The (not so) impartial and emotive reporting of news via the MSM- particularly the BBC
I have noticed over the years, not only a decline in reporting standards of the MSM….actually the media as a whole, but also the ‘trend’ for bringing emotions into reporting which has the effect of removing impartiality.
Furthermore, those not only reporting but those in a position of responsibility who are being included in said reports also remove their position of impartiality by making emotive comments. Comments, they all seem to think we should agree with…… me it comes across as an opportunity for government propaganda.
The reporting today of the deaths of several illegal rag head cunts in the channel overnight really brought it to a head for me. Here are some examples:
Headline on home page reads: ‘Four people dead in Channel crossing tragedy’ and here’s the editorial:
Kent on Line
‘Dover MP Natalie Elphicke said she was “very saddened” by the tragic loss of life. She added: “My thoughts and prayers with all those involved.”
Suella Braverman said the tragedy was a “sobering reminder that we have to end illegal crossings”. She added: “This is the day to express our sympathy with the families of the victims and thank the rescue services.”
These kind of statements in so way are pretty much saying ‘we cocked up, and maybe we should have sent a proper boat to Calais to bring you back, so it’s our fault you’ve died’
Fuck me, these are illegals……you can make a ‘professional’ statement without the need to say how sorry you are, or what needs to happen, because if you don’t then anything else you say can and will garner sympathy for these illegals…maybe that’s the narrative.
BBC interviewer on R4 this morning was reporting on these ‘traumatic events’ (yup- that’s how it was reported, then went on to say how upsetting it was and ‘sad’. Surely it is for ME to decide if I consider this story (or any other story for that matter) sad, traumatic a tragedy or any other emotion…..not an ‘impartial’ reporter.
The new reports should report the facts in a professional manner without and agenda to influence thought, but that’s the way the MSM now operate.
I forgot to add:
This is the BBC’s own ethics guide on emotive reporting from 2014 I found.
It would seem they don’t now follow their own guidelines
Nominated by: Chuff Chugger
And on a similar note with the Beeb and MSM in general, there’s this from Themagiccunt
The mendacious BBC and the rest of the MSM
This may have already been nominated recently, if so please disregard.
Follow the science we were told in the early days of Covid, anyone who tried to disagree with the official narrative was silenced and demonised, woe betide those who questioned the safety and efficacy of the untested experimental vaccines millions were forced to take.
Well, it is now becoming clear that we were repeatedly lied to by the medical establishment, politicians and the poodles of the liberal media. There was never any justification for immunising young healthy people, but they went ahead anyway.
Result? More children and young adults have died from vaccine complications than the virus itself. A lot more. With the possible exception of the very old it now appears likely the “cure” is more dangerous than the disease. I refused to have the booster this year but was amazed that it was still being pushed for groups at very low risk from Covid. The NHS have failed miserably at protecting the public, though GPs were very good at protecting themselves, hiding under the bed for months while their patients had to muddle along.
So where are the outraged headlines and TV reports on this scandal? Is it anything to do with the cowardice of so many who were only following orders and now hope their actions, or inaction, do not come under scrutiny?
Watch Dr John Campbell’s Youtube video of the recent parliamentary debate on the subject.
Helpful Link provided by: Chuff Chugger
azangru.livejournal. News Link
Concerning the BBC vote with your wallet:
Best thing I ever did. I no longer watch their drivel or pay for it. Sure, you get threatening letters every two weeks and “goons” visiting (easily sorted by the Ring doorbell “auto reply” asking them to leave a message if they want something – they stand at the door looking gormless for a while then post in another threatening letter – a special one in a red envelope – before traipsing off).
If only it was as easy to get rid of the Politicunts in Westminster!
I always thought Guy Fawkes had the right idea. Whatever his reasons at the time (I was never really interested in history) they can’t have been more applicable than they are today.
I always try to use the Boris Method when presented with information by the MSM..
If Boris Johnson says it’s good then I’m certain that it is in fact shite.
Same for all the other excellent “journalists” and their agenda driven soppy hand wringing crap.
They have absolutely no integrity whatsoever.
A poisonous rabble.
I should of course refer to it as the Sunak Method but I haven’t yet come to terms with a curry juggler as PM.
Plus it’s damned hard keep up with who’s “in charge” these days.
The cunts.
We should simply have FULL signs on our borders. That means everyone trying to get in, simply turn round and fuck off.
U turn & Fuck Off, is the sign you are looking for there Sammy.
