BBC’s [81] Call The Midwife

Apologies for being the first cunter of 2023 to predictably nominate Auntie Beeb once again, but I am really tired of this one sided narrative.

Now I don’t personally watch the BBC’s Sunday tear jerker “Call the Midwife” – it’s just too gloomy and depressing.

I happened to be ‘in the room’ when the New Years day episode aired. Enoch Powell was on the wireless giving his “Rivers” speech. All were outraged, white and dark alike. A ‘colorfull’ midwife was in tears. Racist ignorant dock workers were in a frenzy to march – predictably they were shown to knock down a little Indian girl in the street. A Heavily pregnant Asian woman was shown jumping the queue for the laughing gas, enraging a mouthy cockney.

They just never miss an opportunity do they ?

Look Look ! we’ll show you how bigoted and hateful your mother or Grandad was in the 60’s – the racist bastards ! Look evetyone !

Just fucking shoot me now and let me get away from this endless lecturing on one viewpoint of history – BBC wankers !

Radio Times Link.
PJW – They Made It Too Obvious – YT video.
(Additional links from our resident professor of Culture and Race Relations,
Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by : Lord of the Rings

92 thoughts on “BBC’s [81] Call The Midwife

  1. are you gonna publish the Dean Lynch Ward cunting?

    It will be getting several YouTube video reactions if you do. ?

    • Is he the cunt that’d fancy taking on IsAC’s own, our very own, ‘The Worcestershire Warrior’ and ‘The Ruislip Rumbler’?

      Tell him to bring his own bike shed. Or will he back down?

  2. I used to watch it with Lady C. However, that episode enraged me. Quite apart from being bollocks in the responses by people at the time, Enoch was right and perhaps we should have taken heed to what he said. I no longer watch it.

  3. I think it’s just possible that the “national broadcaster” is quite simply a nest of Quislings.

    I could be wrong of course but the evidence does seem to begin to indicate that they are traitorous vermin.

    I wonder how long it would take to eradicate the cunts?

    I hope we find out.

  4. Watch out ladies, Lenny Henry’s behind you!
    All three of them of them will be raped and pregnant before they reach their destination.

  5. Never watched and never will.I prefer to watch paint dry.I was in my local Tesco Express yesterday and 2 sooty gentleman pushed in before everyone else in the queue to be served.Is queuing racist? Total bollocks.

  6. Never seen it but I am 100% certain that I preferred Jenny Agutter in the closing scenes of “Walkabout.”

    • And note that in those pre-internet days women did not normally shave. In fact women were routinely shaved when giving birth in order to humiliate them so that they would take orders from the (almost always) male consultant gynaecologist.

    • She was astonishingly beautiful-a true “English Rose”.
      I recently watched the original “I spit on your grave” from 1978-the actress playing Jenifer Hills must spend 60% of the film naked:
      -nice tits✔️
      -lovely “full” bush✔️
      -not a ratio or piercing in sight✔️

      I pity the young lads today and the fucking fat slobs and slags they encounter?

  7. No way would I go anywhere near a programme titled Call The Midwife.
    Particularly if it was on the BBC.
    I might however be tempted to watch a programme titled Call The Backstreet Abortionist.

  8. This country was a barren wasteland till the Windrush generation came.

    They inverted electricity (racist)
    The motor car (racist)
    Television (racist)
    All forms of medicine (racist)

    I’m thankful for the day they came into our lives.

  9. I don’t bother with the BBC cunts anymore. I thought BoJo was going to fuck the telly tax off? Fucking typical politicians, hanging is too good for the cunts and the BBC traitors.

    • Yeah, like every politician, Bojo WAS going to do a lot of things. The cunts at the BBC will never respond to the thinking of the mass of the population until it’s forced to by commercial pressures ie the axeing ot the licence tax.
      I fucking loathe the fuckers. Cunts.

  10. Here’s a BBC drama series I would watch:

    The heartwarming story of Albert Pierrepoint, Britain’s last executioner. Set in the 1950s, enjoy seeing Albert stretch the necks of acid bath murderer John Haig, 10 Rillington Place strangler Reg Christie and Derek ‘Let him have it’ Bentley.
    And for a Christmas Special: Ruth Ellis and her rope necklace.

