Albanian Immigrants

Albanian immigrants need a cunting again, wasn’t it these cunts who were protesting a month ago because they were so offended by the British ruling system that they draped their rag of a flag over Winstone Churchills stature on poppy day.

If this is the case why oh why do these thieving cunts keep arriving here in droves.

Let’s hope that useless fucker Sunak can actually do something worthwhile this time, instead of the pissing, moaning and tax dodging we are used to from him, and if he does, we can start ridding he country of this vermin today wave of shit immediately.

However the reality of an immigrant kicking out illegal immigrants is unlikely to happen and he will just rattle his briefcase for the next few years..

Daily Telegraph Link.

Nominated by : Fuglyucker

74 thoughts on “Albanian Immigrants

  1. Norman Wisdom loving motherfucking criminal scum.

    Their shitty flag like a two headed parrot?
    Hanging on Winnie’s statue?!!

    Cheeky greasy Macedonian wannabe spiv cunts.

    Never mind the Balkans!?

  2. If you take the `a` out of Sunak and replace it with a `p` then re-arrange the letters, you get `Spunk` … tosser.

  3. Don’t kid yourself, these cunts are going nowhere until they go home with suitcases full of cash. This poxy government can rustle up anti strike legislation in the blink of an eye but they are working on the “finer details” of stopping these fuckers. Later, sometime, never is the timetable they are working on. If one of these parasite bastards ever sets foot in Rwanda you can kiss my arse and call me Gladys.

  4. Sunak isn’t going to do shit about immigration.

    Legal or illegal.

    A) he doesn’t care
    B) doesn’t effect him
    C) his bosses told him not to.

    Neither would that fat pale blob of shite Boris.

  5. The next general election is less than two years away; Tory party strategists must be aware that getting to grips with the illegal migrant situation offers the best hope for a non Labour HMG.

  6. They arrive in droves to join the gang bang. You may not like the whore but if her legs are in the air for any and all to cum in, why not?
    The West has its ass cheeks spead for all the shithole dwellers to have a go.

    • Evening Ron.

      I find stroking white pussies to be most therapeutic…

      No, I am not Klaus Schwab!

      Mind you, I would say that, wouldn’t I?

  7. I’m beginning to think something more sinister than bumbling red tape cunts deporting nobody ever is going on..

    Perhaps the hopeless wankers supposedly running the country are flooding us with foreigners to counter our ageing population?

    Half a million last year alone leads me to think our Great Leaders are involved in wholesale demographic change,such as the nightmare created by Bliar.

    Anyhow,it’s absolutely clear that everyone involved in this mess are up to no good,the vermin arriving,the lawyers paid from abroad to thwart even the simplest attempt to boot the cunts out,the legal aid system,the hotel chains providing shelter,everyone in Westminster and the liberal left who love foreign trash,just so long as they are subject to the rape,terrorism and drug dealing that multiculturalism has blessed us with.

    They all,every last one of them,are looting the country and systematically destroying the fabric of British society.

    They need gassing.

      • Never ending, the Rwanda policy is lawful but the migrant scum have the right to challenge, in what real world can that happen…. The useless fucking UK.

        Rishi and his ‘they will be detained’ has as much chance of happening as me winning the lottery.

        Another 50,000 or more this year, the Ritz and Savoy had better be on standby ?

      • Sick of It, I never thought that I would be able to pay for an expensive hotel room but here I am now as a pensioner paying for scum to enjoy such a situation.

      • And no date set for the appeal!

        Excuse me, why is there a big lump in the carpet?

        Oh, that’s where we brush all the shit we pretend we’re dealing with.

  8. 10000 or 12000, all put up in hotels, I wonder how many fucked off after a few days straight into the drug dealing gangs.
    The Police should be kicking off over all this shit of allowing the cunts to wander around freely, all that will happen is more scumbags for the cops to track down.

    The looney left think the cunts are here to work, deluded cunts, and why the fuck didn’t the government just use emergency powers, David Davis tried to get it through Parliament but no support from the government and the fucking Labour and SNP cunts voted it down. What the fuck is wrong with these people.

    • All of them, I should think, SOI.

      After all, that’s why they’re here. They aren’t fleeing a war or famine. They haven’t been trafficked, they aren’t here to go to University or became care workers and any cunt who thinks they are, please contact me.

      I have a Unicorn I’d like to sell you.

      • The clue is ‘why did the Germans and Swedes kick them all out’

        1. The were hard working people and nice to their mums


        2. The were drug dealing scumbags who would sell their own mothers


  9. From the header pic….”General announcement, fire on board!” Seven short blasts & one long one on the ships whistle, followed by “Abandon ship! Abandon ship!” That would be so funny!

  10. I’ve been watching some YouTube videos and they have the same problem in Ireland…….small towns having their hotels jampacked with foreign trash. Of course they are not crossing the Irish Sea in dinghies and they are not illegal……. they are shipped in by the EU as part of Ireland’s fair share of rubbish.
    Yeah, there’s something going on alright. And it fucking stinks.

    • The Irish government and their homosexual globalist leader have made little or no secret over the last several years that they intended to expand the population of the emerald Isle by at least another one million.

      No prizes for guessing where the population increase would be coming from.

      *clue: it’s not by encouraging an increase in the birthrate of the indigenous population.

  11. The filth of Europe. The plague of Britain. The scum of the Earth..
    The ‘But… But…’ brigade wouldn’t like this. But I personally think that these bastards should be culled. If something isn’t done about them, these scum will infest and take over everything, like human locusts.

  12. You’ve as much chance as stepping in rocking horse shit as you have of ever meeting an honest, hard working, law abiding Albanian.

