it would set there minds straight?

      • Gave up on Vaseline years ago…….awful stuff. Can’t easily wipe if off won’t simply wash off. Wife’s turds were flying out her arse like a pea shooter for a week after using Vaseline. My recommendation is the Durex stuff in the blue tube

        …and not the tingly sensation stuff…might be OK on your bellend, but it gave the wife’s arse the feeling she had worms….apparently. I, of course couldn’t give a fuck afterwards.

  12. A gross underestimate judging by the amount of them that appear on the telly…if yer neither Sooty or Fruity you can forget a career as a television presenter.

      • Seen him in a wheelchair on ‘escape to the country ‘ Dick?

        He shouldn’t have that job!

        He’s meant to show them around the property.
        Can’t go upstairs!

        And gets stuck on the lawn if it’s been raining.

        He’s a embarrassment to the show and himself.

        Bellowing up stairs

        ” Is it nice?
        What’s the view like,?”

        Good grief.

      • I sometimes use the disabled toilet, when I need a good dump, and don’t want to offend the majority.

      • @JP

        Once used the disabled bog after I shat myself in Morrison’s car park. Dodgy guts…almost made it, but filled my pants entering the building.

        Kegs and crackers off (once I was in the disabled bog, of course), wiped then cleaned up with soap and water. I even sat in the filled sink with my shitty arse. Undercrackers in the bin.

        Job done.

      • Haven’t seen that one,Mis, but saw a trailer where they were going to take some spaz- charioteer up the Amazon for some bizarre reason…forgot to watch it unfortunately..had visions of his wheels spinning as he tried to four-wheel drive himself out of the water while the piranha fish gnawed disappointedly on his bony,flapping pins.

      • Is that the one in Dartford or dunfermline.

        What’s he shopping for a new wheelchair.

      • Evening Fuckwittery!

        He’s a nice lad but he’s fucked.
        What if there’s a fire??

        No way two posh cunts viewing houses are dragging him in his wheelchair out?!!

        I object to him on grounds of health and safety.

        As well as being a mitmot.

      • How about Ellie Symmonds?
        Would she make a good presenter on “Escape to the Cuntry”?
        Perhaps she could swim a few lengths of the Bidet in a spangly bathing costume as a sexy interlude.
        You could be her driver/gofer!??

    • You gotta feel (slightly) for the eu remainers….2% in favour of leaving ( i voted leave btw, but i am trying to make an observation here, and not siding with the remainers) yet 2% is a majority so laws were (supposedly) changed with the servering of links etc etc, Yet, the MSM and indeed our lawmakers deem an extra 1.2% of the population should be listened to, laws changed to suit and disproportional representation in the media, tv and advertising.

      When is a majority not a majority…eh cunters?

      • I actually agree.
        The vote was so narrow, and factoring in human error, it was probably 50/50.

        So what, we’re still in, Brexit hasn’t happened, and never fucking will.

        Soz, off topic.

  13. See that was sneaky. ‘Banning conversion therapy’.

    Oh that seems uncontroversial now. Banning conversion therapy for hom*sexuals.

    But the legislation INCLUDED conversion therapy for kids to change sex.

    So it was essentially about banning any attempt to ban conversion to the opposite sex for children. Using the Homo*exual issue.

    Hope that’s clear.
    Very sneaky.

    • She is s very zealous for this is Nicola.

      Maybe she does look at ‘Wee Jimmy Krankie’ and wishes she looked more like ‘him’

      She always wanted to be a schoolboy rather than a schoolgirl I bet.

      ‘But Nicola its not a male but a female’ one of her lieutenants will have to tell her.

      Devastated she will be.

      • Those transsexuals are fucking mental….what kind of fucking idiot could be so stupid as to refuse to accept something as obvious as the presence of a cock and balls probably makes them male .

        It’s hard ( but not impossible) to imagine how someone could be even more deluded.

      • Miles: Wee Jimmy Krankie Sturgcunt has probably licked more pussy than “Butch” from Tom N’ Jerry?

  14. Wasn’t there a tranny in your church or something Miles?

    I don’t understand why they are drawn to religion?

    All religions are pretty clear on the matter.

    From mild frowns to bouncing cobbles off their nut.

    • ” bouncing cobbles”

      Nearly chocked on a gob full of wine, there!

