Adam Powis – Stroppy Twat

Adam Powis – former B&Q employee.
This moron got fired from B&Q and made his feelings clear on the in-store Tannoy.
It went viral on fuck-tock and has given him his 15 minutes of fame, but he might regret it further down the road.
Perhaps when he matures a bit, he’ll realise what a cuntoid he’s been.

Yahoo News Link

Nominated by: mystic maven

65 thoughts on “Adam Powis – Stroppy Twat

  1. Welcome to your new life at the Labour Exchange, sonny.
    Who’s going to offer you a job now, you pinhead?

  2. Good Morning,

    An entitled member of Generation X or whatever they call themselves. Welcome to the real world.

    • He should have identified as a peaceful, grabbed an axe from the shop floor and set about management with some vigour, he might have got an honour.

  3. “B & Q are cunts.” Fucking brilliant! How many times have I wanted to do that…..without being fired. Good luck to him. You know he wouldn’t have been sacked if he was an effnick or a bandit. They wouldn’t have dared, the cunts.

    • They should play this on a loop in all their stores.
      Soul destroying ugly sheds.

  4. he will probably end up as a social media celeb or influencer, such is the state of our messed up priorities.

  5. Maybe not the wisest of moves but he’s young…. at least he’s shown a bit of backbone. I’ve never been directly employed but,over the years, have certainly lost my temper with main contractors/clients and told them to “Fuck Off”…and worse.

    Good on him,at least he had a bit of a laugh.

    • My thoughts too. He seemed to be genuinely motivated by what he believed to be unfair play by Bums and Queers.

      He also didn’t come across as cocky. Fair play to him.

    • My thoughts too. He seemed to be genuinely motivated by what he believed to be unfair play by Bums and Queens.

      He also didn’t come across as cocky. Fair play to him.

    • Same here. He may regret putting it on social media, later, but, I can’t endorse this Cunting for a moment of impetuousness.

    • Exactly. Who among us with an ounce of spirit has not desired our employer to fuck off painfully.

      I once threw a file at my senior NCO, was charged and merely admonished. The officer reckoned he was a cunt too.

  6. What we’re B&Q thinking?

    Why hire a gin-ger in the first place?

    They deserved a cunting for that.

  7. B+Q are cunts.
    The kid got that right.

    Never got in stock what I need and overpriced if it’s in stock.

    He’ll be ok , he was already fired so he had nothing to lose.

    He’ll smile about it in the future, fun memory.

    Tell em to get fucked Adam?

  8. Good for him. Life doesn’t give you many opportunities to do something like that and I’m sure he enjoyed it.

    Why did he get sacked though? To get booted from somewhere like that you’ve got to be pretty fucking useless…..

    B+Q are cunts anyway.

    • Vaping outside the designated smoking area. Some two bob management cunt wanted to flex his muscles. Probably got a boner over it, the wanker.

      • FFS. If he’d told a punter to get fucked or been caught nicking gear or something, fair enough. But vaping……?

      • Or maybe he was a useless, entitled wanker and this was just the final excuse they needed to get rid. It happens, and unless you know the whole story it’s hard to judge.

        Presumably B+Q have a proper disciplinary process of verbal and written warnings….. Who knows and ultimately cares? It’s not exactly an earth- shattering story, but amusing nonetheless.

  9. I say good for him on this occasion.

    I imagine the likes of B&Q are cunts to work for.

    Little Hitler, pissed with power, middle management type grassing twats hiding around every corner, only too eager to cause trouble.

    I told an old bastard I had spent several years working for, exactly where to go when he very unfairly finished me.
    Long time ago now but looking back it was the beat thing I could have done at the time and certainly no regrets from me.

  10. Probably a bad move on his part, but fuck me how often I and I’m sure, millions of others have wanted to pull a similar stunt.

  11. With few minutes exceptions, you won’t get “rich” working for someone else.

    He cunted them-fair play to the lad?