  11. Also on Eastbenders I heard…..two slappers having a row…..”we’ve had brexit, we’ve had Covid…..we don’t need you.” Yeah I can imagine a slag in some East End boozer saying something like that. Only in the minds of Eastbenders writers and their traitorous bosses.

    • I don’t watch it but I bet they have Pakistani Muslims and trannies enjoying pints together in the Queen Vic whilst discussing ‘anti Semitic tropes’ to do with covid or summat.

      I did actually see a clip from the shoe where some dumb, fat bitch was saying that in a corner shop.

      Totally realistic.

  12. I was listening to a 70’s interview with Enoch Powell on the Duck Cavett show the other week. Everything he said was right. Spot on in fact. He wasn’t a racist – just a realist.

      • At about 5.15 in the interview he says that unless we are careful by the year 2000 large parts of UK cities will be occupied by people who have nothing in common with the rest of the population.

        Powell’s foresight was on a par with George Orwell’s.

      • Very insightful, intelligent man, and interview. Evident how the woke left “got the wrong end of the stick but continued to beat about the bush with it”.

        PS it would be marvellous to hear an accent like his on the telly and radio again

      • Powell was a remarkable man. He was fluent in half a dozen languages. He was appointed Professor of Greek at Oxford when he was still in his 20’s.

    • Powell’s constituent was dead right when he said: “In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man”.

      And so it proved to be. By 1988 the signs in for rent / boarding house windows had all changed from “No Irish, No Blacks, No dogs” to “No Irish, No Whites, No Dogs”

      Fast forward 35 years to now and there’s barely a white face on the Government front bench, and only a handful on the back benches – in fact I have never seen so many black faces in one place.

      Yesterday, equalities minister Kemi Bad-Enoch warned that banning white conversion therapy must not criminalise black people offering genuine counselling to confused white children who wish to change their race.

      I despair…

      • I have no issue Ruff with those from ethnic backgrounds that assimilate. As far as I’m concerned they are British. But Powell was right – certain cities have become ghettos for unassimilated ethnicities that have no intention of becoming British or assimilating. It’s called multiculturalism and it’s wrong on so many levels.

        Incidentally, Powell learned and became fluent in Urdu and could communicate with his Urdu speaking constituents. His position was more complex than many have appreciated. They just tarred him with the term “ racist”.

      • Same then as now!
        When debate or coherent argument is lost, resort to name calling and accusations of an “ism” of some sort.

  13. Happy Valley was one series that avoided anti whiteism and was very watchable.

    However, I was watching the second episode of the new series, when something was mentioned about some gangster not being able to win a seat in an election when the lead character popped up with, ‘Are your joking? It’s wasn’t that long ago that some corrupt, lying criminal got to be leader of the free world over the pond.”

    Just can’t fucking help themselves.

    I’m starting to see all the anti white stuff (as in the disgraceful ‘Call the Midwife’) as crimes against humanity.

    What is it they’re trying to achieve, apart from making non whites hate whites, as well as guilt tripping the gullible younger generations, who actually believe Grandma was gozzing on Windrush kids back in the 60s and 70s?

    By the way, Enoch wasn’t quite right. He didn’t go anywhere near far enough.

      • Endeavour was great for the first few series. Then they had to do an episode about Enoch Powell, nasty right wing whiteys, victimised black personages, and a black squaddie getting fitted up for a girl’s murder. To add insult to injury, some smug black academic cunt claimed (unchallenged I might add) that the dark;uns were first to be in Britain, before Saxons, Vikings, Normans etc. A load of fucking shit.

        they also did a Me Too special, about sexist nasty men (white, of course), with a knife wielding misnadrist female lynch mob thrown in, who openly called men barbarians and animals. I was hoping this series would remain woke-free. But, it seems this disease called woke gets everywhere.

      • Aye Norman I noticed it.

        They came for everything, I’m afraid. Especially anything popular.

