2022 was only marginally better than 2021 if only because of the end of Covid lockdown restrictions and the entire farce behind all that.
The only other highlight was Gareth Wokegate’s England team being dumped out of the WC by the Frogs – probably too busy virtue signalling and taking the knee while other competing countries looked on in amusement!
But apart from those two glimmers of sunshine 2022 has been pretty shit for most ordinary people as per usual. The politicians, the celebs, the media, the Church of England, sports people, the rich cunts and the social media woke mob seem to have all taken another step up the “We’re going to crush the Plebs” ladder by wanting to strip away certain freedoms (owning a car being one); making everything far more expensive, taxing the workers and letting protest groups hold sway over the silent majority.
The United Kingdom is a complete oxymoron; the warring royal family are all a bunch of cunts especially with their battles with Mr and Mrs Victim over in the States. And the SNP seem to be on a completely different planet, especially with their latest law of transgender rights despite what the majority of Scots feel otherwise.
Illegal migrants seem to have more rights and privileges over the indigenous people and if you argue the toss you’re branded a bigot by the Left, who insist mass immigration of “millions” of refugees is a good thing!
From a personal pov I have never been busier workwise, but by the same token I am being hit with more red tape and taxation purely because I am self employed and an easy target for this government that no longer believes in free enterprise and entrepreneurship. It makes one wonder why bother working if you’re going to be penalised, while lazy cunts are forever gifted with more benefits via my taxes!
So much so that we’re thinking of emigrating in the spring/summer of 2023. But the difficulty is finding a country that hasn’t gone woke, that has some kind of control on immigration, still holds traditional values and freedoms, and is also proud of its history! But fuck knows where that country is!!
I fear for 2023, not least for some of the reasons I mentioned above for 2022 will become even more unbearable next year. In fact it wouldn’t surprise me if the rise of civil disobedience kicked off up and down the country especially if prices, inflation and interest rates keep on rising while companies indulge in massive profiteering.
Happy New Year!
Nominated by : Technocunt
” But the difficulty is finding a country that hasn’t gone woke, that has some kind of control on immigration, still holds traditional values and freedoms, and is also proud of its history!”…..
Have you considered North Korea ?
As long as Miriam Margolyes dies, I’ll consider it a cracking year,no matter what.
A truly talentless and loathsome cunt Dick.
We live in hope
@Ron…..I think of her as the female James Corden but with a cobwebby fanny.
@ Dick;
She bats for the other side as well. Wonder what her other half looks like?
The victim of a mustard-gas attack I expect.
Still think there is a case under the trades description act 1974. Early 80s. Sexy rabbit selling her caramel love fudge. Not a problem happy to play her bunny girl game.
Then I found out later it was lesbian heffer escapee from dachau, Miriam six stomachs !
I feel both dirty and ashamed..
I think it was another cunter who said they bet her fanny looked like a big owl’s nest – I nearly choked to death laughing at that
Miriam was terrible in the film The Battle Of Billy’s Pond. She only had 2 lines but was very poor.
Hungary are having a good try and upsetting the EU in the process
North Sentinal Island, perhaps? The climate is tropical, & they still chuck spears around down there.
Given that global totalitarianism is almost certainly inevitable, it’s probably much simpler to stay here and wait for N Korea to come to us
Happy New Year everyone ???
The sooner 2023 is over the better.
I think the answer to the header picture is yes, it probably can.
Just using the dinghy parasites as an example it went from 8417 in 2020 to 28431 in 2021 and about 46000 last year. And I can’t see any university suddenly calling for some 18th century poet who once gave a sooty a funny look to be uncancelled or the BBC to abandon any for their favourite pet projects .
None of these dingy invaders when Mr.Blair was in charge.
Its as inevitable as your annual ‘Fiddler Towers in the Nude’ calendar being returned by Gemma Arterton every January with the threat of court action, Dick.
Returned soggy and stinking of fish,LL….the sly minx.