  12. What was he fired for ? It is very hard to get fired in these days of “Labour Shortages” and all that. Too white? No Degree?
    As some of todays generation seem to think an attendance in the workplace entitles them to an hourly rate of pay watching social media and texting. I just wonder.

  13. He does look a bit of a ginger whinger. I bet the manager couldn’t wait to get rid of him. At only 18 he has scored top marks. Wonder what he is doing now?

    • Queueing outside the dole office perhaps?
      I see that many co-cunters are taking this lad’s side and yes, maybe B&Q were cunts for firing him, but does he have this attitude deeply ingrained in him? Will he be like that in any job he manages to get?
      Just a thought…

      • Could well have an entitled attitude,MM….most his age seem to think that the sun shines out of their arses.

  14. I do feel a bit sorry for him. It’s the sort of thing I would do, even now. But in today’s world of social media, he may well find that it follows him. Oh, and he’s right, B&Q are cunts – had a massive row with some jumped up little “manager” about a faulty lawnmower.

  15. It’s easy for me to say in the aftermath I’d have said something different and praised the employers with wit, or not at all. It seems to have been an instant dismissal to get him rankled like that.

  16. I have some sympathy for this young man. Some years ago a neighbour, sort-of friend got a job at B & Q, as they encouraged older employees, and my mate, a couple of years after retirement got a “nice part time job” there, as his wife was getting on his nerves nagging him. I told him he would be better to buy a good shed and tell his wife to go fuck herself, as I did with the spouse. Anyway, he worked there for a couple of months before deciding that he would prefer the wife’s nagging to being treated like shit by B & Q – his hours forever being changed, sometimes doing unpaid overtime, and being treated like a second class citizen because he was old and they knew he wouldn’t easily find other employment. Before he retired he held a responsible job in one of Britian’s biggest building companies for over thirty years.

    If that is how they treat a man of 70, can’t you just imagine how they would treat a young lad?. I admire his guts for calling them cunts on the Tannoy and as for the nationwide ban, I would say the management think they are North Korean dictators.

  17. Modern day employers, now that gen xyz or whatever the fuck they’re called won’t join a union expect to be treated like shite.

    Amazon employees may have finally cottoned on to this at last.

    Train drivers 50K / yr ..40 HR wk
    Amazon workers 20k / yr…69 HR wk

    • I won’t join a union, however I do have legal protection on my home insurance which I would gladly use to take wank employers to court if I needed to. Unions so fuck all, they change nothing other than paying for a fat cunt to live in a very nice abode.

      • Bank holidays, paid leave, weekends, maternity rights, safety at work, sick pay, lunch breaks etc, etc, etc. Not to mention train drivers (fair play to them) wages.

        Yeah, unions do fuck-all.

      • Previously they did. Now theyre toothless. If I started another company I would allocate 20% of shares to employees to encourage them to work hard and then they get rewarded on profits. Obviously a lower wage, however ones who did believe in Ethos would pay long term. They know what they are getting paid when they sign up for. Asking for 16/17% payrises has nothing to do with improving work conditions but has everything for improving their own, it’s selfish. It destroys jobs. I agree DCI about you striking for improved hours etc but not for the sole purpose of money.

      • I’m striking because I’m fed up with spending ten hours of a twelve hour shift sat outside a hospital, fed up with no break in twelve hours, fed up with late finishes. Unfortunately, a lot of this has to do with understaffing. People leaving in droves because they can work elswhere for more money with no nights/weekends/bank holiday working and without the responsibility. That’s why the strike’s also about pay-rises, too. If you can get nearly the same money delivering groceries for Tesco than you can as emergency ambulance crew – ECA is Band 3 – then something’s clearly wrong.

      • I agree with you DCI. That’s what I’m saying that I do support. You’re overworked and hero’s in my book. But Unions asking for 16% payrises to cover inflation is madness, they are very short cited. This is mainly caused by high energy prices. The average bloke on the street can’t keep having their taxes raised to cover it. The Government should be putting more pressure on Energy companies.