  13. The picture that was chosen for this nomination is quite appropriate as an analogy for why we shouldn’t let so many people into our already crowded country. It’s the Titanic lifeboat analogy – if we let too many people on board, we’ll all be fucked (to paraphrase the great ……. guy on the lifeboat in Titanic).

  14. We had these Albanian drug fuckers in my parents area last year. Dumb cunts were running from each other only to go down a one way system in their mercedes they had knuckle dusters, knifes and baseball bats. One died.

    16 of them had a drug bust up, most of them running in from London. Only 6 of the fuckers got caught.

  15. If there were a Premier League of drug-dealers, these fuckers would be the Champions every year. It is a miltary-style operation and they have operatives in every town with more arriving daily thanks to a weak, ineffective government.

  16. I’m sure that header is a massive exaggeration of arrivals in Calais, it’s the ones in Dover and that area that bother me.

    However I’m sure I’m not the only person whose noticed that 99.8% of the “small boat” people are young, healthy males, usually clutching an iPhone and wearing a face mask.

    • As well as iPhones, the cunts have Nike trainers and Superdry jackets. Economic migrants, nothing to do with fleeing any war or conflict. Fucking cunts. And a fair portion of them will be rapists and murderers.

      • I would as far as to say they are all rapists, murders and other dodgy cunts looking to flee the law in their own shithole countries.

        why else would they pay other dodgy cunts thousands to ferry them into a country in dangerous conditions, when a single air fare can be bought for less than £50?

  17. The 4 start hotel in a posh village near Leicester is now lined up to receive guests from afar. I never had a meal there because I thought it was too expensive. And now my taxes are to be used to house this mob. A truly bizarre set of events. I presume the tories are pulling out all the stops to get Labour elected for some reason…brexit u-turn perhaps?

    • I’ve often thought about going there for a meal, but it’s way out of my range. Now I’ll never go, the wógs will no doubt burn the place down because the meals don’t come up to their mudhut standards.

  18. We’ve got an ibis hotel full of these shady cunts just down the road from our village.
    They’ve been filming kids in the play park and intimidating the local women. They surrounded Mrs Cuntsvilles car one day so she wound the window down a bit and told them to fuck right off or she would flatten the lot of them. That’s my girl.
    We’ve got a couple of libs on the village Facebook that are calling us all racists but they’ve been jumped on like a young wilderbeast in prime lion territory.
    I’m proud to say that at least my village is determined to stay English and white and we will get medieval on any filth that want to challenge that.

    • You racist cunts will all be in jail soon and the filth, I mean law abiding seekers of safety, will be trashing your houses.

  19. There is a solution, and when I’m King of the World it will be implemented.

    Welcome the “small boat” people.
    Make sure there are plenty of coaches.
    Give them all a paper bag containing food and drink.
    Drive them to Brize Norton. Load them onto a troop transport.
    At gunpoint, if necessary.
    Fly them all to Albania.

    But, JP, some of them weren’t Albanian!
    So what, let Albania deal with them!

    • The RAF have 12 No. Airbus Voyagers and 8 No. C-17 Globemasters just sitting around doing nothing.

      Just saying.

  20. There’s a village I was reading about in Northamptonshire with 532 inhabitants. Serco have fucking BOUGHT the local hotel. a big old Manor House with a gym, big indoor swimming pool, massive grounds etc. …… of those posh places for expensive weekends in the country. The cunts intend to put 400 trash bags in there. The locals who worked there are now unemployed and the local businesses who depended on visitors will be fucked. That’s besides the crime and chaos the bastards will bring.
    Whoever owned that hotel saw the writing on the wall, grabbed the money and legged it. I wish I could do the same but where do I run to? Every civilised country is suffering the same nonsense.
    How about Rwanda? I hear they’ve got some accommodation going spare over there.

    • Anywhere decent that’s left probably won’t let us in to their country!

      Anybody know how long the residents of these hotels are expected to be there? Just enough time to get enough drug money so they can buy a local mansion?

      • Well however long they are there, there will be plenty more to take their place. I hear Serco are renting properties on 5 and 10 year deals. You won’t hear the Suntan Kid talking about that.

  21. I keep on saying this, we’re being invaded.
    They don’t need troops hips, destroyers or landing craft.
    It’s drip, drip, drip.
    Few at a time.
    And silly cunts welcome them with open arms, as long as they don’t have to give up their spare bedrooms to accommodate them.
    Just as well, as they’ll rob you blind!

    Hello thick cunts, they are criminals!

  22. If some cunt turned up on your doorstep wanting to stay in your home and ponce off you cause they fucked him off from his own country you would say sorry but fuck off gou poncing cunt why don’t these cunts in charge do that instead of costing us hardworking fax payers money to look after the useless fucking shitbags . We are fuckes with the cunts in charge of this fucking circus

  23. Well I hope the cunts brought gloves an a bobble hat,
    It’s cold tonight!

    Like a fuckin skating rink out there.

    You southerners had any snow?
    I got a portion walking the dog over the fields near Macc.

    It’s times like this my mind turns to the homeless,
    And I think

    “Serves you right”

  24. The soppy Tories are abiding by a ruling from the European Court of Human Rights to stave off the Rwanda hearing until, ahem, sometime in the future.

    The can is kicked down the road.

    I reckon the Tories want to be voted out in the next GE.

  25. If the people in charge don’t do something soon, vigilante groups are going to form. They’ve been warned.

    • If foreigners are allowed to enter our country willy-nilly. Surly we are free to remove them. We are dressing it up all ways. Its time we put it into action.

  26. nothing will be done..

    they want cheap labour.

    Those whom the gods wish to destroy, first make mad…!

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