Just been reading Belloc and the ‘Mohammadan Heresy’. He details how swiftly it spread.
But not only because it won battles (which it did) but also because of its simple teaching.
The geographic spread is astonishing though. Within the a lifetime after the death of the Prophet it had conquered Syria and a great swaith of North Africa. Not long after that it had a foothold in Europe. All of Spain went Muslim in a short time. The Balkans and Mesopotamia.
It really was astonishingly quick.
But Belloc argues and I agree with him that it was the simple teaching of a ‘One God’ that was attractive to people.
The law was simplified as well. Simple ‘debt forgiveness’ if you became a Muslim.
It had actually a reasonably ‘light tough’ on people’s lives as well. it wasn’t at the beginning as Authoritarian and rigid as it’s now.
Learning was high and encouraged.
What we must always remember about Islam (and the danger of it) is that it is a Christian Heresy.
The only heresy that has sprung from outside the Church.
As aways with heresies Islam is a simplification of the Christan message. That is why in part it is popular.
See you live a good life and you die and on Judgement Day (specific Christian teaching) you will be judged.
All the old Testament is taken as read. All the stories of and Personages are just lifted from the Bible into into the Quran as it were. Abraham, Moses
And so with the Gospels. Jesus is given the highest possible reverence. And so is Miriam (Mary).
But he changed things.
See link below.
Yes very similar to Calvinistic Heresy. John Calvin was obsessed with the idea of the Providence of God. Same with Mohammad.
Said it before-that emphasis on the sovereignty of God can be very dangerous.
Can be summed up there’s no room for Man in it. There is no ‘relationship’ with Allah.
That can make for very unhappy and dissatisfied people.
Sometimes they can explode.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
Just to add. I watch these open air speaker’s corner type debates between Christians and Muslins. And I’ve got to say oftentimes the Muslim gets the better of tge Christian. The Christian left stumped.
They struggle to explain the Trinity.
See its ‘simple’ say the Muslim. There is one God. Thats all you need to know and believe.
But the world/existence isnt simple it is complex.
It’s superficially attractive in that sense. And because of that is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Not as fast as Wokism.
Of course it is…….the simple minded need rules, they need to be told what to do……they need certainty. They don’t want to have to think for themselves.
Compare that with Christianity where the rules change all the time and fuckwits like Welby can’t even tell you if his fucking god actually exists.
They’re all cunts anyway.
Knew it was you Miles from the title of the nom.
The teaching is “simple” alright:
Obey or die.
This religion is custom made for a race of people (Arabs). It feeds their inherent hatred for Jews and everyone else for that matter. As the Bible says he will be against the World and the world will be against him. How true, how true.
James 2:14-
‘Faith without works is dead.’
Cancer spreads too, and if left unchecked will kill it’s victim.
Christian denominations change with the times. That means they are squishy, spineless, liberals.
Islam is more dogmatic, assertive, and doesn’t compromise as much.
No one cares for a lukewarm cunt that can’t commit and tale an uncompromising stand.
As a student of God’s Word I refuse to belong to any denomination. They all teach salvation by works. The Bible teaches salvation by grace.
Might have started out as 1 god simplicity. It is now entrenched hatred. Inclusive and exclusive. Politics merged with fairy stories. 300 years out of date.
Look at Islam and see if there is just one fair, equal and just regime.
They fucked up after September 11. After that terrible day in 2001, most of the Islamic world should have been decimated, wiped out, nuked. And most of them should have been deported from western countries.There should have been a serious attempt to wipe the religion of peace (yeah right) off the face of the earth. Because the day will come when they wished they had done it….
Spot on, Islam is the root of all evil, should have been wiped out hundreds of years ago.
The Rinkydinks don’t seem at all phased. They just corral them and teach ’em not to cunt around. We in the West seem to be panic stricken which helps the Alan’s snackbar lot to further spread their fairytales. Let’s follow the dinks. So simple and effective.
I disagree insofar as the reaction to Islam should be based on the reactions of Muslims.
So often we hear those insufferable canards of “Islam is a religion of peace” or “They who flew those jets into the buildings on 9/11 insulted our God Allah and his prophet” ………. yet I don’t remember any mass riots for that reason then or since.
However, if one dip-shit American Southern Baptist hate preacher says or writes something mean about “Alllaaaaaaaah! or Mu-hhhaaaaaaaamad (Peace-Be-Upon-Him) then we have protests, riots and brutal murders from Leicester to Lahore and Islington to Islamabad.
Islam can eat a bag of uncircumcised dicks.
Christians moaning about Muslims stealing their fairy story, the one that they nicked from the Jews.
It would be hilarious if they hadn’t killed each other over it.
This Nom isnt for you GJ. Its specifically aimed at grown-ups.
Yeah, for grown-ups incapable of thinking for themselves. ?
I see the attraction of Islam.
Don’t need to dress up,
No need to get dressed at all!
