Social Tariffs – A Robin Hood Tax

The “Conservative” government is considering introducing “social tariffs”, which would basically mean workers on a decent wage being forced to subsidise those “vulnerable households” through levies on their energy bills.

In essence the government wants to target additional financial help with rising energy bills to specific households rather blanket support where some households really don’t need the extra cash, as we’ve seen with the latest £400 rollout that went to the majority of households throughout the UK.

Exactly how this will work hasn’t been mapped out yet, but experts have warned middle-income earners will face a hike either in their energy bills and/or their income tax (or perhaps even a new energy tax).

They also warned that millions of working households who do not receive benefits could be dragged into fuel poverty because they won’t qualify for the extra support, which to my mind will only act as yet another incentive not to work!

This is yet another example of workers being penalised for having the nerve to actually go to work, earn a wage and pay even more tax in order to keep the ever growing vague definition of “vulnerable” in the comfort zone with least effort from the latter to help themselves.

It is also worth remembering that MPs from all sides of the House probably won’t be affected because if any such “social tariff” is introduced they can claim it as an expense, in a similar way as they do with heating costs generally. You could say they are “well insulated” against they’re own stupid energy policies.

When will this neo-socialism shit ever end?

Telegraph News Link

Nominated by: Technocunt

44 thoughts on “Social Tariffs – A Robin Hood Tax

  1. Reverse their fuckwit energy policy and scrap nut zero and there would be no need for any more ridiculous ideas like this!

    Two more years of this and then what is that cunt Starmer going to do (rather than lie to get into office he just says SFA and then will probably do whatever the Globalists want just like the current incumbents).

    I’d say this country is well and truly fubar’d

    • In answer to Techno – no, this will never end as long as Britain continues to elect Socialist / pseudo-Socialist governments. We have to wake up and do something about it. But, as I have said before, this will only happen if we see a new political complexion which becomes a mainstream party (will need massive funding from some understanding billionaires). And then the public needs to grow some bollocks and VOTE for them.
      We know the kind of policies this party must have – and for fucks sake – deliver!
      As for the next two years – the country is fucked anyway and that cnut Starmer will storm to victory anyway. So let him have it – call a GE now. We know the Tories (?????) won’t fix it. Wankfest Starmer and his cronies will fuck it up even more – then perhaps we can find an alternative to get us out of this SNAFU. Will take a few years, but it must be done for the sake of the non-woke, hard-working people and our grandkids…

  2. Short of introducing wholesale nationalisation it’s difficult to think how more socialist the next Labour government can be compared to the Cons.

  3. This should be the other way around.
    Long-term unemployed should be forced onto treadmills with dynamos (or whatever the modern equivalent would be), generating electricity for working people’s homes, the poor saps that pay their benefits, the idle, dole-dossing scumbags.
    Or they ought to be thrown into vast industrial incinerators (along with dinghy spongers), thereby solving the triple crises of energy, overpopulation amd immigration simultaneously.

    • I think most right-minded people would agree with this. We have swung so far to appeasing the cunts and wasters of the UK, that I can’t see anyone swinging it back.

  4. The so called conservatives could consider unicorns and dragons for everyone.

    Unlike fairy tales there will be no happy ending for that collection of numpties come election day.

    Tory scum ( copyright MNC )

  5. Bravo Thomas, just what the cuntry needs. Single mothers can work as prostitutes so they can WFH. All the rest of the sponging cunts can starve as far as I am concerned. Oh and while we are at it hang a couple of politicians a week in parliament square for not putting Britain first.

    • I hope they bring this tariff in and more besides.

      It will hasten their brutal demise.

      The simpering cunts.

  6. Giving money away to the “poor and deprived” is not an act of charity or an exercise in redistribution of income. It is creating state dependency and state control, simple as that. The elites look like they are doing us a favour…..saving the planet……saving us from COVID…..protecting us from the Ruskies…..but they are enslaving us, creating a dependency we can’t break.
    And don’t you slag off those lovely immos……we NEED them …..and that’s a hate crime anyway. We don’t just tell you what to do we tell you what to think and what to say.
    You know it makes sense!