    • “I’m starting to see all the anti white stuff (as in the disgraceful ‘Call the Midwife’) as crimes against humanity”

      It’s Genocide !! / perversion of history ?

    • He carefully deflected the narrative away from the (((real))) Kalergeist social architects operating in the shadows.Don’t be fooled.A ‘Steam-Whistle’ operator from the UK power swamp matrix.Nothing more.

  14. Ah, Call The Black Midwife…
    With added nasty racist sexist white men to make things difficult for them.
    In other words, the usual hateful BBC shite. They are fucking scum.

    Tell you what, the new Doctor Who is going to be a hoot and a woke cunt masterclass. David Tennant will go down in history as the very last white and straight Doctor. The black doughnut puncher and the transgender sidekick will make Jodie Whittaker look like Tom Baker. A girl with a dick in the TARDIS? That surely has to be the final nail in an already riddled coffin.

    • Makes me crease how the new Doctor Who is referred to as a ‘Rwandan-Scottish’ actor. Yeah, course he is. Looks it, doesn’t he?
      He’s about as Scottish as Stormzy is English. Just because a Jack Russell is born in an Labrador’s kennel, it doesn’t make it a fucking Labrador, does it? They are two fucking Africans. Two of too many…?

  15. I’m glad I retired.

    I’d be on a warning every week with my views on this subject, amongst others, but especially brainwashing children.

    With my hypertension, I won’t go on, as I’d probably have a aneurysm.

    • What with that and Ron Knee’s potential stroke the other day this site is becoming quite dangerous!!

      • My thumbs have gone weird. I’m in the middle of a bloody overdose. My heart’s beating like a fucked clock! I feel dreadful. I feel really dreadful.

      • But we love it!

        It’s the only place where we’re allowed to say something outrageous, and no one goes all high and mighty, how very dare you!

      • I see Greta Mongberg has been forceibly removed from a protest site in Germany.

        Did she walk there?

        Sorry, OT.

      • Ms. Fuckwittery:

        When Ron (our previous COTY) says he is about to have a “stroke”, it is NOT medical , swimming or family pet related.

        He is like a “lad of 18” when in the vicinity of Mrs Knee.

      • As, indeed, Ron will confirm.

        As he fills their “his’n’her” hot water bottles, tucks the pack of ginger snaps under his arm and heads off to program the Teasmaid.

        Only joking, Ron. That’s actually me, without the hotties.

      • Uncle Monty you TERRIBLE CUNT!

        Easy up fellas I didn’t mean anything untoward

        In fact your posts on here provide a daily dose of hilarity and arms against the shitstorm that is modern England.

        Raising a glass to you all 🙂 ?

  16. The beeb are so intent on indoctrination nowadays, that even escapist entertainment cannot evade their finger wagging. Dr Whoke is another prime example.
    Their once excellent history documentaries are now incredibly biased and completely unreliable. But come to think of it, so is the news and everything else they broadcast. Even the fucking weather forecast is skewed to fit their climate change mantra.
    Little do they realise the damage they are doing. They’ll turn a normally tolerant population into a nation that’s sick of the sight of black people for no other reason than their ubiquitousness.

  17. Hey world.

    The honky invented everting you hold dear.

    Modern medicine, electricity, cars, computers, the internet, phones, televisions, planes, fridges, modem cookers, kettles, modern factories and farming methods, optical lenses, modern sanitation and education.

    Stop culturally appropriating my shit, you moaning ungrateful cunts.

    In reality, you should be doffing your caps to the honky man every time you see one.

    You’d be living in mud huts eating raw monkey tits if we hadn’t turned up. Wish we fucking hadn’t, to be honest.

    Get to fuck.

  18. Call the midwife can get fucked.

    I’ll call the midwife.
    I’ll call her a feckless fuckin n***er.

    See how they like that!

    Enoch, Enoch, Enoch!!????

  19. Britbox.
    All your favourite 70’s / 80’s / 90’s programmes and Beitish films.
    It’s all I watch now, apart from selected stuff on YouTube?

    Fuck the BBC.

