Water Aid [2] and Charities (5) in General

The charidee Water Aid is a cunt stuffed to the gunnels with cunts.


Viewer discretion required – this ad has it all – climate change, oppression of women, racism. CMC will not be held responsible for any offence caused. You

Their relentless TV ads on the likes of Dave and ITV4 personify just how cuntish (and actually racist) these never done a real days work in their lives lefty bastards really are.

If for just a few seconds you actually scrutinise the claims they make as opposed to immediately texting ‘give us £3 you Cunt’ surely you’d have a ‘hang on a minute’ moment.

Oh and why is it always places in Africa that need our help?

Mankind has developed and thrived by learning the lessons and mistakes of the past.

In the U.K. back in the times of the Industrial Revolution Cholera outbreaks weren’t uncommon and in time they were traced to poor sanitation of water supplies.

So we did something about it and those lessons were subsequently shipped all around the world for everyone to learn from and for free.

But not the Africans apparently.

In Africa there are tribes that can stalk big game for weeks without being detected, skills similar to those used by Special Forces but when it comes to being able to provide clean water for Safia they are fucking clueless.

Not got a Scooby Doo.

The most basic need for humans to survive is water / food / shelter but they just can’t get the water part of the deal.

And so it falls to NGO’s like Water Aid to provide this invaluable service.

Get fucked. The only service these bloated lanyard wearing coffee breath cunts provide is a big fat fucking salary for themselves, 6 weeks paid annual leave, multiple ‘away days’ to discuss the finer arts of yoghurt knitting and, the latest list of banned words and how to spot micro aggressions.

Water Aid is a Cunt in a long line of charidee scams.

Nominated by : CuntyMcCuntface


And on the subject of charities, here’s a contribution from Technocunt

I know that this has been nominated here many times before, but it still pisses me off to either get accosted by chuggers or end up with appeals stuffed through my letterbox asking for financial support for various national and/or causes.

The latest ones being the homeless here in the UK (no 4* hotels for them it seems), starving cunts in Africa (cunts who have been starving for decades but can still fuck like rabbits); the underclass in the UK (food banks mostly), and of course Children Still in Fucking Need!

Ever since the Cost of Living became a Thing, charities have been going into overdrive with their appeals to the masses wanting more and more of your money to be reallocated to those “greatly affected”

But we all know that a lot of these major charities are run more like a business, with CEOs on 6 figure salaries, and other higher-ups on 5 figure salaries, plus all the admin staff and blah blah blah to the point where at a guess for every £1 donated perhaps only 30p actually reaches those cunts in need.

And in any case this country is going through several major crisis of its own making – or rather that of this fucking government, a government intent on squeezing the working and middle classes with more and more taxation, while giving a free ride for the lazy, the feckless and the poor old migrants.

The only charities I bother with these days are mostly local – either hospices or animal sanctuaries. The main ones can go fuck themselves with an extremely long, spikey cactus!

And if a chugger comes up to me in the street looking for direct debit donations, I will tell them “I’m already a donor: I’m a fucking taxpayer and have paid many thousands into the country. Enough is enough!”

Third Sector News Link

101 thoughts on “Water Aid [2] and Charities (5) in General

  1. A terrific nom.
    Stopped giving years ago to any charity with a huge central London office and large staff on London wages to support. A racket imo.
    As for fucking Africa, you could send a zillion quid and it would end up being misused or misappropriated. Fuck knows how much money has been pored into African shitholes over the years.

  2. Excellent cunting, gentlemen.
    I’ll be at our village Church on Christmas Eve for the annual carol service. The Church is one thing I don’t mind contributing to, so I’ll happily pop a couple of pounds onto the collection plate. And take a fiver out.
    Charity begins at home.

  3. Lenny henry doesn’t want our White western money or help. Leave it up to Africa to sort their own problems out. Black lives matter can fund projects. Cunts

  4. Surely CMC is mistaken.
    Isn’t Africa the cradle of all civilisation, where every great inventor and philosopher originated from?
    Didn’t M’Tebe invent the combustion engine? Of course he did.
    Unfortunately, he died of thirst trying to get the blueprints to a venture capalist.

