Have been watching various “Dangerous Roads” documentaries on YouTube, focusing on some of the world’s most …err, dangerous roads!
I have to say some of these roads are nothing more than dirt tracks found either on the sides of mountain ranges, swamps, deserts and jungles.
However, what was more shocking was the massive deforestation and river management going on in places such as:-
- the Ivory Coast (a place rich in gold and cocoa);
- Brazil (gold and coal);
- Mozambique (diamonds)
- Lesotho (gold and timber) .
- India & Bangladesh (hydro-electric dams)
The documentaries go on to say that deforestation in some of these countries is totally out of control, with forest areas the size of Greater London being chopped on an annual basis, especially in the Amazon Basin.
What is left is dead land areas where nothing grows and of course there is no replanting of trees. And once the big mining corporations move in to rape the land of its mineral wealth it encourages thousands of local people to migrate there in search of work and a better life.
This in turn encourages population growth, which means demand for more arable land, more animals for food and grazing, more housing and a better road network.
Thus within 5 or 10 years following deforestation the land has become yet another shitty shanty town crawling with starving kids, ignorant parents, pollution, and construction companies completely oblivious to their concerns or that of the environment they are so readily exploiting.
And yet you probably wouldn’t hear any of this through the MSM. I also doubt the usual eco-loonies know or care about it that much. They certainly don’t go out of their way and glue their heads to the mud tracks in deepest Mozambique!
Instead they choose to target their bitter ire on the West, and in particular the UK. We have to make the sacrifices for the good of the planet.
Meanwhile the cunts in the countries named above (and quite a few more besides) are overlooked in the criticism. I guess it might be deemed racist to point the minging climate change finger at these countries because by and large they consist of non-white populations.
What we do have though is massive deforestation, rivers being redirected for hydroelectric dams, massive pollution levels and rapid population growth (population of Bangladesh is 172 million. One of the most densely populated and fastest growing countries on the planet).
This is the perfect combination for a Scorched Earth Scenario that woke science chooses to ignore because at the end of the day it’s probably the fault of the West that the planet is going down the pan!
It should also be noted that the UN announced in November that the global population had reached 8 billion, a mere 12 years after it announced there were 7 billion. The biggest increases were in African, Indian and Middle Eastern countries, while birth rates are slowing in most Western ones. This is probably one reason why Globalists are encouraging mass migrations between continents.
Can I also add by saying that some of these mining companies are for the manufacture of EV batteries amongst other things.
The demand for going EV is only going to accelerate the mining of whatever mineral resources are needed in batteries, and thus will only increase the deforestation.
Ergo – when you buy an EV you’re killing perhaps 20 trees and despoiling the land. But again no mention of that on MSM
Nominated by: Technocunt
And supported by: Mikdys
Pretty much spot on – I’d only add that children are used to mine a lot of the cobalt that is used for the “planet saving” electric cars:
Sssshh…you’ll give the game away Techno
ahem.. nothing to see here folks! Move along now.
In a similar vein we never hear about all the land that is cleared so that they can put up massive wind turbines and large arrays of solar panels
“It’s for your own good little people!” – Klaus Schwabb (possibly)?
I have high hopes that the planet will act to rid itself of the parasites that are poisoning both the oceans and the land…human extinction on Earth would make me giggle.
I think I’ve spotted the flaw in your thinking.
There’s a theory called the gaia concept, I think.
It states that the planet is a living, breathing organism, and that it has the power to eradicate what it deems to be a drain.
Not the exact words,but you get my drift.
To me, it’s obvious the planet is a living, breathing organism.
Stating the obvious.
Therefore the climates will always change.
It’s just human nature.
We’ve exploited natural resources for thousands of years,without doing so we would never have flourished.
It will not end until it’s all used up..the genie is out of the bottle…the human species grows and grows..maybe eventually war or famine might stem the flow..but otherwise we’ll just swamp the planet.
All the eco warriors,carbon taxes,windmills,electric vehicles etc won’t make a dent.
But that won’t stop the cunts trying to ruin the quality of our lives with their bullshit.
