The Living Wage

For some reason I always think of those two other words “Affordable Housing,” every time I hear this mentioned.

Anyway, soon to rise to £10.40/hour. It’s been so exciting, getting those little payments in gradual increments, over the past few years, that my employer, like so many others, has had no control over. So for all those others on the bottom rung of the pay scale, who have actually bothered to get off their arses, like me, and go and do an honest days work, then good show!

Back in 2008, after being made redundant a number of times, I made a career change from engineering. There was a “Living Wage,” back then, but my money had always been, well above. In my area however, Work was drying up. So I made the move to security, which turned out to be a different ballgame.

Security companies, as I soon found out are a notorious bunch of tight fisted cunts, and some even seem to begrudge paying out this so called “Living Wage” to it’s employees, when it is a legal requirement. Mine is no exception. I take all the risks, and if I ‘fuck up,’ like some of the poor chaps I have worked with, could end up being hospitalised. It’s a dangerous world out there, and for all my efforts, I get a pretty dismal pay cheque, each month in return.

My head honcho, so I have learnt, pays himself a “Living Wage” of some £400/hour, for running his ‘family business.’ A greedy cunt by all accounts, and the word greedy just happens to rhyme with his surname.

The company is all ‘Money Money Money,’ that doesn’t give a toss about it’s ‘Bread Winning Workforce.’ I don’t care any more, now that I am getting ever closer to retirement. As long as those cunts at the D.W.P. don’t at the last minute, get the bright idea of chucking another year on top of that last one, something that still really pisses me off. It’s also a bit late now, for any more career changes.

So having worked for 50 years, it will be ‘Gardening Leave,’ and ‘Light Duties’ for me.

That final working day, just can’t come quick enough! The “Living Wage? Get to fuck!

Nominated by: Lord Scunthorpe

59 thoughts on “The Living Wage

  1. Balls to the Living Wage!
    Go on the Benefits and earn yourself a 10% pay rise courtesy of the taxpayer

  2. Living wage, £420.00 / wk, by the time you’ve paid rent/mortgage/council tax/gas/electric/transport/food, there’s nowt left….I wonder if king jug ears could live on min wage…

    Probably not….!

    • Fair days pay for a fair days work.

      I don’t think that’s much to ask?

      Work gives a man dignity.
      Self respect.

      If you pay peanuts you get monkeys.
      I pay anyone labouring for me £15phr.
      Have done for a while.
      It’s hard work, no breaks,
      They deserve it.

      I’ve worked for shite pay when younger,
      I know how it feels.

      • Evening Miserable. You pay good money. ?

        My first full time job I got paid two shillings and seven pence an hour (£5 a week).

        Did I complain? Did I fuck! No, it paid for 20 Sovereign tabs a day, petrol for my shitty Lambretta, a few pints, and a secondhand LP or two from the market on Saturdays.

        Couldn’t have been happier! ?

      • Sorry Ruff, just seen this,
        I pay FAIR pay.
        I need a worker to turn up in a morning.
        Treat a bloke like shite where’s his insentive?

      • Blimey.

        10 no 6.
        3 pints of john willies bitter.
        Packet of smiths crisps .

        2p change left from a 50p piece… happy days

  3. A gigantic,bloated “welfare” system yet the minimum wage is a tenner an hour?

    The financial system of this country is a steaming great cunt.

  4. The living wage will increase by around 10% along with pensions and benefits, that is a problem because the cunts on benefits will have no more incentive to get a job than the do now.
    Sitting on one’s arse with free money, all we hear is people don’t want to be on benefits and would rather work, yes in fucking dream land.
    Make work pay, well start by sticking the living wage up to £11 or £11.50 and freeze benefits then you will really see who is actually incapacitated, make work really pay!
    You could guarantee that the alleged 600,000 economically inactive but capable of work would down the job centre ‘gis a job mate’

    • Absolutely no criticism of those decent sorts that work for 10/11 quid an hour, but I really wouldn’t bother.