  5. What Africa still needs aid?

    Well knock me down with a feather, with all the amazing contributions black people have given to make this country so great, I would of thought digging a well for water would be child’s play..

  6. There are some excellent small charities. I support a local donkey sanctuary- The Flicka Foundation which has about 100 survivors of human abuse.staffed mainly by volunteers the animals are cared for in superb conditions and must be like heaven compared to their previous lives. The website is well worth a visit and donations are gratefully received.
    I welcome donkeys from the less than civilised nations; the human filth can fuck off.

    • Surely it would be a lot cheaper and loads less hassle to just shoot the donkeys?

      No-one needs to lose their job, they can be retrained as slaughter men and butchers.

  7. Ethiopia population
    1907 – 4 million
    2007 – 79 million
    2022 – estimated 122 million
    They breed like rats. No aid and famine would bring the population into a sustainable level.

    • I wish I had the power to sterilise 7.5 billion people.
      Fingers crossed for a giant famine, the world can’t possibly sustain hundreds of million more sooties in the next decade.

    • No to mention the 50 additional million out of the place stealing cars, arresting houses, raping women and goats alike
      Not in the population count. Feed the world, with those cunts.

  8. I broke the habit of a lifetime and made quite a large donation to The Injured Jockys Fund a couple of years ago….have been fucking swamped with begging letters from various charities ever since…Cunts have obviously passed on my details.

  9. Baby M’Bongo can kiss my arse.Not a penny from me.Hard cheese.Those fat cat directors ought to stick to yoghurt knitting.Oven please Unkle T.

  10. Sent them a large bucket, many years ago. I found it up the recycling centre, so it got recycled! Told them to get their own. Don”t do scrounging cunts, after my hard earnt cash.

  11. The charidee industry relies on stupidity and corruption in Africa. It supports the director’s London lifestyles. It supports the lifestyles of 1000s of hangers on. It supports the corrupt politicians of Africa.
    But why should we with our white privelige and racism contribute?

    £3 a month buys half a latte in Islington.
    £6 a month pays an executive for 30 seconds.
    £12 a month puts a few litres of petrol in Mbongo’s Range Rover

    • They could have some cunt like Ewan McGregor doing a sombre voiceover.

      “This poor charity executive is forced to live in a rented house in Penge and catch two buses and a tube into the office the one day a week he is not WFH. He can only afford the Pret A Manger smoky carrot and falafel sandwich and four Costa coffees a day as well as evening Deliveroo takeaway to survive. The man is forced to watch BritBox for fucks sake! Please give generously to keep him in the lifestyle he has become accustomed to.”

      • Just had an advert appear on behalf of ‘refugees’ fronted by that slap-headed luvvy cunt Patrick ‘Picnose’ Stewart.
        Put a couple up in your house if you’re that bothered.

  12. Where would the charity industry be without the millions of pigshit thick cunts in Africa I wonder?

    In a tight spot no doubt.

    Eventually it will become clear Water Aids and all the other beggars have been putting wells,fancy drains etc in but simultaneously bunging large sums to militant groups to promptly blow them up.

    Fuck them all.

  13. Remember all the money Bob The Fucking Knob Geldof raised in 85. Where did all that go?? Cunts are still breeding and starving. Couldn’t give a flying fuck anymore, daughter and grandkids come first. Fuck em fuck em all.
    Good evening.

  14. Fencing is what they need to learn dozy feckers, every ad has cattle pissing and shitting in the water source fence it off and let cattle go downstream, and pick your fucking rubbish up dont put it in the water.

  15. Chuggers get told to explicitly fuck off these days, such is my lack of tolerance

    Anyway, we were told that the dark continent didn’t need any more white saviours .

    No problem , I’ll keep my cash.

    Would be nice if they returned any foreign aid money too because most of that will have come from white pockets

  16. It has aways amazed me that they don’t boil the water first, before they drink it. Fire is older than gods dog, it sure ain’t that difficult to make. It
    goes with the old saying ” You just can’t help people, who can’t help themselves.”

  17. I’d like to make an appeal to anyone, ANYONE, (except his postman, he’s already on a warning), to turn up behind the bike sheds, somewhere in Worcestershire, to put our resident Rock Bulbous out of his misery. Or, for three pounds a month, you can buy him batteries for his stereo so he can continue shadow-boxing to ‘Eye Of The Tiger’. Just three pounds a month.

