The Multilingual NHS (25)

The Multi National Health Service

A short sharp cunting for the NHS

Having just opened a letter inviting me for Flu Jab there’s an additional 2 pages listing the instruction in no less than 29 languages.

I can’t be arsed to list them all but what the fuck is Tagalog and Twi???

What a steaming pile of Cunt.

Who the fuck speaks that and learn English you cunts or fuck right off back to where you came from.

Nominated by: CuntyMcCuntface

99 thoughts on “The Multilingual NHS (25)

  1. The advert for a Director of Lived Experience (2 nominations ago) was written in a foreign language too. Presumably the use of comprehensible English has now been banned by the NHS as it’s racist innit.

  2. Tagalog is from the Philippines and twi is from fucking Ghana. You can hear them spoken in any High Street in Londonstabistan, if you can distinguish them from all the other foreign babble.
    Welcome to multi cultural Britain……our brave new world!

  3. Is this for the staff or patients?

    I’d save them millions by immediately banning this practice. If you seek treatment in an English NHS hospital then you speak English.

    I’d then charge the overseas customers for the service, if they can’t pay then oh well, sorry, there’s the exit on your left.

    When did it become the International Health Service, sometime after 1997 and Bliar I suspect,

  4. The health centres here in Spain have to be seen to be believed.

    Mrs Cunter has to visit one regularly for injections into her hip as she is waiting for a replacement.

    Every time that I go with her the place is half full of English, all jabbering away in their own language.
    It seems like they all know each other and the clinic is some sort of meeting place where they can catch up on their friends trivial ailments.

    The health centre will not attend to anyone unless they can speak Spanish or they have an interpretor.

    So the Spanish speakers sit in their own group.

    That’s the way things should be.
    Either speak the language of the country you live in or pay someone else to speak for you.

    Every year many people sell up and return to the UK.
    The given reason is usually that they want to see more of their grandkids.

    The real reason is that they are frightened of failing health and not being able to communicate with doctors and nurses.

    Fuck them.
    Learn to speak the language you cunts.
    You don’t have to be fluent, just make some fucking effort, you lazy, ignorant bastards.

    • Yep, I’ve two older neighbours, miserable fuckers, a husband and wife lived in Spain for almost 30years, moved back to Blighty around three years again, citing closeness to the family, however when putting the bins out one day the auld cunt let slip that it was mainly to do with his failing health and better treatment i the UK.

      I’d make the cunts pay as well as I don’t think during his 30years in the sun the fucker was sending much cash back home to cover his medical bills in later life.

      • Better treatment on the HHS?

        It’s 8:45 here at the moment.
        If I call the health center now I can speak to the receptionist and get an appointment for this morning.

        If she is busy on other calls then I will be transferred automatically to the automated service where I can book an appointment for this morning.

        If after seeing a doctor I need a visit to a consultant then the doctor will book it for tomorrow.

        The Spanish health service is first class.

      • I had my spleen taken out in Spain many years ago. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the Spanish health service. Mind you in those days (mid-70ks) They had nuns in charge of the ward and the nurses wouldn’t do any work between the navel and the knee, you had to get family to do that bit for you.

    • I’ll take your word for it Artful.

      I must ask my neighbour as he clearly thinks it better in Blighty, he obviously likes listening to a prerecorded phone message and the chance to see a GP sometime never.

      • If you have a valid SIP card (Tarjeta Sanitaria Personal) you can access the Spanish Health Service.

        These are only issued to people who have paid into the system by taxes or are EU citizens of pensionable age.
        No longer available to British pensioners after Brexit.

        Since COVID all non life threatening conditions are attended to relatively quickly.
        Serious conditions, very quickly.

        The hospitals here do not treat anyone without a SIP card, even if that person happens to be Spanish.
        Those people have to pay for treatment, even accident and emergency treatment, in private hospitals or health care centres.

        Here is one example of the efficiency of the emergency service that can be accomplished when hospitals are not bogged down with non essential work…….

        There is no line of ambulances outside the hospitals here.
        Ambulances are used to take injured people to the hospitals. A return journey is not what the ambulance and crew are employed for.
        They are not a taxi service.

        That being the case, ambulances are not based at the hospitals.
        They can be seen parked up at bases next to main roads where they will actually be needed and can get to any emergency quickly.

        Another point……
        It is all well and good to have forms printed out in dozens of different languages.
        But anyone can fill out a form.
        It’s actually talking to the medical professionals that is important.
        How many translators are employed by the NHS, and how much does it cost the tax payer for this extravagance?