That environmentalism has been taken over by daft wankers with no knowledge nor understanding of science or history is one of my biggest bugbears. I want to live in a clean environment, I want clean air and water, I detest litter and support sustainable development. What I don’t support is upper class fuckwits, who live lives of luxury that would make Caligula blush, telling me I have to give up all modern inventions just so they can gets ‘likes’ on Twatbook.
As Techno points out in his nomination, it is the rapacious bastards of the ruling class who are really wreaking the environment. These are the sort of people who would fish into a dog turd for a 5p piece or sell their 12 year old daughter to ISIS for a quid. And yet! They claim to ‘care’ about the environment and are feted by ‘activists’ for their ‘concern’ and ‘leadership.’ Get fucked.
Modern environmentalists like Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil are not left-wing nor are they Marxist. They are the stormtroopers of neoliberalism.
Rant over. Now where’s that nice doctor to show me to that room with the rubber wallpaper.
Marxism is the fantasy.
Neoliberalism is the reality. It’s the nearest you’ll ever get.
Sorry ?
Well come on Greta, Ass in gear now sort these eco fascist’s out. Give it a how dare you. Dangerous place to go? Well shut the fuck up then.
Since I was a child I have been told that an area the size of Wales is being lost in the Amazon rain forest every year.
I am not sure why Wales was and often still is used as a standard measurement for these things.
But I do know that if you were to set up camp in the rainforest then a good part of your day would be spent in cutting back all the new growth.
I suggest that if an area the size of several football pitches was cleared then you would have trouble finding the place a week later.
Things do grow that quickly.
To stop this growth you would need to lay membrane and cover it with thick concrete.
I am not sure if there is enough membrane or concrete in the world to cover a ‘Wales’.
As far as people seeking a better life by relocating to rural areas to work in mines, this is probably balanced out by the tens of millions of Chinese who abandon rural areas to work in the cities.
If you really want to watch alarmist television, watch Earth TV.
I think that the programmes have to be approved by Greta or Attenborough before being shown.
The header pic shows the Thunberg’s back garden, after the New Years Eve pyrotechnics party went awry. Proving that little kids should never play with fireworks.
Was this her party?
As far as a population explosion is concerned, how the fuck are we to know the truth?
The population of Bangladesh?
Is some cunt counting?
More likely that someone has dreamed up a huge figure that cannot be either proved or disproved.
Good point, we can’t even get accurate numbers in the UK so what chance in various shitholes.
I suppose the only measure are the number of zeros are on the begging letter to the west.
I saw a report on China and the lack of young people compared to the number of old cunts because of the one child policy, like it was some great revelation.
Prior to the one child policy they were breeding like rabbits so obviously the net result will be an imbalance as the population ages.
Africa and Bangladesh are increasing rapidly based on the culture of breeding, 5 or 6 kids per woman is the norm regardless of absolute poverty, when the girls get to 10 or 11 they are sold, kerching, and cycle continues.
50 years ago half the fuckers would die before they got to 1 or 2 years old but thanks to the west many more survive so rather than 2/3 out 5 it’s now 4/5 out of 5.
More aid please.
So Bangladesh is vastly overpopulated? I blame that cunt George Harrison and his stupid song. Fucking do gooder Scouse git.
???? hilarious
They can always catch the next dingy leaves Calais every half hour. Loads of room and stuff for free here.
More importantly it’s mostly wet.
That’s why I don’t buy into this population explosion thing.
Even when they do come to places like the UK arranged marriages and payments for them are still the norm, but even though the daft benefits system pays them to turn out more kids, they don’t.
You rarely get families of immigrants with several kids when free money and bigger houses are on the cards.
Perhaps having huge families in shit hole countries is either a myth or grossly exaggerated.
Modern environmentalists like Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil are not left-wing nor are they Marxist. They are the stormtroopers of neoliberalism.
Emphatically agree. “Marxist” these days is simply a term of abuse; it is only employed by people who have never read Marx – about people who have never read Marx either. Granted, that covers about 99% of the population…
To the extent that ER and JSO are anti Capitalism/free trade/market economy and democracy, they are closest to being Communists really.
Idealists are the “useful idiots” that help put cunts in charge…
From 7 billion to 8 billion in 12 years, that’s another 300 million tonnes (ish) of CO2 every fucking year, it’s a good job the beasts of the natural world are declining to compensate ?