    Please, fellow cunters, give generously, this Christmas.

      • Sometimes comments on ISAC are so funny that I almost drop my phone, choke on my burger, spill my coffee, spit my cigar on the floor and drive my car into a group of schoolchildren simultaneously.

      • Same. I often have a squint whilst queuing to offload a patient at hospital. I often piss myself laughing and have to field questions about what I’m laughing at! Your name pops up (silently), frequently!!

    • … you want them to chip in so you can skim off the top like all those ‘influencers’ and charity organisers … just don’t go buying another one of those butt plugs that you’re so fond of. Do be careful (warning) because apparently, as I’ve read, they’re quite dangerous and misadventures can occur where they’re not readily retrievable. It’d be a shame to have to tear those striking ambulance jockey tossers away from their braziers to help in your hour of need … ?

      • Yaaaawn. Entirely predictable, Walter.

        Tell me, do you brush your teeth with Germoloids? After you’ve removed the butt plug you claim to know nothing about? Or is it a cucumber you’ve ‘Just sat on, accidently’? (I’ve met your type and had to take them to hospital to see a proctologist).

        Anyone turned up, yet? Your postman?

        Just £3 a month.

      • ‘Any issues feel free to come visit me, lets have this discussion face to face, not that the sackless cucks on the internet are generally brave enough. I live in Worcestershire so any takers drop me a message as I’d never back down. Keyboard warriors need not apply as those cunts never turn up.’

        I don’t need to ‘Skim’, Hatefillednormanomates, you do a good enough job yourself! Tick, tick, tick…

      • You don’t really understand anatomy, do you? You sound like you’re having a stroke, offering folk out left, right and centre! Under various nom-de-plumes?

        Anyone turned up, yet?

  18. Somalia is suffering, they need aid urgently, some parts are starving, however because large parts of the fucking shithole are controlled by Al shabaab they nick all the aid going into the country (or try to nick everything).

    Best leave the bubble head cunts to it, like the rest of Africa, or send in the soppy cunt who advertises water aid, he can do his fucking plumbing rather than asking every cunt to fund Al Shabaab.

  19. Is that fresh hippo piss, flowing from that pipe in the header pic? For £3 a month, If it is, then a lot of suckers will be demanding their money back.

  20. Is there a hosepipe ban still in place? Ergo we don’t have enough water.

    Seriously though if the government and charities hadn’t given Africa just enough aid to take its population from 105 million to 1 billion plus in a century Africa would be doing just fine.

    Throwing more money at them gives them just enough to sustain and multiply.

    Every government in the world it seems has an interest in aid to Africa, oddly western governments and the Chinese build a few roads and hospitals then take diamonds, gold and other rare resources in return.

    Back to British interests again.

    It’s amazing how quickly we are becoming a third world country ourselves.

  21. What is wrong with subsidising a few billion mBongos and their leaders. We have been doing so for years. Surely to turn off the gravy tap now would be so cruel and heartless the suffering would be as bad as it is now for the majority.
    Fuck me sideways how much money must we throw at Africa the whole place has turned into a shithole since the end of empire. Pull your fingers out and help yourselves, the sale of one despots private plane would supply enough wonga to drill lots of wells. It’s just a big fucking game to screw money. The only ones suffering are the ones walking miles for cattle piss who have been doing so for bloody years even though their more cuntish than ours governments have been gifted billions. What are we to do.
    Well how about show us what you did with the dosh if we are happy you may get some more. Rather than fly over African countries throwing pallets of Dollar’s out the back of c 130’s which is what they seem to do now.
    A big fuck off to the lot of em.

  22. I give fuck all to foreign charidees for 4 reasons:
    1. The UK gives billions in aid every year (some to counties with space programmes, FFS). Why the fuck should I get robbed twice.
    2. Some charidee CEOs are paid more than the prime minister.
    3. There’s loads of information available on how the West was hoodwinked over Band Aid and Live Aid (this being one of many: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-03-04/live-aid-funded-ethiopian-rebels/349434). What other shit has charidee money funded?
    4. I prefer to help deserving cases in this country. Africa’s had fucking decades to sort it’s shit out and has been given billions. Now…it’s exactly the same corrupt shithole as it’s always been.