  5. I just don’t understand anybody who can’t agree with the basic principle of: Can’t speak the language? Then fuck off, cunt.

  6. Instead of the UK taxpayer funding all this shit, if you no speaky English YOU foreign cunts pay for it. I guess that’s my NHS non job gone.

  7. A big sarcastic cunting thanks to Satan’s Envoy Tony Blair for opening the doors to unparalleled and extreme immigration. What you are seeing now with this NHS nom is because of that utter sheep’s cunt Blair and his destructive open door immigration policies from 1997 onwards.

    May Lady Brittania herself come to life and impale the horrid little cuntoid Blair with her trident, then set her Lions on the fucker………

    • I wish someone would. I’d do it myself but i’m still number 23 in the ‘call queue’.
      I have no idea how they have resisted or are getting away with it, but the booking in screen at my surgery only displays in English. My sons surgery in contrast has around 30 flags to select from. Ridiculous.

    • Morning,Barron.

      While I agree that Blair was and is an utter Cunt….The Tories have had 12 years and 6 years since the Country voted for Brexit ( take back control of our borders) and immigration both legal and illegal has gone through the roof…never higher….463,000 student visas alone alone this year!….wonder how many of them will go home.

      Fair enough blaming Blair for unlocking the door but it has been the Tories who have allowed and encouraged the totally out of control situation in which the Country now finds itself.

      As I say,Blair may well be a Cunt but to try and lay the blame for the current immigration fiasco is a bit rich, I reckon.

      • Indeed DF.

        I think the public have finally had enough of the Tories’ bullshit now though. Nobody is buying their bullshit anymore.

        Labour will piss it.

        Will things get better? I very much doubt it. They’re full Greta and want as many immigrants as possible.

        But at least they don’t hide the fact they want to destroy the country.

        The Tories are worse for promising to sort it all out and get tough, then doing the same as labour would do. Or worse FFS!

        They deserve to go and I hope it destroys the party forever.

        Reform are probably the only cunts worth voting for, but they’ll be abused to fuck by the media (like UKIP were) and have no chance too.

        Your next prostrate exam will probably be administered by a large, dark skinned tranny with hands like Pat Jennings, so there’s that to look forward to, I suppose.

      • So true DF we are out of the EU the tories had a big majority and years to sort out the mess but no it’s now an even bigger fucking mess. Proves the point that our leaders are more than happy to import millions of unqualified grabbing cunts.
        Just read in the Daily Fail that a person working for the border agency who has been in U.K. for 20 odd years may in fact be an illegal originates from the Balkan’s no less, been arrested with others in a suspected corruption case.
        Want to stay in England you speak passable English after one year or you fuck off.

      • Your post reminded me Black Biscuit of a conversation I had with a Canadian in London in the seventies. He told me there were many Indians in Canada who were welcomed as entrepreneurs with a strong work ethic but after being in Canada for a year they were tested on their command of English and required to meet a certain standard of fluency. Sanctions for failure were not mentioned but I got the impression that failure was in fact virtually unknown. Wonder if that still applies?

  8. Healthcare is relatively expensive and for the well off only in some countries.

    Add this to not having dole, free housing and free education for their 10 kids, you see why they come.

    If, for example, they want their kids to be taught by British trained teachers in Bongoland, they’ll have to send their kids to an international school. Fees for these schools are astronomical (about 15k up usually). Not saying our school education is worth that (it isn’t) but it all adds up.

    They basically hear they can live like kings over here.

    I’m not sure why we are allowing so many in. But I do think it’s deliberate rather than stupidity/virtue signalling.

    Argument is they’ll pay for pensions due to falling birth rates. It’s bollocks. A lot of them either don’t work or end up on low incomes claiming tax credits etc. Or go ‘self employed’ and tax dodge to fuck. After the money it costs for their housing, healthcare and education, it’s a big net drain having th here.

    Perhaps we could improve birth rates by reducing immigration (and repatriating a lot too) and then building loads of houses to reduce prices for first time buyers? Fire up the coal and nuclear and use those for energy. Fuck taking sides in the Ivan’s wars. Energy costs will fall to normal rates. This extra income and having the ability to buy a home would then improve the birth rate, obviously. And fuck the net zero bollocks.

    But no.

    Let’s flood the place with third world shit and not upset Greta Cuntface.