I am with DF, the human race needs fucking exterminating and leave the planet to animals, I mean what fucking use are we anyway ?
The animals are fucked too.
Show me one that can use a tin opener?
My cat had no problems opening boxes of crunchies.
I think I saw Lammy open a tin once ?
Maybe just one of those infinite number of times get it right once scenarios ?
Leave well alone.
I blame Tony Blair. The cunt.
Wouldn’t have happened on Maggie’s watch.
Afternoon all.
The phrase: “playing the fiddle while Rome burns comes to mind”.
Eco this, eco that, block the M25 and protest about UK residents driving cars, eating meat and burning logs in wood burners. Bans on petrol cars, home boilers and driving into the next village.
Meanwhile the Carcamanos burn down whole rainforests and the Chinkies build a new coal powered power station every month.
What do the Elite and the Ecoloons do about this exactly? Sweet FA – the cunts in these other countries won’t lie down and take it and these wishy, washy wankers know it. Until we start “giving a bit back” they’ll continue walking all over us with their quasi pious attitudes.
Lamp posts and barbed wire?
‘This in turn encourages population growth, which means demand for more arable land, more animals for food and grazing, more housing and a better road network.
Thus within 5 or 10 years following deforestation the land has become yet another shitty shanty town crawling with starving kids, ignorant parents, pollution, and construction companies completely oblivious to their concerns or that of the environment they are so readily exploiting’
This, could very well be describing Kent currently
This is a great nom Techno ?
I’ve often thought that the subject matter of the likes of this nomination, plastic and chemical pollution and the out of control population growth of shit hole countries are the elephants in the room when it comes to the climate change crisis/narrative.
The obsession though always seems to be about temperature.
Not to worry though – if we in the UK drive electric cars within our 15 minute zones or cities or whatever the fuck they wish to call them, then all of this will magically disappear.
Once you start to investigate the scale of fuckwittery practised on a Global scale the results you find will amaze and alarm you.
Everthing is driven by money the only reason a company exists is to make money for its owner or shareholders. If you base your exploitation in the shittier parts of the World a few brown envelopes, expensive gifts and you could rape the place till it screams and no one gives a flying fuck except the dirt poor bastard whose hut had to go because an eight lane motorway is just what the cunt who rules wants.
So easy to protest in the safe western democracies. Try stirring the shit in some less friendly place and you will end up as Tiger bait, shark bait or simply shot in front of your famly.
Happy New Year one and all and James Cordon is returning to UK no end to this bollocks
Have the Yanks had enough of him already?
How unfortunate (for us) ?
Never see the freak Greta Thunderpants visiting these cuntries do you? Proves the commie puppet wants to destroy the west.
Still I believe mother Earth will get pissed off with the parasitic humans, and get rid of them in the not too distant future.
Well, I’m not to blame for eco destruction.
My conscience is clear.
I can look down my nose at others in superiority like a fuckin angel.
They said don’t use aerosols as there’s a hole in the ozone layer the size of Wales.
I instantly panicked and stopped using deodorant.
Reason I smell like Annalise Dodds gusset.
And never heard mention of the ozone layer since so I must of sealed it?
So, done my bit.
Not my fault the world is fucked .
And once ate a beanburger from Burger King.
Far out✌️
Major Kong-‘Well boys, I reckon this is it, nuclear combat, toe to toe with the Ruskies’.
Now that would be a scorched earth policy.
This nomination reminds me of Les Grossman from Tropic Thunder
Best character Tom Cruise ever played.
Maybe it’s time to revisit the idea if Atlantropa.
That condescending school wagging little rubber faced mong Greta actually knows fuck all about anything really. No qualifictions, no scientific expertise, and nobody voted her in to speak on their behalf. A self appointed tin pot cunt drunk with power, who is no more qualified than you or I to lecture about environmental issues. So the pigtailed clockwork dictator can fuck off..
So instead of paying for carbon and all the other bullshit like paying that Nigerian Prince to fix the climate problem why don’t they use the money to lease in perpetuity the major forests of the world so they are never cut down? That gives the country income to progress themselves and the tree huggers get to save the forests. I tell you why it’s not implemented, too fucking hard to scam and clip the ticket that’s why