      It’s a cheaky chablis, but I’d rather not die from it. Can you imagine the death certificate?

  15. It always amuses me that those people who affect to adore gaylords and trannies also affect to love Islam. This takes some serious mental gymnastics as the average Muslim has, shall we say, rather old-fashioned ideas about sex and sexually.

    • Like our grand vizier of londonstan.

      Not sure how his supposed love of all things gay go down with the death cult he practices.

    • Aaaah-but gaslight the majority into a panic about deviancy then explain how “Islam” is all about traditional family values….

      See where this could end?

  16. That percentage MUST be wrong surely at lot higher. After all, if I were a visitor to these shores and was watching tv in my hotel room, i would be convinced the uk population was made up predominantly of blicks, slits and rags judging by the adverts

  17. probably because the twats who control the media take it up the arse on a regular basis… ?

    • Off topic
      But aren’t young people stupid little cunts?

      Earlier I’d finished work and went to ASDA to fuel up as it was on my way.

      There’s a young lass with a nice arse filling her car and making it look like she’s working for NASA.
      Fuck me,
      Slow as fuck,

      I waited patiently, rolling my eyes, huffing,
      Tutting loudly .

      She gets in her car and…
      I offered encouragement by pulling right up to her bumper and revving the van.
      She gets out all tearful.

      “I’ve broken down!
      My car won’t start!”

      MNC -“why? What’s up luv?

      Nice arse- ” the steering wheel won’t move and I can’t turn the key!(sob)

      MNC – “it’s ok, just your steering lock, try it now.
      There you go!
      Just take out the key,
      Waggle the wheel,
      There you go.”

      Nice arse- ” thanks (sniff) I thought I’d broken down ”

      I put my card in the fuel pump,…

      I’ve put it in the wrong slot.
      The staff had to open up the petrol pump and fish it out.
      I was there fuckin ages.

      No good deed goes unpunished.

      Proper nice arse?

      • That was your subconscious mind, put it in the slot,put it in the slot.

        Anyway I thought you all had Fred flintstone vehicles up north?

      • ‘There’s a young lass with a nice arse filling her car’

        …may I just correct that to:

        ‘Young lass with a nice car, filling her ass’

        There, that’s a lot better for my imagination mis.

  18. My theory is that the cunts at the top of all these institutions went to posh Public Schools where their first sexual experience, however minor, was of the homo kind. Most of them probably grew out of but they have a certain sympathy for the alphabet brigade. Sometimes it comes back to haunt them and, despite being married with kids, they suddenly turn gay and go chasing cock and bum. It’s like the bloke who pays big money for toys he lusted after as a kid but his parents couldn’t afford them.
    Sad really. But they are all cunts anyway.

  19. “…question is, why are governments , institutions, political parties, the MSM, big corporations and every other cunt so anxious to pander to , and lick the arse of, just 5% of the population? I don’t geddit!”

    ANSWER: Because that 5% of the population is prosperous, narcissistic, and will spend idiotic money on the inessentials you make or lobby for?

  20. What will be the real test of woke is when the trannies and friends get total government approval so become, not the fad, then the kiddy diddlers start shouting about their rights. I would grant them one right which would be, I will take the stretch out of the rope before I string you up you fucking deviant s

    • Kiddy fiddlers as victims is coming, you can fucking bank on it. That’s if the whole fucking system doesn’t fall apart first. Either way it’s not good.

  21. ‘Gender Declaration’

    What did Oscar Wilde say ‘I have nothing to declare except my genius.’

    • But yes this scottish gender bollocks and a passport. Last time I did it it was very difficult to get all their photgraphic requirements.
      What if a Tranny is photographerd. These crazies could put a wig on and loads of mascara.
      Its their human right see.
      But it might ot be a fair representation.
      Islamic fundamentalists might start using this.

  22. Dead interesting cunting this..
    Do the trans pans people not get a mental health check before going full changeover before changing gender or having bits added or snipped off?….or if the majority are waiting on NHS psychiatrist reports do they not get fed up waiting for an appointment and just become deluded and confused and even more mentally fuxated.. getting to just speak to your GP is tough let alone seeing one in the flesh!
    I know there are some who just like dressing up in women’s clothing in the privacy of their own home and that does for them.
    But it’s the full on confused mentalists that worry me more surely it’s a job for the men in white coats and therapy whilst in maximum security?

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