    The reason your doc’s waiting room if filled with these cunts?

    Because they know it’s ‘free’. They go in for the slightest twinge as it makes them feel posh, the fucking pricks.

    If they had to pay they’d never fucking go.

    • Trouble is, our own people have become too enamoured of a “Governmint should pay for me to live the life of Reilley without working” lifestyle.
      Employers need low-skilled workers and our own people now consider such jobs beneath them…of course the Government will allow low-skilled migrants to flood in because without them a hell of a lot of the “shitty” jobs would go unfilled…and although these jobs may,by some,be considered “shitty”,they are necessary.


      • Morning DF.

        It’s a double edged sword that one DF. Dooshka plumbers, for example, have made it so UK plumbers can’t charge the Earth in some parts of the country. Good for the consumer (if you find a good one), but bad for British workers. All this seems ok until it’s your own job they come for I’d say, reducing pay and rights (for those that do work).

        I do take your point. If some feckless cunt refuses to work on the bins or sweep the streets, for example, just stop their dole.

        They’re supposed to do this but never fucking do, it seems.

        There is no fucking way you should be without work for over a year too if able bodied and minded. I’d just let these cunts starve.

        And there is no fucking way any cunt should claim more than 70% of a 40 hours a week minimum wage job. I heard the other day about some twat getting 87 grand a year on the rock and roll. No fucking way should that be a thing.

        I don’t fucking care how many kids they dropped. Put them up for foster care if needed.

        Morning DF and fellow cunters, and all the best for 2023.

      • Morning Cuntybollocks.
        I just had two Polish builders install a new kitchen and refurbish the rest of the flat. I was gobsmacked on how skilled and professional they were . No job was a problem for them And they charged half the price the British builders would have charged.

      • Aye FF.

        I’d do the same so I’m a hypocrite.

        But if I was a local plumber being undercut by 50% I’d be pissed off if I couldn’t now pay my mortgage etc.

    • Remember that survey done by Labour and it’s supporters, how much money the immigrants generated for the country. Thing is the majority of subjects in the survey were doctors, engineers, dentists you get the drift. Totally ignored the millions of unskilled rabble. When those were taken into account the trumpeted figures looked rather wank.
      Our leaders eh, what a bunch of lying two faced cunts.

  9. It’s starts innocently enough with some do-gooder saying we should be printing leaflets in other languages..

    Then fast forward 25 years and these scroungers want translators cause they still haven’t learnt the language.

    And to be front of the queue and giving preferential treatment to boot.

    All for a service that they have probably never paid a penny into..

  10. It’s only a matter of time before English is relegated to the back of communication such as this, or removed entirely. It will be seen as the preserve of the indigenous British, the least deserving of all groups in the UK. Whilst if you’ve never been to Blighty, but have just flown in from the South Sudan and are 8 3/4 months pregnant…

    • Aye Mr McCunt it’ll not be long before we need a translator when using “Our NHS”.

      The wishywashy abject cunts that promote this multilingual dung should be shot.

  11. 29 languages? I wouldn’t be surprised if it soon became 30 with third world clicks and whistles.

    It must be a modern British cultural thing, pandering to this third world detritus.

  12. I just phoned for a doctor’s appointment.

    It’s been that long the phone number was wrong.

    Explained to the receptionist I’d got some viral thing I can’t shake,
    Not slept properly in days,
    Like I’m drowning in infected snot.

    Appointment for 11am today.

    She didnt ask if I spoke Tagalog?

    • A lot depends on where you live,. MNC.

      I have a similar experience to you (not many diversity round my gaffe, thank fuck.)

      However, previous place I lived was full of diversity and it was hard to get an appointment and the waiting room was rammed.

      • That’s what happens in New Mills if you own an artisan country cream gate.

        You get the full gay experience ?

      • Indeed DF.

        Obviously his ‘Cunter of the Year’ award has gone to his head.

        I did warn him about the invite to Dame Elton’s paddling pool party, but he wouldn’t listen as he wanted to hobnob with the stars.

        “I don’t party with riff raff anymore, get out of my way!” were his last words as he closed his country cream gate.

  13. The UK can pander to the rest of the world as much as it wants, but it will never be enough for some cunts.

    The English language itself is slowly being defragmented via text speak, ghetto-speak, Americanisms and of course the cancelling of certain hurty words.

    I wonder if there’s a “Director of Foreign Language interpretations” earning £100k+ in a similar vain to the Director of Lived Experience?

