A short and sweet cunting please for Andrew Tate, ‘influencer’ and general pondlife scum.
For those of you who haven’t heard of this cunt, he is infamous for his views on, and behaviour towards, women.
He was removed from the Big Brother house in 2016 after video surfaced of him hitting a woman with a belt, he has previously been quoted as saying that women ‘belong to the man’, amongst other things, and now, to top it all off, he has been arrested in Romania on suspicion of human trafficking.
Oh, did I mention that he’s a Muzza (supposedly) as well? We all hate political correctness, obviously, but Andrew Tate is a prime example of what happens when you veer too far in the other direction.
Nominated by: OpinionatedCunt
And supporting link provided by: Minge Juice Bottler
He is definitly not the Tate Modern.
How much foundation (sorry “war paint”) can that cunt get on his pouty effeminate face? A 10 year stretch getting spit-roasted by Romanians won’t be much of a punishment. I bet the cunt can’t genough of it.
An utter cunt of ocean going proportions.
I look forward to the day he tries slapping some girl around who happens to be a Krav maga instructor.
Even better than that – Connor McGregor could put on make-up, a dress and a wig to honeypot Tate.
I’ve never paid to watch a fight but I’d pay double to see that.
This McGregor? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/19/sports/conor-mcgregor-lawsuit-ufc.html
Even worse, he has been arrested multiple times. Once a few days after assaulting a woman in a car park (at night), leaving her bleeding (internal injuries) according to one source.
I don’t watch the UFC and don’t really keep up with current affairs relating to Connor McGregor…. he’s just the first fighter that springs to mind as a normie.
Last time I heard anything substantial about him was when he went bad shit and started attacking a coach filled with MMA fighters and other UFC-adjacent people.
I’m sure you could probably thing of some other male fighter more suitable to wear the dress.
*bat shit…….. not “bad shit”.
Whilst I agree some of his views towards women are very cuntish, its the media and societies feminisation and emasculation of men that has left the door open for people like him to push their views onto impressionable boys. There are countless influencers out there pushing views on changing biological sex through hormone therapy, puberty blockers and surgery but will not be vilified like Andrew Tate but be fawned over as heroes. Like I said I don’t agree with all his views but its a case someone stepping into an entirely avoidable void.
Exactly that.
He seems to have the IQ of a house plant and will probably be wearing baseball caps in his seventies. Both he and that moonfaced Thunberg are vulgar, little upstarts.
Morning Liquors.
Spot on LL.
A chancer,perfect for the Tiktok generation and a splendid straw man for further rainbow brainwashing in education.
He is indeed a cunt for oven also.
Afternoon Cap/Unkle T/HJ.
He just seems to me a caricature of what ‘toxic masculinity’ looks like in the eyes of the MSM. As for human trafficking and rape, then of course that is serious and up to the Romanian authorities to prove.
As for influencers of any ilk, I have no time for but seems you can promote stuff like transitioning, fat positivity, feminism or anti-white racism dressed up as activism and for the most part its all OK.
Bullet or oven methinks. Perhaps both just to make sure.
Can’t be too careful.
Can you nominate him for the dead pool?
The Grim Reaper doesn’t seem to have the skills to hit the target that you have.
I hate this cunt with a passion.Such an obvious phony when you listen to him.Yes he is perceptive and occasionally insightful but uses that to try and manipulate gullible cunts. He gives not one piece of sage advice that isn’t either terrible or fucking common sense. Hope the cunt gets bummed in jail.
Bumming will definitely be the first choice for this guy because, as the old prison canard goes:
“I like a good chin I can rest my balls on”.
Look closely, this fucker has no chin.
Aye he goes too far this cunt. However, some of the lasses he ‘uses’ are gold digging whores. But I’m not keen on his knocking women about and telling young men to treat women like shite.
But I did notice his arrest came a day or so after he took the piss out of Greta Cuntberg on Twatter.
It’s a conspiracy is what it is…
..still he’s a cunt so fuck him I suppose.
Would I say it to his face? Would I fuck. I’d say one of you cunts hacked me innit?
The plebs always need a distraction from the real war that is being waged on them.
“Misogynist” Andrew Tate’s spat with Saint Greta of Mongberg
Harry Prince of Half Wit and his book of revelations.
Psychopath Matt Hancock appearing on Minor Celebrity in some vain attempt to make him appear normal or sorry.
Even before all of this he was an uba cunt, I hope this shit gibbon gets spit roasted by Romain beggars and eventually succombs to Gonorrhoea.
Not a single shred of sympathy for this piece of pig shit, may he become the bitch for C wing for the rest of his pathetic life…. Oh and the same for his cunt of a brother…..
I’ve heard of this guy but I must admit that I’m still vague about what it is that he actually does.
Sounds like a bit of a knob mind.
Morning all.
Never heard of the cunt until he was on the news being arrested in Romania
He might be a cunt and a criminal but from what I have seen reported he appears to be a bit of a lifestyle guru, with his views on women I assumed he was black ?