Hopefully the BBC will choke on the bile it has for the white population that’s funds its shit show..
Two years since I stopped paying the Beeb a penny and, apart from a threatening letter a month, nothing.
I’d love a licence goon to knock on my door just to see how much verbal abuse about being parasites and pædo apologists they can take.
Obviously, I’d make a point of having the telly on loudly in the background.
Did you cancel your licence Thomas?
Takes five minutes online and you only get a reminder email every couple of years asking if the situation has changed.
That one takes about 30 seconds to respond and all is good for another couple of years.
Hiya, no I didn’t bother cancelling it, fuck them. I simply stopped the direct debit.
Being something of an evil cunt myself, I like to fuck with authority figures. Or at least the jumped up little wank socks that think they have authority.
Just for shits and giggles, send their next threatening letter back with a cease and desist letter (for harassment / malicious communications act 1988) and another removing their implied right of access to your property with a £1000 fine for trespassing if they turn up at your door.
You won’t hear from them again.
“…I’d love a licence goon to knock on my door just to see how much verbal abuse about being parasites and pædo apologists they can take.”
Fair play to the cunt they sent me; y’ know those days when the rant just flows, well the little beardy fucker stood there like a rabbit in the headlights for 15 minutes as he got the full Chops ‘hairdryer’ covering the bases and concluding with the observation that their drooling jiggery wokery and ethnocentric bollockry beamed into MY FUCKING HOUSE constitute nothing more than a mental trespass now stick that fucking swing tag up yer arse, fuck off and don’t you dare knock my fucking door again!
This was about 7/8 years ago so my guess is they have a category marked “RIGHT STROPPY BASTARD – FORGET IT” as from that point on the letters ceased and I’ve not heard a fucking peep out of them since!
Full oven for the pricks.I am extremely happy those brown water rats drowned! Keep drowning I say.No use to us at all.?
Fuck it. I’m watching Zulu on Channel 5 at the moment to try and forget the current clusterfuck of a country we’ve become.
…but surely isn’t Zulu now a documentary on inner cities of Britain now?
With less spears and knives..
‘can’t you see their spear points gleaming?’
I gave up with the bbc when they turned into a government mouthpiece for the unnecessary covid lockdowns. Them and Sky are now peddling the world is going to end next week shite. The only acknowledgement to an opposing view is to lump all contrary voices under the same umbrella as flat earthers.
Never trust msm again
The BBC and MSM are now no better than game show hosts, chat show hosts or reality tv….always looking for the ‘money shot’ the sympathy vote, the struggle, the journey, the problems, the sorrow.
I can’t be the only one who has noticed that BBC interviewers always push the subject for one or more of the above?
Top cunting of mega top cunts
I stopped giving them money for nothing when they told me not to. Then when they changed their minds, I told them to fuck off.
We stopped paying it about the time of the EU referendum result, when it seemed like we were just paying to be insulted and stereotyped in our own home. I haven’t heard a thing about it from the licensing cunts, which is surprising. I understand there is a form you can fill in on their website to state that you don’t watch any live TV and therefore do not require a license. I haven’t filled this in as I have a suspicion I would then pop up on their radar.
Don’t fill in any forms – if you don’t need a licence any longer it’s none of the BBC’s business.
If you don’t own a car you don’t have to write to the DVLA to tell them you don’t need to pay car tax. The BBC should be no different.
Plus every letter they send out must cost them and will hopefully hasten their demise.
They are trying to right their wrongs, which is impossible. They’d be better off gloating about employing the worlds most famous sex offenders that ever lived.
I now sit back watching all their free films and foreign language series without adverts.
The BBC and everyone who infests it should be liquidated.
A short and sweet knee jab straight into the cobs.
Candidate for Comment of the Year.
You rang?
Actually, I should probably rename myself Leftist Liquidator as I have more in common with old school liberals than the modern leftists like the BBC, who have bastardised the term ‘liberal’ out of all recognition and meaning.
‘Very saddened’ politicians, reporters et al speak for themselves, nobody else.
Whenever any of the invaders meet their end in the Channel it’s a cause of much rejoicing chez Twatt. If a whole boatload goes down I organise a street party.
Also noticed on al beeb that when asking joe public in the street about how the recent strikes, particlarly transport ones affect them, they are on the side of the strikers. Really?
No one asked seems to be middle aged.
Perhaps there has been some editing. ?
Those vox pop things are a complete and utter waste of fucking time. No journalist or news agency with any integrity would touch them with a barge pole. Their only purpose is to reinforce the political stance which has already been selected.