  7. Energy bills should be capped by usage, you get your carbon credits depending on your circumstances, if you exceed your credit you pay double, then treble per kWh.
    All those who cannot pay are disconnected until their next allocation of carbon credit is issued.

    That will sort the cunts out, you want extra energy get a fucking job ?

    It might sound a bit far fetched but in the drive for net zero it’s coming, or something similar.

    Even over the last couple of weeks when there was no wind and all the wind farms were making a measly 1.4 megawatts, the cunts were desperate not to start up our remaining coal fired power stations, no it was don’t use leccy at peak periods and turn your thermostat cos we need the gas for electricity not to mention requiring heavy use industries to shut down.

    Fucking cunts

    We need a referendum on the disaster of net zero.

    • I think that’s a referendum with only one result, even if you don’t fix it. How many people do you know who haven’t swallowed the green disaster, climate change bullshit? I don’t know any. Repetition, repetition, repetition…….that’s how you turn a blatant lie into the truth.

    • Avon tyres in Wiltshire set to close next year after 132 years. 350 redundancies. They haven’t called out “net zero”, but all industry is energy intensive. Cheaper to make them in china.

    • We don’t need a referendum on nut zero we need to arbitrarily scrap it, in just the same way as it was arbitrarily introduced!

  8. Good nom techno, the cunt who is Hunt has frozen the tax threshold until 2028, that is biggest fucking slap in the kisser for anyone (low and middle earners) who works.
    Benefits increased so less incentive to work, he may have increased minimum wage but because of the freeze on tax threshold 20% of that increase is wiped out even before you have got your pay packet.

    The only thing that will happen is more people will ‘chose’ not to work, the just about managing will be making some calculations on better off on benefits.

    • Just one more example of the Conservative party proving they’re totally unfit to govern. Led by a cunt who would never be able to spend all his money if he lived for another hundred years.

      • One hundred years – coincidentally the same amount of time it would take to replace all petrol and diesel cars with electric at the current rate of take up! (It will never happen, even then, because any time now we are going to run out of rich virtue signaling cunts buying them.)

      • Concerning Richy Rich there ought to be a law banning anyone with more than £1m liquid assets from public office to help prevent vested interests. (This cunt was installed in office by the WEF to do their bidding.)

      • Just stop oil will be at it again before long, I wouldn’t be surprised if the cunts try to stop traffic tomorrow.

        The RAC want a pump price watchdog to stop profiteering, it won’t happen because the higher the price the more VAT the cunt government collects.

      • And to think, there are deluded fuckwits, at every level of society, who still believe that socialism has the interests of the common people at its heart.
        Fucking mugs…

  9. I didn’t know that Labour was the elected government, it sounds like one of Steptoe’s policies.
    What an incentive to work hard. Being told you need to work harder to subsidise those that won’t.

  10. The purpose of Government is to manage our circumstances and within the tax returns accrued. What we have is Government whose purpose exceeds that which we need, and exists for its own grandiose extravagances. None of which is within any Manifesto I have read.
    Im sick of Party Policy, Im sick of Party Political Ideology and I think we would be far better off managed by IKEA.

    Taxes ( in our history ) have brought down Governments and Kings. I propose a return to those days when we just topped cunts for what they are. Cunts !

  11. Splendid! They could extend this idea. Imagine a toll booth where you pay for your car, then have to pay a bit more for the BMW behind whose occupants are on benefits. Or a supermarket where you chip in for the family of 8 behind you.
    Tory Scum indeed.

  12. We will own nothing and be happy, apparently. Or should that read the ones who work will own nothing; and get fucked in the arse by the ones who don’t. Those feckless lazy cunts will just become lazier, and the rich will become even richer. It’s always middle income folks who are shafted.

    • The Producers vs The Parasites:

      In this corner weighing 175, white, straight, male, employed, married, 2 kids, owns a home, and makes a decent living to show for his long days of hard work! Dave!

      In the other corner we have weighing 375, black, single lesbian, mother of 6, unemployed, and raising future spongers!