Just your nighty an some flip flops.
Great beards.
Plenty of goats.
Dates, I like them at Christmas.
No, I can see why Islam is exploding (?)
Free flight training as well mis..
Now RT don’t be embarrassing yourself again commenting on something way above your pay grade.
To be honest I don’t think I could handle all the fasting for Ramadamadingdong.
This nom is (apparently) cunting no-one in particular but the attraction of Islam.
Who is to blame for this apparent flurry of cuntishness? The great prophet Muhammed himself?
Why not instead rename the nom as “The Prophet Muhammed is a cunt”? I could dig that more than this rather fey, Sunday afternoon outing.
Spot on Ruff! Summed it up exquisitely in one short sentence.
“…This Nom isnt for you GJ. Its specifically aimed at grown-ups.”
…the thing is Miles, Gutstick is absolutely 100% correct when he says…
“…Christians moaning about Muslims stealing their fairy story, the one that they nicked from the Jews.”
Past your bedtime Gutstick. Up the wooden hill with you.
Miles, is “pay grade” uniquely a civil service expression, or is it general? I heard it an awful lot in my 7 awful months in HMRC.
Islam contradicts itself from the off.
There’s no-one between man and God, it was the organised church they took umbrage over.
Then they go round telling all how to behave and killing them if they don’t.
Sounds like an organised church to me, with a hierarchy putting themselves between man and God.
Hypocritical, brainwashed, fuckwits.
The 72 virgins lost me. I would like 72 sluts who know what they’re doing.
Whereas Christianity has compromised it’s tenets,
Nodding to wokeism,
Lezzy vicars etc
Islam hasn’t.
It’s just as it was at the begining.
It doesn’t try to modernise.
The Jews haven’t modernised either,
Take their religion seriously.
But types like Welby,
Pierced nipples and a atheist probably,
They’ve not helped.
Christianity should be robust!
Fire and brimstone.?
Cast the first stone!
The wages of sin is death!
Don’t spare the rod!
Give em a damn good thrashing for the lamb of God.
Christianity has lost its way.
I never quite got it anyway.
“They worship a corpse nailed to a tree!”
-viking warrior
The Northman
@Meat Curtains
I would definitely convert to a religion for 72 experienced slags.
If a bloke is so desperate for a knee-trembler that he agrees to strap on a semtex vest for 72 virgins then he’s probably also a virgin which kind of tells me that Old Mo was probably also a virgin because:
a) 9 year old girls don’t count
b) As per a)
Christianity needs to up it’s game and go Hellfire and Damnation. I don’t mean the Church of England…they’re finished, a watery version preached by old women terrified of offending anyone…No,it’s the Catholic Church that will save us..but only if The Pope stops pussy-footing about and goes back to the Spanish Inquisition methods….a few atheists burned at the stake wouldn’t hurt either.
I don’t want a religion that preaches peace to all men…I want a religion that puts the fear of God up me and isn’t frightened to spill a bit of blood in order to make people sit up and take notice…..
Thinking about it, perhaps Islam is the religion for me.
Do you keep goats Sir Fiddler?
Just asking……..
It takes all my time to keep the blackie ewes happy,Freddie.
That sounds like a post that could have come from Cuntstable Cuntbubble, Mr F.
Can’t see you being comfortable with your arse in the air.
Islam is Great!
Pro death penalty.
Pathological hatred of chutney ferrets.
Extremely right-wing.
Namby-pamby freedom of thought and expression strictly verboten.
Authoritarian government part of the furniture.
What’s not to like?
It’s just the ticket.
Apart from the ban on alcohol, obviously…
Oh and they like football.
“…No,it’s the Catholic Church that will save us..but only if The Pope stops pussy-footing about and goes back to the Spanish Inquisition methods”
You are Nick Fuentes and I claim my five indulgences!
Strange how the religion of peace has always been awfully keen on wars of conquest.
They have always been an evil horde,but now with nothing and no one to stand in their way.
Time for some pale ale I think.
All followers of Islam are cunts, no such thing as a moderate Muslim, they are either jihadist cunts or sheep.
Afghanistan was a joke, even before the USA had pulled out the Teletubbies had taken over, the sheep just sat on their hands.
Th UK indulge the cunts and allow a minority of extremist to get away with threats and intimidation, kick the fucking lot out.
Islam is a vile religion.My two pence worth.
Surely all religion is vile Ed?
95% vile Ed. I like the way they treat da gaze.
Agreed ?
big difference between Christianity and islam is you dont get many reports of Doris the organist from St Michael’s strapping on 30lbs of semtex and blowing herself to kingdom come at an Islamic party shouting Jesus is the fecking boyyo.
No – she shouts “Jesus is da fucking BOMB!”…… then everybody looks at her and she goes “PSYCHE!”….. then the place goes up in smoke.