Of course the words BBC and integrity don’t belong in the same sentence.
And the first B doesn’t belong in the acronym. At least, not standing for what it does.
Nail on the head Freddie. For the benefit of people who haven’t seen how this works from the inside; a decision is taken in advance of what the public should be fed as the authentic view amongst the general public. A hack is sent out with a camera crew who ask the opinion of a hundred people on the street. If ninety people give the “wrong” answer it’s not a problem. The news will feature the ten who gave the approved answer and one, or if the editorial team feel they are pushing their luck, two who gave the contrary point of view.
Another method used is to broadcast a vox pop from weeks or even months beforehand since when the situation has changed completely as has the prevailing view amongst the public.
I have been legally License free since 2016. It’s the best thing I ever did and I haven’t missed it once.
The BBC made me cancel. I realised back then at how sinister and corrupt the organisation was after the revelations about harbouring Pàédophilés for many years coupled with the deliberate attempt to derail Brexit and of course it’s continued anti straight white British male agenda and pro immigration stance.
I would recommend that all cunters reading this cancel their TV licence today and defund these Left wing activists posing as journalists. Start 2023 without them in your life and save yourself £155+ quid (or whatever it is now- I don’t care because I don’t fund the cunts)
It’s very easy to do, just cancel your direct debit, ask for a refund then just ‘cop a deafun’ with them. Literally just ignore the cunts. Any and all correspondence.
I’ve had the obvious threatening letters from them but they make me laugh. Trust me they’re not worth the paper they are written on.
I have yet to receive a goon visit at my door despite several threats.
A combination of my Ring door bell and me telling them to Fuck off would be my way of dealing with a visit.
They literally are toothless and cannot do jack shit unless your thick enough to sign a statement saying your watching live telly. That’s never going to happen.
As I said I’m completely legally License free. A combination of an Amazon fire stick and netflix covers all mine and my families entertainment needs.
Being licence free for this long has shown me how utterly irrelevant the BBC is and it’s amusing listening to other folk complain and moan about them. The answer is simple, just defund the cunts.
Let me ask you all this? If the BBC is that world class like they keep claiming why do they need to charge people a fee?
They know in a heart beat they’d be out of business if they had to rely on subscription to survive as no cunt worth his salt would willingly fund these cunts without being made to do so………….
The end is nigh for the Beeb and it’s staff, I just hope it’s sooner rather than later as I’m sick of these anti British scum dictating to honest folk how evil we are despite it being the most nefarious, corrupt, traitorous, hypocritical, bias, and immoral organisations on planet earth.
Go Fuck Yourself BBC paédo loving filth?
The cunts are always boasting about the quality of their output but not at all keen to prove it. I recall the launch of that Britbox pile of cunt where basically people are paying to look at repeats that they have already paid for. By introducing a service like that, the cunts are also basically admitting they do not make anything worth watching these days. I work with a lot of much younger people and quite like asking them what they think of BBC, as it is one of my pet hates. They all say the same thing…it doesn’t interest them and that they would rather watch stuff on YouTube or Netflix etc. This will be what ultimately kills it off.
Some of Netflix’s output is just as egregious as anything the Biased Bullshit Corporation produces.
(Boohoo, evil trump, white man bad, socialism good etc).
Thank fuck for headphones…
Difference is you can choose whether to pay them and what to watch – you don’t have to watch the wokey crap as it’s not scheduled it’s on demand.
Well said?
The BBC have been deliberately nudging a toe over the line for years. Just enough to get their agenda across, but not often enough to completely flout the regulations.
Hence we see the likes of Rugmunchetty getting a mild bollocking now and again for expressing their personal views as opposed to plain reporting.
ITN, or as I call them, The Tom Bradby Show, are no better and Sly News, Channel 4 have always been allowed to plow their own leftie furrow.
Ordinarily, a right thinking government would come down, on the beeb in particular, like a ton of bricks. But we haven’t been blessed with anything like it for decades, so the TV media are simply parroting the leftist Westminster line.
If the BBC suddenly decided that illegal immigrants were vermin and climate change was a load of bollocks, you’d see the government act pretty fucking smartish.
All roads lead back to the nation’s governance with this one.
I don’t trust a fuckin word the media or politicians say.
Some Tory scum says it’s raining?
I’ll put on sunglasses.
And they twist everything!