Sex on a stick. Utter heaven.
Gemma is yummy
Same old turd.Next please.
Can it get worse, probably.
By the end of 2023 there will have been more strikes, more inflation, more channel cunts, more woke bullshit, more green bollocks, more war against the car, the nhs even further down (bed)pan, more trans nonsense, more fucking just stop whatever, more ‘poverty’ or the more bone idle can’t/wont work and more of the never ending blaming of Brexit.
Not forgetting, as we already know, More fucking taxes!!
2023 is already a shit year ?
2022 was like 2021.
Fuckin rubbish.
But I could never leave this country.
I love it you see.
I speak in public pretty much as I do on here,
No one has tried to cancel me,
They’d be pissing in the wind anyway.
I do, say, act, eat, drink like I always have and will continue to do so.
Cancel culture might work in London or in certain workplaces,
But it hasn’t effected me.
Fuck em.
As for politicians,
They’ve always been scum and always will be,
The job attracts the worst in society.
2023 can get fucked I’m still pining for the 1970s when the world made sense.
Well that’s fine for celebrities like you mis.
Not all of us are cunter of the year.
But with great power comes great responsibility.
I’ve got to admit I get away with murder Baz.
People often think I’m joking or being ironic or something??!
Amazing what you can get away with when you have a cheeky grin!
“Blacks? Gas em.’
‘ho oh ho, your terrible!
Can you watch little Kwanza for me while I nip the chemists?’
Lucky twat.
I get meltdown responses, always seem to have a nutter nearby if I say anything slightly to the right of Lenin. Sometimes I don’t need to say anything. They’re drawn to me.
Some cunt in the co op the day after Brexit – didn’t even know the trout. Just piped up in the queue.
Her “I can’t believe this country. How terrible.”
Me “Erm what’s terrible?”
Her “Brexit!” (she shouted that angrily)
Me “I voted Brexit”
Her “Nazis like you are the problem with this country!” (red face, eyes bulging here)
Me “Right o love”
Her “I’m not your love!”
Me “Thank fuck.”
Then every cunt in the queue gives me the fucking evils. She fucking started it!
You should’ve chinned the cunt
I don’t know why everyone is so down on nazis..
Give them their due,had some cracking uniforms..
She flirted with me like that I’d of enjoyed it.
Saw it as a challenge!
Should of said
“Damn right I’m a nazi.
And you my poppet have just booked yourself a first class journey on a cattle truck.
What’s your name?”
You’ve not won if they aren’t leaving on a stretcher.
Well I would recommend inland Spain to live. I’ve had a place here for nearly 20 years, been permanent since 2015. It’s still cheap, locals are always friendly and helpful, no woke shit goes on here, hardly any darkies except for the North African workers helping with the olive harvest who fuck off straight after its done. I live in the province of jaén, which is the biggest olive growing area in the world so we do need a bit of outside help. Weather is great, still 19-20° during the day.
Property is cheap, next to fuck all if you don’t mind doing a bit of work and the local taxes are low on the whole.
I pay €89 per year for the equivalent of council tax, bins are emptied daily, streets are clean and our mayor sorts out any problems you may have. I know it’s not for everyone and a few fellow cunters have it in for us so called expats but I could never live back in good old Essex again
€89 for council tax?
Our council tax goes up by more than that each year!
It wasn’t all bad… Savannah Bond shot some cracking scenes!! ✊?
Rebecca More and Sienna Day did some good stuff too ✊?
All I know is its going to get a lot worse before there’s any hope that it will get better.
Either the soppy madness will continue to the point Kweer Stormer walks out of No.10 in a silk dress and blonde wig…or we will see the first glimmers of hope,probably in the form of rebellion in a European country against immigration,carbon taxes,inflation etc and it will spread here..
Then we can watch the enemies of our country swing.
Sweden, Italy, Hungary, Le Pen getting close in France and what is happening in Spain with the “right-of-centre” parties-the pushback is in full motion-only you will not see the BBC, SKY eyes al reporting the facts?
et al
FU ?