      There will be no fight as the decision has already been made!
      The winner by decision, Shaniqua! She wins the fruits of Dave’s labor for life and her progeny!

      Dave never had a chance.
      It’s rigged.

  13. I’d not heard of this fuck wittery before but looks like the ‘conservatives’ snigger snigger are determined to get themselves voted out of power.

    What a steaming pile of cunt.

    Don’t they realise that most of these so called ‘vulnerable’ households don’t even vote and if they do they don’t vote for the Tory’s.

    Whereas Middle England does vote along with a raft of others who maybe self employed tradesmen as an example, Jesus Christ it was that demographic that put Thatcher in power and who Blair went to town to court.

    If this is actually for real bring it on then fuck right off.

  14. What the actual fuck, this has to be a wind up. What is the point of making an effort and working all your days. I budget so that I have enough to pay all the necessary bills and anything I have left is then used for luxuries & enjoying myself. If the sponging cunts, who will no doubt benefit the most from this, are too thick to do the same with the already obscene amount of money they already get from my hard earned tax then it’s not my fucking problem let them freeze. Cunts

  15. Having merely graduated in Medicine and Surgery from a humble institution
    namely Imperial College London, I always felt that I must be somewhat academically inferior to the “clever cunts” who went up to Oxbridge to study such vacuous subjects as PPE (Politics, Philosophy and Economics”) guaranteeing them a career in politics.
    My feeble intellect tells me that this failed “conservative” government has fucked it.
    They had only one job and they blew it.
    All they had to do was deliver on the ( false) promises that they made pre-election.
    i.e.Tell the EU and in particular, the ECHR to fuck off.
    Stop stealing from honest people who work and giving their hard-earned cash to idle scum and foreigners.
    Make an effort to stop filthy lying economic migrants from landing here and deport the filthy scum that shouldn’t be here.
    Ditch the flawed fantasy of “zero emissions” and execute members of Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil etc…
    Have the fucking guts to insist that there are, and have only ever been, two genders.Those that dispute this undeniable biological fact should be told to go and fuck themselves and be locked up in mental institutions in order to receive treatment in the form of repeated cold showers and ECT, and then be deported.
    Stop trying to appease cunts who will never ever vote for you. e.g acne-ridden purple-haired pierced fat unwashed ugly sluts doing arts subjects at Plymouth University

    Adhering to this, and ignoring any leftie namby-pamby objectors will guarantee being voted in for eternity.

  16. Sometimes, I wonder if there is a long game or broad plan to have everyone, eventually out of work, and completely self sufficient on the government.

    It’s like if you get a second job, instead of applauded for it, you are taxed higher.
    I should know as I experienced it many moons ago.
    I even at one point had a full time job, and two seperate part time jobs.

    It does make me wonder if there is an insidious plan afoot.
    As if it is being purposely constructed that there is no point working, unless you are in the big leagues of money earners.

    Social engineering.

  17. have just heard that asylum seekers will be entitled to a cost of living increase of 10% taking their benefit from £40pw to £45pw

    merry fucking Christmas

  18. Here is a sure fire way of saving some money which our hardwanking government could use to help those struggling with the cost of energy ( remember that it was our glorious leaders who totally fucked up uk energy policy for the past 40 odd years)
    1.Get fucking real about immigration.
    2.Tell the eu court to fuck itself sideways they are going to Rwanda.
    3.Stop the HS2 waste of humongous amounts of money, so I could get to Birmingham 10 mins earlier
    4.Stop paying railway companies owned by foreigners billions of pounds in subsidies so the fares in their countries can be kept low..
    5. Stop the mod wasting millions on rubbish kit ie tanks that make the crew travel sick, fuck up their hearing etc.
    6. Get rid of all government sponsored diversity and transgender advisors. The health service ,police etc happy to shell out much money to ensure that no pronoun is misused.
    Fuck me one could carry on for hours.but too depressing as I contemplate the joyous season arse.
    A happy Christmas and a better New Year for all in the ISAC family. We can be hopeful

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