He’s a Muslim, which is probably the next best thing.
And black, or at least a half caste:
That explains the grooming ?
Nasty scrote with an IQ less than his shoe size. Here’s hoping the Dracula mob mete out some old school Romanian justice as practised by national hero Vlad the Impaler.
Yes he is a modern day cunt
The tattoos the body builder steroid taker
The shaved head
The stubble beard
Not having a real job influencer
On line hero
The real problem is young kids with nothing want to be like him
Most can’t and will fail trying
Young people have shit role models as they can’t all be you tube stars or Amanda Holden talentless celebrities
Hence increased suicidal young people and less going the traditional successful road of job relationships home owner travel nice car etc
They want it all given
I blame the parents and failed marriages and foreign or darkie influence
Our country is nearly fucked Blair started it and cunts like this will finish it off
Why don’t we put small boat folk on a big boat and take them back , if they’re on an old cruise ship they can’t get off and ruin the locality working illegal stealing and abusing
Hear hear.
I was blissfully unaware of Andrew Tate till suddenly last week the cunts all over the media.
He treats women terribly.
I don’t know his views on anything as I’m not interested in the cunt.
He argued with Greta Thunberg online about cars that’s all I know.
He should be more chivalrous.
Buy em some chips,
Give em bus fair home etc.
Bragging about owning multiple Ferraris just shows his lack of taste.
Stick the bellend in the oven with Greta…
“Bragging about owning multiple Ferraris just shows his lack of taste.”…
Or just that he has an extremely small penis. ?
Definitely some form of “overcompensation” for something ?
Total scum hateful excuse for a man.
I don’t understand what makes an influencer? Is it a Job? Is it a Birth rRght? Or is it ( and more likely ) a genetic defect that produces an individual who is so obnoxious and untenable, that he needs shoved back up the cunt that dropped him?
Even more than this twat being a cunt, are the moronic masses who seem to follow him, like some demi god like figure. Is it possible that todays young people have reverted to the thick turd life of the Neanderthal ? I mean, like dumb sheep to the slaughterhouse, they follow! Christ that is frightening. To think that they will form the following generations from their shitty vacuous lives is really a sad reflection on us ( for letting them )
If you laud an arsehole, then all you will get is his shit!
Very true. Let’s hope the prison lifestyle is the comeuppance he deserves.
When the company of Fred West is preferable to this vile scum says it all !
Too right.
I’d be more impressed by Fred’s flawless brickwork than this cunts Ferrari.
Sounds like a right cunt but anybody who pisses off the Wokies and St Greta Thunderpants can’t be all bad.
On the other hand if he’s a fucking Peaceful he can fuck right off. There’s no way back from that.
On the subject of ‘toxic masculinity’ Man United fans loudly singing ‘Get your tits out for the lads’ just now on the telly.
Not sure who it was aimed at, perhaps a female TV presenter pitch side as a guess?
I bet the wokies will be going apeshit over it. The fucking puffs.
If she’s a tv football presenter she’s had her tits out plenty of times before don’t worry about that.
Perhaps our Norm has returned to the Stretford End??
Perfectly illustrates that mult-culturism is NOT our strength.
Import primitive races with primitive morals and social skills……
I feel more for those brainless enough to believe anyone that’s on the cesspit of social media – who styles themselves ‘influencer’
That the trouble with ignorant cunts like Tate.
No sense of romance.
No flowers, compliments, or anything.
I wouldn’t be seen dead in a Ferrari either.
Ferrari are for twats.
All sports cars are.
Lucky to get one person and a bag of shopping in it.
Completely impractical.
And always in bright primary colours!!
Canary yellow, dayglow orange, snot green.
For that alone I hope he gets a 10yr sentence.
Anyone over 30 and not Italian looks utterly ludicrous in a Ferrari.
Had an Austin Healey Sprite mk2 in my younger days. Much more restrained and gentlemanly, and I filled the boot up with tools and bits of motorbike ?
I saw the interview with Piers Morgan and he gave the impression of being a total arrogant conceited arse. The only things he said which I agreed with were the state of the NHS and how bad London is under Sadiq Khan. Other than that he was a total cuntoid.
He’s influenced me into thinking he’s a twat.
Didn’t he say that he was blacker than Meghan Markle, and call her out as a grifter?
He’s doing something right.
It’s amazing. My body is so similiar to his. In every detail. It could me sitting there. Absolutely amazing.
Try Swarfega?
It all makes sense now. He’s a Muslim.
He does look like the he wouldn’t look out of place in Rotherham.
Arrested, arrested in Romania for people smuggling, who the fuck was he smuggling the Pope? From what I was told about the Romanian legal system he must have overlooked a couple of payments. Does seem to have a very high opinion of himself lots of little boys hero worshipped the twat as well. Have but one question who the fuck is he?
Never heard of the cunt until he had a go at Thunderpants then got arrested.
Macho man, time to join the Wagner group.
Looks like a cunt that takes it up the arse whilst sucking someone’s cock