I think that’s our only hope – of it happens it’s going to be more than 2 years away…
One thing I wouldn’t mind more taxes being spent on is lampposts in Westminster to make sure we have enough of them come the day?
If you’re thinking of emigrating Techno, may I suggest Madeira.
Fiercely proud of their country, a fit in or fuck off attitude, almost no crime, almost no illegals, great standard of living, low property prices, friendly locals and always a fiesta going off somewhere.
I was buying a place with vineyards there in 2019, until Convid and a dodgy estate agent fucked it all up.
Two things you can guarantee won’t change…….the green bollocks and the foreign invasion of p*nces. All politician cunts want both those things and they’re not going to change their minds.
We all know the inevitable consequences of those two policies on the country we once knew.
I just hope 2023 is the final year of the BBC and the licence fee. It’s dying a death now anyway. If more people cancel and switch off they’ll be forced to go either subscription or include adverts like ITV.
GB News have already smashed them in the ratings department.
Only a matter of time now.
On a separate note I expect to see more of the same regarding the green agenda and the invasion across the channel plus the trans and LGBTQ+DVlPBNKF Alphabet people getting more militant, however I also think a kick back from normal folk who have had enough is coming,
A turn with pitchforks against the political class is coming.
We can see the first sign of this with all these strikes on the railways and postal workers. More discontent and disruption will follow in 2023, especially if they increase energy prices even more………..
And after that gloomy analysis:
Happy New Year Cunters! All the best for 2023!
Nuclear confrontation with Vlad highly possible now that a giant bullseye has all but been painted on blighty for services to gas-pipe destruction and other skullduggeries.
Interesting to note that two of our favourite cunts, Migraine and Hazbeen, have been voted the No1 and No2 cunts we were most sick of in 2022.
When does Cunt of the Year get published here? Got to be MeAgain surely…
Off topic I’m afraid but I had to get off my chest. Annalise Dodds has said energy bills are racist, what a fucking cunt of the first order. I am absolutely sick to death of everything being racist, but only one way. I can’t wait for the people to get off their knees and start fighting back against this fucking shit.
If they are racist the black community should get 10 times as many bills as the whites – balance it up in line with media reporting!
Apologies I forgot to wish everyone a happy new year for what it’s worth. Good luck everyone.
Everything is fucking racist. If a w*g rapes somebody it’s because of systemic racism and our appalling history of colonialism and slavery. There’s no individual responsibility any more, only collective responsibility.
And the collective is you and me so get your hand in your pocket and cough up cunt. That’s what you can expect in 2023 so get ready to suck it up.
Moderation, admin?
First time for everything I suppose.
Everything in moderation, Sir Mali.
Here’s an example for all of us in 2023.
Great tits but , fuck me, those tats. That’s fucking disgusting. There’s nothing that says “slag” better than a load of ugly tats.
Not quite what I had in mind. I don’t get a lot these days but I don’t think I could, even with yours or mnc’s
“dârkiès” is a moderation trigger word, Sir Mali.
Ok. Wondered what it was, cheers for that. Will go back to calling them nicer names
Indeed. I find the word “nîggers” suffices.
When you find a shit hole country that’s any better than this shit hole country please do let me know.
When I Retired some 19 years ago now, I had no reason to remain in the UK and looked around very hard at just about everywhere.
NZ looked attractive but I couldn’t get a visa. I could go the Oz and live there three years, get Australian citizenship and then move to NZ. Seemed a bit long winded. Having visited both countries since, they’re really no better than here. Just same shit, different country.
I wish you luck because nowhere has got any better in the last 19 years as far as I can see. Thankfully as my dotage approaches, it no longer seems important. Might as well die here as anywhere else.
For those wondering, I suffer from FND (look it up you lazy cunts) and the best thing I have to look forward to in 2023 is the cataract operation on my other eye then I might be able to see properly again.
Happy days….