      I know different people have all sorts of different skills, along with different families and problems and have no choice, but fck that.

      It’s a disgrace that some get so much when most get so little.

  5. Shit pay is good as it gives one the initiative to get better skilled, educated, and worth more.
    There should be NO guaranteed living wage.
    Hunger is a good motivator to produce.

    • I have often thought that those who are long term unemployed and in good health could be charged with fruit picking or cutting grass verges, cleaning graffiti or clearing waste ground and any number of things that need doing, until a permanent job materialises? It would be fair to pay a bit more than the usual dole, but otherwise really what would be wrong with that, and what objections could anyone have, given that they are meant to be available? Some people have gone apeshit at me when I’ve suggested this, saying that would be demeaning and so on, but aren’t most jobs a bit demeaning at times? Having to kowtow to people with one brain cell or no social skills, for example.

      • Nothing demeaning about manual work as far as I’m concerned…it’s served and suited me well for a lot of years whereas some office job would have been my idea of hell.

  6. The minimum wage should be much more. But that will fuel inflation you say. It may do so, but you’d be able to pay less tax, as all the burocrats would not be needed as no one in work would need benefits.

  7. Without exception the companies I worked for were only interested in making as much dosh as poss. The welfare of the workforce was of the “ if you don’t like it fuck off”.I have had the misfortune of risking my neck for a pittance of a salary but you get big bonus each month if the office makes enough to cover the bosses wages and there’s a bit left over. By hell one worked for that bonus and every other month we got some.
    Whilst one can earn good money if well qualified or lucky. Without a doubt the best jobs I had were government jobs, tea, lunch breaks, out the door at 5 o’clock and though not paying much did not have to half kill myself to earn it

  8. Pay peanuts you get “Ms” (can’t say monkey, – hurty word might get arrested!)

    Pay shedloads and you get greedy fat cunts callled politicians, union leaders, civil servants, mardy footballers and cunty celebs.

  9. Unfortunately the ‘Living Wage’ is a big draw to the Dooshka-dooshka’s and sub Saharan filth who’s own countries living wage would be about 85 pence an hour in comparison hence the hoards of them arriving on our shores and taking on all those jobs that ‘The Lazy White British’ can’t be arsed to do.

    This is why Britain is Broken, as both Labour & Tory love immigrants.
    Both parties have this rotten perception that White British are lazy cunts. So Labour get immigrants in for the vote and Tories get them in for cheap-ass workers for their business’s.

    The majority of white British are not lazy. They rightly demand a decent living wage which the Labour and Tory scum will never grant. Who the fuck can run a household with kids on £10.59 an hour? Yes the Dooshka’s and Africunts can but then who wants to sleep ten to a room in a dodgy HMO owned by a corrupt parking Stanley in either Hackney or Yardley?

  10. Bring in a social credit rating system for lazy cunts who can’t be bothered to look for work.

    As for raising the Living Wage, it may put an extra strain on some employers in certain sectors already suffering from inflated costs for energy, food, rates, rents and a host of other costs.

  11. Well, I have 23 children and I am a single parent. I also have not worked. Ever. So doing rather well. Innit.

  12. I saw an Advert on the back of a Nestle Truck Boasting ‘Proud to pay the Living Wage’

    Aldi are the Same playing the Lady Bountiful

    Greedy Big Companies can afford to as its all tax allowed

    The Local Jaki shop will get by as they let the Kids run it

    Small companies can’t and are struggling

    • If a company cannot afford to pay its employees properly it’s not a viable business.

      The whole thing has been skewed and screwed by Brown and this Working 16 hours nonsense.

      I think the whole thing is too fckd up to be fixed, too many dependents on the state, including businesses, it’s going to come crashing down, very soon.