If there’s a muzzıe, a christian and a jew in the same room, who’s the bigger retard?
Trick question, they’re all equally retarded, as is anyone who believes in any sort of organised religion.
For crying out loud, it’s almost 2023, not the bloody dark ages.
For the record, I do believe there’s something ‘else’, something metaphysical, beyond the understanding of our miniscule closed minds, but it sure as shit isn’t worshipping some made-up deity.
“Aimed at grown ups” Miles?!
Jesus wept.
Physicists are now begging to think all matter was created by pre-existing consciousness, ponder that a while.
Sort of. The Universe is seen by some as a function of quantum mechanics. As quanta no longer behave in a deterministic fashion, but in a probabilistic one, it begs the question of who is rolling the dice to produce a particular outcome and whether or not the dice are loaded.
And finally “God is the cause” doesn’t actually explain anything. While it may be true (I don’t believe so, but that is just my lack of faith), the God hypothesis does not make any predictions, it is not useful, and it cannot be tested or falsified.
Thomas, you took the words right out of my mouth. Must be my long lost brother…..
‘Shrooms’ might help you to get beyond this world to the metaphysical but they arent going help you ‘punch through’ to the ‘spiritual realm” Mr C-E.
No the only answer for a Searcher like you is enter a monastery and spend the rest of your life alone in a cell studying the great religious thinkers like Augustine, Aquinas.
That my advice.
No cunt knows anything. Just experience LIFE and be a force of good not stupidity.
You could change your name to ‘Brother Thomas’.
Thanks for that, always good to know how a single person thinks about you.
Did you miss the memo?
Dog shit attracts flies, no mystery to me.
Given the choice between conversion, slavery or death most are going to choose life.
Islam for me is representative of the worst of religion, coupled with the fact it’s a political and life philosophy encompassing all areas of life I find it distasteful to say the least.
I’ve often wondered about those birds……Oyster Catchers. I mean…….how fast can an Oyster run?
God knows.
It’s a barbaric Theocracy that justifies violence and wicked deeds as righteous and honourable.
How millions of people still follow this intolerant creed is beyond me .
Because they are a set of cunts Fenton.
“…How millions of people still follow this intolerant creed is beyond me ”
Erm… which one?
I bet that the One, True God loathes our corporate religions.
God: “My only message is that you love and care for each other and the Earth.”
12-second clip…
Joseph Campbell. Wonder what he’d think of the 21st century?
There was a guy who made this quote one of my favourites.
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
Stephen Roberts
Brian Reade in the Mirror, 3rd December.
A census shows almost 40% of Britons don’t believe in religion, and that fewer than half are Christians.
That’s because about 40% of Britons have fucked of to another country, and those that remain, and consider their selves to be Britons, were not Christians to start with.
‘We is not talkin’ bout the Jesus or the Tony Blair’
– some semi-literate imam in a radio debate with Richard Dawkins.
The nom says Islam is a “ Christian heresy”. In fact, Islam and Christianity both share the same status – they are both Jewish heresies. Of course, neither will admit this.
“…they are both Jewish heresies.”
As per Gutstick above : 100% correct
Vlad the Impaler had the right idea! ?
The Iranian people seem to have had enough of it. Who can blame them? A bunch of mad old beardie cunts dressed up like Obi-Wan-Kenobi ruling a nation – what could possibly go wrong?
Yes, read that about the ” Morality Police” being disbanded, following the death of a young woman in custody.
If you believe that will really happen, I have a bridge to sell you.
If you’ve a minute or two:
To #Eternally Grumpy Cunt.
I apologised to Admin, because they now have two posts in the Nomination page, from me, to consider.
That’s me, off topic.
Sorry, all.
All these religions are from the Middle East.
Not my cup of tea.
Not keen on foreign stuff or foreigners.
I’m starting my own religion.
The Misralites.
Its not inclusive.
It’s not tolerant.
I’m the head of the church.
Pope of mope.
For life.
It’s small but passionate as a new religion,
Being as I’m the only one,
But from tiny acorns,
And all that?
We don’t like any other religions by the way,
Or yoga,
No ethnics can join either.
Cannot not be called the
Just asking for a friend!
Could be?
It’s early days JP.
We’re a persecuted minority at the moment.
Growing in the shadows.
A eye on world domination.
I’m recruiting and especially looking for martyrs or stigmata sufferers.
By stigmata I mean blood leaking from orifices not ecsma or dandruff.
What the church’s official stance on choirboys?
I think the official line is “If there’s grass on the wicket lets play cricket”.
official? hands off.
unofficial? if they get your motor running ride em.
a thousand vicars can’t be wrong!
less of a “stance”…more of a slight crouch so that the choirboy can reach,I suspect.
And can I still knit yoghurt?
unfortunately not.
yoghurt is Satan’s spunk and not allowed on penalty of death.
Will there be communion gravy in this new fangled religion?
Are beards mandatory too?