Victoria Walker – Can’t Afford Christmas

Move over Tiny Tim, you need to make room ( and lots of it) for this downtrodden starving person.

There’s going to be plenty of hardluck sob stories in the news over the next few days / weeks / months because nothing sells better than misery in the press these days.

Oh dear, someone said hurty words / failed to use my preferred pronoun, and so on, and on……

Lancs Live News Link

But this actually made me laugh out loud. My immediate thought was, missing a few wouldn’t hurt, you absolute heifer.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

Seconded by: CuntyMcCuntface


Have you seen the size of the munter FFS.

One can only imagine her sprogs either don’t eat anything put in-front of them or are over ordering at Domino’s.

Shameless fucking oxygen thief. How can you expect anyone to take you seriously or have one ounce of sympathy when you’re weighing in at 20 stone at 5’ 2”.

Fuck off you fat fucking feckless benefits scrounger.

75 thoughts on “Victoria Walker – Can’t Afford Christmas

  1. Throw her in Terry’s oven gas mark 6 for 6 hours. Serve with veg, roast spuds and plenty of yorkie puds and stuffing.

    Her kids can feed off her until at least Easter!

  2. Almost as bad yas those cunts the BBC were on about who were getting rid of their pets because of the cost of living crisis.

    I bet these cunts still pay their Netflix, Sky, internet, new phone and fast food delivery without issue though.

    I’d do without all that and share scraps if I had to, rather than put a pet on death row in a shelter.

    Absolute fucking cunts.

    Every cunt (apart from the wealthy, feckless and MPs) are feeling the pinch.

    Just get on with it and don’t vote for the mainstream parties. I can’t wait for a Tory candidate to knock on my door asking for my vote.

    He or she will fucking wish they hadn’t after my verbal blasting.

  3. Harpoon the beast, drag onto the ice, club to death and use the fat to light the oven.
    Dish the meat out to food banks. Let the chavs eat their own. Everyone is a winner.

  4. It’s fat, bone-idle, lazy, feckless, sponging entitled trollops like this that are the apothesis of everything that’s wrong with society. I’ll wager that her ‘Cooking’ involves either a telephone or a microwave.

    Excellent festive Cunting and I commend it to the House Of Cunts.

  5. Sell your children for organ transplant, what’s the going rate for a healthy kidney?

    Or go on a diet you greedy cow..

    Morning all.

  6. Soap factory, not that I’d knowingly wash my bits with her rendered fat and the contents of her ashtray.

  7. Morbidly obese single parent you say?

    Why isn’t the sperm donor chipping in to feed the kids?

    I wonder what colour the kids are?

  8. I suppose it’s too much to ask one of the kids’ dads to contribute something towards this hippo’s family budget.

    • He would be making himself scarce to embarrassed to admit he shagged the fat trollop. There can only be one bloke, you couldn’t possibly find two who would admit to it.

      Happy Christmas Everyone.

  9. I bet she’s moaning that the ‘government’ (taxpayers) should give her more money, so she can sit on her fat arse and order KFC and ‘Maccie Dees’ every day, as she has come accustomed to.

    Walk to the shop you fat cunt (be good for you) and buy meat and veg and fucking cook it. It’s cheaper, better for you…but you’ll need to get off your fucking arse so forget it, I suppose. I even saw some idiots claiming ‘the government ‘ should give them extra money to buy their sprogs Christmas presents. Fucking ridiculous, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see the government give in to the cunts.

    I’m just waiting for the first starvation case of some doley cunt, who’s only lived on deliveroo and can’t even make a slice of toast for themselves.

    I will fucking piss myself laughing.

    Merry Christmas!

  10. Fucking land whale. She hasn’t missed ANY fucking meals recently. Biggest load of bollocks I’ve heard this Christmas. HO HO HO, bollocks and fuck off you cunt. Get the child support agency on the fathers cases.

    Merry Christmas admins and cunters . Have a good one.

  11. I can’t be bothered to check or validate, but the amount of benefits being offered by the government for people on low incomes is quite generous by all accounts. Add to that the recently announced £400 energy refund, and the £650 CoL allowance for people on benefits. Not forgetting the 10% “pay rise” across most benefits as announced in the Autumn Statement.

    So there’s £1000 in handouts straight away, And yet it still isn’t enough according to her!

    And she’s never going to be taken seriously when she herself is morbidly obese (although I suppose that would be called fat shaming – a hate crime!)

    I suppose there will be calls from the various poverty groups that not only should poor cunts like her receive energy bill refunds, CoL handouts, plus other assorted benefits, but a nice “Christmas Bonus” of £500 + an additional £100 per child, would be most welcome!

    I talk in jest but it really wouldn’t surprise me if this godawful government did just that!