    I also suspect that if a foreign language doesn’t appear on NHS documents and websites, some cunt will shout racism and sue!

    • On that note techno, I will predict when labour come to power the dinghy filth will be re-payed the money it cost them to be smuggled here.

      I’m just surprised no-one has thought of this yet..

      I wonder if I have time before new year to take a online law course..

      • I can just imagine the next Labour government introducing a new “Migrant Resettlement & Inclusion Tax”

        This won’t be paid by migrants of course, but will be an additional tax on all indigenous households in England and Wales and will run alongside the Council Tax.

        The amount of tax will depend in the diversity makeup of the town, city or borough in question – if you have a high density of migrants from different countries/cultures, then expect to pay far more tax for them to resettle and expand their own cultural needs.

        Someone like Freddie the Frog, for example, who I believe lives in the Smoke, could well see a Migrant Resettlement & Inclusion Tax of around £2000 per annum.

        Whereas someone like Lord Fiddler and his mansion estate in far-flung Northumberland might be charged £25.75p per annum (although I suspect he will be up in arms about that, lol)

        You may think I’m talking absolute bollocks (as usual), but you just never know what to expect from our governments these days.

  14. I dispute your prognosis.

    I may have caught it licking toilet seats but it’s not AIDS.

    I’ve had that ?

    • Monkey-Pox?…..have you been sexually assaulting Aids infected monkeys ?….best tell the Doctor…they’ll need to know.

      • I think it’s something I ate?

        The trifle at Chris Pinchers Christmas party?

        The chips n gravy at Angela Rayner’s birthday party?

  15. We’ve been told to ‘Stay at home. Save the NHS’. Clap like retarded, performing seals on our doorsteps etc, when the truth is, the NHS is being destroyed from within.
    If we were forced to pay 75% income tax, there still wouldn’t be enough money to cover the vested interests, wokery and left wing idealism that infests the upper reaches of our ‘envy of the world’.

    • It was on its knees long before Covid. I went for a blood test in 2019, and I was one out of seven white English people in a waiting room of four hundred. The rest of whom were African and Muslim migrants. God’s honest truth.

  16. Don’t get me started on these fuckers. African sods who have been creaming it off the NHS and the welfare system for over ten years. Yet the devious cunts claim not to know any English. They also don’t know how to say please or thank you, the ill mannered vermin. Yet they get treated like fucking royalty, the bastards. And if I hear ‘Is there anyone in the buliding who speaks Swahili?’ once more….?

    And two P@k!s put in cunt masterclasses only two days ago in the kidney unit. One – a dirty old cunt – stank the place out with seriously destructive B.O. Absolutely rank and an authentic health hazard. While the the other – the dirty bitch who showed her smelly arse – kept disrupting other patients being seen to because she always gets out of bet while wired to the machine and pretends to be ill to try and get off early. She knows exactly what she’s doing, yet most of the staff indulge her, treat her like a baby, and come running every time. If the smell doesn’t make me sick, then their behaviour and dirty tricks will. Bastards and cunts. Deport the lot.

  17. I knew somebody who worked as a doctors’ receptionist in, shall we say, a “wonderfully diverse area”. The patients could have a paid for interpreter accompanying them but the poor receptionists didn’t enjoy any such aid!

    Also, when new “diversity” arrived not yet “knowing the ropes” they used to say things in Pidgin English like “we get furniture here?” (at a doctors’ surgery).

    Further, a lot of “arrivals” gave the same address (maybe 100 people supposedly living in a small terraced house – pretty unlikely even for them).

    Vote some conservatives in – they’ll sort it out (?????

    • “Vote some conservatives in – they’ll sort it out”…sad thing is, some real Conservatives would sort it….fuck only knows just what the present bunch really are.


      • Good morning

        The “present bunch” were elected flying a false flag – that’s what makes them doubly bad and, if there is any natural justice, will cause them to be wiped out at the next GE. To be replaced by “another bunch” who will carry on the same without ever having said what they stand for!

  18. My local dentists. A quiet little place in a quiet little area, but it was swamped with African types demanding interpreters. When was this? 2018. They can’t even take new patients now because of this infestation of fuzzie wuzzies.

  19. I believe Tagalog is the language of the Philippines. Ironic seeing most of our NHS nurses are now Phillipinos and will already speak Tagalog.

  20. When my old dad was still working with us,
    We’d get jobs off the council for asylum seekers.

    We went to this flat and it was a African woman an young kids.