He said in a highly aggressive manner…
They imply everything,
“Although Found innocent of racist hate crime he swaggered from the dock glaring aggressively at a elderly black man in the courtroom”…..
Just fuck off.
The problem
Is this: the political class, the media and the financial institutions are all run by cunts that shit in the same pot.
The social contract has been well and truly broken:
The government elected by the consent of the people for the good of the people?
The BBC & SKY et al impartial?
Impartial policing by consent?
Here is why you can trust the BBC, I would suggest that they are lying bastards, due to being far from impartial. The reports they put out may not contain untruths but leaving out information which would have a negative impact on the agenda is actually WORSE that other outlets who don’t hide their political bias.
They are cunts, the first few lines on the link will make you laugh your socks off.
PS, have you ever noticed that when doing a report from a town with a 97% white Anglo Saxon population they always find a fucking ethnic to interview, now that is diligent reporting ?
Funny how they never show the security that’s making sure the cunt isn’t robbed by said ethnic.
Im of a generation that had the utmost regard for the BBC. Newsreader wore suits and bow ties. Speech was always measured, clear articulation and precise crisp delivery. The News was read without superlatives, without commentary or explanation. We were given the reported facts. Similarly the Papers of those days were of a much higher calibre, and every opportunity to talk up Britain’s achievements was taken. There were very few ( if any negatives ) in the press.
Roving Reporters on the Beeb were typically represented by the likes of Fyfe Robinson and Cliff Michelmore,
What a change in this country in only a few decades. Spoons were rarely ever seen. Never interviewed and were not included in any narrative/
During the Brixton Riots, the racial tensions were presented equally and fairly. No judgements made, and you provided your own narrative and not the sound bite of the Censor.
We may well have come a long way, but for fucks sake we are going in the wrong direction
Todays BBC is indeed a shocking disgrace, and we are the fools to have let it happen.
Well it’s New Year’s Eve,
2023 looms before us like a monster.
I’ve always hated New Year’s.
Fake as fuck.
False bon homie, fireworks, pissheads, Jules Holland, counting down, (?)
Utter rubbish.
I didn’t like 2022
And get the feeling I won’t like 2023.
Shove it up your arse I’m going to bed early.?
A wise decision. Last time I went out on new year’s eve (about 15 years ago) the pub was heaving with drunken cunts acting in an obnoxious “look how much fun we are” manner.
Rather get pissed at home and retire before midnight…
Just come back from the kidney unit, but fuck New Year’s Eve. Scum of the earth riff raff pissheads hijacking pubs they never go in and ruining it for everybody else. Knobends letting off fireworks and frightening my cats. Jools Holland and his filmed on a November afternoon Cuntenanny. And cunts you never speak to ever wishing you a ‘Happy New Year’. I’ll watch the football and have a drink. New Years Eve, my arse.
And Jools and his cavalcade BBC royalty cunts can fuck themselves and all. Celebrity knobheads acting like a woke Goebbels, some shit pub band, some ‘world music’ cunts, some relic from the sixties, and Ruby Fucking Turner for the 25th year in a row. Skip that crap…
Dead right MNC. A right load of contrived bollocks isn’t it.
Plus Basil the cocker will no doubt be scared shitless by the inevitable dickwipes letting off their fucking fireworks at midnight.
My other half always wants to watch that Hootenanny bag of cunt with Jools Holland, I can’t fucking bear it especially that mad cunt dancing around with a clock stuck to his head.
And that Ruby fucking Turner. Who the fuck is she exactly and why does she only seem to get wheeled out once a year for this shitshow?
The only decent thing that’s ever happened on here was 2001 when a pissed-up obese OAP decided to wander across the stage stark bollock naked while Ronnie Wood and that knobhead Slash were doing a rendition of Little Queenie.
Julian Miles Holland? Share your point of view Mary, I’d rather watch the fucking lawn growing. I’d rather listen to it as well come to that.
The usual array of cunts will be on the Jools Cuntenanny. Ade Edmondson (shite since Rik died), Rowland Dickhead Rivron, Martin Cunt Freeman, Sophie ‘Kill Whitey’ Duker, French and fucking Saunders, Richard Mekon Osman, Lily Mong, Russell Twat Brand, Phoebe Waller Cunt, and numerous other celebrity bellends indulging in their false bonhomie fakery. Cunts and more cunts.
Don’t they film Cuntenanny in the middle of August or something?
Everybody trying to pretend that they’re ‘getting into the spirit of things’.