  12. Eating the kids’ leftovers if there are any?

    Absolute fucking bollocks!

    She’s got 4 kids on the dole. I wonder if she was already on the rock and roll when she had her fourth?

    Here’s an idea, don’t have loads of kids if you can’t pay for them.

    The article mentions one woman who’s working three jobs but worried about the crisis.

    Here’s another idea for this fat cunt. Get a job or two!

    I bet that’s out of the fucking question. though. Kids will have ‘behavioural ishoos’ and she’ll be on the sick I bet (bad back or mental bullshit).

  13. perhaps she should emulate that couple with 7 or 8 kids and 30 odd dogs and “earn” herself £87,000 in benefits per annum!

  14. The pies must be a shocking price round her way. Although there probably arent any left.
    I wonder what colour the kids are?
    I saw a placard ‘Nurses using food banks’ Apart from being bollocks this calls into question – ‘what are the criteria for scrounging at food banks?’
    I suspect it’s because they are there and the media is encouraging the feckless to save for their take aways, tabs, scratch cards and fancy phones by getting free food.

    • I haven’t heard of any nurse using a food bank. None of my colleagues have, as far as I’m aware, I’d wager it’d be a Band 2 or similar, that works in a hospital. Because, to the media and the public, everyone that works in a hospital is a doctor or a nurse just like every Ambulance Driver is a paramedic.

  15. I meet a lot of feckless cunts like this, in the line of duty. ‘Babbie’s’ got a temperature – 999 as they’re ‘entitled to’. Go in to a shit-hole that looks like a Thalidomide Jumble Sale, so fucking hot you’re unsure if the building’s on fire – we’re paying for the heating, usually a window open as it’s too hot, kids running around in vest and pants like a 1970’s PE lesson. Called the doctor? Given them paracetamol? (After explaining that Calpol IS paracetamol – it says it on the fucking packet) And then stand by for a barrage of abuse when you tell them you have to take them to hospital due to the childs age and policy and there’ll be a fucking long wait. The cunts.

    Merry fucking Christmas…

  16. Compare her to the lads who survived the Jap prison camps. Those lads were starving up fat slob.
    Happy cuntmas.

  17. Poor Vicky.

    All skin an bone.

    The Karen Carpenter of the benefits system.

    Get bindiving.

    • ‘Your £27:09 a month will keep anorexia nervosa away from Vicki’s door. Just £27:09 per month’.

      And her local Greggs in profit.

  18. 12 months worth of expenditure on Cigarettes, Just Eat takeaway’s, new i-phones, tattoo’s, new Nike trainers and Alcohol would have easily covered the cost of Christmas but unfortunately chav scum like the nom have no sense of priority and money self control.

    People who are given money do not respect it and therefore waste it.

    May I suggest the fat cunt in the nom stops racking out kids she cannot afford to raise, gets herself a job and along with it some self respect and responsibility and learns how to manage her finances and save £40 a month from January 2023 so that by December 2023 she’ll have at least £480 to put towards Xmas, which by many standards is more than enough to buy food and presents and have a good time.

    But I guess we’ll be seeing her again this time next year playing the eternal victim albeit with and extra few tattoos and an increased waist size from all of the Greggs and McDonald’s consumed over 2023.

    ‘Being broke is temporary, Being poor is eternal’

  19. Years ago poor people were thin, now poor people seem to be FAT.

    Puzzles me, it must cost quite a bit to get FAT.


    • Living hand to mouth they say?
      More like eating hand, mouth, legs, body and anything else this fuc*ing retard fat cu*t can get in her giant pie hole.

  20. The fat cunt will certainly have a decent phone. So will all the kids. It’s Christmas, & where are all the fathers? I am only guessing, but it looks like maybe four have gone A.W.O.L. There’s probably a fat 4×4 parked somewhere outside as well. Ready for the school run in the new year.

  21. Whoever mounted that could do with a medal for bravery.

    Be of good heart gentleman.

    Good morning and Happy Christmas.

  22. I would nickname her ‘Pez,’ because she probably hides sweets & chocolate up her cardigan sleeves.

  23. The White Lightning must be flowing like water where this mastodon lives, I couldn’t drink enough to fuck the ugly bitch, so how did she get pregnant at all?
    Has anyone seen the kids lately? the fat bastard has probably eaten them and still claims child benefit. I think that’s what she means by eating the kids leftovers.

  24. Where is/are the dad/dads

    She’s eaten them!!

    Her eleven year old daughter offered her pocket money, what a lovely Christmas tale, what really pisses me off is the sad fucking reporters trawling through the council estates to find bullshit sob stories ?

    Definitely a candidate for a stomach band, that will cut the food bill by 80% or an upgrade on the iPhone, IPad, TV, laptop ……

    Merry fucking Christmas ?

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