    She looked like that Fela kunta from Sista space.
    Big fuck off headress, swanning about in bare feet ( in winter).

    She needed a taxi to go to her new address and in broken English asked my dad if he paid for it?!!!

    His face was a picture,
    Confused, outraged, disgust all in under a second

    “What?! Do I fuck!”

    • Reminds me of a wonderful incident we had with one of our electricians who had been sent in to apply putty pads to light switches in the newly handed over athletes village.

      Having done the job in one flat the illegal gimmegrant filth that had infested the flat told our sparks that the hob in its brand new, taxpayer funded place didn’t work and proved it by sticking some manky old pan on the hob.

      “That pan won’t work. Its an induction hob” says the sparks.

      “YOU! GET ME NEW PAN” says the illegal.

      Things got a bit heated from there and I have it on good authority our sparks told the cunt to fuck off back to whatever shithole it came from if it wanted free pots and pans.

      We had to handpick our sparks after that based on their ability to not say a single word to the illegals.

  21. I wonder if our beloved MPs, ministers, Guardian/BBC journalists, celebs and footballers have to wait around in NHS waiting rooms mixing it with their “deserving” migrants desperate to see a GP or doctor?

    Can you imagine Jeremy Hunt sitting in the same waiting room as 9 Pakistanis, 12 Nigerians and 5 Albanians?

    Can you imagine Gary Lineker doing the same with 20 Syrians stinking the place out while he tries to pretend to love them?

    Of course not, because one suspects these cunts go private, or have some kind of influence within the NHS where they don’t have to mix with the same kind of cunts they publicly embrace!

  22. And speaking of health problems, I see the bat eaters can travel again.

    Apparently two flights to Milan 35 of 62 and 62 of 120 tested positive.

    I can only imagine what our worthless government will implement..
    Oh that’s right fuck all.

    So expect to be coughed on by rice botherers in the near future.

    • I saw that Barry. The yanks have issued an immediate test program on all chinks that come in , but not here FFS. 18 months ago we couldn’t sit on a park bench or go on the beach without being arrested but Charlie Chang who is a high risk can swan into Blighty unchecked.

    • Aye. We shouldn’t be letting these cunts in, but they will.

      And it’ll be lockdowns again, the cunts.

    • It won’t be helped by the Chinese New Year on 22 January causing a lot of travel to and from China. It won’t be a case of “saalt uand vingaar” more like “you likey bat-flu on chips ees fee”!

      • I seem to remember the bat flu spread around like mad woman’s shit last time the rinkydinks were allowed to travel for chinky new year.

        Obviously, lessons have not been learned. Because banning slitty eyed dog munchers from spreading their diseases is racist.

      • Just that Odin.

        The world has got the rather gay omnicron variant which means nobidy cares.

        The bat muchers have had no cunt in our out for over 2 years. They’ll probably start spreading that Delta shite or whatever they’ve got over there.

        Well, they’ll spread it around in any country daft enough to let them in without checking.

        Yes, no lockdowns etc, but we shouldn’t be letting these cunts in until we know that they’re carrying the same gay variant around.

        I’d not let them in at all anyway. Not after the COVID shit they caused and never accepted any responsibility for, the dirty cunts.

  23. Another obscene waist of our money going into the NHS. Along with 16 million a year on diversity officers and whatever they spend on Mindfulness coaches

    • Our country has become a health service with a nation loosely attached. The holy behemoth that the NHS has become swallows more and more money for fewer and fewer returns. To question it is heresy. No one will reform it or tackle its abuses – they are angels, don’t you know, the best of British! So much so they had to be made the centrepiece of the Olympics opening ceremony. Your duty is to shove more and more of your income down it’s gaping maw whilst it spits out the remains of those it’s failed through waiting lists and poor cancer survival rates. In the meantime, stand and salute the flag of the NHS and sing “God Save the NHS”.

      There has to be a better way?

  24. My girlfriends mum has lived in France for the last 25 years.

    Recently her partner died but it was a 6 month decline following a Stroke.

    She speaks fairly good French but had to have a friend with her who used to be a French teacher back in the day to truly understand and help interpret some technical stuff.

    She lives near Bordeaux and it’s not uncommon for the Frenchies in that region to speak some English but everything and I mean everything was conducted in French.

    I think what’s really behind all this pandering bollocks is money.