I watched it a couple of times back in the day, and I’m still trying to find out who the fuck some cunt named Roland Rivrond is…
Lenny Henry often turns up on it as well, as if there weren’t enough reasons to despise this load of old wank
You take the high road and I’ll take the low road, and I’ll be in bedfordshire afore ye, Miserable.
You’ll be spot on Ruff.
The local mitmots love any excuse to let off thousands ££ in fireworks.☹️
My dog is shitfeared,
Shaking like some Vietnam vet,
All glassy eyed.
I hate New Year’s
I hate fireworks
I hate people.
With you on that MNC.
People used to be a laugh. Could say anything down the pub, more or less.
Apart from one or two exceptions, some twat will film you or tell you to stop being ‘offensive’.
Fuck off!
They have a thing called ‘anti social behavioural disorder’. I probably have that, but I don’t think it’s a disorder of any kind.
It’s everyone else that’s a cunt and I’d rather have a quiet one with the Mrs and the cat than have some neckbearded, arrogant, know all but know fuck all cunt try telling me what’s what and what I can or can’t say.
I’d be in fights every night and I can’t be doing that with my emmas.
Happy New Year all 🙂
And don’t let the cunts drag you down.
Me too Mis, but I’m conflicted here. Does this mean I must have empathy with other misanthropes?
We ought to form a club and beat each other over the head with it.
The opening ceremony for the World Cup wasnt shown for the first time ever this year. Not into opening ceremonies anyway, but it’s become a sort of tradition. My first ever football memory is West Germany and Poland coming out, as the band and performers walked off to open World Cup ’78. I was a little kid and on tender hooks by the time the game kicked off (which ended in a dull but tense 0-0.)
They fucked off showing it this year, just so the self important Linekhunt and Alex ‘actually’ and ‘Ill use ‘wise’ as a suffix because I’m thick as fuck (pacewise, running wise, ability wise etc) Scott could lecture us on their worldview, and how Qatar should listen to them for their policies and beliefs.
By the time the opening match kicked off an hour later, I knew fuck all about both teams or of the atmosphere building up in the stadium, but I knew all of the woke panel’s political opinions on how to run a far away land.
Absolute set of cunts.
To me at least it’s clear that Journalists on the whole are just paid advocates of one side or the other.
I totally agree with Ferrars point about how it used to be and that’s not looking through that looking glass that says everything was better in my youth because it wasn’t but journalism and the standards definitely were.
When you reflect or at least when I do about how successive Governments have had run ins with the BBC it seems obvious to me that it’s just a game.
Pick a fight (light a fire) appear strong and threaten those who run it with defunding and a subscription model.
The BBC is part of the Governments mouth piece so why on earth would they want to actually defund it and and potentially loose control of the message?
No way.
And that’s why the BBC continues with its largess because they know what ever government is in power they will never truly defund it and regardless of how many of us choose not to pay the TV tax the incumbent government will always find a way to plug the hole.
I think the BBC’s reputation as purveyors of truth and impartiality may well be intact in foreign countries but that’s just history. For those of us familiar with its more recent output we know they are absolute cunts. For me the turning point was June 23rd 2016. That day shocked the Establishment to the core and that changed everything. Labour and Conservatives will do nothing to interfere with the BBC because all three of them are on the same fucking side.
Spot on with that. I remember thinking it was good Leave edged it but that the establishment would never follow up on it. I didn’t foresee the endless whining, obfuscation, duplicity and downright lying that has gone on to this day aided and abetted by these cunts.
Many cunters will remember John Humphrys who worked for the BBC from 1966 I think, until he retired in 2019. He was the only presenter on the “Today” programme who was not Oxbridge and was from a working class background. The politicians hated him because of the way he used to grill the bastards and not let them off with non-answers to his questions. Two things he told us which I always remember; one that the morning after the 97 election the corridors in BH were littered with empty champagne bottles, the other that following the 2016 referendum the managers in BH were wandering about absolutely stunned unable to cope with the result.
Reminds me also that when someone looked into the views of the team who produced the flagship “Newsnight” programme every single one of them was pro-EU and virulentlty anti-brexit.
Indeed, they had all the political parties on their side, they had practically every media outlet on their side…….and they still fucking lost it! That’s just not supposed to happen!!
John Humphreys.
We should have cloned him while we had the chance.
I hate watching politicians on talking heads programmes.
Interviewer: What do you have to say about your apparent inability to stop the dinghy invasion, despite spunking so much public, not your personal, money at it?