  13. I really don’t understand this “living wage” crap.
    Why don’t thay call it what it is?
    Barely existing wage.
    Where’s the money for a picnic, with the kids splashing in a stream, yes you may have to bus it, but there has to be some joy.
    So yes, claim a glass back, go on benefits. Because from what I see, you’re a damned sight better off.

  14. I’m just waiting for the Shadowy Cabal to take over and herd us all into labour camps where everyone’s wage will be 2 bowls of rice a day.

    • That’s somewhat frightening.
      But I shall take to the hills, and hide.
      They’ll never take me alive!
      In this weather, I’ll probably be dead from hypothermia in less than 24 hours.

      • They’ll track the microchip that was injected in you when you had the Covid vaccine???

  15. I used to get £11:50, riches beyond belief. This was in late 1960’s.
    10p bus fare, anywhere.
    Packet of 10 fags, box of matches, 3 pints, less than a pound.
    £4 B&B, washing done, too.
    These days, that’s probably equating to £1k.

  16. Mrs Civvydog has serious medical problems, had her visit to DWP and they told her there is going to be a major push by government to get even the very sick to work even if its 2 hours a day. So looks like I’m going back into harness at some point, though what use I would be with me incontinence problems and needing to take meds 5 to 7 times a day some of them opiates that leave me ga ga some days and unfortunately some of the fecking pills have given me a hair trigger temper and absolutely no tolerance of the woke and left. I have always worked alone and am antisocial to a frightening degree.
    Plus I’m useless at anything cerebral but now very near next to hopeless at manual labour, I’m fecking dreading it.
    But I suppose I cant stay a benifits scrounger for ever.

    • Civvydog, you should investigate “red vein kratom” as a natural alternative to opiates.

    • Well Civvy, tell them you’re employed for 10p an hour stuffing envelopes, or working as a draught excluder.
      Fuck ’em off, they are making stuff up so they don’t have to stop wfh.

    • Civvy…. don’t get into the mindset of believing that you’re a “benefit scrounger”….quite obviously,with your work history, you’re not. You are entitled to and have earned any benefits that come your way unlike so many who have never contributed and yet will never feel hounded.

      Good luck to you and Mrs Civvy.

      • Evening Mr F…when I’m retired, I shall look forward to paying an assortment of darkıes for doing menial work and a tran§bumder “manning” a hard-to-push, rusty manual lawnmower.
        Obviously, the sootıes would be condsidering robbing my nice house. I’d have to dissuade them by watching them work in a comfy chair with my crossbow cradled across my lap.

      • I wouldn’t be seen dead with Coloureds and Transbummers prancing around my extensive grounds….do you host dogging meets in your garden ?


    • I seriously doubt that will happen,they can’t even manage to shift the hundreds of thousands claiming jobseekers allowance into any sort of work.

      Chin up CD,you’re not a dosser so don’t be bullied by The Karens.

  17. It would be very interesting if all 650 odd MPs were told they had to live on the Living Wage for 6 months. No expense claims, no backhanders, no brown envelopes etc.

    Let’s see how long these cunts start moaning.

    I’ll give it 2 days (although it may mean Our Ange going back on the game -£20 for a tit-wank; £50 for a blowie, £100 for Sloppy Seconds, and £200 up the EuroTunnel)

  18. What is your opinion with minimum pension requirements? I seem to see lots of foreigners going into care homes which the owners don’t let the employees pay the minimum pension contribution because they know no better. Me no speaky English.

    • I wouldn’t be rushing to pay pension contributions if I was young..the way things are going,you’ll have to be 90 years old before they give you a penny back

  19. Just received in the post an invitation to draw my civil service pension/military pension in the same week I stopped paying voluntary NI contributions. Working abroad I don’t pay tax but always kept up NI payments. I wrote them a very nice letter stating that I no longer wished to pay until they stop handing out cash to a) illegal immigrants b) the sick, lame and lazy c) benefits scratters and d) Pikeys! Looking forward to their reply.

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