      • Ah, yeah, but the 16% is a starting point. Bit like haggling for a car and offering a grand less than the asking price and settling on five hundred quid. Kind sentiments, CC, but we, and apart from a few Walts, don’t see us a ‘Heroes’. We just do a job that some couldn’t do, but a lot could and would if the pay for lower grades was better?

      • Pretty heroic when you have to deal with horrible RTCs and sick babies. I would call that heroic. You save people.

        As for payrises, we will agree to disagree.

      • I think. They progress to Band 6, which the vast majority of paras are on. Unsure of the timescale.

      • I’ve worked for a non unionised firm and a fully unionised one, I know which one I preferred.
        It was the gaffer at the former that came up to me and said ” if you don’t start working regular overtime, you and me are going to fall out ”
        A week later I told him to shove his job up his arse and started at a company where representation meant management threats where not tolerated on any aspect of employment.

        1619 43797 suited me just fine…!

  18. Retail can be a cunt, the town where I used to live had a Tesco and I witnessed on several occasions the way middle managers treated their staff, giving an employee a dressing down in bake beans aisle isn’t a good look.

    No idea about this bloke but he has will be fine, a life on benefits, won’t be sanctioned for not getting a job ‘not employing that cunt from B&Q’, can’t be worse off than a minimum wage job and he will have plenty of time to boost his TikTok profile.

  19. You’ll probably laugh, but when I’m totally fucked off at work by somebody or something, I rant to my Mother about it later on. Once it’s out of my system, it’s done with. It’s a horrible working world we work in nowadays, you feel like a cunt accepting it sometimes but you’ve got to be so careful. It’s not like the 1960’s unfortunately when you could walk across the road and get another job. There are systems and practices in place at work if you feel you’ve been treated unfairly. I’ve left certain jobs after being treated like shit but I’ve kept my self respect by continuing to do the job to the best of my ability to the very end. I think in some way this fucks them off even more because your not giving them the satisfaction of you telling them to fuck themselves.

  20. I bet his boss is/was a complete cunt. Like Hitler crossed with Blakey off On The Buses. I also bet there was some cunt who couldn’t wait to grass on him for vaping. It’s not often that the worker gets to tell ‘the man’ to fuck off and say what they really think of them. But at least this kid can say that he’s done it. And I bet his cunt of a boss/supervisor thoroughly deserved it.

    • I take my hat off to the kid. Bunch of micro managing jobsworths grassing for a vape.

      • Before being a removalman I worked nights in retail.

        I made a manager cry,
        He had to go on holiday to pull himself together ?

        He was a fuckin little bully.
        I was paid to resign in the end.

        After a year on suspension on full pay.

        I bought this current business with the proceeds.

        All possible because I was unioned up.

        The unions are corrupt as fuck,
        Be they did alright by me?

      • Better to be on the train pissing out than running alongside trying to piss in. Union’s done alright by me the few times I’ve used them.

  21. Imagine if the lad had lit a cig? His boss would need counselling. After the Little Hiter had grassed the lad up, of course.

    Any grass should have their fingers and tongue removed, so they never do it again.

  22. I’m in two minds about this.Yes he was being a cunt but his boss sounds like jobsworth of a cunt.Some cunts deserve this kind of response.If je asked him for vaping I doubt it was the only pedantic thing he had been a little Hitler about.

    Some employees constantly belittle and wear down employees then when they sack them without a good reason the pent up anger spills over.I have always left my job before this happened to me but damn I came close to losing my shit.

    I think Norman has hit the nail on the head on this one.

    • Who hasn’t wanted to do something like this? Personally I preferred to do something which had a longer-lasting effect and which couldn’t be traced back to me, which I achieved on more than one occasion.
      I’m retired now but I still chuckle about these things.

    • Harry wouldn’t do it as he would ask Meghan first and she would say no and if you do I won’t use the strap on on you for a month.

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