  23. Why dont they move nearer to water source, it surely cant take much effort to move a pile of sticks and tarpaulins

    • My thoughts exactly. If the stupid cunts moved to the water they could keep the animals from pissing in it, wouldn’t have to spend all fucking day collecting it and maybe the lazy cunts could try and grow a bit of fruit and veg with a bit of irrigation. Thick cunts

    • Better still, order their water online from Sainsbury’s.

      Free delivery on orders of £40 or more. ?

  24. It’s all a load of bollocks these africa aid charities……christ, I’m nearly 60 and it’s been the same begging for money all my life. Nothing will change in another 60 years guaranteed. Keep breeding a population that are as thick as pig shit when it comes to farming methods, living in an area that cannot provide enough food and water no matter how much money is thrown at the area it won’t change what it can provided. Stop brredinbg or move to an area that can sustain you.

    I recall several years ago now a tractor manufacturer donated several new tractors to some african villages to help with the crops, and when they went back several months later to check how they were improving things, the tractors were still in the same place they were before in a state of disrepair. Although the manufacturer provided training and support to help initially, as soon as they left they villagers though it was all a bit ‘black magic’ and wouldn’t touch them and the elders told the villagers to do it the way they have always done- and the crops continued to fail.

    Africa is just a bottomless pit

  25. The food in the hotel where we stayed in Mombasa was so fucking rank that we decided to escape for a few days and go on safari.

    At every petrol station there would be at least 6 beggars.
    They would come up to the jeeps and show the tourists their various injuries.
    Holding open their eye sockets to show that they had a missing eye, showing you their withered or missing limbs etc.

    Not one of these fuckers showed the initiative to clean a windscreen or try and sell a bottle of water.

    They are lazy, useless cunts.
    All of them.

    I met a girl that worked for a big charity.
    She used to spend 6 month stretches on the Gold Coast trying to help.

    She told me that the one thing that all Africans have in common is their ungratefulness.
    They never say ‘Thank you’.

    As far as they are concerned, you are white so you must look after them.

    • We have similar eastern european beggars doing same stuff in our high street- I kid you not. Last week some cunt with one leg throwing his lump of wood crutch away in front of people so he would dramatically collapse a shoppers feet to garner sympathy. Placards stating ‘I’m cold and hungry, god bless’


  26. After years and years of sending aid to Africa, what has changed?
    Bugger all, if Water Aid is to be believed.
    You know what they say about flogging a dead horse?
    Time to call it a day, methinks.
    Charity begins at home.
    There are other, better ways to help those who need it.

    • Evening JP…all that’s changed is that all those sponging darkıes that Live Aid and Comic Relief helped in the 80’s now have 17 children each.
      So Midge Ure, bloody Lenny Henry and cunt Geldof have actually increased the Africans’ wretchedness, ultimately, and should be held accountable.

      • Yes indeed Thomas.
        They should all be found guilty of ( future) child endangerment, and sentenced to spend the rest of their lives digging wells in Africa.
        Any attempt to sing, or tell a joke, should be punished by 6 strokes of the rhino whip.

  27. Normally I give nowt to charity.
    I’m feeling very Christian today,
    It’s snowed which always cheers my mood,
    We bought a Christmas tree and decorated it,
    So in the season and spirit of goodwill to all men,
    The jungle book twins in the header pic have permission to fill a bucket from my 150yr old ,
    Very expensive stone trough in the garden.

    Shut the country cream gate on your way out and don’t touch anything else or I’ll set the dog on you.

    Merry Christmas you filthy animals ?

  28. One of the major future insanities is going to be the Water War. Fresh, clean, 100% safe drinking water is already a commodity, has been for over 100 years. Nestle are on record as wanting to own the world’s water, there’s a video on YT of the (former?) Swiss head of Nestle talking about this, it’s mental.

    Water is the number one substance there is. We take it for granted in the UK, Europe, but as the insanity of life increases this century, it might not be so easy to get your 3.7 litres of the glorious divine substance every day.

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