    • But Britbox sanitise old shows like Porridge and Steptoe and Son. Any poof or black references are edited out. They even cut out Del Boy saying ‘Monchengladbach’ from ‘From Prussia With Love’. It’s a city in Germany, for fucks sake. What did these knee jerk woke loonies think he was saying??

      • Watched an old Norman Wisdom film the other day.
        It was flagged “Warning – contains scenes of tradditional dancing” – it was morris dancers FFS

        I don’t get a warning when the BBC shows its ‘fillers’ with Bangra Dancing……. Pass the duchie, you wankers !

      • “…‘Monchengladbach’ from ‘From Prussia With Love’. It’s a city in Germany, for fucks sake. What did these knee jerk woke loonies think he was saying?”

        Munchin’blacksack maybe…?

  20. I do so enjoy hearing about the Windrush generation.

    Didn’t they all come over here to be cleaners or something?

    Anyone would think they’d cured cancer when they came over .

  21. Off topic. Greta Thunberg: German police deny protest detainment was staged.

    Yeah…. Right….

    • I saw Greta being nicked by the politzei in Germany.

      They posed for a photograph!!!

      I never got that treatment?

      Poor Vernon Fox didn’t get that treatment.

      The coppers roughed him up, kicked him in the back and bugged his car with a tracking device.

      Greta was grinning as she was carted off.

      German coppers are soft as shite,
      Nowt like their grandads!

      Their grandads wouldn’t of been so gentle,
      Soon wipe that grin off.

  22. The BBC seems to only exist in order to lecture to the white, working class. Hopefully it will soon take itself to the limits of apologetic grovelling wokeness and airbrush itself out of existence, disappearing up its own arsehole, taking the likes of Lineker, Norton, Brian “Cock Muncher” Cox, Kuensberg….the list is endless.

  23. My “thing “is history. Long since given up on the BBC History magazine. Constant over focusing on what minorities did throughout our history.

    Check out Father Brown. Written by GK Chesterton and set in Gloucestershire in the 1930s though the BBC version is set just after the Korean War. Seems every other resident of the fictional village of Kembleford is black. I was born in the mid 1960s so wasn’t actually around but I’m fairly sure the ethnic population of Gloucestershire villages in the 1950s would have been pretty much zero or close to it.

    It’s the black washing of our history.

    Latest film on Mary Queen of Scots? The English ambassador to Scotland is black. Somehow I very much doubt that was historically accurate. More likely he was a minor English nobleman. Certainly a white man. We know that Queen Mary had four ladies-in-waiting, all of them were French gentlewomen. They were there at her execution. None of them were black, unlike in the film, surprise, surprise.

    Yet more blackwashing.

    • White,black and green-washing going down.Went on a course for trainiing as a ‘banksman’ recently.All connected to the construction industry,something i detest with a vengeance.Had to deal with one section on their ‘environmental obligations’.shit and shinola.

      One typical one…’how do we cause and negate our impacts on the local environment in an effective way’? ..I responded-More unwarranted housebuilding = more people = more cars = more pollution.and i wasn’t being unduly controversialist,just logical.

      ‘See me’ later announces the ‘teacher’.Good job i didn’t lay it on with a trowel so much (npi) as to why our landscapes are being butchered on a macro level.What a load of shit hoops need jumping through to work on the modern building sites these days,it would be easier to join the fuckin C.I.A.I won’t be returning to complete the brainwashing bollocks,What a 400 quid scam those ‘courses’ are.

  24. Yep. To be fair it was a dreadful film. Had the usual emotional meeting between Elizabeth and Mary. They had that in Elizabeth R in the 70s with Glenda Jackson too. In reality they never met. But any sense of realism was lost long before that, right at the moment the black nobility turned up.

    Then there was the black Anne Boleyn a little while back. You couldn’t help feeling sorry for the black girl playing Anne, she certainly could act but it just looked ludicrous

  25. I wonder if the BBC will make a documentary or drama of the savage killing of Lee Rigby like they did with Stephen Lawrence? I think not, it just doesn’t fit with their multi cultural narrative.

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