Politician: Can I just point out that after eating a Christmas dinner with sprouts, my farts make my wife, mistress and girlfriend gag.
Interviewer : That’s not what I asked…
I am with you about New Years Eve celebrations.
I reckon it’s for youngsters (under 25) or desperate blokes and ugly wimminz who, as soon as Big Ben’s chimes fade away, will spend the next hour trying to cop a free kiss or a grope. Sad cunts.
I used to invite a big crowd of family to stay between Christmas and Jan, putting on a huge spread, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New years Eve & New Years Day.
For years, subsidising the fuckers.
The scrounging cunts!
Then, about seven years ago, I totted up the cost to Er’ Indoors and I and it was the price of a (reasonable) second hand family car. Fucking thousands & thousands of pounds.
So I stopped it all.
The beginning of my slide to the Dark side.
I now consider myself a wiser man and will be having a normal Saturday evening.
Happy New Year Cunters!
Turn of the year 70/71 I was with a mate in Victoria Square in Brum collecting free kisses. I didn’t regard myself as a sad cunt then and looking back I still don’t. Good fun though, no offence taken CG.
Arthur-I suspect you were under 25 in 1970/71?
Sorry CG, having read your post again with more care I take your point. I was nineteen.
….and with regard to Chuff Chuggers excellent additional Cunting, the “official”-ie: data from Modern and Pfiezer’s own Stage 3 Vaccine trials, is that 1 in 800 people who take their vaccine, will develop serious clinical side effects.
1in 800. Fucking hells-bells!!!!
New Year’s Eve in the Scottish Highlands, early 70’s: five days and nights of solid drinking, music and craic in other people’s houses. Followed on the 14th – for traditionalists – by the Old New Year (Jan 1st in the Julian calendar, as abandoned here in 1752)
I wish I could say I remember it well…
Off topic, but bollocks.
State of our support taking the piss out of one of the top ten players ever seen at United (Ronaldo) and they are blowing some bald cunt who’s done piss all. OK, Ronaldo isn’t perfect, but there’s no hiding that these ‘supporters’ are mongs.
They probably think that Newton Heath is a ginger dreadlocked singer-songwriter?
They probably think Newton Heath is where the trendier gays go for a gobble down in that London. 😀
Bald cunt? Rio Ferdibland?
The latest “new head coach” Eric Ten Bob
….and Ronnie is one of the greatest players to put on a Utd Shirt?
One of a long line. Edwards, Charlton, Best, Law, Cantona…
Incredible talent.
I’m watching Indiana Jones and the temple of Doom while drinking Barr’s Cream Soda.
I learnt everything I need to know about other cultures through Indiana Jones films.
I’ve got classical FM playing in the kitchen to try and chill the dog out.
Years ago I’d be getting ready to go out on the piss.
Tickets £££
Taxi treble time £££
Fuck that.
I don’t miss that.
Spent nowt.
I’m dry, I’m entertained by ‘short round’ ??
Don’t have to pretend I’m enjoying myself,
Or that I’m interested in someone’s drunken bullshit.
Getting old is great?
It’s like a license to be honest.
A sheriff’s badge to be miserable and fuck what others think.
Happy new year fellow cunters,
And to Admins for all the hard work,
Putting up with the squabbles and childish bullshit on here.
All the best MNC??
Happy New Year Miserable.
And to you Miles?
I once, about 20 years ago, spent NYE in and around Trafalgar Square. (soon to be renamed Mary Seacole Plaza if Suckdick has anything to do with it)
Never fucking again. The trouble with Christmas and New Year is that loads of wankers who are not used to drinking go completely over the top. The results are inevitable. I’d hate to be working in the emergency services tonight. Fuck that for a game of soldiers.
Way things are what with the strikes, understaffed anyway,
You get hurt pissed up you might just bleed out before you can get help.
Plenty will get in fights, get hurt acting a clown etc.
I just hope some of the fireworks enthusiasts get hurt to find no one manning the burns wards.
I’m happy for those cunts to bleed to death or spend early 2023 as the new Simon Weston.
Well, I’m sipping brandy, having wrapped the dog up like King Tut.
House is as hot as Firth Rixons furnace and I’ve jazz playing, but the dog has finally fallen into a doze.
I don’t expect I’ll see my bed this side of midnight as the mongs have been at it with airbombs since 7pm.
As I’ll obviously be as pissed as a fart before very much longer I’d like to thank you all, cunters and Admin, for an enjoyable, hilarious, sanity saving year with the firm expectations for another one to come.