    I recently met a chap who worked as a Performance Manager in the NHS. Fuck me what an interesting conversation that was, genuinely.

    His verdict was proper to the point ‘it’s fucked’.

    I shared with him my opinion that the unbelievable sums of money been thrown at it were 2 fold, 1 so they could score political capital and 2 that it came straight back out into the pockets of their cronies.

    His response was that I had just about nailed it.

    And that’s a worry.

    As I’ve said before on here I’ve always voted Conservative but never again or not until they become Tory’s instead of a strange version of New Labour but I suspect they are too far gone now to be able to return.

    And the problem that Labour have is they always use the lazy trope that the Tory’s want to privatise the NHS and charge us for it. Fuck me that’s pathetic.

    We are charged through direct taxation and for me it’s around about £6k a year or it was when that cretin Osbourne used to send us a pie chart breaking down where my taxes were spent.

    I totally get that the private sector has to support the NHS but surely it would be a better strategy to highlight the ridiculous sums of money exiting it via ridiculous schemes like translating into 29 languages?

    Maybe that’s already been done and quite possibly as we’ve all been ground down by so many fucking scandals we just don’t care anymore as we realise there’s fuck all we can do to change it.

    How depressing.

    • Not only are the CONservatives no longer the “least worst option” they are no longer conservative. There is no viable alternative but that’s no reason to vote for them any more. Either vote Reform, spoil the ballot or don’t vote. It will be a long process but, just maybe, a Liebore/LibDumb coalition will introduce a meaningful PR system that might give the likes of Reform a fighting chance the next time around. About the only hope we have I think.

    • Oh and I forgot to add, the French Health system looked after him brilliantly and my girlfriends mum has zero intention of coming back to a blightly for any reason and she’s 84.

      The French and German Health care systems are similar to ours but you can pay an additional amount I think she pays €100 a month but can’t remember if that was for 2 and you get fantastic care and no waiting lists.

      Our health care system is being ponced by greedy rich cunts friends of this shambolic ‘government’, you only have to look at the so called Covid pandemic and cunts like Michele Mone to see how these shit cunts monetised it.

      Shame on them. Mind you Michele Mone would get and twice on a Sunday, I’d give her the best 2 minutes of her life


  25. Can we stop going on about these foreign cunts. They’re not going to go away.
    Let’s have a nominee we can really get our teeth into, like one of our own and give them a good old cunting without fear of any backlash.

  26. Can’t really blame the NHS. You can blame successive governments since Thatcher who have allowed this country to resemble the United fookin Nations on every High Street whether they’re white European criminals, brown Asian criminals, or black African criminals.

    Hoo-eeee, what a bunch of cunts.

  27. With no major independent oversight the NHS is free to do as it pleases. Made up non productive jobs for the boys. Whilst indigenous white British people spend 10 hours on a trolley in a corridor if indeed they actually get inside a hospital. Indulged by a Government that is also free to let in 500,000 undocumented, illegal and without doubt in some cases, terrorist sleeper cells into the country every year. How will the NHS ever be run efficiently with inefficiency in Government? Talk about banging your head against a brick wall, although I wouldn’t recommend doing that, a 46 hour wait in A & E surrounded by the worlds imported crap doesn’t sound very appealing.

    • Not 500,000,Bob………..In the year ending (YE) June 2022, long-term immigration into the UK was estimated at around 1.1 million. This is an estimated increase of 435,000 compared with the YE June 2021

      • Aye and they can only build about 150,000 houses a year.

        Obvious result of this is increased housing demand and a rise in rental prices, as actually buying a home becomes a pipe dream for many.

        It’s almost as if loads of MPs own and let properties and are heavily sponsored by large construction companies or something?

        If there is a ‘conspiracy’ in all this, I’d put my money on it being that.

        These cunts only care about troughing.

        It’s not Guy Fawkes’ effigy I’ll be putting on the bonfire from now, put it that way.

      • Fucking hell Mr Fiddler. Honestly didn’t know it was that high. How can any economy never mind ours cope with those numbers? Infrastructure, housing, hospitals etc? Absolute lunacy,

      • That’s what makes me laugh about people getting obsessed with the dingy-riders….40,000 against 1.1 million !

        Of course the illegals should be stopped but they are a mere fart in a thunderstorm.

      • Aye and the ones leaving are professionals who pay a fair bit into the tax coffers for the most part.

        In return we get mostly unqualified, thick as fuck, speaky no English grasping cunts.

        We are fucked.

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