Wish I was half my age, I would be preparing for the upcoming race war.
My razor sharp machete is looking for a white leftwing head to cleave.
On that note, MORE ALE LANDLORD!!
Techno: you moved to Wedt Cumbria from the Midlands. That is quite a culture shock, may I suggest you up sticks and move to Penrith-a reasonably vibrant town, 98% white, good transport links and a better class of sheep-shagger.
For all us lot on here, things can only get worse. We can only reminisce about the old days of our country once being white and telling the minorities to fuck off are long gone. So long as I can keep my memories in mind without going insane, that’s all I can look forward to, if you can call it that.
Going back to that Nom about the Frenchman putting a bomb up his bum. I’ve had an idea. Concerning Mr Fiddler.
A bit like Cool Hand Luke eating the fifty boiled eggs. Mr Fiddler eats say 10. But followed by 70 juicy brussell sprouts and 5 old cabbages.
Then he drinks his gallon of Guiness. 4 or 5 bottles of Bushmills.
Now the next day comes. The tin bath is ceremonioisly brought out-Yes its Mr Fiddler (with goggles on) he’s going to do his famous ‘Sink the Bismark’ renactment.
Whispers go around the assembled crowd.
There are of course mild farts at the beginning representing bombs hitting the water. But inside of him as for the people watching tension is building. Somethng huge is coming.
‘BOOM’ he follows through. A huge great explosion. A tidal wave of water and shit everwhere.
What a spectacle it would be.
I would pay good money to see that.
Me too ??
Christ Miles, you’re brave.
Or depraved.
Haven’t quite decided. Even I won’t poke a stick in Fidlers cage, and I fear no man, woman or Yeti.
Just heard a deranged leftwing bitch on the radio crowing on about people risking their lives to cross the channel, TO ESCAPE WAR!!!
To escape the French, well can’t blame them, they are ignored by the French government and only support by the likes of Cunts4Calais, living in make shift camps.
Jump on a dinghy and it’s hotel (3 or 4 star) all meals and pocket money with a team of lawyers to make sure you are never forced to leave.
The French don’t give a shit we take shit.
I bet those are Scrounging sub human Albanians.Bren gun on sight.Filth.??
Yep, I’d fuck off to another country too if I could.
Probably Denmark, the happiest country in Europe, which may, or may not be due to the fact that 96.1% of the population is white indegenous.
Twatting, phone keyboard.
Re emigrating have you considered Albania?
I hear that it’s not overcrowded, there are no young male yobs on the streets there, and if you try it and don’t like it the UK Government will welcome you back to an unlimited stay in a fully expensed 4 star hotel while you sort things out. What’s not to like?
2022, or the last quarter of it has been the worst in my life.
My father died at the end of September, and my wife unexpectedly passed away a week later.
I’m glad this cunt of a year is over because it has taken away two of the people I loved dearly.
I am so sorry for you. Genuinely.
Bloody Nora what a load of crap to happen.
Sincere condolences.
Forget all the Anti Aussie bollocks spouted by some on here. Come here if you can get the OK. I left shithole Birmingham 46 years ago for the sun kissed shores of NSW. Forget the big cities like Sydney and Melbourne, they are as woke as fuck (and expensive ) but large country towns are the dogs bollocks. No Peacefuls or Dooshkas just maybe the odd Abo ( who are mostly dinky di ) Illegals who make the shore are instantly locked away and sent back. As an IT specialist you would make a Motza here and there is a real shortage away from the capitals. Anything to do with computers is $ 100 an hour minimum plus a call out fee . Sure there is some bullshit to put up with but the benefits certainly outweigh all of that.
Apart from Vlad kicking off it was unremarkable.the Tories and Labour contine to act as one party despite the finger-pointing panto.
I saw some fools have been leaping over each other to buy a sports drink branded by two loathsome cunts from Youtube.
The London fireworks looked like woke cunery.
More of the same in 2023. Lets hope Vlad calms down.